Number of found documents: 12044
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Validation of reanalysis for Central Europe PERUN/Reanalysis
Beranová, Romana; Rulfová, Zuzana; Sokol, Zbyněk
2023 - Czech
PERUN/Reanalysis is based on the ALADIN numerical forecast model, which has been adapted for climatological calculations. To serve as one of the reference sets for estimating expected climate changes in the coming decades, it needs to undergo validation against station measurements and possibly against other commonly used data sets. In this conference paper, we will examine the validation of basic meteorological quantities across the computational domain of the ALADIN model. To achieve this, we will use station data from the ECA&D database, station data in the regular network (Eobs), and the ERA5 global reanalysis. Validation will be conducted for the period from 1990 to 2014. During validation, our primary focus will be on air temperature (minimum, maximum, and mean) and precipitation. We will also examine additional variables, including wind speed.\n Regionální reanalýza PERUN/Reanalysis je založena na numerickém předpovědním modelu ALADIN, který byl upraven pro klimatologické výpočty. Aby mohla sloužit jako jeden z referenčních setů pro odhady očekávaných změn klimatu v následujících desetiletích, je potřeba ji validovat vůči staničním měřením, případně i vůči jiným běžně používaným datovým souborům. V tomto konferenčním příspěvku se podíváme na validace základních meteorologických veličin na celé výpočetní doméně modelu ALADIN. Použijeme k tomu staniční data z databáze ECA&D, staniční data v pravidelné síti Eobs a globální reanalýzu ERA5. Validace bude provedena pro období 1990–2014. Při validaci se budeme soustředit zejména na teplotu vzduchu (minimální, maximální a průměrnou) a srážky, ale podíváme se i na další veličiny jako je například rychlost větru. Keywords: NWP model; reanalysis; validation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Validation of reanalysis for Central Europe PERUN/Reanalysis

PERUN/Reanalysis is based on the ALADIN numerical forecast model, which has been adapted for climatological calculations. To serve as one of the reference sets for estimating expected climate changes ...

Beranová, Romana; Rulfová, Zuzana; Sokol, Zbyněk
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2023

Precipitation by PERUN
Zacharov, Petr, jr.; Brožková, R.; Řezáčová, Daniela
2023 - Czech
Weather reanalyses are a powerful tool for studying historical weather both at individual points and especially over an area. The detailed reanalysis produced by the PERUN project thus makes it possible to reveal various aspects of the atmosphere to a degree that we are unable to achieve with measurements. Since it is still a model approximation, it is of course necessary to detect systematic biases by verification before its use. Climate model runs, on the other hand, can uncover the future evolution of the atmosphere. Since these calculations cannot yet be verified, it is necessary to validate a historical run of the same model and subtract the revealed systematic errors from the future projections. In the PERUN project, both the historical run and two climate runs up to 2100 have been calculated. In this work, we present a basic verification and validation of the precipitation forecasts and an evaluation of the separation of precipitation into stratiform and convective precipitation and, in addition, into\nliquid and solid precipitation. Reanalýzy počasí jsou mocným nástrojem pro studium historického počasí jak v jednotlivých bodech, tak především v ploše. Detailní reanalýza, která vznikla v rámci projektu PERUN, tak umožňuje odhalit různé aspekty atmosféry v míře, kterou nejsme schopni měřením dosáhnout. Vzhledem k tomu, že se stále jedná o modelové přiblížení, je samozřejmě před jejím využitím odhalit systematické odchylky verifikací. Klimatické modelové běhy naopak mohou odhalovat vývoj atmosféry do budoucna. Vzhledem k tomu, že se tyto výpočty zatím nedají verifikovat, je potřeba validovat historický běh stejného modelu a odhalené systematické chyby odečíst od výhledu do budoucna. V rámci projektu PERUN byl spočten jak historický běh, tak i dva klimatické běhy až do roku 2100. V rámci této práce předkládáme základní verifikaci a validaci předpovědí srážek a vyhodnocení rozdělení srážek na stratiformní a konvektivní a navíc i na kapalné a tuhé srážky. Keywords: precipitation; verifikace; validation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Precipitation by PERUN

Weather reanalyses are a powerful tool for studying historical weather both at individual points and especially over an area. The detailed reanalysis produced by the PERUN project thus makes it ...

