Number of found documents: 90
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Effect of Drying Pretreatments on Air and Solar Drying of Jerky Prepared from Eland (Taurotragus oryx) Meat
Kučerová, Iva; Banout, Jan; Oliver, Oliver
2015 - English
Tato práce se zabývá matematickým modelováním sušícího procesu antilopího masa a jeho organoleptickými vlastnostmi. Sušené antilopí maso bylo následně porovnáváno s tradičním sušeným hovězím masem, známým jako jerky. Vzorky antilopího i hovězího masa byly marinovány v tradiční jerky marinádě (TM), v marinádě TM s čerstvou ananasovou šťávou (TMP), TM s medem (TMH) a TM s Coca Colou, k porovnání sloužil vzorek masa bez jakékoliv úpravy (C). Vliv jednotlivých marinád na sušící proces byl vyhodnocen jako statisticky průkazný. Two term model byl na základě koeficientu určení, střední kvadratické odchylky a chí-kvadrátu vybrán jako nejvhodnější model popisující kinetiku sušícího procesu antilopího masa v solární sušárně. Průměrné hodnoty difuzivity vlhkosti sušeného antilopího masa byly vypočítány pro vybrané vzorky C, TM, TMH následovně: 2.07 x 10-10, 1.45 x 10-10 and 1.43 x 10-10 m2.s-1, kdy hodnoty aktivační energie pro vybrané vzorky C, TM a TMH byly následující 23.75, 26.22 and 26.97 kJ.mol-1. Organoleptické vlastnosti sušeného antilopího masa byly hodnoceny v rámci degustačního panelu 22 hodnotiteli. Nejlépe byl hodnocený vzorek TMP, který měl statisticky průkazný vliv na texturu, barvu a chuť. Rovněž byl vyhodnocen vliv jednotlivých marinád na celkovou změnu barvy. Největší vliv na celkovou změnu barvy měla marináda TMH oproti marinádě TMP, která byla vyhodnocena jako marináda s nejmenším vlivem na výslednou barvu po usušení. Stejné výsledky byly zaznamenány u hovězího i antilopího a to sušené v solární i v laboratorní sušárně. Mathematical modeling of thin-layer solar drying and organoleptic properties of eland jerky was investigated in this study. Eland jerky was compared to the traditional beef jerky, inasmuch as both were treated with traditional jerky marinade (TM), TM with fresh pine apple juice (TMP), TM with honey (TMH), TM with Coca Cola (TMCCL) and compared to an untreated control (C). The influence of the marinades on the drying process was statistically significant. Based on the coefficient of determination, the root mean square errors and the chi-squares, the Two-term model was found to be the most suitable model for describing the solar drying kinetics of eland jerky. The mean effective moisture diffusivities of solar dried eland meat for the C and selected pre-treatments TM and TMH samples were 2.07 x 10-10, 1.45 x 10-10 and 1.43 x 10-10 m2.s-1, respectively. The activation energy values for solar dried eland jerky were 23.75, 26.22 and 26.97 kJ.mol-1 for C, TM and TMH, respectively. Organoleptic properties of dried eland meat was assessed by the 22 member degustation panel. The best scored pre-treatment was TMP, which has significant effect on texture, color and taste. Effect of the different pre-treatments on the overall combined color was calculated. Generally for both meat dried in both driers TMH marinade was evaluated as the one with the highest total difference contrariwise meat dipped in TMP pre-treatment has the lowest total difference. Keywords: kinetika sušení; sušené antilopí maso; matematické modelování; organoleptické vlastnosti; CIE Lab; solární sušárna dostupnost_czu
Effect of Drying Pretreatments on Air and Solar Drying of Jerky Prepared from Eland (Taurotragus oryx) Meat

Tato práce se zabývá matematickým modelováním sušícího procesu antilopího masa a jeho organoleptickými vlastnostmi. Sušené antilopí maso bylo následně porovnáváno s tradičním sušeným hovězím masem, ...

