Number of found documents: 2872
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Performing High-Dimensional Filtering in Low-Dimensional Spaces
Oliveira, Manuel M.
2014 - English
High-dimensional filtering is a key component for many graphics, image, and video processing applications. Edge-preserving filters (an important class of high-dimensional ones), for instance, are essential for tasks like global-illumination filtering, tone mapping, denoising, detail enhancement, and non-photorealistic effects, among many others. Edge-preserving filtering can be implemented as a convolution with a spatially-varying kernel in image space, or with a spatially-invariant kernel in high-dimensional space. Performing the operation either way is computationally expensive, preventing its use in interactive and real-time scenarios. The talk will present two recent techniques we have developed for efficiently performing edgeaware filtering. The first one is based on a domain transform that allows highdimensional geodesic filtering to be performed in linear time as a sequence of 1-D filtering steps using a spatially-invariant kernel. The second technique works by sampling and filtering the input signal using a set of 2-D manifolds adapted to the original data. Its cost is linear in the number of pixels and in the dimensionality of the space in which the filter operates. These techniques are significantly faster than previous approaches, supporting high-dimensional filtering of images, videos, and global illumination effects in real time. In the talk, I will present several examples illustrating their use in graphics, image, and video processing applications. Keywords: high-dimensional filtering; počítačová grafika; biografie; vysoko-dimenzionální filtrování; computer graphics; biography Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Performing High-Dimensional Filtering in Low-Dimensional Spaces

High-dimensional filtering is a key component for many graphics, image, and video processing applications. Edge-preserving filters (an important class of high-dimensional ones), for instance, ...

Oliveira, Manuel M.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Flow maps - Benefits, Problems, Future Research
Weinkauf, Tino
2014 - English
The flow map has become a standard tool for the analysis and visualization of unsteady flows. In simple terms, it maps the start point of a particle integration to its end point. Flow maps are used to compute Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents (FTLE), Streak Line Vector Fields, or to speed up other methods in flow visualization. However, they are very costly in terms of both computation time and storage. In this talk, I will give an overview of the latest developments in flow visualization, review the theoretical and practical benefits of flow maps, discuss issues of accuracy and complexity, and pose open questions for future research in this area. Keywords: mapy toku; vizualizace toku; flow maps; flow visualization Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Flow maps - Benefits, Problems, Future Research

The flow map has become a standard tool for the analysis and visualization of unsteady flows. In simple terms, it maps the start point of a particle integration to its end point. Flow maps are used to ...

Weinkauf, Tino
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Technology for energetic use and distribution of energy from biomass
Bureš, Jiří; Struska, Jan
2014 - English
This paper deals with possibilities of using biomass as a source of energy for heating and production of electricity. Firstly the paper mentions products made from biomass. The most common types of solid biofuel are pellets and wood chips. Secondly the paper describes the ways how to extract energy from solid fuels. Especially it focuses on three types of combust: burning pulverized fuel, grate firing and fluidised bed firing in relationship with co-combustion of biomass and coal. Keywords: energie; biomasa; topení; pelety; dřevní štěpka; energy; biomass; heating; pellets; wood chip Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Technology for energetic use and distribution of energy from biomass

This paper deals with possibilities of using biomass as a source of energy for heating and production of electricity. Firstly the paper mentions products made from biomass. The most common types ...

Bureš, Jiří; Struska, Jan
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Economic aspects of biomass utilization
Čonka, Zsolt; Medveď, Dušan; Lisoň, Lukaš; Kmec, Miroslav; Kolcun, Michal
2014 - English
This paper deals the overview of characteristics and prices of Biomass. The agriculture in Hungary has big potential in energy production from biomass. Economic aspects of the utilizing the Biomass for energy production is very important. The price of biomass production mainly depends on internal agricultural preferences, on biomass transformation prices and the government biomass utilization support. Keywords: biomasa; ekonomika; zemědělství; Maďarsko; biomass; economy; agriculture; Hungary Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Economic aspects of biomass utilization

This paper deals the overview of characteristics and prices of Biomass. The agriculture in Hungary has big potential in energy production from biomass. Economic aspects of the utilizing the ...

