Number of found documents: 1333
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Monitoring of ecosystems in the area of mining and processing of uranium ores near Rožná and in the Bukovský potok basin in 2018
Lacina, Jan; Halas, Petr
2018 - Czech
The study was prepared on the basis of a contract of work from 14.12.2017 for the client DIAMO, s., Of GEAM in Dolní Rožínka. According to this agreement, this year's follow-up follows similar research work from 1998 to 2017, focusing in particular on the repeated examination of vegetation in the form of phylocenological pictures on the test areas defined in previous years, and special attention is again paid to the avifauna of anthropogenically conditioned habitats of the K1 and K2 ponds. In addition, the monitoring of the status of biotopes of ecologically important landscapes was carried out with regard to their potential impact on the activities of the uranium industry. The field survey was conducted between mid-January and mid-November 2018. Studie byla zpracována na základě smlouvy o dílo z 14.12.2017 pro objednatele DIAMO, s. p., o. z. GEAM v Dolní Rožínce. Podle této smlouvy letošní monitoring navazuje na obdobné výzkumné práce z let 1998 - 2017, přičemž se soustřeďuje zejména na opakované šetření vegetace formou fylocenologických snímků na testovacích plochách vymezených v minulých letech, zvláštní pozornost je opět věnována avifauně antropogenně podmíněných biotopů odkališť K1 a K2. Dále bylo realizováno sledování stavu biotopů ekologicky významných egmentů krajiny s ohledem na jejich případné ovlivnění aktivitami uranového průmyslu. Terénní šetření jsme prováděli v období od poloviny ledna do poloviny listopadu roku 2018. Keywords: vegetation; disturbantion; mining area Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monitoring of ecosystems in the area of mining and processing of uranium ores near Rožná and in the Bukovský potok basin in 2018

The study was prepared on the basis of a contract of work from 14.12.2017 for the client DIAMO, s., Of GEAM in Dolní Rožínka. According to this agreement, this year's follow-up follows similar ...

Lacina, Jan; Halas, Petr
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Cultural heritage and geodiversity of landforms in the landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc
Kirchner, Karel; Kuda, František; Kubalíková, Lucie; Havlíček, M.; Machar, I.; Pechanec, V.
2018 - English
Within the framework of the NAKI II project – Cultural heritage of landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc - research, presentation and management (DGB 16P02B014), we focus on the results that will contribute to the sustainable development of regional cultural identity through applied cultural heritage research in the cultural landscape of the area of interest. As part of the material cultural heritage, we include the landforms that originated from the conscious activity of man - the anthropogenic relief forms. These landforms complement the geodiversity of the landscape and are referred to as secondary geodiversity. Therefore, their identification and interpretation will make it possible to complement and enhance the diversity of cultural heritage and to specify the development of the cultural landscape. The first results from the area of Central Moravia will be presented with the using of the historical maps, the digital model of the relief DMR5G and the field research. Keywords: cultural heritage; secondary geodiversity; Archdiocese of Olomouc Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Cultural heritage and geodiversity of landforms in the landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc

Within the framework of the NAKI II project – Cultural heritage of landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc - research, presentation and management (DGB 16P02B014), we focus on the results that will ...

Kirchner, Karel; Kuda, František; Kubalíková, Lucie; Havlíček, M.; Machar, I.; Pechanec, V.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Tourist interest in illicit zone of ice caves
Nováková, Eva; Kuda, František; Kubalíková, Lucie
2018 - English
Ledové sluje (Ice Caves) in the Podyjí National Park represents one of the most spectacular sites within the area. It consists of the large boulder field and several pseudokarst caverns on the north-western slope of the ridge that are very important from the ecological and geomorphological point of view. The access to the site is restricted for the visitors of National Park as there exists a risk of damage and disturbance of these unique phenomena, tourist can use the marked paths leading around the site, they can reach the top part of the ridge. Currently, there are only several persons who have legal access to the site (employees of the National Park Administration and other researches with the permission issued by NP Administration). However, the installed sensor that counts the passages proved that the site is visited more frequently than it should be. The number of people who visit this site (situated within the first zone of National Park where there is no marked path and so the access is forbidden by decree) is quite alarming. Based on these findings, some proposals for the solution of this unfavourable situation are proposed and other possibilities how to avoid this undesirable phenomenon are discussed.\n Keywords: Podyji National Park; restricted area; passages monitoring Available in a digital repository NRGL
Tourist interest in illicit zone of ice caves

Ledové sluje (Ice Caves) in the Podyjí National Park represents one of the most spectacular sites within the area. It consists of the large boulder field and several pseudokarst caverns on the ...