Kučerová, Iva; Banout, Jan; Oliver, Oliver
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2015

Role and motivation of volunteers in development projects: A case study of Czech volunteers
Pantůčková, Monika; Chaloupková, Petra; Tereza, Tereza
2015 - English
Motivace je klíčovým faktorem ovlivňující jedince stát se dobrovolníkem. Tato studie zkoumá motivaci českých dobrovolníků pro práci na rozvojových projektech, na základě údajů získaných z dotazníkového šetření a z vědeckých článků. Průzkum byl proveden na 80 českých dobrovolnících z různých českých nevládních organizací, 40 dobrovolníků pracovalo pro Kintari organizaci v Indonésii. Hlavní motivace pro dobrovolnictví byly rozděleny do pěti sekcí podle orientace; altruismus, kultura, filantropie, cestování a socializace. Rozdíly byly identifikovány mezi respondenty, kdy Kintari dobrovolníci zvolili kulturu a cestování, což úzce souviselo s jejich délkou pobytu, naopak dobrovolníci z jiných českých nevládních organizací vybrali altruismus a filantropii. Následně byl proveden test faktorové analýzy a byly vytvořeny domény, skládající se z položek dotazníku. Pro testování vhodnosti dat při analýze faktorů, byla vypočtena statistická vyhodnocení, a to Cronbachův koeficient alfa, který ověřil úrovně odhadu vnitřní konzistence testu a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin měření, který určil míru vhodnosti vybraných dat. Použitý výpočet t-testu pro socio-demografické atributy nepotvrdil tezi, že ženy jsou více altruisticky motivovány než muži. Respondenti potvrdili zisk altruistických a egoistických zkušeností z dobrovolnictví, včetně rozvoje komunikačních dovedností, zvládání stresu, rozvoje empatických dovedností, porozumění místní komunitě, možnosti podílet se na společenských akcích, možnosti pracovat v multikulturním týmu a schopnosti být součástí sociálních skupin. Kintari dobrovolníci své působení na projektu přednostně spojovali s možnostmi poznat kulturu a cestovat, zatímco ostatní dobrovolníci z českých neziskových organizací cestovali hlavně kvůli práci a vlastnímu vzdělávání, což úzce souviselo s tím, že měli více předchozích zkušeností z jiných projektů. Potvrdilo se obecné pravidlo, že kratší pobyt ovlivňuje více altruismus, socializaci a touhu cestovat. Jako slabou oblast, označili Kintari dobrovolníci komunikaci a spolupráci s vedením organizace (chybějící zpětná vazba) a nedostatečné zajištění vzdělávacích pomůcek. Motivation is a key factor influencing an individual to become a volunteer. This study examines the motivation Czech volunteers to work on development projects, based on data obtained from the survey and scientific articles. The survey was conducted on 80 Czech volunteers from various Czech NGOs, 40 out of 80 were volunteers working for Kintari organization in Indonesia. The main motivation for volunteering were divided into five sections according to orientation; altruism, culture, philanthropy, traveling and socializing. Differences were identified among respondents when Kintari volunteers chose culture and travel, which is closely related to their length of stay, while volunteers from other Czech NGOs selected altruism and philanthropy. Subsequently, based on the test of factor analysis (FA) was created a domains consisting of the items questionnaire. In the statistical measurements and indicators were using factor analysis which was deemed appropriate, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which verified the estimate of the level of internal consistency and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measurement to determine the suitability of the selected data. The calculation used t-test for socio-demographic attributes excluded the thesis that females are more altruistically motivated than males. Respondents confirmed altruistic and egoistic gain experience from volunteering, including the development of communication skills, stress management, development of empathic skills, understanding of the local community, opportunities to participate in social events, work in a multicultural team and the ability to be part of social groups. Kintari volunteers cause on the project preferentially associate with opportunities to experience the culture and travel, while other volunteers from the Czech NGOs travelled mainly due to work and own education, which is closely related to the fact that they had more previous experience from other projects. The general rule confirmed that a shorter stay affects more altruism, socialization and desire to travel. As an area of weakness, Kintari volunteers market communication and cooperation with the management organization (missing feedback), and insufficient provision of educational aids. Keywords: altruismus; voluntarismus; motivace k dobrovolnictví; satisfakce; rozvojový projekt dostupnost_czu
Role and motivation of volunteers in development projects: A case study of Czech volunteers

Motivace je klíčovým faktorem ovlivňující jedince stát se dobrovolníkem. Tato studie zkoumá motivaci českých dobrovolníků pro práci na rozvojových projektech, na základě údajů získaných z ...

