Number of found documents: 1019
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Book of Abstracts: 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials
Dlouhý, Antonín; Kunz, Ludvík
2015 - English
The Book of Abstracts covers twelve exciting scientific topics addressed by the International Conference on the Strength of Materials 17 (ICSMA 17). Eight excellent plenary speakers were selected based on the discussion and vote within the International Committee of ICSMA. The topics include not only traditional areas like cyclic or high temperature deformation and scale-bridging modeling but also still growing subjects of nano-micro scale experiments and the strength of biological systems. Moreover, the Local Organizing Committee, in cooperation with the Department of Materials Physics, Charles University in Prague, has decided to highlight the 80th anniversary of Prof. Pavel Lukáč, a brilliant international teacher and scientist. The thirteenth topic of the ICSMA 17 is thus dedicated to honour his contribution to materials research. Altogether, the Book presents 376 abstracts evenly distributed among the individual research areas that entered the scope of the conference. Keywords: Materials; Strength; Plasticity; Dislocations Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts: 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials

The Book of Abstracts covers twelve exciting scientific topics addressed by the International Conference on the Strength of Materials 17 (ICSMA 17). Eight excellent plenary speakers were selected ...

Dlouhý, Antonín; Kunz, Ludvík
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

The effect of σ-phase formation on long-term durability of SUPER 304H steel
Horváth, J.; Král, Petr; Janovec, J.; Sklenička, Václav
2015 - English
This work presents results of the analysis of phases formed in a SUPER 304H steel during a medium-term static isothermal ageing (675 degrees C/15000 h). The investigations of the precipitates were especially focused on the occurrence of sigma-phase because its formation leads to the serious embrittlement. \nThe evaluation and distribution of brittle sigma-phase were determined on macroscopic level by using light microscopy/colour etching. The microstructure was also investigated on microscopic level by scanning electron microscopes Tescan Lyra 3 and JEOL JSM 5410 equipped by electron backscatter diffraction unit and by transmission electron microscope Jeol 2100F. This work also investigates the effect of sigma-phase formation on the impact strength of an aged state of SUPER 304H steel. For comparison reasons the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the initial as-received) state were also investigated. It was found that the formation of brittle sigma-phase in the aged and therefore degraded microstructure led to the significant decrease of the impact strength. The influence of brittle sigma-phase on long-term durability of the degraded steel regarding its insufficient impact strength is discussed. Keywords: austenitic steel; medium-term ageing; SUPER 304H; sigma-phase; impact strength Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The effect of σ-phase formation on long-term durability of SUPER 304H steel

This work presents results of the analysis of phases formed in a SUPER 304H steel during a medium-term static isothermal ageing (675 degrees C/15000 h). The investigations of the precipitates were ...

Horváth, J.; Král, Petr; Janovec, J.; Sklenička, Václav
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Deposition of Hard Yet Moderately Ductile MoBC Coatings by p-DC Magnetron Sputtering
Souček, P.; Buršíková, V.; Zábranský, L.; Buršík, Jiří; Vašina, P.
2015 - English
Novel nanolaminated MoBC coatings were prepared using a combination of non-reactive direct current and pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering. Depending on the deposition conditions the coatings were either of amorphous or of nanocomposite nature. Nanocomposite coatings showed good hardness and Young’s modulus and showed no tendency to form cracks even for high-load nanoindentation testing. Keywords: magnetron sputtering; ion flux; nanolaminates Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Deposition of Hard Yet Moderately Ductile MoBC Coatings by p-DC Magnetron Sputtering

Novel nanolaminated MoBC coatings were prepared using a combination of non-reactive direct current and pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering. Depending on the deposition conditions the coatings ...

Souček, P.; Buršíková, V.; Zábranský, L.; Buršík, Jiří; Vašina, P.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Chemical Wet Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Silver Nanoparticles
Zobač, O.; Sopoušek, J.; Vykoukal, V.; Buršík, Jiří; Roupcová, Pavla
2015 - English
AgCu nanoparticles (NPs) of near-eutectic composition were prepared by various route of wet synthesis. Nanoparticles suspended in nonpolar solvents were synthesized by solvothermal synthesis from metalloorganic precursors. AgCu colloids in aqueous solution were obtained by the hydride reduction of Ag and Cu nitrates under action of different stabilization agents. Chemical characterizations of as-synthesized AgCu NPs were done using inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The optical properties of nanoparticles were monitored using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The size of colloid nanoparticles were measured by both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method in some extra cases. Keywords: nanoalloy; Ag-Cu; phase transformation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chemical Wet Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Silver Nanoparticles

AgCu nanoparticles (NPs) of near-eutectic composition were prepared by various route of wet synthesis. Nanoparticles suspended in nonpolar solvents were synthesized by solvothermal synthesis from ...

Zobač, O.; Sopoušek, J.; Vykoukal, V.; Buršík, Jiří; Roupcová, Pavla
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Analysis of the surface layer of the brake disk
Švábenská, Eva; Roupcová, Pavla; Podstranská, Ivana; Petr, M.; Filip, J.; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
2015 - English
Our research is focused on the changes in thin surface layer of the brake disk due to the impact of severe plastic deformation and heating by friction process. The aim of this study is to compare structure, chemical and phase compositions of the surface layer in depth up to several hundreds of nanometers in the no affected central part of brake disk and the part which was in contact with brake pads by braking. The basic information on structure and phase composition was obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray Powder Diffraction and Mössbauer Spectroscopy. The thin surface layer was studied using Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. We explain the observed changes with the knowledge on effects of plastic deformation and/or diffusion of alloying elements in the material of the brake disk. Keywords: grey cast iron; brake disk; microstructure analysis; surface layer Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Analysis of the surface layer of the brake disk

Our research is focused on the changes in thin surface layer of the brake disk due to the impact of severe plastic deformation and heating by friction process. The aim of this study is to compare ...

