Number of found documents: 988
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Deformation response of polydimethylsiloxane substrates subjected to uniaxial quasi-static loading
Vinařský, V.; Martino, F.; Forte, G.; Šleichrt, Jan; Rada, Václav; Kytýř, Daniel
2019 - English
To investigate cellular response of cardiomyocytes to substrate mechanics, biocompatible material with stiffness in physiological range is needed. PDMS based material is used for construction of microfluidic organ on chip devices for cell culture due to ease of device preparation, bonding, and possibility of surface functionalization. However it has stiffness orders of magnitude out of physiological range. Therefore, we adapted recently available protocol aiming to prepare substrates which offer stiffness in physiological range 5−100 kPa using various mixtures of Sylgard. An in-house developer loading device with single micron position tracking accuracy and sub-micron position sensitivity was adapted for this experimental campaign. All batches of the samples were subjected to uniaxial loading. During quasi-static experiment the samples were compressed to minimally 40% deformation. The results are represented in the form of stress-strain curves calculated from the acquired force and displacement data and elastic moduli are estimated. Keywords: quasi-static loading; hyperelasticity; polydimethylsiloxane substrates; in-situ loading device Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Deformation response of polydimethylsiloxane substrates subjected to uniaxial quasi-static loading

To investigate cellular response of cardiomyocytes to substrate mechanics, biocompatible material with stiffness in physiological range is needed. PDMS based material is used for construction of ...

Vinařský, V.; Martino, F.; Forte, G.; Šleichrt, Jan; Rada, Václav; Kytýř, Daniel
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Wind tunnel tests for lifetime estimation of bridge and mast cables exposed to vortex induced vibrations
Trush, Arsenii; Pospíšil, Stanislav; Kuznetsov, Sergeii
2019 - English
A significant number of TV and radio broadcasting masts in the Czech Republic was built in the 70-80s of the last century. At the moment is an actual issue is the reconstruction and determination of residual life of these structures. Guyed masts and particularly guy ropes have significant dimensions and comparatively low mass and damping with high flexibility. Therefore, aerodynamic and aeroelastic loads, such as vortex induced vibrations, galloping, wind gusts, etc., are key for them. As a tensile construction elements (guy ropes) for guyed masts the traditional open wire spiral strand cables are used. This type of cable has a characteristic helical surface roughness pattern that can act as vortex suppressor, high fatigue endurance, although somewhat lower corrosion resistance comparing to modern locked coil cables with non-circular shaped wires of outer layer and cables with protective polymer coatings. At the same time, on numerous bridges with the above-mentioned modern cable types the fatigue damage to wires in anchorage zones and destruction of protective coatings was detected. Present paper provides results of wind tunnel testing of three models of helical strake cable in order to evaluate separately impact of lay angle and surface roughness factors and reference smooth cylinder model in flow with grid generated turbulence of different intensities. The reduction of the lock-in range of helical strand cables comparing to reference smooth model was observed whereby the greatest impact was an increase of lay angle. Keywords: bridge cable; wind tunnel; vortex shedding Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Wind tunnel tests for lifetime estimation of bridge and mast cables exposed to vortex induced vibrations

A significant number of TV and radio broadcasting masts in the Czech Republic was built in the 70-80s of the last century. At the moment is an actual issue is the reconstruction and determination of ...

Trush, Arsenii; Pospíšil, Stanislav; Kuznetsov, Sergeii
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

In-situ compression test of artificial bone foams in controlled environment using X-Ray micro-computed tomography
Glinz, J.; Kytýř, Daniel; Fíla, Tomáš; Šleichrt, Jan; Schrempf, A.; Fürst, D.; Kastner, J.; Senck, S.
2019 - English
In this study, we investigated specimens of artificial bone foams, developed by the research group for surgical simulators at the UAS Linz, which are used to mimic the haptic feedback of physiologic and pathologic bone for more realistic surgery training. Specimens with two kinds of mineral filler material as well as different amounts of foaming agent were tested in an environmental in-situ loading stage developed by the ITAM CAS and scanned via X-ray micro-computed tomography. In this in-situ stage, specimens can be immersed in liquid and tested under temperature-controlled conditions. Consequently, a total amount of 12 specimens was subjected to compression loading, half of them immersed in water at 36.5 °C and half in dry condition. Results showed that there is no significant influence of liquid immersion to the compression outcome. However, foams with less amount of foaming agent appeared to have smaller pores resulting in higher compression strength. Keywords: x-ray micro-computed tomography; artificial bone foams; in-situ testing Available at various institutes of the ASCR
In-situ compression test of artificial bone foams in controlled environment using X-Ray micro-computed tomography