Zacharov, Petr, jr.; Brožková, R.; Řezáčová, Daniela
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2023

Temperature regime of forest soils
Dohnal, M.; Votrubová, J.; Mazúchová, R.; Blunár, P.; Tesař, Miroslav
2023 - Czech
Contribution deals with the monitoring of the temperature regime of forest soils and the soil heat flux at small mountainous basins Liz in the Šumava Mts. and Uhlířská in the Jizera Mts. Soil temperatures are measured with the help of soil moisture meters (Pt100 at Liz basin and CS107 at Uhlířská basin), the soil heat flux is measured with the use of the sensor Hukseflux HFP01. Measured results were statistically evaluated, the analysis of the consistence of the measurement was done and cumulative soil heat fluxes were calculated for the individual hydrological years. S postupující automatizací, digitalizací a lepší dostupností pokročilých meteorologických a hydrologických přístrojů pro kontinuální sledování malých povodí jsou metody a postupy vycházející z bilance energie stále častěji vyhodnocovány v subdenním časovém kroku. V těchto případech již není možné dostupnou energii ztotožnit s čistou radiací a zanedbat tok tepla do půdy. Nevhodně zavedené předpoklady o velikosti toku tepla do půdy nebo použití příliš zjednodušených výpočetních postupů k jeho určení, vnášejí do zdánlivě přesnějších, ale ve skutečnosti pouze v čase podrobnějších, výpočtů značné nejistoty. Monitoring teplotního režimu půd a toků tepla do půdy, tak má velký význam pro ověření používaných výpočetních postupů a lepší pochopení omezení plynoucích z dlouhodobě využívaných předpokladů. Keywords: soil temperature; heat flux; HUKSEFLUX; Liz catchment Fulltext is available at external website.
Temperature regime of forest soils

Contribution deals with the monitoring of the temperature regime of forest soils and the soil heat flux at small mountainous basins Liz in the Šumava Mts. and Uhlířská in the Jizera Mts. Soil ...

Dohnal, M.; Votrubová, J.; Mazúchová, R.; Blunár, P.; Tesař, Miroslav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2023

A new blade cascade for flutter studies
Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk; Procházka, Pavel P.; Skála, V.
2023 - English
In this paper, a new blade cascade, developed in the Institute of Thermomechanics, is presented. The geometry of the cascade was modified so now the stall flutter can occur. It has some major construction improvements over the original cascade which now allow more precise and reliable measurements. The stability of the new blade cascade with five NACA 0010 profiles with rotational degree of freedom is assessed by Travelling Wave Mode approach and Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient approach. Keywords: blade cascade; stability; travelling wave mode; aerodynamic influence coefficient Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A new blade cascade for flutter studies

In this paper, a new blade cascade, developed in the Institute of Thermomechanics, is presented. The geometry of the cascade was modified so now the stall flutter can occur. It has some major ...

Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk; Procházka, Pavel P.; Skála, V.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Thermal and creep analysis of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident
Gabriel, Dušan; Gál, P.; Kotouč, M.; Dymáček, Petr; Masák, Jan; Kopačka, Ján
2023 - English
Thermal and creep analysis of the VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) was performed at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident. First, the integral code ASTEC was applied simulating severe accident evolution since an initiating event up to a hypothetical radioactive release into the environment. The ASTEC outputs including the remaining RPV wall thickness, the heat flux achieved and the temperature profile in the ablated vessel wall served as boundary conditions for the consequent assessment of RPV integrity carried out with the aid of finite element method (FEM). The FEM analysis was performed including the creep behaviour of RPV material using a complex creep probabilistic exponential model with damage. The objective of the analysis was to computationally assess emergency condition and, on this basis, to propose a general methodology for evaluating the integrity of RPV at high temperatures due to fuel melting during severe accident. Keywords: integrity of reactor pressure vessel; severe accident; ASTEC; creep; FEM Fulltext is available at external website.
Thermal and creep analysis of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident

Thermal and creep analysis of the VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) was performed at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident. First, the integral code ASTEC was applied ...

Gabriel, Dušan; Gál, P.; Kotouč, M.; Dymáček, Petr; Masák, Jan; Kopačka, Ján
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Reduced modelling of aeroelastic instability in a turbine blade cascade
Pešek, Luděk; Šnábl, Pavel; Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
2023 - English
The contribution deals with the first results on flutter instability of the linear cascade triggered by impulse excitation. Together with experimental results, numerical results obtained by reduced modelling of the cascade using van der Pol model of self-excitation are presented and discussed. Keywords: flutter; blade cascade; self-excitation; Van der Pol Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Reduced modelling of aeroelastic instability in a turbine blade cascade

The contribution deals with the first results on flutter instability of the linear cascade triggered by impulse excitation. Together with experimental results, numerical results obtained by reduced ...

