Number of found documents: 297
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Anthropogenic impact on early-life stages of rheophilic fish
BARTOŇ, Daniel
2024 - English
This study focuses on the problems faced by the early-life stages of fish living in a river influenced by reservoirs and suggests possible solutions to enhance recruitment. The model fish for the study is the asp (Leuciscus aspius), known for its significant and protected population in the Želivka Reservoir, from where it migrates for reproduction to the tributary of Želivka River. The asp migrates upstream in spring to spawn in shallow, fast-flowing waters. At a research site, the adult population of asp is monitored using passive telemetry. Fish are caught, tagged, and released back into the reservoir. The asp population faces threats due to hydropeaking and river fragmentation. Hydropeaking causes egg detachment from the pebbles and their sedimentation in the reservoir. The study suggests that water should not exceed a velocity of 0.7 m×s-1 at the spawning ground. Periodically increasing discharge also shifts spawning fish outside their preferred spawning site, causing disruption of spawning and potentially lowering recruitment. A flowdeflector was built to protect newly spawned eggs from hydropeaking. However, there are additional threats to the asp recruitment process such as egg consumption by non-indigenous fish like common bream (Abramis brama). Water flow conditions are crucial for the conservation of rheophilic fish, as these fish, aside from habitat loss and modification, also face newly interacting generalist fish species moving from lentic to lotic sections of the system. Fish communities can be affected by reservoir construction far upstream, and these anthropogenic habitat alterations have severe negative impacts on threatened rheophilic fish recruitment. This study focuses on the problems faced by the early-life stages of fish living in a river influenced by reservoirs and suggests possible solutions to enhance recruitment. The model fish for the study is the asp (Leuciscus aspius), known for its significant and protected population in the Želivka Reservoir, from where it migrates for reproduction to the tributary of Želivka River. The asp migrates upstream in spring to spawn in shallow, fast-flowing waters. At a research site, the adult population of asp is monitored using passive telemetry. Fish are caught, tagged, and released back into the reservoir. The asp population faces threats due to hydropeaking and river fragmentation. Hydropeaking causes egg detachment from the pebbles and their sedimentation in the reservoir. The study suggests that water should not exceed a velocity of 0.7 m×s-1 at the spawning ground. Periodically increasing discharge also shifts spawning fish outside their preferred spawning site, causing disruption of spawning and potentially lowering recruitment. A flowdeflector was built to protect newly spawned eggs from hydropeaking. However, there are additional threats to the asp recruitment process such as egg consumption by non-indigenous fish like common bream (Abramis brama). Water flow conditions are crucial for the conservation of rheophilic fish, as these fish, aside from habitat loss and modification, also face newly interacting generalist fish species moving from lentic to lotic sections of the system. Fish communities can be affected by reservoir construction far upstream, and these anthropogenic habitat alterations have severe negative impacts on threatened rheophilic fish recruitment. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Anthropogenic impact on early-life stages of rheophilic fish

This study focuses on the problems faced by the early-life stages of fish living in a river influenced by reservoirs and suggests possible solutions to enhance recruitment. The model fish for the ...

BARTOŇ, Daniel
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Evolúcia socio-kultúrnych adaptací člověka: Fylogenetická medzi-kultúrna perspektíva
ŠAFFA, Gabriel
2023 - English
This thesis investigates the adaptive significance of seemingly maladaptive human behaviors or cultural norms that are often viewed as responses to intra- and inter-sexual conflict. It combines behavioral ecological approach with phylogenetic comparative methods to study evolutionary origins and maintenance of these practices, using samples of ethnographically documented human societies. The thesis is divided into three sections. The first section is the introduction to evolutionary sciences of human behavior, including an overview of the theoretical perspectives and a critical evaluation of the methodological approaches to macro-evolutionary studies of human behavior and culture. The second section consists of three chapters - two published research papers and a manuscript that is currently under review. The first paper investigates female and male genital mutilation/cutting practices, their evolutionary history, and socio-ecological correlates; the second paper investigates restrictions on female premarital sex and evaluates the three hypotheses explaining them - male, female, and parental control hypothesis; the third paper investigates the causes of socially imposed monogamy and evaluates the competing hypotheses explaining its prevalence in stratified, agricultural societies. The last section summarizes the results of the three studies and concludes with perspectives of future research. Keywords: adaptation; causal inference; cultural evolution; human behavioral ecology; phylogenetics; regression Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Evolúcia socio-kultúrnych adaptací člověka: Fylogenetická medzi-kultúrna perspektíva

This thesis investigates the adaptive significance of seemingly maladaptive human behaviors or cultural norms that are often viewed as responses to intra- and inter-sexual conflict. It combines ...