In this study, we investigated specimens of artificial bone foams, developed by the research group for surgical simulators at the UAS Linz, which are used to mimic the haptic feedback of physiologic ...

Glinz, J.; Kytýř, Daniel; Fíla, Tomáš; Šleichrt, Jan; Schrempf, A.; Fürst, D.; Kastner, J.; Senck, S.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Fracture Parameters of AAAS composites with ceramic precursor
Šimonová, H.; Rozsypalová, I.; Kumpová, Ivana; Trčka, T.; Frantík, P.; Rovnaníková, P.; Keršner, Z.
2019 - Czech
The paper deals with alkali-activated aluminosilicate composites based on ceramic precursors with respect to their characterization by fracture-mechanical parameters. Three composites made of brick dust as a precursor and alkaline activator with silicate modulus Ms = 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 were investigated. After 28 days of maturation, specimens with nominal dimensions of 40 × 40 × 160 mm were provided by an initial notch to 1/3 of the body height in the middle of the span. At least 6 samples were tested from each composite. Specimens were subjected to three-point bending tests during which force vs. deflection at midspan (F–d) and force vs. crack mouth opening displacement (F–CMOD) diagrams were recorded. By processing these diagrams, the values of the static modulus of elasticity, the effective fracture toughness (including its initiating component) and the specific fracture energy were determined using the effective crack model, Work-of-Fracture method, and Double-K fracture model. After the fracture experiments had been performed, compressive strength values were determined for informational purposes from one part of each specimen that remained after testing. All evaluations included the determination of arithmetic means and standard deviations. To obtain information about the internal structure of composites before and after mechanical testing, the selected body was examined by micro-tomography. Tomographic measurements and image processing were performed for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of internal structure changes with an emphasis on the calculation of porosimetric parameters as well as visualization of the fracture process zone. The fractal dimension of fracture objects was determined. Příspěvek se zabývá alkalicky aktivovanými aluminosilikátovými kompozity na bázi keramických prekurzorů z hlediska charakterizace lomově-mechanickými parametry. Byly vyšetřovány tři kompozity, vyrobené z cihelného prachu jako prekurzoru a alkalického aktivátoru se silikátovým modulem Ms = 1,0, 1,2 a 1,4. Zkušební tělesa měla nominální rozměry 40 × 40 × 160 mm a byla po 28 dnech opatřena zářezy uprostřed rozpětí do 1/3 výšky těles. Z každého kompozitu bylo zkoušeno nejméně 6 vzorků. Tělesa byla podrobována testům v tříbodovém ohybu, při kterých byly zaznamenávány diagramy síla vs. průhyb uprostřed rozpětí a síla vs. otevření ústí trhliny. Po korekci těchto diagramů se s využitím modelu efektivní trhliny, metody lomové práce a modelu dvojí-K stanovily hodnoty statického modulu pružnosti, efektivní lomové houževnatosti (včetně její iniciační složky) a specifické lomové energie. Po lomových testech se vždy na jednom ze zlomků určovaly hodnoty informativní pevnosti v tlaku. Všechna vyhodnocení zahrnovala určení aritmetických průměrů a výběrových směrodatných odchylek. Pro získání informace o vnitřní struktuře kompozitů před mechanickým testováním a po něm bylo vybrané těleso zkoumáno pomocí mikro-tomografie. Tomografická měření a zpracování obrazu byla provedena pro kvalitativní a kvantitativní vyhodnocení změn vnitřní struktury s důrazem na výpočet porozimetrických parametrů a také vizualizace lomové procesní zóny. Byla stanovena fraktální dimenze objektů lomu. Keywords: alkali-activated aluminosilicate (AAAS); ceramic precursor; fracture test; force-displacement diagram; X-ray micro-tomography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fracture Parameters of AAAS composites with ceramic precursor

The paper deals with alkali-activated aluminosilicate composites based on ceramic precursors with respect to their characterization by fracture-mechanical parameters. Three composites made of brick ...