Nováková, Eva; Kuda, František; Kubalíková, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Deformometric and leveling measurements in the cadastral area of Dětmarovice village in 2018
Kajzar, Vlastimil
2018 - Czech
Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i. in 2001, in connection with the underground mining of coal reserves and its possible influence on the cadastral area of ​​Dětmarovice, Ostrava was asked in 2001 to assess the possible impacts of undermining on the stability of slopes on selected parts of the cadastral territory of Dětmarovice. Consequences of the mining are, among other things, surface drops, which, due to the existing morphology of the terrain in the cadastral area in question, raised the concern that these declines would not further induce sloping movements.\nIn November 2001, a monitoring monitoring network of four individual profiles was built in the locality. On these lines it was recommended to perform deformometric (longitudinal) and leveling measurements at the same intervals. From the subsequent periodic deformometric and leveling monitoring of these slopes before the development of the descending basin into the monitored area and then during the period of manifestation of the effects of the mining, it is possible to determine whether the slope deformations develop at all and then to point out the possible causes of possible movements (morphological-geotechnical and climatic conditions, mining and anthropogenic activity, etc.). Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. v Ostravě byl v souvislosti s uvažovaným hlubinným dobýváním uhelných zásob a jeho možného vlivu na katastrální území Dětmarovice požádán v roce 2001 Dolem ČSA o posouzení případných vlivů poddolování na stabilitu svahů na vybrané části katastrálního území Dětmarovice. Důsledkem dobývání jsou, mimo jiné, i poklesy povrchu, což vzhledem ke stávající morfologii terénu v předmětném katastrálním území vyvolalo obavu, zda tyto poklesy nebudou dále indukovat svahové pohyby.\nV listopadu 2001 tedy byla v dané lokalitě vybudována kontrolní monitorovací síť o čtyřech individuálních profilech. Na těchto přímkách bylo doporučeno provádět ve stejných intervalech deformometrická (délková) a nivelační (výšková) měření. Z následného periodického deformometrického a nivelačního monitoringu těchto svahů ještě před začátkem rozvoje poklesové kotliny do sledované oblasti a dále v období projevů účinků dobývání je pak možné stanovit, zda vůbec k vývoji svahových deformací dochází, a následně na možné příčiny případných pohybů poukázat (morfologicko-geotechnické a klimatické přírodní podmínky, hornická a antropogenní činnost aj.). Keywords: deformometric measuring; leveling measuring; Dětmarovice Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Deformometric and leveling measurements in the cadastral area of Dětmarovice village in 2018

Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i. in 2001, in connection with the underground mining of coal reserves and its possible influence on the cadastral area of ​​Dětmarovice, Ostrava was asked in 2001 to ...

