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Z českých slov a věcí: záchod, toaleta, aha
Janyšková, Ilona
2024 - Czech
Článek vysvětluje etymologii českých názvů záchod, toaleta, aha. Keywords: etymology; Czech Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Z českých slov a věcí: záchod, toaleta, aha

Článek vysvětluje etymologii českých názvů záchod, toaleta, aha.

Janyšková, Ilona
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2024

Železniční cestovatel Eduard Bazika aneb Cestování s manželkou
Hlavačka, Milan
2024 - Czech
Ing. Eduard Bazika (1830–1914) nebyl profesionální poutník, ale poutník z profese. Jako absolvent pražské polytechniky se celý život specializoval na železniční stavitelství a jako inženýr nejdříve státních drah a od roku 1855 až do odchodu na odpočinek v roce 1891 soukromé Společnosti státní dráhy (StEG) celý život procestoval, respektive před výstavbou prochodil svěřené železnice v české a moravské krajině. I po odchodu na penzi pracoval pro Zemský výbor Království českého a jeho Železniční výbor a v této pozici opět pracovně putoval po všech koutech Čech, aby posuzoval rentabilitu budoucích místních drah. Jeho zvláštností bylo, že se vždy snažil skloubit své cestovní povinnosti s rodinným životem, což mělo za následek, že jeho žena a děti putovaly s ním po nejrůznějších štacích a železničních stavbách. Stranou neponechával ani dlouhodobější náročnější soukromé cesty s manželkou na světové výstavy a po historických památkách Itálie (v doprovodu Jiřího Stibrala) či k obhlídce nově dokončených alpských železnicích. Jako představitel sebevědomé české střední třídy, která už disponovala volným časem a finančními prostředky (a samozřejmě režijní jízdenkou) dovedl skloubit cestovatelskou povinnost s cestovatelskou vášní a putování vnímal jako nezbytnou součást aktivního životního stylu moderního člověka. Ing. Eduard Bazika (1830–1914) was not a professional pilgrim, but a pilgrim by profession. As a graduate of the Prague Polytechnic, he specialized in railway construction all his life and as an engineer, first of all for the State railways, and from 1855 until his retirement in 1891, he traveled all his life for the private State Railway Company (StEG), or rather, before construction, he traveled the entrusted railways in the Bohemian and Moravian landscape. Even after retiring, he worked for the Land Committee of the Kingdom of Bohemia and its Railway Committee, and in this position he once again traveled to all corners of Bohemia to assess the profitability of future local railways. A peculiarity of his was that he always tried to combine his traveling duties with his family life, which resulted in his wife and children traveling with him to various estates and railway constructions. He did not leave aside longer, more demanding private trips with his wife to world exhibitions and historical monuments in Italy (accompanied by Jiří Stibral) or to inspect the newly completed Alpine railways. As a representative of the self-confident Czech middle class, who already had free time and financial resources (and, of course, an overhead ticket), he was able to combine the obligation to travel with a passion for travel and perceived traveling as a necessary part of the active lifestyle of a modern person. Keywords: Ing Eduard Bazika; pilgrim by profession; railway Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Železniční cestovatel Eduard Bazika aneb Cestování s manželkou

Ing. Eduard Bazika (1830–1914) nebyl profesionální poutník, ale poutník z profese. Jako absolvent pražské polytechniky se celý život specializoval na železniční stavitelství a jako inženýr nejdříve ...

Hlavačka, Milan
Historický ústav, 2024

Financial skills and search in the mortgage market
Cota, Marta; Šterc, Ante
2024 - English
Are households with low financial skills disadvantaged in the mortgage market? Using stochastic record linking, we construct a unique U.S. dataset encompassing a rich set of mortgage details and borrowers’ characteristics, including their objective financial literacy measure. We find that households with low financial literacy are up to 4% more likely to search less and lock in at 15-20 b.p. higher rates. Upon origination, unskilled borrowers face a 35-45% higher mortgage delinquency and end up with a 30% lower likelihood of refinancing. Overall, for a $100,000 loan, the potential losses from low financial literacy are more than $9,329 over the mortgage duration. To understand how financial education, more accessible mortgages, or mortgage rate changes affect households with low financial literacy, we formulate and calibrate a mortgage search model with heterogeneous search frictions and endogenous financial skills. Our model estimates show that search intensity and financial skill variations contribute to 55% and 10% of mortgage rate variations, respectively. We find that i) more accessible mortgages lead to a higher delinquency risk among low-skilled households, ii) financial education mitigates the adverse effects of increased accessibility, and iii) low mortgage rates favor high-skilled homeowners and, by reinforcing refinancing activity, deepen consumption differences across different financial skill levels. Keywords: mortgage refinancing; mortgage search; financial skills Fulltext is available at external website.
Financial skills and search in the mortgage market

Are households with low financial skills disadvantaged in the mortgage market? Using stochastic record linking, we construct a unique U.S. dataset encompassing a rich set of mortgage details and ...