Čonka, Zsolt; Medveď, Dušan; Lisoň, Lukaš; Kmec, Miroslav; Kolcun, Michal
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Co-firing biomass with coal for power generation
Dvorský, Emil
2014 - English
Keywords: biomasa; spalování; výroba energie; biomass; combustion; power generation Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Co-firing biomass with coal for power generation

Dvorský, Emil
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

The utilization of biogas in Slovakia
Lisoň, Lukáš; Kmec, Miroslav; Čonka, Zsolt; Kolcunová, Iraida
2014 - English
Fossil fuels cover 95 % of primary energy needs in Slovakia, and more than 90% of primary energy sources are imported. At the same time, Slovakia has a great potential to use biomass from own forests and agriculture. The paper finds potential of biogas acquisition from the agricultural biomass /excremental and energetic farm crops/ in Slovakia for the energetic purpose. Keywords: bioplyn; Slovensko; biogas; Slovakia Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The utilization of biogas in Slovakia

Fossil fuels cover 95 % of primary energy needs in Slovakia, and more than 90% of primary energy sources are imported. At the same time, Slovakia has a great potential to use biomass from ...

Lisoň, Lukáš; Kmec, Miroslav; Čonka, Zsolt; Kolcunová, Iraida
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Horizon 2020 – funding opportunities
Koníčková, Naďa
2014 - English
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). By coupling research and innovation, Horizon 2020 is helping to achieve sustainable growth and jobs in Europe with its emphasis on excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. The goal is to ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation. Important new feature of the Horizon 2020 is simplification of rules for participation and administrative procedures. New financing instruments are introduced to facilitate innovation uptake by SMEs. Measurements aiming at spreading excellence and widening participation of less research performing countries in European research activities will be implemented and synergies of Horizon 2020 with other financing sources (e.g. structural funds) will be supported. Keywords: Horizon 2020; research; innovation; technology; funding schemes Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Horizon 2020 – funding opportunities

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). By coupling research and innovation, Horizon 2020 is helping ...

Koníčková, Naďa
Univerzita Pardubice, 2014

Youth subculture as interaction of youth and society
Likhachova, Sviatlana
2014 - English
Based on the results of a sociological study in the Mogilev Region, the state and development of youth subculture as a social phenomenon are considered. The reasons for involvement in subcultural associations, sources of information about them, the positive and negative effects of participation in youth subcultures are analyzed. In modern society, we have a situation of subcultural pluralism when society is a set of co-existing ethnic, professional, religious, territorial and youth subcultures, each of which has its own view of the world, including its own system of norms and values, attitudes, beliefs and interests. The study of youth subcultures gives usa deeper understanding of young people's subjectivity. Traditionally, young people are considered as a social resource of society, the object of socialization adopting the experience of older generations. However, some approaches pay attention to the process of integration into society through conflict. It allows youth to present values that do not coincide with the dominant culture. Keywords: youth subculture; subcultural trends; values and attitudes; non-formal group of youth; socialization; adaptation; integration to the society; norms; deviant behavior of youth Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Youth subculture as interaction of youth and society

Based on the results of a sociological study in the Mogilev Region, the state and development of youth subculture as a social phenomenon are considered. The reasons for involvement in subcultural ...

Likhachova, Sviatlana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2014

Dialogue of cultures and cultural primitivism in anti-utopian novel of the first half of the 20th century
Dolzhenko, Svetlana
2014 - English
The article considers the problem of the dialogue of cultures as it is represented in the antiutopian novels of the first half of the 20th century. The author points out the typological features of the novels “We” by Evgeny Zamyatin, “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and “1984” by George Orwell and investigates the place and the role of the dialogue of cultures in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept and tendency toward cultural primitivism as the result of totalitarian influence in the imaginary world of anti-utopia. Keywords: dialogue; culture; anti-utopia; interaction; cultural values; cultural primitivism Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Dialogue of cultures and cultural primitivism in anti-utopian novel of the first half of the 20th century

The article considers the problem of the dialogue of cultures as it is represented in the antiutopian novels of the first half of the 20th century. The author points out the typological features of ...

Dolzhenko, Svetlana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2014

Recursive Procedural Tonal Art Maps
Szécsi, László; Szirányi, Marcell
2014 - English
This paper presents a real-time procedural texturing algorithm for hatching parametrized surfaces. We expand on the concept of Tonal Art Maps to define recursive procedural tonal art maps that can service any required level-of- detail, allowing to zoom in on surfaces indefinitely. We explore the mathematical requirements arising for hatching placement and propose algorithms for the generation of the procedural models and for real-time texturing. Keywords: nefotorealistické vykreslování; hatching; tonální umělecké mapy; procedurální texturování; non-photorealistic rendering; hatching; tonal art maps; procedural texturing Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Recursive Procedural Tonal Art Maps

This paper presents a real-time procedural texturing algorithm for hatching parametrized surfaces. We expand on the concept of Tonal Art Maps to define recursive procedural tonal art maps that can ...

Szécsi, László; Szirányi, Marcell
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

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