Number of found documents: 945
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Air pollution and migration: exploiting a natural experiment from the Czech Republic
Mikula, Š.; Pytliková, Mariola
2021 - English
This paper examines the causal effects of air pollution on migration by exploiting a natural experiment in which desulfurization technologies were rapidly implemented in coal-burning power plants in the Czech Republic in the 1990s. These technologies substantially decreased air pollution levels without per se affecting economic activity. The results based on a difference-in-differences estimator imply that improvements in air quality reduced emigration from previously heavily polluted municipalities by 24%. We find that the effect of air pollution on emigration tended to be larger in municipalities with weaker social capital and fewer man-made amenities. Thus, our results imply that strengthening social capital and investing in better facilities and public services could partially mitigate depopulation responses to air pollution. Finally, we look at heterogeneous migratory responses to air pollution by education and age and find some evidence that the more educated tend to be more sensitive to air pollution in their settlement behavior. Keywords: air pollution; migration; natural experiment Fulltext is available at external website.
Air pollution and migration: exploiting a natural experiment from the Czech Republic

This paper examines the causal effects of air pollution on migration by exploiting a natural experiment in which desulfurization technologies were rapidly implemented in coal-burning power plants in ...

Mikula, Š.; Pytliková, Mariola
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Jaké změny v rodinné politice slibují volební programy politických stran? Shrnutí a rozbory
Ostrý, Michal; Pertold, Filip
2021 - Czech
V práci stručně shrnujeme návrhy jednotlivých politických subjektů (dále stran) v jednotlivých oblastech ekonomicky založené rodinné politiky. Shrnutí doplňujeme odbornými komentáři, které mají oporu v řadě výzkumných studií včetně studií IDEA při CERGE-EI. In this work we briefly summarize the proposals of individual political entities (hereinafter parties) in individual areas economically based family policies. We supplement the summary with expert comments, which are supported by a number of research studies, including IDEA studies at CERGE-EI. Keywords: family policy; election programs; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Jaké změny v rodinné politice slibují volební programy politických stran? Shrnutí a rozbory

V práci stručně shrnujeme návrhy jednotlivých politických subjektů (dále stran) v jednotlivých oblastech ekonomicky založené rodinné politiky. Shrnutí doplňujeme odbornými komentáři, které mají oporu ...

Ostrý, Michal; Pertold, Filip
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Sick pay and absence from work: evidence from flu exposure
Grossmann, Jakub
2021 - English
The system of sick-pay is critical for balancing the economic and health costs of infectious diseases. Surprisingly, most research on sick-pay reforms does not rely on variation in worker exposure to diseases when investigating absences from work. This paper studies the effects on absences from work of changes in health-insurance coverage of the first three days of sickness. We explore geographic variation in the prevalence of infectious diseases, primarily the seasonal flu, to provide variation in the need for sickness insurance. Estimates based on the Czech Structure of Earnings Survey imply that when sickness insurance is not available, total hours of work missed are not affected, but employees rely on paid and unpaid leave instead of sick-leave to stay home. The substitution effects are heterogenous across occupations and socio-demographic characteristics of employees, and suggest that workers do not spread infectious diseases at the workplace as a result of the absence of sickness insurance coverage in the first three days of sickness. Keywords: sickness insurance; exposure to sickness; policy reform Fulltext is available at external website.
Sick pay and absence from work: evidence from flu exposure

The system of sick-pay is critical for balancing the economic and health costs of infectious diseases. Surprisingly, most research on sick-pay reforms does not rely on variation in worker exposure to ...

Grossmann, Jakub
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Shrinkage for Gaussian and t copulas in ultra-high dimensions
Anatolyev, Stanislav; Pyrlik, Vladimir
2021 - English
Copulas are a convenient framework to synthesize joint distributions, particularly in higher dimensions. Currently, copula-based high dimensional settings are used for as many as a few hundred variables and require large data samples for estimation to be precise. In this paper, we employ shrinkage techniques for large covariance matrices in the problem of estimation of Gaussian and t copulas whose dimensionality goes well beyond that typical in the literature. Specifically, we use the covariance matrix shrinkage of Ledoit and Wolf to estimate large matrix parameters of Gaussian and t copulas for up to thousands of variables, using up to 20 times lower sample sizes. The simulation study shows that the shrinkage estimation significantly outperforms traditional estimators, both in low and especially high dimensions. We also apply this approach to the problem of allocation of large portfolios. Keywords: Gaussian copula; t copula; high dimensionality Fulltext is available at external website.
Shrinkage for Gaussian and t copulas in ultra-high dimensions

Copulas are a convenient framework to synthesize joint distributions, particularly in higher dimensions. Currently, copula-based high dimensional settings are used for as many as a few hundred ...