Šimonová, H.; Rozsypalová, I.; Kumpová, Ivana; Trčka, T.; Frantík, P.; Rovnaníková, P.; Keršner, Z.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Local stabilization of the quasiperiodic response of the generalized van der Pol oscillator
Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
2019 - English
The generalized van der Pol equation is often used for description of various effects originating in the aero-elasticity of large slender engineering structures. This applies mainly to the quasiperiodic beatings that can be encountered especially in lock-in regimes when the vortex frequency becomes close to the structure eigenfrequency with a small detuning. The current paper presents numerical analysis of influence of the subor superharmonic excitation on the character of the response of a generalized van der Pol oscillator. This way it complements two previous papers of the authors dealing with stability analysis of certain types of the stationary periodic or quasiperiodic response of the system under study. Keywords: generalized van der Pol equation; quasiperiodic response; sub- and superharmonic synchronization; beating effect; numerical simulation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Local stabilization of the quasiperiodic response of the generalized van der Pol oscillator

The generalized van der Pol equation is often used for description of various effects originating in the aero-elasticity of large slender engineering structures. This applies mainly to the ...

Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

How to repair decayed historical timber constructions using all-wooden lap joints
Kunecký, Jiří
2019 - Czech
Most common issue when some moisture or insect- induced decay is present in historical timber structures is the use of lapped scarf joints. This technology keeps the look of the original construction, the decayed part is removed while keeping the healthy wood in the structure. The work presents the guidelines written for the purpose during four years of intensive research activities. The guidelines describe experimental results but also results of numerical and mechanical models. It is intended to be valuable for structural engineers, carpenters and workers of the cultural heritage institutes. The technology is suitable for repair of valuable historic timber structures. Nejčastější opravou při citlivých rekonstrukcích dřevěných konstrukcí je plátový spoj, který dovoluje nahradit pouze část poškozeného prvku protézou a zachovat tak maximální možné množství původního materiálu v konstrukci. Chybějící metodika pro navrhování těchto spojů byla vyvinuta v minulých čtyřech letech v rámci programu NAKI. Výsledky uvedené v metodice jsou založeny na experimentálních výsledcích, ale i na numerických a mechanických modelech. Je vhodná a srozumitelná pro statiky, tesaře i pracovníky památkových ústavů, je vhodnou referencí pro opravy cenných střešních konstrukcí památkových objektů. Obsahuje jak část návrhovou tak část prováděcí (technologickou). Keywords: timber; lapped scarf joints Available at various institutes of the ASCR
How to repair decayed historical timber constructions using all-wooden lap joints

Most common issue when some moisture or insect- induced decay is present in historical timber structures is the use of lapped scarf joints. This technology keeps the look of the original construction, ...

Kunecký, Jiří
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Procedures used to detect the condition of timber in historical structures
Kloiber, Michal
2019 - Czech
Within the scope of the lecture, methods of structural and technical surveys and their use were presented. The need for this kind of diagnostics, its significance for design projects, and various forms of survey outcomes were discussed, such as identification of tree species, identification of damage type, a detailed evaluation of moisture content in wood, identification of biological damage scope, and evaluation of damage degree. V rámci přednášky byly představeny metody stavebně-technických průzkumů a jejich použití. Diskutována byla potřeba diagnostiky, její význam v projektové činnosti a různá podoba výstupů průzkumů, jakými jsou např. přesná identifikace dřeviny a druhu poškození, podrobné hodnocení obsahu vlhkosti ve dřevě, identifikace rozsahu biologického napadení a posouzení stupně poškození. Keywords: timber structures; diagnostic methods; structural and technical survey Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Procedures used to detect the condition of timber in historical structures

Within the scope of the lecture, methods of structural and technical surveys and their use were presented. The need for this kind of diagnostics, its significance for design projects, and various ...