ŠAFFA, Gabriel
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Environmental and socio-cultural determinants of language skills and ethnobiological knowledge in Papua New Guinea and Cameroon
KIK, Alfred
2023 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Environmental and socio-cultural determinants of language skills and ethnobiological knowledge in Papua New Guinea and Cameroon

KIK, Alfred
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Functional analysis of cryoprotectant system in Chymomyza costata
GRGAC, Robert
2023 - English
In this study, employing an integrated approach that involves transcriptomics, metabolomics, and other techniques, we aimed to understand the mechanistic roles of the cryoprotective system underlying extreme freeze tolerance in the larvae of the drosophilid fly, Chymomyza costata. Metabolomics unveiled the complex composition of the seasonally accumulated larval innate mixture of putative cryoprotectants. This mixture was predominantly composed of proline and trehalose, supplemented by minor components (glutamine, asparagine, betaine, sarcosine, glycerophospho-choline, and ethanolamine). We identified food ingestion as a significant source for the direct assimilation of amino compounds, while glycogen and phospholipids served as the primary internal sources for the biosynthesis of other cryoprotectants. The utilization of MALDI-MSI to observe cryoprotectants revealed distinct behaviors of proline and trehalose during ecologically relevant, gradual inoculative extracellular freezing of larvae. Trehalose exhibited accumulation in partially dehydrated hemolymph, inducing a transition to the amorphous glass phase. On the other hand, proline migrated to the boundary between extracellular ice and dehydrated hemolymph and tissues, forming a layer of dense viscoelastic liquid. Finally, through a combination of in vivo and in vitro assays, we found that cell membranes are likely targets of freezing injury, while their integrity is sustained by accumulated small cryoprotective molecules and proteins in cold-acclimated C. costata larvae. Contrary to our expectations, our assays did not provide support for the hypothesis that proteins (soluble enzymes) require in vivo stabilization through the accumulation of cryoprotectants. In this study, employing an integrated approach that involves transcriptomics, metabolomics, and other techniques, we aimed to understand the mechanistic roles of the cryoprotective system underlying extreme freeze tolerance in the larvae of the drosophilid fly, Chymomyza costata. Metabolomics unveiled the complex composition of the seasonally accumulated larval innate mixture of putative cryoprotectants. This mixture was predominantly composed of proline and trehalose, supplemented by minor components (glutamine, asparagine, betaine, sarcosine, glycerophospho-choline, and ethanolamine). We identified food ingestion as a significant source for the direct assimilation of amino compounds, while glycogen and phospholipids served as the primary internal sources for the biosynthesis of other cryoprotectants. The utilization of MALDI-MSI to observe cryoprotectants revealed distinct behaviors of proline and trehalose during ecologically relevant, gradual inoculative extracellular freezing of larvae. Trehalose exhibited accumulation in partially dehydrated hemolymph, inducing a transition to the amorphous glass phase. On the other hand, proline migrated to the boundary between extracellular ice and dehydrated hemolymph and tissues, forming a layer of dense viscoelastic liquid. Finally, through a combination of in vivo and in vitro assays, we found that cell membranes are likely targets of freezing injury, while their integrity is sustained by accumulated small cryoprotective molecules and proteins in cold-acclimated C. costata larvae. Contrary to our expectations, our assays did not provide support for the hypothesis that proteins (soluble enzymes) require in vivo stabilization through the accumulation of cryoprotectants. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Functional analysis of cryoprotectant system in Chymomyza costata

In this study, employing an integrated approach that involves transcriptomics, metabolomics, and other techniques, we aimed to understand the mechanistic roles of the cryoprotective system underlying ...