Pantůčková, Monika; Chaloupková, Petra; Tereza, Tereza
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2015

Analysis of the American Craft Beer Industry
Baron, Mark Robert; Maier, Tomáš; Jan, Jan
2015 - English
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl analyzovat působení zákonů týkajících se franšíz a spotřební daňové úlevy zaměřených speciálně na malé pivovary a také vliv práva malých pivovarů na distribuci vlastních výrobků. Výše státní spotřební daně za galon, hustota obyvatelstva a spotřeba piva na osobu jsou analyzovány jako sekundární vlivy, které vysvětlují velikost a růst minipivovarnického řemesla. Analýza se provádí pomocí dvou rovnic, regresí vícerozměrnou metodou nejmenších čtverců na národní úrovni a doplňkovými modely pro severovýchodní, středozápadní, jižní a západní oblast Spojených států amerických. V diskusi práce shrnuje zjištění z těchto právních předpisů, jakož i další regresované faktory a poskytuje náhled do důsledků nebo nedostatků vzkvétajícího amerického minipivovarnictví. This thesis aims to analyze the effects of franchise laws and excise tax breaks targeted specifically at small brewers, as well as the effects of the right of small brewers to self-distribute their products. The amount of the state excise tax per gallon, population density, and beer consumption per capita are also analyzed as secondary effects to explain the size and growth of the craft beer industry. The analysis is carried out using two-equation, multivariate ordinary least squares regressions at the national level and additional models for the Northeastern, Midwestern, Southern, and Western regions of the United States of America. The final discussions of this thesis discuss the findings of these legislations as well as the additional factors regressed and provide insight for implications or lack thereof on the booming American Craft Beer Industry. Keywords: pivo; minipivovarnictví; franšízové zákony; právo vlastní distribuce; spotřební daně; pivovarnictví ve Spojených státech amerických dostupnost_czu
Analysis of the American Craft Beer Industry

Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl analyzovat působení zákonů týkajících se franšíz a spotřební daňové úlevy zaměřených speciálně na malé pivovary a také vliv práva malých pivovarů na distribuci ...

Baron, Mark Robert; Maier, Tomáš; Jan, Jan
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2015

Asynchronous and parallel programming in .NET framework 4 and 4.5 using C#
Manasievski, Milan; Brožek, Jiří; Petr, Petr
2015 - English
Tato diplomová práce se bude zabývat na asynchronní a paralelní programování v rozhraní .NET framework verze 4 a verze 4.5. Cílem této práce bude prokázat a poskytovat lepší přehled o modelu task-programing aplikace ktery Microsoft představil a porovnávat různé aplikace z hlediska rychlosti a řádky kódu slouží k zápisu pak a rozdíly mezi nimi pomocí jednoduché statistiky. Pomocí literatury jsem shromáždil, vám vysvětlí, co by bylo nejlepší způsoby, jak dosáhnout rovnoběžnosti o žádostech, psát o návrhové vzory použité a poskytovat výstřižky kódu, které vám pomohou čtenáři získat lepší celkové pochopení úloh paralelní knihovny a výhody, které dává ve srovnání starších metod a sekvenční programování. In this diploma thesis the author will elaborate on asynchronous and parallel programming in the .NET framework version 4 and version 4.5. The aim of this thesis will be to prove and provide better insight on the task-programming model that Microsoft introduced and compare different applications in terms of speed and lines of code used to write then and the differences between them using simple statistics. Using the literature gathered, the author will explain what would be the best ways to achieve parallelism on applications, write about design patterns used, and provide code snippets that will help the reader get better overall understanding of the Task Parallel Library and the benefits it gives in comparison of older methods and sequential programming. Keywords: Paralelní programování; paralelní výpočty; .NET; C#; vícejádrové procesory dostupnost_czu
Asynchronous and parallel programming in .NET framework 4 and 4.5 using C#

Tato diplomová práce se bude zabývat na asynchronní a paralelní programování v rozhraní .NET framework verze 4 a verze 4.5. Cílem této práce bude prokázat a poskytovat lepší přehled o modelu ...

Manasievski, Milan; Brožek, Jiří; Petr, Petr
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2015

Correlation between the Unemployment of University Bachelor Graduates and their University’s Culture
Novotná, Kristýna; Procházka, Petr; Urbánková, Erika
The thesis is about the unemployment of bachelor graduates and how it is affected by the changes in universities' cultures. The changes in unemployment will also be compared to changes in the minimum salary. dostupnost_czu
Correlation between the Unemployment of University Bachelor Graduates and their University’s Culture

The thesis is about the unemployment of bachelor graduates and how it is affected by the changes in universities' cultures. The changes in unemployment will also be compared to changes in the minimum ...