Kajzar, Vlastimil
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Assessment of the suitability of the site for the location of the SNF deep geological repository and RAW in terms of long-term safety - Magdaléna site.
Havlová, V.; Pertoldová, J.; Bukovská, Z.; Hroch, T.; Štědrá, V.; Černý, M.; Říha, J.; Červinka, R.; Dudková, I.; Dušek, K.; Franěk, J.; Gondolli, J.; Gvoždík, L.; Hokr, M.; Holeček, J.; Jankovec, J.; Jelének, J.; Jelínek, J.; Kachlíková, R.; Kaláb, Zdeněk; Kouřil, M.; Královcová, J.; Klajmon, M.; Kolomá, K.; Kučera, R.; Kunceová, E.; Maryška, J.; Milický, M.; Nývlt, D.; Ondra, P.; Pacherová, P.; Polák, M.; Rapprich, V.; Rukavičková, L.; Steinová, J.; Svoboda, J.; Šír, P.; Švagera, O.; Vašíček, R.; Vavro, Martin; Vopálka, D.; Uhlík, J.; Zeman, J.; Zeman, O.
2018 - Czech
This report summarises outline of a report for evaluation of the sites‘ suitability for the emplacement of a deep geological repository on the basis of the archive information and the geological survey conducted from surface.\nSites are evaluated according to the following criterion categories\n1. Geological characteristics of the site\n2. Hydrogeologic characteristics of the site\n3. Transport characteristics of the the site\n4. Site stability\n5. Factors, increasing probability of human intrusion into the site\n6. Acceptability of enginnered barrier properties under site conditions Cílem této zprávy je shrnout dostupná data z lokality Magdaléna a hodnotit lokalitu podle kritérií odvozených pracovníky SÚRAO z požadavků SÚJB (vyhláška č. 378/2016 Sb. o umístění jaderného zařízení) a IAEA (NS-R-3 rev.1 Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations Safety Requirements, IAEA 2016, SSG-14 Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste, IAEA 2011b) na vlastnosti lokality, které mají vliv na dlouhodobou bezpečnost HÚ (MP22 v3, Vokál et al. 2017). Lokality jsou hodnoceny podle následujících kategorií kritérií:\n1) Geologické charakteristiky lokality\n2) Hydrogeologické charakteristiky lokality\n3) Transportní charakteristiky lokality\n4) Stabilita lokality\n5) Faktory zvyšující pravděpodobnost intruze člověka do lokality\n6) Slučitelnost vlastností horninového masivu s inženýrskými bariérami Keywords: deep geological repository; siting; long term safety; Central Bohemian pluton; Moldanubian zone Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Assessment of the suitability of the site for the location of the SNF deep geological repository and RAW in terms of long-term safety - Magdaléna site.

This report summarises outline of a report for evaluation of the sites‘ suitability for the emplacement of a deep geological repository on the basis of the archive information and the geological ...