GRGAC, Robert
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

The role of macrophages in the regulation of systemic metabolism in Drosophila
KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
2023 - English
Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. This impressive functional versatility may be achieved due to plasticity of macrophage cellular metabolism called metabolic polarization. The adoption of different polarization phenotypes by macrophages determines their function and is essential for the health of the organism. Nonetheless, if the cells lose their metabolic plasticity or polarize inadequately to a particular situation, it can lead to the development of chronic pathological states such as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic polarization of immune cells is thus a key factor in determining whether macrophage function within the organism will be adaptive or pathological. Despite Drosophila melanogaster represents a major model organism for immunological studies, the metabolic setup of activated immune cells has not been addressed up to now. The results of this thesis document that Drosophila immune cells undergo metabolic polarization toward aerobic glycolysis when challenged by extracellular bacteria. Mammals alike, this cellular metabolic switch is regulated by the transcription factor HIF1, thus documenting the conservation of this process between insects and vertebrates. Furthermore, we show that the adoption of aerobic glycolysis is directly linked to the production of the signaling factor IMPL2, which induces the mobilization of lipid stores from the fat body via the silencing of insulin signaling. By this mechanism, immune cells secure sufficient nutrients for successful elimination of the pathogen. Moreover, the mammalian ImpL2 homolog IGFBP7 appears to act analogously in the mammalian liver not only during severe infectious states but also in the liver of obese individuals. While such macrophage activity in regulating systemic metabolism is beneficial to the host during bacterial infection, it becomes maladaptive when chronically activated. Further evidence for a metabolism-regulatory role of immune cells has been found during insect metamorphosis and early post-metamorphic development. This thesis documents that during this period, macrophages infiltrate and engulf the histolyzing larval fat body and convert nutrients into storage peptides and lipoproteins. Subsequently, these nutrients are exploited by the maturing adult structures. Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. This impressive functional versatility may be achieved due to plasticity of macrophage cellular metabolism called metabolic polarization. The adoption of different polarization phenotypes by macrophages determines their function and is essential for the health of the organism. Nonetheless, if the cells lose their metabolic plasticity or polarize inadequately to a particular situation, it can lead to the development of chronic pathological states such as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic polarization of immune cells is thus a key factor in determining whether macrophage function within the organism will be adaptive or pathological. Despite Drosophila melanogaster represents a major model organism for immunological studies, the metabolic setup of activated immune cells has not been addressed up to now. The results of this thesis document that Drosophila immune cells undergo metabolic polarization toward aerobic glycolysis when challenged by extracellular bacteria. Mammals alike, this cellular metabolic switch is regulated by the transcription factor HIF1, thus documenting the conservation of this process between insects and vertebrates. Furthermore, we show that the adoption of aerobic glycolysis is directly linked to the production of the signaling factor IMPL2, which induces the mobilization of lipid stores from the fat body via the silencing of insulin signaling. By this mechanism, immune cells secure sufficient nutrients for successful elimination of the pathogen. Moreover, the mammalian ImpL2 homolog IGFBP7 appears to act analogously in the mammalian liver not only during severe infectious states but also in the liver of obese individuals. While such macrophage activity in regulating systemic metabolism is beneficial to the host during bacterial infection, it becomes maladaptive when chronically activated. Further evidence for a metabolism-regulatory role of immune cells has been found during insect metamorphosis and early post-metamorphic development. This thesis documents that during this period, macrophages infiltrate and engulf the histolyzing larval fat body and convert nutrients into storage peptides and lipoproteins. Subsequently, these nutrients are exploited by the maturing adult structures. Keywords: makrofág; metabolismus; imunitní odpověď; polarizace; ImpL2; octomilka; tukové těleso; infiltrace; insulinová rezistence; glukanové částice Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The role of macrophages in the regulation of systemic metabolism in Drosophila

Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of ...

KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Efficient communication of SMEs with geographically limited target groups
ENZ, Christian
2023 - English
The subject of this doctoral thesis is the communication behaviour of SMEs with a geographically defined business area. Two research objectives are pursued. Firstly, it is to be clarified whether a communication mix adapted to regional economic regions can be developed into a competitive advantage for SMEs compared to nationally or globally operating corporations. Secondly, if this is the case, a method will be developed that allows SMEs to create a more effective communication mix without particular in-house expertise or a marketing agency to be commissioned. To achieve the research objective, the behaviour of companies and consumers in the regions of Prague, South Bohemia, Nuremberg and Middle Franconia is first analysed. Based on a large-scale survey, a statistically significant dependence of corporate communication on the company's location can be identified. According to Cohen, there are also medium and firm regional dependencies in media use on the part of consumers. These dependencies provide a positive answer to the first research question. There are regional differences in media utilisation - both among SMEs and recipients. In line with Porter's competition theory, this offers optimisation potential and even the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage over nationally or internationally active market players. A further aim of the research was to develop a metric enabling decision-makers in SMEs to evaluate the available communication options without in-depth marketing expertise. As part of a literature review, the FLOW distance metric, which has primarily been used in software development to date, was identified as a suitable instrument and modified so that this metric can be used to evaluate marketing communication channels. The FLOW distance is a mathematical value quantifying an imaginary distance between the communicating company and the recipient. If the FLOW value is high, a message must travel a long way from the sender to the recipient - the communication channel, therefore, has a low level of effectiveness. The lower the FLOW value, the more efficient the means of communication. The determination of the FLOW distance is based on an easy-to-use formula - which is why the second research objective is also achieved. The significance of the FLOW distance is achieved because it takes into account the perceived intensity on the customer side. For this purpose, a consumer survey in the four target regions determines the perceived influence per communication channel. The suitability of a communication channel is also taken into account. To this end, the author quantifies the suitability of individual communication channels by employing an expert survey. In the process, 13 marketing communication channels are analysed as part of a descriptive analysis. The aspects of costs, time expenditure, personnel intensity, necessary frequency and required expertise are considered. Předmětem této disertační práce je komunikační chování malých a středních podniků s geograficky vymezenou oblastí podnikání. Jsou sledovány dva výzkumné cíle. Zaprvé je třeba objasnit, zda lze komunikační mix přizpůsobený regionální hospodářské oblasti rozvinout v konkurenční výhodu malých a středních podniků ve srovnání s celostátně nebo globálně působícími korporacemi. Za druhé, pokud tomu tak je, má být vyvinuta metoda, která umožní malým a středním podnikům vytvořit takový účinnější komunikační mix, aniž by musely mít speciální interní odborné znalosti nebo aniž by musely být pověřeny marketingové agentury. Pro dosažení cíle výzkumu bude nejprve analyzováno chování firem a spotřebitelů v regionech Praha, Jižní Čechy, Norimberk a Střední Franky. Na základě rozsáhlého průzkumu lze identifikovat statisticky významnou závislost firemní komunikace na místě sídla společnosti. Podle Cohena existují také střední a silné regionální závislosti ve využívání médií ze strany spotřebitelů. To poskytuje pozitivní odpověď na první výzkumnou otázku. Existují regionální rozdíly ve využívání médií - jak mezi malými a středními podniky, tak mezi příjemci. V souladu s Porterovou teorií konkurence to nabízí potenciál pro optimalizaci, včetně možnosti získat konkurenční výhodu oproti celostátně nebo mezinárodně působícím účastníkům trhu. Dalším cílem výzkumné práce proto bylo vyvinout metriku, která umožní rozhodovacím pracovníkům v malých a středních podnicích posoudit dostupné komunikační příležitosti bez hlubokých marketingových znalostí. V rámci rešerše literatury byla jako vhodný nástroj identifikována metrika vzdálenosti FLOW, která se doposud používala především při vývoji softwaru, a byla upravena tak, aby bylo možné tuto metriku použít k hodnocení marketingových komunikačních kanálů. Vzdálenost FLOW je matematická hodnota, která kvantifikuje pomyslnou vzdálenost mezi komunikující společností a příjemcem. Pokud je hodnota FLOW vysoká, musí sdělení urazit dlouhou cestu od odesílatele k příjemci - komunikační kanál má tedy nízkou úroveň účinnosti. Čím je hodnota FLOW nižší, tím je komunikační prostředek efektivnější. Stanovení vzdálenosti FLOW je založeno na snadno použitelném vzorci - proto je také dosaženo druhého cíle výzkumu. Významu vzdálenosti FLOW je dosaženo proto, že zohledňuje vnímanou intenzitu na straně zákazníka. Za tímto účelem je vnímaný vliv na komunikační kanál stanoven na základě průzkumu mezi spotřebiteli ve čtyřech cílových regionech. Zohledněna je rovněž vhodnost komunikačního kanálu. Za tímto účelem autor kvantifikuje vhodnost jednotlivých komunikačních kanálů pomocí expertního průzkumu. V rámci deskriptivní analýzy je přitom analyzováno 13 marketingových komunikačních kanálů. Zohledněna jsou hlediska nákladů, časové náročnosti, personální náročnosti, potřebné frekvence a potřebných odborných znalostí. Keywords: malé a střední podniky; prodej; integrovaná komunikace; komunikační mix; konkurenční výhoda; regionální hospodářský prostor; aplikovaná ekonomie Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Efficient communication of SMEs with geographically limited target groups