Novotná, Kristýna; Procházka, Petr; Urbánková, Erika
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze

Dimensions of e-Government in Iran
Sarbazian Esfandabadi, Sara; Ulman, Miloš; Juraj, Juraj
In 21 century the e-Government and its services have changed people life in many different levels. E-Government made it possible for the people to come up with their daily needs in the fields of education, finance, health, etc. As the time goes on people have started to get more and more dependent on e-Government services as a main tool for easing their daily life. Therefore the e-Government has become significantly important subject of study in different parts of the world. However in some countries including Iran there are some obstacles that prevent people from accessing e-Government services properly. dostupnost_czu
Dimensions of e-Government in Iran

In 21 century the e-Government and its services have changed people life in many different levels. E-Government made it possible for the people to come up with their daily needs in the fields of ...

Sarbazian Esfandabadi, Sara; Ulman, Miloš; Juraj, Juraj
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze

Foreign Trade Development - Case Study of Russia
Lifanova, Tatiana; Maitah, Mansoor; Kuzmenko, Elena
This thesis deals with the economic theories connected with assessment of foreign trade. Based on the theory author identified basic economic factors that shape the international trade and vice versa consequences, which are shaped by trade. This research is determined by relevance of the structural changes taking place in Russian foreign trade. The first part is used as a theoretical base for the analysis of foreign trade in Russian Federation. The aim of the study is to evaluate the current state of Russian foreign trade and indicate the causes of these conditions, define potential and prospects for the future development of Russian foreign trade in terms of crisis and sanctions. Observed period from 2005 up to 2015 is characterized by multiple crises and revivals. This paper tries to find main factors that influence on Russian foreign trade during this time. The final work examines which products are dominant in exports and imports and their dynamics during the 10 years. Last chapter concentrates on Russian trade in 2015; this paragraph in detail analyzes all main tendencies of the last year. The main methods that were used in theoretical part are description and extraction. In practical part author applied comparative and descriptive methods. To summarize the results of the work, Russian foreign trade is dependent on mineral resources exports, oil prices have a strong impact on export earnings and lack of production makes the Russian market dependent on imported goods. As it was said by M. Porter the key factors for the competitiveness of the nation are not inherited, but created. In the absence of industrial exports it is impossible to achieve great results in the economy. I consider that the existence of sanctions has not only negative but a positive effect too. They contribute to the understanding the need in domestic production, and as a consequence the beginning of the manufacture development. Keywords: Zahraniční obchod; export; import dostupnost_czu
Foreign Trade Development - Case Study of Russia

This thesis deals with the economic theories connected with assessment of foreign trade. Based on the theory author identified basic economic factors that shape the international trade and vice versa ...

Lifanova, Tatiana; Maitah, Mansoor; Kuzmenko, Elena
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze

Morphological and genetic diversity of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, Mc Vaugh) in Peruvian Amazon
Šmíd, Jan; Lojka, Bohdan; Petra, Petra
Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, McVaugh) is currently one of the most important fruit species that is grown in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as in Brazil, Colombia or Bolivia. Larger plantations were established only in the last two decades and a substantial part of the production is still obtained by collecting fruits from the wild. Domestication of the species is still at its very beginning; most of the farmers cultivate the plants without any breeding or just after simple selection. The aim of this study was to characterize the morphological and genetic variability of cultivated and natural populations of camu-camu in the Peruvian Amazon and also to compare the variability among and within these populations. In total we have sampled 13 populations; 10 wild populations in Iquitos region, three cultivated populations in Pucallpa in Peruvian Amazon. For genetic analysis, the leaf tissue samples were collected from ten individuals from each population (n=126), and for morphological data were collected from five trees of each population (n=65). To assess the genetic diversity, we used seven microsatellite primers that were developed from available DNA sequences. Using various genetic softwares, major indexes of variability were detected and dendrograms of relatedness of populations and individuals were created. The statistical analysis did not reveal statistically significant differences for most of the morphological descriptors, except for the fruit parameters. Surprisingly, the trees from wild populations had higher fruit and pulp weight and their fruits contained less seeds compared to cultivated populations. The observed heterozygosity was 0.347 and 0.404; expected 0.516 and 0.506; inbreeding coefficient was 0.328 and 0.200 for wild and cultivated populations, respectively. Wild populations could be divided according to the dendrogram into two completely different groups. In cultivated populations, their approximate origin was determined. All the results indicated a high genetic variability but also a high degree of inbreeding. This can be explained by isolation of the populations from each other or low number of individuals in the population. This high level of diversity can be explored for selection of superior individuals and further possibilities of breeding. dostupnost_czu
Morphological and genetic diversity of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, Mc Vaugh) in Peruvian Amazon

Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, McVaugh) is currently one of the most important fruit species that is grown in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as in Brazil, Colombia or Bolivia. Larger plantations were ...