Anatolyev, Stanislav; Pyrlik, Vladimir
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Nezaměstnanost v období COVID-19
Grossmann, Jakub; Münich, Daniel
2021 - Czech
Tyto měsíční reporty stručně shrnují a popisují vývoj nezaměstnanosti v České republice v období covid-19. Pokladem jsou zejména data z Úřadu práce, zveřejňována vždy na začátku měsíce. These reports concisely summarize, describe, and comment on the evolution of unemployment in the Czech Republic during the covid-19 pandemics. The monthly reports are mainly based on the data from Czech unemployment offices and they are usually produced within one day after the data release. Keywords: COVID-19; unemployment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nezaměstnanost v období COVID-19

Tyto měsíční reporty stručně shrnují a popisují vývoj nezaměstnanosti v České republice v období covid-19. Pokladem jsou zejména data z Úřadu práce, zveřejňována vždy na začátku měsíce....

Grossmann, Jakub; Münich, Daniel
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Sentencing decisions around quantity thresholds: theory and experiment
Drápal, Jakub; Šoltés, Michal
2021 - English
We study the implications of the structure of criminal codes on sentencing decisions. To limit sentencing disparities, criminal codes typically divide offenses into subsections with specific sentencing ranges. The classification into corresponding subsections often depends on exceeding a given quantity threshold, such as drug amount. We study the consequences of these quantity thresholds on sentencing decisions and argue that the threshold effect can be decomposed into two opposing mechanisms: the severity mechanism and the reference one. An experiment with Czech prosecutors shows that thresholds drive substantial increases in sentences, leading to sentencing disparities. We further introduce empirical measures of (in)justice and quantify the consequences of quantity thresholds on the probability of imposing a just sentence. Keywords: sentencing; quantity threshold; sentencing disparities Fulltext is available at external website.
Sentencing decisions around quantity thresholds: theory and experiment

We study the implications of the structure of criminal codes on sentencing decisions. To limit sentencing disparities, criminal codes typically divide offenses into subsections with specific ...

Drápal, Jakub; Šoltés, Michal
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Checkmate! Losing with borders, winning with centers. The case of European integration
Kapanadze, Ketevani
2021 - English
This paper studies two major stages of European integration, the expansion of the European Union (EU) in 2004 and the Schengen Area in 2008, and their impacts on economic performance in subregions of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Using European regional data at the NUTS3 level and disaggregated synthetic control method, I construct counterfactuals for sub-regions of CEE countries. This approach allows me to assess regional treatment effects (RTEs) and to study the heterogeneous effects of European integration. I find that the benefits of EU and Schengen memberships to annual GDP per capita are approximately 10% less in border regions, relative to interior areas. The results expose regional economic disparities, as border regions lose relative to interior regions since European integration. Furthermore, integration facilitators in border regions such as fewer geographical barriers, more service employment, and positive attitudes toward the EU did not reduce economic disparities. The results show that the gap persists, regardless of some complementarities. Thus, the main implication of this paper is that sub-regions of CEE countries are far from being fully converged, and that European integration instead seems to have spurred sub-regional divergence. Keywords: CEE countries; European integration; RTEs Fulltext is available at external website.
Checkmate! Losing with borders, winning with centers. The case of European integration

This paper studies two major stages of European integration, the expansion of the European Union (EU) in 2004 and the Schengen Area in 2008, and their impacts on economic performance in subregions of ...

Kapanadze, Ketevani
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Wages, minimum wages, and price pass-through: the case of McDonald's restaurants
Ashenfelter, O.; Jurajda, Štěpán
2021 - English
We use highly consistent national-coverage price and wage data to provide evidence on wage increases, labor-saving technology introduction, and price pass-through by a large low-wage employer facing minimum wage hikes. Based on 2016-2020 hourly wage rates of McDonald’s Basic Crew and prices of the Big Mac sandwich collected simultaneously from almost all US McDonald’s restaurants, we find that in about 25% of instances of minimum wage increases, restaurants display a tendency to keep constant their wage ‘premium’ above the increasing minimum wage. Higher minimum wages are not associated with faster adoption of touch-screen ordering, and there is near-full price pass-through of minimum wages, with little heterogeneity related to how binding minimum wage increases are for restaurants. Minimum wage hikes lead to increases in real wages (expressed in Big Macs an hour of Basic Crew work can buy) that are one fifth lower than the corresponding increases in nominal wages. Keywords: minimum wages; wage increases; McDonald’s Fulltext is available at external website.
Wages, minimum wages, and price pass-through: the case of McDonald's restaurants

We use highly consistent national-coverage price and wage data to provide evidence on wage increases, labor-saving technology introduction, and price pass-through by a large low-wage employer facing ...