The subject of this doctoral thesis is the communication behaviour of SMEs with a geographically defined business area. Two research objectives are pursued. Firstly, it is to be clarified whether a ...

ENZ, Christian
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Butterfly thermoregulation across habitats and climates
LAIRD-HOPKINS, Benita Carmen
2023 - English
Global warming, through rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, is placing major stress on species and ecosystems. Understanding how species respond to temperature and the mechanisms underpinning thermoregulation can help us predict which species are most vulnerable in the face of warming. In this thesis, I explore how butterflies across different habitats and climates thermoregulate and the mechanisms, including morphology and behaviour, underlaying thermoregulatory ability. Firstly, when comparing the buffering ability of neotropical and temperate butterflies I found that tropical butterflies were able to maintain more stable body temperatures than temperate butterflies, and this was likely driven by their morphology. I also found that temperate butterflies used postural means to raise their body temperature more than neotropical species, likely an adaptation to the cooler air temperatures they experience. Secondly, I showed the importance of butterflies' thermoregulatory abilities at the community level, by comparing thermoregulation of European butterflies across geographic regions and climatic zones. This study highlighted that behavioural thermoregulation, including the use of microclimates and postural means, drives regional differences in butterflies' thermoregulatory abilities. Finally, I utilised the Müllerian mimicry exhibited in Heliconius butterflies to untangle the contributions of morphology and phylogeny in butterfly thermoregulation, investigating thermal traits, including buffering ability, take-off temperature and heating rate. I found that morphology, not phylogeny, was the main driver of thermoregulation in these butterflies. Further, I investigated differences in the thermoregulatory ability of Heliconius butterflies from different habitats. I found that species from colder habitats were able to maintain a more stable body temperature and took off at a lower temperature than those from hotter habitats, suggesting there is local adaptation or acclimation in thermal traits. Overall, this work highlights that species have their own unique thermoregulatory abilities, as a result of the thermal environment they experience, and that thermoregulation is driven by morphology, behaviour and physiology. My findings have important consequences for predicting the impacts of climate change on ectotherms, by highlighting variation in thermal ability which makes some populations and species more vulnerable, while others more resilient. This thesis lays the groundwork for future studies comparing species' thermal traits across climates and habitats, increasing our understanding of how species cope with climate and land-use change. Keywords: Insects; ectotherms; Lepidoptera; butterflies; thermoregulation; ecophysiology; behaviour; microclimates; climate change; tropical regions Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Butterfly thermoregulation across habitats and climates

Global warming, through rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, is placing major stress on species and ecosystems. Understanding how species respond to temperature and the mechanisms ...