Šmíd, Jan; Lojka, Bohdan; Petra, Petra
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze

Agroforestry Systems in Czech Republic
Zelba, Ondřej; Lojka, Bohdan; Antonín, Antonín
Temperate agroforestry has been described and categorized several times and there are numerous definitions in use. Even though several agroforestry practices have been traditionally used in Czech Republic, any inventory of farms or plots where agroforestry is currently practiced is still missing. This study aimed to find a practical and relatively easy method to identify agroforestry systems on farmland. Firstly, several European surveys such as Land Use and Cover Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) and Corine Land Cover (CLC) were examined to evaluate their applicability in inventory of agroforestry, and several methods of identifying trees in agricultural land blocks were reviewed. The thesis tried out a method that uses Corine Land Cover data in ArcGIS software to identify out patches of land that fall into the annual crops with permanent crops category. It then found agricultural land blocks with trees in those polygons. In the last part of the study, farmers owning plots in the agroforestry field blocks were located in the land registry and a questionnaire was sent out to them regarding the origin, function, and use of the trees in the agricultural blocks to collect information about the land-use systems. In total 3,071 hectares of field blocks were identified to fit the agroforestry conditions, mostly in the South Moravia region. Most of the found areas are in proximity of towns Velké Pavlovice, Louka u Ostrohu, Strážnice na Moravě, Moravský Žižkov, and Šakvice. The areas found there have many small plots that are each owned by a different owner, which creates a very heterogenous landscape. The area is well known for its fruit orchards and the questionnaire answers confirm that the area is indeed suitable for trees like apricots and cherries. The answers have also shown that the agricultural production directly neighboring with the trees used to be much more varied in the past. The thesis also reviewed legislative options for the support of agroforestry and suggested an improved ruleset to determine if a land-use system should be supported by subsidies for agroforestry systems. dostupnost_czu
Agroforestry Systems in Czech Republic

Temperate agroforestry has been described and categorized several times and there are numerous definitions in use. Even though several agroforestry practices have been traditionally used in Czech ...

Zelba, Ondřej; Lojka, Bohdan; Antonín, Antonín
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze

Optimization of small farmers production in Georgia
Zimuto, Welcome; Mazancová, Jana; Rydval, Jan
Agricultural cooperatives play an important role in supporting small agricultural producers and marginalized groups such as young people and women. They empower their members economically and socially and create sustainable rural employment through business models that are resilient to economic and environmental shocks. Agriculture optimization ensures that cooperatives achieve economic and farm household goals as efficiently as possible in the face of competing constraints of physical, environmental, legal or socio-cultural nature. In this study linear programming technique was used to model alternative profit maximization strategies for 2 cooperatives in Imereti while at the same time utilizing their resource capacities. Questionnaires were used to collect the variable data which were used to formulate scenarios for the model .The model scenario was determined by the crop allocation pattern and net profit returns for each scenario. Results show that Dovlati cooperative farmers can save up to 60,000 GEL, while Kvitiri cooperative can save up to 20,000 GEL if they follow the strategy highlighted in scenario 3 which in this study was taken as the model scenario. In our scenarios the model had its land bounds going to the upper level and this strongly illustrated that farmers have are using more resources on smaller land pieces . However our recommended model shows that optimal profit reduced as the model progressed from scenario 1 to 3. Kvitiri cooperative is best suited for immediate adoption and application of our model since farmers already cooperate on both production and marketing. The model presents Dovlati with an opportunity to maximize their profit margin if the farmers cooperate both on production and marketing . dostupnost_czu
Optimization of small farmers production in Georgia

Agricultural cooperatives play an important role in supporting small agricultural producers and marginalized groups such as young people and women. They empower their members economically and socially ...

Zimuto, Welcome; Mazancová, Jana; Rydval, Jan
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze

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