Kloiber, Michal
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Rapid research with computer algebra systems
Fischer, Cyril
2019 - English
Computer algebra systems (CAS) are gaining popularity not only among young students and scholars but also as a tool for serious work. These highly complicated software systems, which used to just be regarded as toys for computer enthusiasts, have reached maturity. Nowadays such systems are available on a variety of computer platforms, starting from freely-available on-line services up to complex and expensive software packages. The aim of this review paper is to show some selected capabilities of CAS and point out some problems with their usage from the point of view of 25 years of experience. Keywords: computer algebra system; methodology; Wolfram Mathematica Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Rapid research with computer algebra systems

Computer algebra systems (CAS) are gaining popularity not only among young students and scholars but also as a tool for serious work. These highly complicated software systems, which used to just be ...

Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

The research of wooden dowel-type connectors
Kunecký, Jiří; Hasníková, Hana; Hataj, M.; Milch, J.; Tyrová, M.; Suchomelová, P.
2019 - Czech
The carpentry joints, some of them secured by wooden connectors, are part of historical timber roof structures. Originally, a wooden dowel rather secured the position of timber elements in a joint than transferring loads (e.g. dovetail joints). But in some joints it can also transfer the forces between the structural members, therefore its behaviour influences the stiffness and load-bearing capacity of the whole structure directly. This type of connectors can be used nowadays as well; while reconstructions, a new timber building construction, or manufacturing individual structural timber elements (e.g. panels). Current technical standards do not prescribe a suitable computing procedure for the joints with wooden connectors. Moreover, a complex failure criteria for various fibre directions are missing. The article introduces an ongoing project, whose ambition is to cover the knowledge gap. Součástí historických krovových soustav jsou tesařské spoje, z nichž některé jsou zajištěny dřevěnými spojovacími prostředky. Původně dřevěný kolík spíše zajišťoval polohu prvků ve spoji než by primárně přenášel zatížení (např. rybinové spoje). V některých spojích však mezi jednotlivými konstrukčními prvky může síly také přenášet, a jeho působení tak má přímý vliv na tuhost i únosnost celé konstrukce. Tento typ spojovacích prostředků je možné využít i v současnosti, při rekonstrukcích, výstavbě nových dřevostaveb nebo pro výrobu jednotlivých dřevěných konstrukčních prvků (např. panelů). Současné technické normy však spojům s dřevěnými spojovacími prostředky nepředepisují dostatečný výpočetní postup, navíc chybí i komplexní model porušení v různých směrech k vláknům. Článek představuje aktuální projekt, který má ambici tuto mezeru vyplnit. Keywords: wooden dowel; load-bearing capacity; stiffness; creep; carpentry joints Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The research of wooden dowel-type connectors

The carpentry joints, some of them secured by wooden connectors, are part of historical timber roof structures. Originally, a wooden dowel rather secured the position of timber elements in a joint ...

Kunecký, Jiří; Hasníková, Hana; Hataj, M.; Milch, J.; Tyrová, M.; Suchomelová, P.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Strategies for computation of Lyapunov exponents estimates from discrete data
Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
2019 - English
The Lyapunov exponents (LE) provide a simple numerical measure of the sensitive dependence of the dynamical system on initial conditions. The positive LE in dissipative systems is often regarded as an indicator of the occurrence of deterministic chaos. However, the values of LE can also help to assess stability of particular solution branches of dynamical systems. The contribution brings a short review of two methods for estimation of the largest LE from discrete data series. Two methods are analysed and their freely available Matlab implementations are tested using two sets of discrete data: the sampled series of the Lorenz system and the experimental record of the movement of a heavy ball in a spherical cavity. It appears that the most important factor in LE estimation from discrete data series is quality of the available record. Keywords: dynamical system; Lyapunov exponents; stability; data analysis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Strategies for computation of Lyapunov exponents estimates from discrete data

The Lyapunov exponents (LE) provide a simple numerical measure of the sensitive dependence of the dynamical system on initial conditions. The positive LE in dissipative systems is often regarded as an ...

Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

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