LAIRD-HOPKINS, Benita Carmen
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Comparative Analysis of Silk Proteins and Discovery of Novel Sericin Gene in Lepidopteran Moths
WU, Bulah Chia-Hsiang
2023 - English
This thesis focuses on the silk components of the Mediterranean moth, Ephestia kuehniella, and the discovery of a novel silk gene, P150/ser6, in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. We analyzed and described the cocoon silk components in both species. In the first publication, we combined transcriptomic, genomic, and proteomic approaches to identify silk proteins in E. kuehniella. In the second publication, we described the discovery of gene P150/sericin6 in B. mori based on microsynteny analysis. Keywords: Ephestia kuehniella; Bombyx mori; Galleria mellonella; silk; fibroin; sericin; synteny; genomics; transcriptomics; proteomics Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Comparative Analysis of Silk Proteins and Discovery of Novel Sericin Gene in Lepidopteran Moths

This thesis focuses on the silk components of the Mediterranean moth, Ephestia kuehniella, and the discovery of a novel silk gene, P150/ser6, in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. We analyzed and described ...

WU, Bulah Chia-Hsiang
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Ecology of Gemmatimonadota
MUJAKIĆ, Izabela
2023 - English
Phylum Gemmatimonadota is a common group present in many natural environments. Yet, this interesting bacterial group is rarely studied. Since its discovery 20 years ago, only six cultured species have been described. Abundances of Gemmatimonadota in various environments are usually low (<1%), with the exception of soils, where they are one of the more abundant phyla. Probably for this reason, at the onset of this work, most of the knowledge about Gemmatimonadota came from studies of soil environments, while information about their ecology in freshwater lakes was missing. An interesting discovery relating to the unexplored diversity of Gemmatimonadota in freshwaters was the isolation of the first phototrophic member of this group, Gemmatimonas phototrophica, which was cultured from a shallow freshwater lake. To learn more about the ecology of Gemmatimonadota in freshwaters, the main focus of this thesis was the analysis of their distribution and diversity in several freshwater lakes, with emphasis on presence of photoheterotrophic Gemmatimonadota. The potential ecological roles of this group, metabolic capabilities and general genomic characteristics have also been addressed, thereby allowing a broader scope comparison with Gemmatimonadota from other environments such as soil, marine waters, or wastewaters. Keywords: Gemmatimonadota; metagenome; Gemmatimonadetes; MAGs; anoxygenic phototrophs; aquatic bacteria; CARD-FISH; freshwater ecology Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Ecology of Gemmatimonadota

Phylum Gemmatimonadota is a common group present in many natural environments. Yet, this interesting bacterial group is rarely studied. Since its discovery 20 years ago, only six cultured species have ...

MUJAKIĆ, Izabela
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

An ethical evaluation of philanthropic strategies employed by charitable organisations operating in Mongu district of Western Zambia
2023 - English
This study has been prompted by the fact that very little is known about the ethical aspects and operating strategies of charitable organisations in Mongu district of Western Zambia despite an influx of such organisations in the area from pre-colonial times. The aim of the study is to evaluate the ethical aspects of philanthropic strategies employed by charitable organisations operating in Mongu. Within social work, which is the guiding framework of this study, evidence of results alone does not satisfy the ethical aspect because ethics in social work are mainly deontological in nature, which means that the end does not always justify the means. The study endeavours to contribute to the discourse of philanthropic social work and, especially, towards a model for evaluating ethical aspects of philanthropic strategies of charities from the unique context of the charitable organisations operating in Mongu district of Western Zambia, which will also inform praxis in other similar contexts. This study has been prompted by the fact that very little is known about the ethical aspects and operating strategies of charitable organisations in Mongu district of Western Zambia despite an influx of such organisations in the area from pre-colonial times. The aim of the study is to evaluate the ethical aspects of philanthropic strategies employed by charitable organisations operating in Mongu. Within social work, which is the guiding framework of this study, evidence of results alone does not satisfy the ethical aspect because ethics in social work are mainly deontological in nature, which means that the end does not always justify the means. The study endeavours to contribute to the discourse of philanthropic social work and, especially, towards a model for evaluating ethical aspects of philanthropic strategies of charities from the unique context of the charitable organisations operating in Mongu district of Western Zambia, which will also inform praxis in other similar contexts. Keywords: ethics; philanthropy; strategies; charitable organisations (NGO/s); Mongu; Zambia Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
An ethical evaluation of philanthropic strategies employed by charitable organisations operating in Mongu district of Western Zambia

This study has been prompted by the fact that very little is known about the ethical aspects and operating strategies of charitable organisations in Mongu district of Western Zambia despite an influx ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

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