Ashenfelter, O.; Jurajda, Štěpán
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Platy učitelů v roce 2020 a výhled: usne Česko na vavřínech?
Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
2021 - Czech
Relativní platy učitelů v České republice (ČR) patřily až do roku 2017/2018 k nejnižším v rámci zemí EU i několika desítek ekonomicky nejvyspělejších zemí světa (OECD). Díky nebývale dynamickému tempu zvyšování v posledních letech však v roce 2021 téměř dosáhnou úrovně průměru OECD i EU, tedy zhruba 90 % průměru mezd vysokoškolsky vzdělaných zaměstnanců v ekonomice. Končící vláda Andreje Babiše tak naplní slib ze svého programového prohlášení z léta roku 2018. Úroveň učitelských platů spoluurčuje dlouhodobou atraktivitu učitelské profese a zájem o ní. Atraktivitu vyžaduje nejen potřeba zajištění dostatku učitelů, ale umožňuje uplatňovat výběrovost s důrazem na kvalitu práce učitelů. Jde však o dlouhodobé procesy formování kvality učitelského sboru země skrze průběžné příchody a odchody do a z profese. Proto lze dopady výše učitelských platů na zájem o profesi, kvalitu práce učitelů a kvalitu výuky a vzdělávací výsledky žáků vysledovat až s odstupem dlouhých let, či dokonce dekád. In relative terms, teachers’ pay in the Czech Republic was lower than in most EU and OECD countries until 2017/18. Thanks to an unusually fast pace of growth in the past few years, in 2021, teacher’s pay will almost reach the average for OECD countries and the EU, which is around 90% of the average salary for a university-educated employee in the national economy. Andrej Babiš’s outgoing government will thus fulfil its Summer 2018 program statement. The level of teachers’ pay is a factor in attracting interest in teaching as a profession. Raising interest is necessary not only in order to recruit sufficient numbers of teachers, but to allow selectivity into the profession, allowing for more emphasis on the quality of teaching. These are long-term processes that gradually build the overall quality of the country’s teaching staff, through continuous arrivals and departures from the profession. Therefore, the impact of the teachers’ pay rates on attracting interest in the profession, the quality of teachers’ work, and pupils’ educational outcomes can only be observed over many years, or even decades. Keywords: teachers’ salaries; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Platy učitelů v roce 2020 a výhled: usne Česko na vavřínech?

Relativní platy učitelů v České republice (ČR) patřily až do roku 2017/2018 k nejnižším v rámci zemí EU i několika desítek ekonomicky nejvyspělejších zemí světa (OECD). Díky nebývale dynamickému tempu ...

Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Výluka prezenční výuky během pandemie covid-19: odhad neviditelných ekonomických ztrát
Jann, Ole; Münich, Daniel; Zapletalová, Lucie
2021 - Czech
Studie dopadů dávnějších školních výluk, školních absencí a již i několik zahraničních dopadových studií z období pandemie covid-19 ukazují, že výluka prezenční výuky způsobená pandemií bude mít i v Česku výrazné negativní dopady na vzdělávací výsledky žáků a zvýšení vzdělanostních nerovností. Snížená úroveň vzdělání se velmi pravděpodobně promítne i do budoucích výdělků současných žáků a studentů, a to po dlouhé dekády jejich produktivního života. Studies of the impact of school closures and school absences as well as impact studies already carried out abroad into the Covid-19 pandemic period all show, that the gap in in-person teaching caused by the pandemic will have a substantial negative impact on pupils' educational outcomes and will increase educational inequalities. The loss of learning will very likely lower the future earnings of current pupils and students for decades of their productive life. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic; school closures; future earnings Fulltext is available at external website.
Výluka prezenční výuky během pandemie covid-19: odhad neviditelných ekonomických ztrát

Studie dopadů dávnějších školních výluk, školních absencí a již i několik zahraničních dopadových studií z období pandemie covid-19 ukazují, že výluka prezenční výuky způsobená pandemií bude mít i v ...

Jann, Ole; Münich, Daniel; Zapletalová, Lucie
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

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