Počet nalezených dokumentů: 639
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Density and Viscosity of Alkylammonium-Based Ionic Liquids
Machanová, Karolina; Sedláková, Zuzana; Boisset, A.; Bendová, Magdalena; Jacquemin, J.; Aim, Karel
2011 - anglický
Klíčová slova: ionic liquids; thermophysical properties Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Density and Viscosity of Alkylammonium-Based Ionic Liquids

Machanová, Karolina; Sedláková, Zuzana; Boisset, A.; Bendová, Magdalena; Jacquemin, J.; Aim, Karel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

Splitting and/or Formation of Chemical Bonds. Insights from Momentum Space
Ponec, Robert; Cooper, D.L.
2011 - anglický
Klíčová slova: domain averaged fermi holes; momentum space; chemical bonding Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Splitting and/or Formation of Chemical Bonds. Insights from Momentum Space

Ponec, Robert; Cooper, D.L.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

High-Pressure CO2 as a Green Solvent for Extraction, Reaction, Particle Formation and Others Processes
Sajfrtová, Marie; Sovová, Helena
2011 - anglický
Klíčová slova: organic solvents; supercritical fluids; extraction Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
High-Pressure CO2 as a Green Solvent for Extraction, Reaction, Particle Formation and Others Processes

Sajfrtová, Marie; Sovová, Helena
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

Size-Dependent Rate Constant of Chemical Reactions in Nanoscale Particles
Levdansky, V.V.; Smolík, Jiří; Ždímal, Vladimír; Moravec, Pavel
2011 - anglický
It is known that many processes occurring in heterogeneous systems with nanoscale objects are characterized by some specific features due to size dependence of parameters describing processes in question. This can in particular affect nanoparticle formation. Some problems related to the trapping of impurity molecules by nanoparticles were considered in (Levdansky et al., 2009). Here we study the influence of the size effect on chemical reactions inside nanoparticles. Klíčová slova: size effect; nanoparticles; chemical reactions Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Size-Dependent Rate Constant of Chemical Reactions in Nanoscale Particles

It is known that many processes occurring in heterogeneous systems with nanoscale objects are characterized by some specific features due to size dependence of parameters describing processes in ...

Levdansky, V.V.; Smolík, Jiří; Ždímal, Vladimír; Moravec, Pavel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

Influence of Size Effects on Homogeneous Nucleation Inside Nanoparticles
Levdansky, V.V.; Smolík, Jiří; Ždímal, Vladimír; Moravec, Pavel
2011 - anglický
It is known that many physicochemical processes in aerosol systems with nanoscale particles and in nanoparticles themselves depend on the particle size. The influence of size dependence of the condensation coefficient on gas-phase nucleation was discussed in (Levdansky et al., 2010). Some problems related to nucleation in confined space, in particular the depletion effect of the ambient phase, were considered in (Kožíšek et al., 2011; Schmelzer and Abyzov, 2011). Here we study the size effects in homogeneous nucleation inside nanoparticles related to size dependence of the effective rate constant for the attachment of monomers to the critical cluster. Klíčová slova: size effect; nanoparticles; chemical reactions Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Influence of Size Effects on Homogeneous Nucleation Inside Nanoparticles

It is known that many physicochemical processes in aerosol systems with nanoscale particles and in nanoparticles themselves depend on the particle size. The influence of size dependence of the ...

Levdansky, V.V.; Smolík, Jiří; Ždímal, Vladimír; Moravec, Pavel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

AWS Viscometry – Principles and Applications
Wein, Ondřej
2011 - anglický
Quantitative identification of Apparent wall slip (AWS) effect, accompanying the flow of colloidal dispersions in confined geometries, requires a specific modification of common viscometric methods. Essential distinction between common and AWS viscometry is outlined – including theoretical background, calibration, data acquisition, and downstream data treatment – and demonstrated for a class of rotational viscometers. Klíčová slova: AWS viscometry; adgr effects; inertia effects Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
AWS Viscometry – Principles and Applications

Quantitative identification of Apparent wall slip (AWS) effect, accompanying the flow of colloidal dispersions in confined geometries, requires a specific modification of common viscometric methods. ...

Wein, Ondřej
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium in Diluted Polymer + Toluene Systems
Bogdanić, Grozdana; Wichterle, Ivan
2011 - anglický
Vapor–liquid equilibrium data were determined for five polymer plus toluene systems at isothermal conditions between 60 and 100 oC. Polymers comprise copolymers and terpolymers of octadecyl acrylate, acrylic acid, styrene, and 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone because of their practical importance as flow improvers for crude oil and/or derivatives. All-glass micro-ebulliometer with circulation of liquid phase was used for measurement of total pressure over polymer + toluene mixtures. Two predictive group contribution models (the Entropic–Free Volume and the Group Contribution–Flory) were applied to estimate phase behavior of two polymer solutions; good agreement with experimental data was achieved. Klíčová slova: polymer and toluene systems; experimental data; vapor–liquid equilibrium data Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium in Diluted Polymer + Toluene Systems

Vapor–liquid equilibrium data were determined for five polymer plus toluene systems at isothermal conditions between 60 and 100 oC. Polymers comprise copolymers and terpolymers of octadecyl acrylate, ...

Bogdanić, Grozdana; Wichterle, Ivan
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

29Si NMR Phenylsilane Polymer Analysis
Pinkas, Jiří; Blechta, Vratislav; Karban, Jindřich; Sýkora, Jan
2011 - anglický
Here we focus on the analysis od dehydrocoupling polymerization reactions of phenylsilane. the molar mass distribution depends on the catalytic system and can be easily monitored by on-flow LC-NMR experiment. Klíčová slova: polymer analysis; 29Si NMR; hydrogen Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
29Si NMR Phenylsilane Polymer Analysis

Here we focus on the analysis od dehydrocoupling polymerization reactions of phenylsilane. the molar mass distribution depends on the catalytic system and can be easily monitored by on-flow LC-NMR ...

Pinkas, Jiří; Blechta, Vratislav; Karban, Jindřich; Sýkora, Jan
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Liquid Surface of Imidazolium-based [Tf2N-] Ionic Liquids.
Lísal, Martin
2011 - anglický
Klíčová slova: molecular dynamics simulation; ionic liquids Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Liquid Surface of Imidazolium-based [Tf2N-] Ionic Liquids.

Lísal, Martin
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

The Ink-Jet Printed Nanostructured TiO2 Film Electrode
Morozová, Magdalena; Klusoň, Petr; Veselý, M.; Dzik, P.; Šolcová, Olga
2011 - anglický
This study reports the electrochemical properties of the TiO2 layers prepared by means of the templated sol-gel method and deposited by the inkjet printing. Klíčová slova: ink-jet printing; photoelectrochemical; sol-gel Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The Ink-Jet Printed Nanostructured TiO2 Film Electrode

This study reports the electrochemical properties of the TiO2 layers prepared by means of the templated sol-gel method and deposited by the inkjet printing.

Morozová, Magdalena; Klusoň, Petr; Veselý, M.; Dzik, P.; Šolcová, Olga
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

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