Number of found documents: 310
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12th International Conference Solid State Chemistry 2016 : Book of Abstracts
Lančok, Adriana
2016 - English
This book contains the programme and the abstracts of the conference. The conference programme covers presentations from scientists and users of scientific information working in similar areas, to estabilish platforms for collaborative reseach project initiatives. Keywords: solid state chemistry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
12th International Conference Solid State Chemistry 2016 : Book of Abstracts

This book contains the programme and the abstracts of the conference. The conference programme covers presentations from scientists and users of scientific information working in similar areas, to ...

Lančok, Adriana
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2016

Modern Methods of Flue Gas Cleaning.
Svoboda, Karel; Hartman, Miloslav
2016 - Czech
Keywords: cleaning; flue gas; new method Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Modern Methods of Flue Gas Cleaning.

Svoboda, Karel; Hartman, Miloslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Combined Production of Electricity and Heat from Biomass by a Gasification Process in the ČR.
Pohořelý, Michael; Skoblia, S.
2016 - Czech
The paper is devoted to a brief description of the state of development of gasification in the Czech Republic. Příspěvek je věnován stručnému popisu stavu vývoje zplyňování v České republice.\n Keywords: heat; biogass; gasification process Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Combined Production of Electricity and Heat from Biomass by a Gasification Process in the ČR.

The paper is devoted to a brief description of the state of development of gasification in the Czech Republic.

Pohořelý, Michael; Skoblia, S.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Book of Abstracts and Programme. Self-assembly in the World of Polymers. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /80.
Štěpánek, Petr
2016 - English
The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference "Self-assembly in the World of Polymers". The participants presented 45 lectures and 100 posters. Keywords: self-assembly; polymer; macromolecular systems Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts and Programme. Self-assembly in the World of Polymers. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /80.

The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference "Self-assembly in the World of Polymers". The participants presented 45 lectures and ...

Štěpánek, Petr
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2016

Paeonies and their breeding
Sekerka, Pavel; Faloutová, Z.; Macháčková, Markéta; Caspers, Zuzana; Blažek, Milan; Blažková, Uljana
2016 - Czech
Paeonies are old ornamental and utilitarian plants. This contribution represents horticultural division of varieties and their history. The collection of paeonies in Pruhonice Botanic Garden was founded in 1968, since the eighties it is also engaged in their breeding. Peonies were in 2015 included in the National Program, we are now preparing their classifier. Pivoňky jsou staré okrasné a užitkové rostliny. Práce představuje zahradnické dělení odrůd a jejich historii. Sbírka pivoněk v Průhonické botanické zahradě byla založena v roce 1968, od osmdesátých let se zabývá také jejich šlechtěním. Pivoňky byly v roce 2015 zařazeny do Národního programu, nyní připravujeme jejich klasifikátor. Keywords: genepool collecting; Paeonia; breeding Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Paeonies and their breeding

Paeonies are old ornamental and utilitarian plants. This contribution represents horticultural division of varieties and their history. The collection of paeonies in Pruhonice Botanic Garden was ...

Sekerka, Pavel; Faloutová, Z.; Macháčková, Markéta; Caspers, Zuzana; Blažek, Milan; Blažková, Uljana
Botanický ústav, 2016

New collection of Hemerocallis
Macháčková, Markéta; Caspers, Zuzana; Sekerka, Pavel
2016 - Czech
Description of Hemerocallis collection in Pruhonice botanic garden and reasons for gaining National Program. Popis sbírky Hemerocallis v Průhonické botanické zahradě a důvody k zařazení do Národního programu ochrany genofondu rostlin. Keywords: Hemerocallis; breeding; genepool Available at various institutes of the ASCR
New collection of Hemerocallis

Description of Hemerocallis collection in Pruhonice botanic garden and reasons for gaining National Program.

Macháčková, Markéta; Caspers, Zuzana; Sekerka, Pavel
Botanický ústav, 2016

Book of Abstracts and Programme. Functional Polymers at Bio-Material Interfaces - 79th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules
Rypáček, František; Brynda, Eduard
2015 - English
The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference " Functional Polymers at Bio-Material Interfaces" was organized simultaneously as the 79th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules (PMM). The participants presented 32 lectures and 31 posters. Keywords: polymer; biomaterial; tissue engineering Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts and Programme. Functional Polymers at Bio-Material Interfaces - 79th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules

The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference " Functional Polymers at Bio-Material Interfaces" was organized simultaneously as ...

Rypáček, František; Brynda, Eduard
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2015

9th Czech and Slovak Myriapodological Seminar, Book of abstracts
Tuf, I.H.; Tajovský, Karel
2015 - Czech
Keywords: 9th Czech and Slovak Seminar; myriapodology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
9th Czech and Slovak Myriapodological Seminar, Book of abstracts

Tuf, I.H.; Tajovský, Karel
Biologické centrum, 2015

Ecological Applications in Modern Chemistry 2015 : Book of abstracts
Plocek, Jiří
2015 - English
Ecological Applications in Modern Chemistry 2015 is 2nd year of the EAMCH conference. The scope of this conference is focused on all renewable energy sources and environmental aspects of modern chemistry and technologies. Typically it includes: materials for hydrogen fuel cells, ionic conductors, piezoelectric and magnetic materials, materials for solar cells. The lectures deals with practical applications of these technologies, especially with relation with environment (water, atmosphere, etc.) are welcomed too. Keywords: ecology; chemistry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ecological Applications in Modern Chemistry 2015 : Book of abstracts

Ecological Applications in Modern Chemistry 2015 is 2nd year of the EAMCH conference. The scope of this conference is focused on all renewable energy sources and environmental aspects of modern ...

Plocek, Jiří
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2015

Zoological days Brno 2015: book of abstracts
Bryja, Josef; Řehák, Z.; Zukal, Jan
2015 - Czech
Keywords: zoology; conference Fulltext is available at external website.
Zoological days Brno 2015: book of abstracts

Bryja, Josef; Řehák, Z.; Zukal, Jan
Ústav biologie obratlovců, 2015

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