Number of found documents: 267
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Photocatalytic technologies and novel nanosurfaces materials in 2005
Peterka, F.; Jirkovský, J.; Šubrt, Jan; Špatenka, P.; Krýsa, J.; Lukeš, P.; Kavan, L.; Štengl, Václav; Kolouch, A.; Klusoň, P.
2005 - English
The development of nanocrystaline photocatalytic materials is rapidly growing field of science and technology. Vývoj nanokrystalických fotokatalytických materiálů je rychle se rozvíjející obor vědy a technologie. Keywords: photocatalytic technologies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Photocatalytic technologies and novel nanosurfaces materials in 2005

The development of nanocrystaline photocatalytic materials is rapidly growing field of science and technology....

Peterka, F.; Jirkovský, J.; Šubrt, Jan; Špatenka, P.; Krýsa, J.; Lukeš, P.; Kavan, L.; Štengl, Václav; Kolouch, A.; Klusoň, P.
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Calixarene conjugates as versatile molecular receptors for anions
Lang, Kamil; Stibor, I.; Lhoták, P.
2005 - English
The binding affinity towards selected anions was studied using UV-vis and 1H /nmr spectroscopy. Vazební afinita k vybraným aniontům byla zkoumána metodami UV-vis a 1H NMR spektroskopie. Keywords: calixarene conjugates Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Calixarene conjugates as versatile molecular receptors for anions

The binding affinity towards selected anions was studied using UV-vis and 1H /nmr spectroscopy.

Vazební afinita k vybraným aniontům byla zkoumána metodami UV-vis a 1H NMR spektroskopie.

Lang, Kamil; Stibor, I.; Lhoták, P.
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Binding of cations by azobenzene-functionalized (thia)calix[4]arenes
Kroupa, J.; Morávek, J.; Lhoták, P.; Stibor, I.; Lang, Kamil
2005 - English
Azoderivatives of (thia)calix[4]arenes are highly preorganized receptors for cations. Azoderiváty jsou preorganizovanými receptory pro kationty. Keywords: azoderivatives Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Binding of cations by azobenzene-functionalized (thia)calix[4]arenes

Azoderivatives of (thia)calix[4]arenes are highly preorganized receptors for cations.

Azoderiváty jsou preorganizovanými receptory pro kationty.

Kroupa, J.; Morávek, J.; Lhoták, P.; Stibor, I.; Lang, Kamil
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Morphology of Cadmium Deposited from Gel Electrolytes
Dočkal, M.; Sedlaříková, M.; Vondrák, Jiří; Kazelle, J.; Bartušek, Karel
2005 - English
Morphology of cadmium deposited from polymer gel electrolyte was studied. Byla studována morfologie vyloučeného kadmia z polymerního gelového elektrolytu. Keywords: cadmium; polymer gel electrolyte; deposition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Morphology of Cadmium Deposited from Gel Electrolytes

Morphology of cadmium deposited from polymer gel electrolyte was studied.

Byla studována morfologie vyloučeného kadmia z polymerního gelového elektrolytu.

Dočkal, M.; Sedlaříková, M.; Vondrák, Jiří; Kazelle, J.; Bartušek, Karel
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Transparent Electrodes Based on Spray Deposited SnO2
Macalík, M.; Vondrák, Jiří; Koten, S.; Maršík, P.
2005 - English
Thin-layer transparent electrodes of doped tin (IV) oxide were prepared and tested in electrochromic devices. Byly připraveny a testovány průhledné tenkovrstvé elektrody oxidu cíničitého pro elektrochromní zařízení. Keywords: Thin-layer electrodes; tin oxide Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Transparent Electrodes Based on Spray Deposited SnO2

Thin-layer transparent electrodes of doped tin (IV) oxide were prepared and tested in electrochromic devices....

