Počet nalezených dokumentů: 478
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Literature on the Folklore Revival Movement in the Czech Journal Taneční listy 1963: a Critical Analysis
Gremlicová, Dorota
2018 - anglický
This study examines texts published in the Czech journal Taneční listy which deal with the folklore dance and song revival movement after 1945. A detailed analysis is conducted of various texts from the 1963 volume, paying special attention to the dominant themes and typical patterns of thinking. Through the analysis, shifts in the conceptualization of the folk movement in Czechoslovakia in the early 1960s are addressed in connection with changes in the social, political and cultural contexts. Klíčová slova: Folk dance; Taneční listy; choreography; Czechoslovakia; 1963 Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Literature on the Folklore Revival Movement in the Czech Journal Taneční listy 1963: a Critical Analysis

This study examines texts published in the Czech journal Taneční listy which deal with the folklore dance and song revival movement after 1945. A detailed analysis is conducted of various texts from ...

Gremlicová, Dorota
Etnologický ústav, 2018

Politically Committed Songs: A Distinctive Product of the Czech Folk Revival Movement of the 1950s
Uhlíková, Lucie
2018 - anglický
The beginning of Communist totalitarian era in then Czechoslovakia brought with it political declarations of a new historical epoch and a new worldview, one whose rise was to be facilitated, among other ways, by a retooling of culture. Folklore was misused more than other areas because the folk revival movement was transformed into a strong propaganda tool. ‘New folk art’ in the spirit of socialist realism demanded new songs that would reline traditional forms with contemporary content, oftentimes with political or propaganda undertones. As is clear in contemporaneous folklore research, these propaganda ‘folksongs’ were composed primarily by members of politically active folk ensembles. Despite this, these were creative individuals closely tied to the live tradition, and their composition took place within that framework. Klíčová slova: folklore revival movement in the Czech Lands; totalitarianism; propaganda folk songs; political song; communist ideology Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Politically Committed Songs: A Distinctive Product of the Czech Folk Revival Movement of the 1950s

The beginning of Communist totalitarian era in then Czechoslovakia brought with it political declarations of a new historical epoch and a new worldview, one whose rise was to be facilitated, among ...

Uhlíková, Lucie
Etnologický ústav, 2018

Social effectiveness of public institutions through the eyes of citizens
Bohatá, Marie; Putnová, A.; Rašticová, M.; Bédiová, M.; Cebáková, A.
2018 - anglický
Klíčová slova: effectiveness; public administration; citizens Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Social effectiveness of public institutions through the eyes of citizens

Bohatá, Marie; Putnová, A.; Rašticová, M.; Bédiová, M.; Cebáková, A.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Andrew from Austria - The Scribe of the So-called Morgan Bible
Kubínová, Kateřina
2018 - anglický
The curriculum vitae of the scribe Andrew from Austria was compile according to the historical sources. The author also pointed to the probable Andrew´s relation with Hasenburg family. Klíčová slova: medieval illuminated manuscripts; medieval paleography; bible Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Andrew from Austria - The Scribe of the So-called Morgan Bible

The curriculum vitae of the scribe Andrew from Austria was compile according to the historical sources. The author also pointed to the probable Andrew´s relation with Hasenburg family.

Kubínová, Kateřina
Ústav dějin umění, 2018

We all Know That, Don´t We?: Situating Scholarly Knowledge about the Czech 'Folklore Movement'
Zdrálek, Vít
2018 - anglický
The text is a reflexive contemplation of the ‘common sense’ in Czech music folkloristics/ethnology from the point of view of the Czech ethnomusicologist whose personal as well as research experience has, significantly in this context, been formed outside the Czech folklore and folkloristics/ethnology practices and discourses. Partly based on reflexive ethnographic observations of the ongoing research project ‘Weight and Weightlessness of Folklore: The Folklore Movement of the Second Half of the 20th Century in the Czech Lands’ (2017-2019) hosted by the Ethnological Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, partly based on autoethnographic self-inspections of the author’s experience of the ‘alien affect’ towards the dominant Czech folklore discourse in the Czech-German ‘borderlands’ of the 1980s and the 1990s, and partly discussing the post-1989 folkloristics/ethnology versus anthropology debate and the less pronounced, but no less acute music folkloristics/ethnology versus ethnomusicology debate in the Czech Republic, the text formulates what it hopes to be the key questions for understanding the positionality of Czech music folkloristics/ethnological knowledge and creates an intellectual space for self-reflexive disciplinary discussion which it sees as critical for the future of the Czech music folkloristics/ethnological research. Klíčová slova: Czech music folkloristics; Czech music ethnology; Cpost-communism; positionality of knowledge; self-reflexivity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
We all Know That, Don´t We?: Situating Scholarly Knowledge about the Czech 'Folklore Movement'

The text is a reflexive contemplation of the ‘common sense’ in Czech music folkloristics/ethnology from the point of view of the Czech ethnomusicologist whose personal as well as research experience ...