Pešek, Luděk; Šnábl, Pavel; Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Simulation of heterogeneously-catalyzed non-isothermal reactive flow in industrial packed beds
Hlavatý, Tomáš; Isoz, Martin; Khýr, M.
2023 - English
Packed bed reactors are the most frequently used devices to perform heterogeneously catalyzed reactions on industrial scales. An industrial real-life heterogeneous catalysis is complex process that combines fully three-dimensional mass, momentum and energy transport on several scales. In the present work, we leverage our previously developed CFD solver for non-isothermal heterogeneously catalyzed reactive flow based on the finite volume method and couple it with our\nin-house DEM-based method for preparation of random packed beds. The resulting framework is verified in the simplified cases against available analytical solutions and correlations and is used to study an industrially-relevant case of ethylene oxychlorination performed in a tubular packed bed comprising CuCl2-coated catalyst carrying particles. In particular, we compare properties of three different industrially used catalyst carrying particles: Raschig rings, Reformax, and Wagon wheels Keywords: CFD; OpenFOAM; non-isothermal flow Available in a digital repository NRGL
Simulation of heterogeneously-catalyzed non-isothermal reactive flow in industrial packed beds

Packed bed reactors are the most frequently used devices to perform heterogeneously catalyzed reactions on industrial scales. An industrial real-life heterogeneous catalysis is complex process that ...

Hlavatý, Tomáš; Isoz, Martin; Khýr, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Numerical implementation of incremental minimization principle for materials with multiple rate-independent dissipative mechanisms
Frost, Miroslav; Moskovka, Alexej; Sedlák, Petr; Valdman, Jan
2023 - English
The incremental energy minimization approach is a compact variational formulation of the evolutionary boundary value problem for constitutive models of materials with a rate-independent response. Although it can be easily applied to many conventional models, its main advantages arise when applied to models with multiple strongly coupled dissipation mechanisms, where the direct construction of the coupled yield conditions and flow rules may be challenging. However, this usually requires a more complex numerical treatment of the resulting sequence of time-incremental boundary value problems resolved via the finite element method. This contribution presents, compares and discusses two genuine minimization approaches - the staggered solution procedure relying on alternating minimization and the monolithic approach employing global minimization - for an advanced constitutive model of shape memory alloys. Keywords: variational approach; constitutive modeling; numerical implementation Fulltext is available at external website.
Numerical implementation of incremental minimization principle for materials with multiple rate-independent dissipative mechanisms

The incremental energy minimization approach is a compact variational formulation of the evolutionary boundary value problem for constitutive models of materials with a rate-independent response. ...

Frost, Miroslav; Moskovka, Alexej; Sedlák, Petr; Valdman, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Astrophysical black holes embedded in organized magnetic fields
Karas, Vladimír
2023 - English
Large-scale magnetic fields pervade the cosmic environment where the astrophysical black holes are often embedded and influenced by mutual interaction. In thiscontribution, we outline the appropriate mathematical framework to describe magnetized black holes within General Relativity, and we show several examples of how these can be employed in the astrophysical context. In particular, we examine the magnetized black hole metric in terms of an exact solution of electro-vacuum Einstein-Maxwell equations under the influence of a non-vanishing electric charge. New effects emerge: the expulsion of the magnetic flux out of the black-hole horizon depends on the intensity of the imposed magnetic field. Keywords: black holes; electromagnetic fields; general relativity Fulltext is available at external website.
Astrophysical black holes embedded in organized magnetic fields

Large-scale magnetic fields pervade the cosmic environment where the astrophysical black holes are often embedded and influenced by mutual interaction. In thiscontribution, we outline the appropriate ...

Karas, Vladimír
Astronomický ústav, 2023

Implementation of wall functions into a hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method
Kubíčková, Lucie; Isoz, Martin
2023 - English
Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method (HFDIB) is a simulation approach used in computational fluid dynamics. The approach avoids usage of complex geometry-conforming computational domains. Instead, a simple domain is used and the geometry is projected onto it by a scalar field and adjustment of governing equations. Hence, the time spent on mesh generation is substantially reduced. It is advantageous to use the HFDIB in geometry optimizations where it allows for a massive optimization speed-up. Nevertheless, there is a problem with simulation of the fluid behavior in the boundary layer in the vicinity of the immersed walls. Especially, in simulation of highly turbulent flows, where the boundary layer is very thin and the usage of finer mesh is unaffordable. In this work, we aim to solve this problem by implementation of Reynolds averaged turbulence models in our custom HFDIB variant. In particular, we implemented the k-ω turbulence model and blended wall functions for closure variables and velocity. Keywords: wall functions; immersed boundary method; CFD; RAS Fulltext is available at external website.
Implementation of wall functions into a hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method

Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method (HFDIB) is a simulation approach used in computational fluid dynamics. The approach avoids usage of complex geometry-conforming computational domains. ...

Kubíčková, Lucie; Isoz, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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