Cota, Marta; Šterc, Ante
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Rizika reformy doktorského studia
Grosman, Jiří; Jurajda, Štěpán; Münich, Daniel
2024 - Czech
Systém financování doktorského studia v České republice je dlouhodobě neefektivní. Dokončovaná reforma má za cíl efektivitu systému výrazně zvýšit. V tomto krátkém textu upozorňujeme na potenciální problémy spojené s rozdělováním veřejné finanční podpory doktorského studia mezi vysoké školy. Problematické by bylo rozdělování podpory založené dominantně na míře úspěšného dokončování studií. Alokace veřejné podpory doktorského studia by vedle opodstatněných národních oborových priorit měla zohledňovat výsledky hodnocení kvality vědy na vysokých školách a úspěšnost v kariérním umisťování absolventů. The system of financing doctoral studies in the Czech Republic has long been inefficient. A reform currently underway aims to significantly increase the efficiency of the system. In this short text, we draw attention to potential problems associated with the distribution of public financial support for doctoral studies among universities. It would be problematic to distribute support based predominantly on degree completion rates. Allocation of public support for doctoral studies should take into account the results of evaluations of the quality of science produced by universities and their success in career placement of graduates, in addition to justifiable national disciplinary priorities. Keywords: doctoral studies; public financial support; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Rizika reformy doktorského studia

Systém financování doktorského studia v České republice je dlouhodobě neefektivní. Dokončovaná reforma má za cíl efektivitu systému výrazně zvýšit. V tomto krátkém textu upozorňujeme na potenciální ...

Grosman, Jiří; Jurajda, Štěpán; Münich, Daniel
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Modification of cooling system for laboratory measurement of rotor blade vibration
Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Voronova, Evgeniya; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine
2024 - English
Last year, the replacement of the turbine wheel model was completed in the Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. Based on previous experience and the expected higher operating load planned for the new wheel, the cooling system was modified at the same time. The paper describes the main effort in this direction and the results that clarify the previous damage of the measuring device. Keywords: blade; vibration; cooling system; measurement; laboratory Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Modification of cooling system for laboratory measurement of rotor blade vibration

Last year, the replacement of the turbine wheel model was completed in the Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. Based on previous experience and ...

Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Voronova, Evgeniya; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine
Ústav termomechaniky, 2024

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Kozień, M. S.
2024 - English
The aim of the DYMAMESI is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, hydro-elasticity, biomechanics, systems with feedbacks and mechatronics. In 2023 will be hosted by Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Section of Dynamics of Systems. Keywords: dynamics; vibrations of mechanical systems; vibrodiagnostics; energy transformations Available at various institutes of the ASCR

The aim of the DYMAMESI is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Kozień, M. S.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2024

Stochastic version of the arc-length method
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2024 - English
The solution of a nonlinear algebraic system using the incremental method, based on pre-defined loading steps, fails in the vicinity of local extrema as well as around bifurcation points. The solution involved the derivation of the so-called ’Arc-Length’ method. Its essence lies in not incrementing the system parameter or any of the independent variables but rather the length of the response curve. The stochastic variant of this method allows for working with a system where system parameters include random imperfections. This contribution presents a variant that tracks the first two stochastic moments. Even in this simple case, interesting phenomena can be observed, such as the disappearance of the energy barrier against equilibrium jump due to random imperfections in the system. Keywords: random imperfection; stochastic arc-length method; continuation; numerical method Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Stochastic version of the arc-length method

The solution of a nonlinear algebraic system using the incremental method, based on pre-defined loading steps, fails in the vicinity of local extrema as well as around bifurcation points. The solution ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2024

Acoustic emission methods in steel bridge degradation identification and monitoring
Šorm, Filip
2024 - English
Acoustic emission methods proved to be an effective diagnostic tool in many industrial sectors. The potential of this method in the field of steel bridge diagnostics is explored in this article. The goal is to find the most effective use of this method. Keywords: steel bridges; diagnostics; acoustic emission Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Acoustic emission methods in steel bridge degradation identification and monitoring

Acoustic emission methods proved to be an effective diagnostic tool in many industrial sectors. The potential of this method in the field of steel bridge diagnostics is explored in this article. The ...

Šorm, Filip
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2024

Multi-Annual Characterization of PM1 Aerosol Optical Properties and Size Distribution at the Peri-Urban Atmospheric Site ATOLL in Lille
Suchánková, Lenka
2024 - English
The aim of this study is to present aerosol scattering, absorption properties and particle number size distribution in PM1 in years 2018-\n2022 at peri-urban atmospheric site Atmospheric Observations in LiLLE (ATOLL) in Lille, France. This study is the first to present results dedicated to aerosol scattering properties at this site. Keywords: aerosol particles; PM1; temporal trends Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Multi-Annual Characterization of PM1 Aerosol Optical Properties and Size Distribution at the Peri-Urban Atmospheric Site ATOLL in Lille

The aim of this study is to present aerosol scattering, absorption properties and particle number size distribution in PM1 in years 2018-\n2022 at peri-urban atmospheric site Atmospheric Observations ...

Suchánková, Lenka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Development of Continuous Technology for the Preparation of Pharmaceuticals
Jaklová, Natalie
2024 - English
The present research focuses on the transition of a batch reaction assisted by phase transfer catalyst (PTC) into continuous process. The first reaction studied was an N-alkylation reaction with methyl ester of the 1-methyl-10α-methoxydihydrolysergic acid (MeLUME) as product. MeLUME is one of the intermediates in synthesis of drug Nicergoline. The N-alkylation occurs in two different immiscible phases and the bridge between these phases is the phase transfer catalyst. The study was performed in several different continuous flow apparatuses. The best results were obtained in a capillary reactor, with assistance of ultrasound. Keywords: continualization; ultrasound; pharmaceuticals Available in a digital repository NRGL
Development of Continuous Technology for the Preparation of Pharmaceuticals

The present research focuses on the transition of a batch reaction assisted by phase transfer catalyst (PTC) into continuous process. The first reaction studied was an N-alkylation reaction with ...

Jaklová, Natalie
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

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