Zdrálek, Vít
Etnologický ústav, 2018

The joyous lamentation over the decaying discipline or the development of economic history in recent decades
Hlavačka, Milan
2018 - anglický
This paper deals with the development of economic history in recent decades. It shows that there is no other historical discipline that would develop as disparately as economic history. It is a field that constantly oscillates on all sides. The author discusses previous development of the economic history, its changes and its impact on other research fields. He also tries to present modern approach and trend to economic history and its use in Czech economic history research. Klíčová slova: economic history; development; the Czech lands Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The joyous lamentation over the decaying discipline or the development of economic history in recent decades

This paper deals with the development of economic history in recent decades. It shows that there is no other historical discipline that would develop as disparately as economic history. It is a field ...

Hlavačka, Milan
Historický ústav, 2018

Francis Dvorník - a World-Renowned Byzantinist
Vavřínek, Vladimír
2018 - anglický
Biographical medailon of the excellent and most famous Czech Byzantinist, professor of Charles University and later also of Harvard University msgre Francis Dvorník. Three major research topics he studied in the subsequent periods of his academic career are examined: his epoch-making monographs on the Christianization of the Slavs from Byzantium and, in particular, on the Cyrillo-Methodian mission written during his postgraduate studies in Paris and the following academic career in Prague, his revolutionary book on the Photian schism completed during his exile in England in the time of World War II, and his monumental work on the Early Christian and Byzantine political philosophy that he produced at Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies in Washington, DC. Besides his scientific work political activities of Professor Dvorník are described too, whether it was his co-operation with the Czechoslovak ministry of foreign affaires in the time between the wars or his support of various Czech cultural institutions in exile when he later lived in the US. Klíčová slova: Dvorník, František; Cyrillo-Methodiana; Dumbarton Oaks; the Photian Schism Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Francis Dvorník - a World-Renowned Byzantinist

Biographical medailon of the excellent and most famous Czech Byzantinist, professor of Charles University and later also of Harvard University msgre Francis Dvorník. Three major research topics he ...

Vavřínek, Vladimír
Slovanský ústav, 2018

Introduction: Why Typology?
Tyllner, Lubomír
2017 - anglický
The national identity issue is constantly topical even in times of strong globalization and acculturation tendencies. Music, especially its most fundamental layer - traditional music, also helps to define national identity. Therefore, determining the basic types of Czech folk music is one of the major tasks of ethnomusicological research. Klíčová slova: typology; traditional music; computer analysis; history of musicethnologie; national identity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Introduction: Why Typology?

The national identity issue is constantly topical even in times of strong globalization and acculturation tendencies. Music, especially its most fundamental layer - traditional music, also helps to ...

Tyllner, Lubomír
Etnologický ústav, 2017

Reception of the Florentine Union (1439) in the Venetian Territories by the Majority of Orthodox Inhabitants. The Case of Dalmatia, Montenegro and Albania
Blechová, Lenka
2017 - anglický
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Reception of the Florentine Union (1439) in the Venetian Territories by the Majority of Orthodox Inhabitants. The Case of Dalmatia, Montenegro and Albania

Blechová, Lenka
Historický ústav, 2017

From Denunciation to Humour. Forms of Attacks by Preachers on non-Roman Catholic Believers in selected Czech Sunday Postils
Havelka, Tomáš
2017 - anglický
This paper deals with forms of attacks on protestants in bohemical sermons mainly in second half of 17th Century and first half of 18th Century. Although counter reformation has definitely changed confessional conditions in Bohemia after victory on White Mountain battle, protestants persisted as one of most dangerous and strange enemy of pure faith. This attitude aimed mainly to Czech speaking believers and has been persuasively repeated in a lot of deeply influential homiletic works, namely in postils (in Sunday as well as in Feast ones). The aim of paper is inspect the most important Czech Sunday postils and evaluate frequency, strategy and forms of attacks. Excerpted postils were written by Š. Berlička-Scipio, M. V. Štajer, K. Račín, Š. F. Náchodský, F. Veselý, A. Koniáš etc. Some of these postils were clearly published as „a tool“ of strict counter reformation (M. V. Štajer, A. Koniáš), thus shape of their attitudes to protestants should be interesting. Other postils were composed as a manifestation of a moderate process of the counter reformation (F. Veselý); finally, we can find authors with really peculiar way of literary form and type of persuasion as well (Š. F. Náchodský). Klíčová slova: homiletics; Sunday Postils; Early Modern Culture; preacher Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
From Denunciation to Humour. Forms of Attacks by Preachers on non-Roman Catholic Believers in selected Czech Sunday Postils

This paper deals with forms of attacks on protestants in bohemical sermons mainly in second half of 17th Century and first half of 18th Century. Although counter reformation has definitely changed ...

Havelka, Tomáš
Filosofický ústav, 2017

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