Havlová, V.; Pertoldová, J.; Bukovská, Z.; Hroch, T.; Štědrá, V.; Černý, M.; Říha, J.; Červinka, R.; Dudková, I.; Dušek, K.; Franěk, J.; Gondolli, J.; Gvoždík, L.; Hokr, M.; Holeček, J.; Jankovec, J.; Jelének, J.; Jelínek, J.; Kachlíková, R.; Kaláb, Zdeněk; Kouřil, M.; Královcová, J.; Klajmon, M.; Kolomá, K.; Kučera, R.; Kunceová, E.; Maryška, J.; Milický, M.; Nývlt, D.; Ondra, P.; Pacherová, P.; Polák, M.; Rapprich, V.; Rukavičková, L.; Steinová, J.; Svoboda, J.; Šír, P.; Švagera, O.; Vašíček, R.; Vavro, Martin; Vopálka, D.; Uhlík, J.; Zeman, J.; Zeman, O.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Evaluation of the suitability of the site for the location of the deep-water repository and RAW repository in terms of long-term safety - Čertovka site.
Havlová, V.; Pertoldová, J.; Bukovská, Z.; Hroch, T.; Štědrá, V.; Černý, M.; Říha, J.; Červinka, R.; Baier, J.; Dudková, I.; Dušek, K.; Franěk, J.; Gondolli, J.; Gvoždík, L.; Holeček, J.; Hokr, M.; Jankovec, J.; Jelének, J.; Jelínek, J.; Kachlíková, R.; Kaláb, Zdeněk; Klajmon, M.; Kolomá, K.; Kouřil, M.; Královcová, J.; Kučera, R.; Kunceová, E.; Kůrková, I.; Maryška, J.; Milický, M.; Nývlt, D.; Ondra, P.; Pacherová, P.; Polák, M.; Rapprich, V.; Rukavičková, L.; Steinová, J.; Svoboda, J.; Šír, P.; Švagera, O.; Vašíček, R.; Vavro, Martin; Vopálka, D.; Uhlík, J.; Zeman, J.; Zeman, O.; Žáček, V.
2018 - Czech
This report summarizes the data available from the Čertovka site and evaluates the site according to criteria derived by RAWRA staff from SÚJB requirements (Decree No. 378/2016 Coll. On the Location of Nuclear Equipment) and IAEA (NS-R-3 rev.1 Site Evaluation for Nuclear IAEA 2016, SSG-14 Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste, IAEA 2011b) on site characteristics that have an impact on long-term DGR security (MP22 v3, Vokál et al. 2017). Sites are ranked according to the following categories of criteria:\n1) Geological characteristics of the site\n2) Hydrogeological characteristics of the site\n3) Site transport characteristics\n4) Site stability\n5) Factors increasing the probability of human intrusion into the site\n6) Compatibility of rock mass properties with engineering barriers Tato zpráva shrnuje je shrnout dostupná data z lokality Čertovka a hodnotit lokalitu podle kritérií odvozených pracovníky SÚRAO z požadavků SÚJB (vyhláška č. 378/2016 Sb. o umístění jaderného zařízení) a IAEA (NS-R-3 rev.1 Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations Safety Requirements, IAEA 2016, SSG-14 Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste, IAEA 2011b) na vlastnosti lokality, které mají vliv na dlouhodobou bezpečnost HÚ (MP22 v3, Vokál et al. 2017). Lokality jsou hodnoceny podle následujících kategorií kritérií:\n1) Geologické charakteristiky lokality\n2) Hydrogeologické charakteristiky lokality\n3) Transportní charakteristiky lokality\n4) Stabilita lokality\n5) Faktory zvyšující pravděpodobnost intruze člověka do lokality\n6) Slučitelnost vlastností horninového masivu s inženýrskými bariérami Keywords: deep water repository; RAW repository; long-term safety Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of the suitability of the site for the location of the deep-water repository and RAW repository in terms of long-term safety - Čertovka site.

This report summarizes the data available from the Čertovka site and evaluates the site according to criteria derived by RAWRA staff from SÚJB requirements (Decree No. 378/2016 Coll. On the Location ...

Havlová, V.; Pertoldová, J.; Bukovská, Z.; Hroch, T.; Štědrá, V.; Černý, M.; Říha, J.; Červinka, R.; Baier, J.; Dudková, I.; Dušek, K.; Franěk, J.; Gondolli, J.; Gvoždík, L.; Holeček, J.; Hokr, M.; Jankovec, J.; Jelének, J.; Jelínek, J.; Kachlíková, R.; Kaláb, Zdeněk; Klajmon, M.; Kolomá, K.; Kouřil, M.; Královcová, J.; Kučera, R.; Kunceová, E.; Kůrková, I.; Maryška, J.; Milický, M.; Nývlt, D.; Ondra, P.; Pacherová, P.; Polák, M.; Rapprich, V.; Rukavičková, L.; Steinová, J.; Svoboda, J.; Šír, P.; Švagera, O.; Vašíček, R.; Vavro, Martin; Vopálka, D.; Uhlík, J.; Zeman, J.; Zeman, O.; Žáček, V.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

European Countryside and its Perception. Book of Abstracts
Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, A.; Šťastná, M.
2018 - English
Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backwarded, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But the situation has changed during the last years. Although cities are still centres of development within the globalization process, people in Europe abandon them as a result of the trends of suburbanization, counter-urbanization, naturbanization. We intend to pay our attention on transformation trends of the European countryside where focusing on more processes occurring there as: transformation from productive to non-productive function,from central planned to the market oriented countryside, from the mono-functional to the multifunctional one, from the national to European and globalized scale. Such a transformation generates many impacts on natural, economic and social processes occurring \nin present European countryside. Their combination creates a set of different countryside types. Keywords: countryside; geography; Europe Fulltext is available at external website.
European Countryside and its Perception. Book of Abstracts

Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backwarded, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But the ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, A.; Šťastná, M.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Roadways stability within coal excavation by room and pillar mining method at the great depths
Šňupárek, Richard; Waclawik, Petr; Kukutsch, Radovan
2018 - Czech
In order to verify the stress-strain state of mining using the room and pillar method at a depth of up to 900 m below the surface, an extensive system of geotechnical monitoring and observation of deformations and surface movement was implemented. Based on the results of the stress-strain monitoring, detailed analysis of roadway stability from the point of view of the convergence, deformation behavior of the surrounding rock mass and the function of the reinforcement used in the two monitored areas with different geological and operational conditions was carried out. Za účelem ověření napěťo-deformačních projevů dobývání metodou chodba-pilíř v hloubce až 900 m pod povrchem byl implementován rozsáhlý systém geotechnického monitoringu a sledování deformací a pohybu povrchu. Na základě výsledků napěťo-deformačního monitoringu byla provedena podrobná analýza stability chodeb z hlediska konvergence, deformačního chování okolního horninového masivu a funkce použité výztuže ve dvou sledovaných oblastech s rozdílnými geologickými i provozními podmínkami. Keywords: room and pillar; monitoring; roadways stability Available in a digital repository NRGL
Roadways stability within coal excavation by room and pillar mining method at the great depths

In order to verify the stress-strain state of mining using the room and pillar method at a depth of up to 900 m below the surface, an extensive system of geotechnical monitoring and observation of ...

Šňupárek, Richard; Waclawik, Petr; Kukutsch, Radovan
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Geotourism within urban areas: New ways of promotion of natural and cultural heritage (Case study from Brno City).
Kubalíková, Lucie; Bajer, A.
2018 - English
Geotourism is based especially on geodiversity, but it also uses the cultural-historical aspects of an area, it is linked to the education and counts with active engagement of local people. Currently, geotourism is developed mainly within rural areas, but there are activities that point on the geodiversity and its importance within urban areas. Rational and sustainable use of geodiversity within urban areas can represent an alternative to the traditional tourist destinations and contributes to the understanding of the importance and necessity of protection of geodiversity itself. Geodiversity, respectively geoheritage within urban areas does not include only issues of primary (natural) geodiversity (substrate, Iandforms, soils), but also anthropogenic landforms and processes (secondary geodiversity), hydrological features (wells, millraces) and geodiversity ex-situ (museum collections, building material). The paper presents this new form of tourism and gives examples of selected geodiversity/geoheritage features within the Brno city. Keywords: geodiversity; geoheritage; urban geotourism; Brno Fulltext is available at external website.
Geotourism within urban areas: New ways of promotion of natural and cultural heritage (Case study from Brno City).

Geotourism is based especially on geodiversity, but it also uses the cultural-historical aspects of an area, it is linked to the education and counts with active engagement of local people. Currently, ...

Kubalíková, Lucie; Bajer, A.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Measurements of stress changes in the rock mass around the exploratory gallery site Skalka using tenzometric bolts in 2018
Staš, Lubomír; Zajícová, Vendula
2018 - Czech
The subject of this work is to continue to monitor the measurement of stress changes in the rock mass following the previous measurements from 1997-2017 in the vicinity of the reconnaissance gallery using strain gauge bolts embedded in the ceiling and hips of the reconnaissance and access galleries. Measurements took place during 2018. Předmětem tohoto díla je pokračování sledování měření změn napětí v horninovém masivu v návaznosti na předchozí měření z let 1997 - 2017 v okolí průzkumné štoly pomocí tenzometrických svorníků, zabudovaných do stropu a boků průzkumné a přístupové štoly. Měření probíhalo v průběhu roku 2018. Keywords: rock massif; Skalka; tenzometric bolts Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Measurements of stress changes in the rock mass around the exploratory gallery site Skalka using tenzometric bolts in 2018

The subject of this work is to continue to monitor the measurement of stress changes in the rock mass following the previous measurements from 1997-2017 in the vicinity of the reconnaissance gallery ...

Staš, Lubomír; Zajícová, Vendula
Ústav geoniky, 2018

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