Macalík, M.; Vondrák, Jiří; Koten, S.; Maršík, P.
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Poly(ethyl methacrylate) and poly(2-ethoxymethyl methacrylate) based polymer gel electrolytes
Reiter, Jakub; Michálek, Jiří; Vondrák, Jiří; Chmelíková, Dana; Přádný, Martin
2005 - English
New methacrylate-based polymer electrolytes were prepared using UV initiated radical polymerization. Prepared composites were characterized using voltammetrical and impedance methods and their composition was optimized. Byly připraveny nové polymerní elektrolyty na bázi methakrylátů metodou radikálové polymerizace iniciované UV zářením. Připravené kompozity byly charakterizovány pomocí voltametrických a impedančních metod, bylo optimalizováno jejich složení. Keywords: methacrylate-based polymer electrolytes; UV initiated radical polymerization Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Poly(ethyl methacrylate) and poly(2-ethoxymethyl methacrylate) based polymer gel electrolytes

New methacrylate-based polymer electrolytes were prepared using UV initiated radical polymerization. Prepared composites were characterized using voltammetrical and impedance methods and their ...

Reiter, Jakub; Michálek, Jiří; Vondrák, Jiří; Chmelíková, Dana; Přádný, Martin
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Nanodispersive oxide for destruction warfare agents
Štengl, Václav; Bakardjieva, Snejana
2005 - English
The homogenous hydrolysis of titanium oxo-sulphate and iron III sulphate in has been to prepare of anatase and ferrihydrite with high specific surface area. Nanodisperzní kysličník jako destrukční činidlo,byl připraven z anatasu s hydridem železa s velkou specifickou plochou povrchu. Keywords: nanodispersive oxide Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nanodispersive oxide for destruction warfare agents

The homogenous hydrolysis of titanium oxo-sulphate and iron III sulphate in has been to prepare of anatase and ferrihydrite with high specific surface area....

Štengl, Václav; Bakardjieva, Snejana
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Nanosheets of catex on the basis of calcium polytitanate as anti-corrosion pigments
Kváča, Zdeněk; Šubrt, Jan; Kalendová, A.; Kalenda, P.; Veselý, D.; Mohyla, M.
2005 - English
The aim of work is application of analogous compound based on hydrogencalcium polytitanate.The advantage of our approach is group similarity in periodic table of elements and take an advantage of differences of silicon and titanium caused by amforter character of titanium. Catex nanovrstvy na bázi polytitanu vápenatého jako antikorozní pigment. Keywords: nanosheet; titanate; anticorrosion Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nanosheets of catex on the basis of calcium polytitanate as anti-corrosion pigments

The aim of work is application of analogous compound based on hydrogencalcium polytitanate.The advantage of our approach is group similarity in periodic table of elements and take an advantage of ...

Kváča, Zdeněk; Šubrt, Jan; Kalendová, A.; Kalenda, P.; Veselý, D.; Mohyla, M.
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

Unusual stoichiometry of urea-derivatized calix[4]arenes induced by anion complexation
Dudič, M.; Lang, Kamil
2005 - English
Calix[4]arenes bearing two p-nitrophenyl-ureido functions at the upper rim are effective anion binders. The stoichiometry of complexation depends on the substitution pattern (distal vs proximal) and anion concentration. While the distally substituted receptor forms 1:1 complexes with anions, the corresponding proximal derivative prefers the 2:1 stoichiometry (calixarene: anion) under identical conditions. Kalixareny se dvěma p-nitrofenyl-močovinovými funkcemi na horním okraji efektivně vážou anionty. Keywords: stoichiometry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Unusual stoichiometry of urea-derivatized calix[4]arenes induced by anion complexation

Calix[4]arenes bearing two p-nitrophenyl-ureido functions at the upper rim are effective anion binders. The stoichiometry of complexation depends on the substitution pattern (distal vs proximal) and ...

Dudič, M.; Lang, Kamil
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

GC/MS Speciation Analysis of Organometallic Compounds Of Mercury and Tin
Plzák, Zbyněk; Kohl, L.
2005 - English
A study is focured on a systematic experimental evaluation of procedures developed for sample preparation, preconcentration, separation and MS measurement in trace speciation analysis of organometallic compounds of mercury and tin. Studie se zabývá systematickým experimentálním vyhodnocením postupů přípravy vzorku, zakoncentrování dělení a MS měření při stopové speciační analýze organokovových sloučenin rtuti a cínu v enviromentálních matricích. Keywords: organometallic compounds of mercury; organometallic compounds of tin Available at various institutes of the ASCR
GC/MS Speciation Analysis of Organometallic Compounds Of Mercury and Tin

A study is focured on a systematic experimental evaluation of procedures developed for sample preparation, preconcentration, separation and MS measurement in trace speciation analysis of ...

Plzák, Zbyněk; Kohl, L.
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2005

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