Švábenská, Eva; Roupcová, Pavla; Podstranská, Ivana; Petr, M.; Filip, J.; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Rozumová, L.; Hojná, A.; Kalivodová, J.; Bublíková, P.; Hadraba, Hynek; Di Gabriele, F.
2015 - English
Oxide-dispersion-strengthened steel (ODS) MA957 has been studied as a candidate material for Tritium Breeding Blanket for fusion reactors with helium coolant, where temperatures 250-650 degrees C are expected. Helium is one of type as primary coolant in High Temperature Reactor and Gas Cooled Fast Reactor with working temperature 500-1000 degrees C. \n\nThis work presents results of the study of behaviour of ODS (MA957) under influence of high temperature helium environment. Microstructure of the material and the interaction with He was investigated. The average exposure temperature was held at 720 degrees C. Subsequently, the surface changes were determined. Impact testing and material surfaces were studied in detail by means of SEM and TEM microscopy. It is essential to understand the He effect on microstructure and mechanical properties of structural materials since the He embrittlement in TBB may be significant. Keywords: ODS; MA957; Helium Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Oxide-dispersion-strengthened steel (ODS) MA957 has been studied as a candidate material for Tritium Breeding Blanket for fusion reactors with helium coolant, where temperatures 250-650 degrees C are ...

Rozumová, L.; Hojná, A.; Kalivodová, J.; Bublíková, P.; Hadraba, Hynek; Di Gabriele, F.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Lowe, T. C.; Kunčická, L.; Kocich, R.; Davis, C. F.; Hlaváč, L.; Dvořák, Jiří
2015 - English
The influence of different consolidation procedures on compaction of Al powders was evaluated. Powder preparation procedures consisted of selection of particle size distribution, cold isostatic pressing (CIP), and vacuum sintering. Processing parameters investigated included the number of compression steps, compression pressure, and sintering temperature and time. Densities of the samples after compression and also after sintering were measured and compared. The overall oxygen content was analysed using by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. Phase composition was determined using X-ray. Microhardness measurements were performed to evaluate the degree of compaction. Double-step CIP at 200+300 MPa and subsequent sintering at 500°C for 60 min produced the best combination of properties from all the consolidation technologies of Al particles. Of the particle size ranges studies, those with diameters between 20 and 45 μm produced the best results. Aluminum oxide was present in the structure after all the processing treatments. Keywords: Aluminum powder; cold isostatic pressing; sintering; oxygen content; X-ray Available at various institutes of the ASCR

The influence of different consolidation procedures on compaction of Al powders was evaluated. Powder preparation procedures consisted of selection of particle size distribution, cold isostatic ...

Lowe, T. C.; Kunčická, L.; Kocich, R.; Davis, C. F.; Hlaváč, L.; Dvořák, Jiří
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Ostapovets, Andriy
2015 - English
Deformation twinning is frequently observed in materials with hexagonal crystal lattice. It plays important role in plastic deformation of such materials. Twin regions have often lamellar shape and twin boundaries are usually oriented along invariant planes. However, non-invariant plane twin interfaces are also observed. Occurrence of such interfaces can be connected with interactions between twinning disconnections. Mechanisms of such interactions are discussed on the basis of atomistic simulations. Keywords: Twin boundaries; hcp; EAM potential Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Deformation twinning is frequently observed in materials with hexagonal crystal lattice. It plays important role in plastic deformation of such materials. Twin regions have often lamellar shape and ...

Ostapovets, Andriy
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Holušová, T.; Lozano, M.; Komárková, T.; Kocáb, D.; Seitl, Stanislav
2015 - Czech
Modifikovaná zkouška excentrickým tahem (MCT) by mohla v budoucnu představovat stabilní zkoušku pro vyhodnocování lomově-mechanických parametrů nebo také únavového chování kompozitních materiálů jako je beton. Těleso pro MCT zkoušku s kruhovým průměrem může být snadno odebráno z jádrového vývrtu se zvolenou tloušťkou a velikostí průměru. Tato práce je zaměřena na vyhodnocení lomového chování MCT těles při statickém zatěžování a porovnání dvou různých uchycení do čelistí testovacího zařízení. Výsledky jsou prezentovány formou L-COD zatěžovacích digramů, tj. závislosti zatížení (L) měřeného v ose ocelových tyčí na velikosti otevření trhliny (COD). The modified compact tension test (MCT) might be in the future a stable test configuration for the evaluation of fracture-mechanics parameter or also a fatigue behavior of the composites materials such the concrete is. Core drilling can be employed to obtain specimens which are cylindrical in shape with the chosen thickness. This contribution focuses on the evaluation of MCT specimen fracture behavior during static tests and the comparison of two different fixing system of the test machine. The results are represented as L-COD diagrams (i.e. load vs. crack opening displacement measured on the loading axis. Keywords: Modified compact tension test; fracture parameters; composites; ARAMIS; L-COD Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Modifikovaná zkouška excentrickým tahem (MCT) by mohla v budoucnu představovat stabilní zkoušku pro vyhodnocování lomově-mechanických parametrů nebo také únavového chování kompozitních materiálů jako ...

Holušová, T.; Lozano, M.; Komárková, T.; Kocáb, D.; Seitl, Stanislav
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

Ab initio calculations of temperature dependent resistivity for transition metals
Wagenknecht, D.; Turek, Ilja; Carva, K.
2015 - English
The effect of phonons on electrical resistivity has been simulated by considering random displacements of atomic nuclei from their equilibrium positions together with a frozen-potential approach. The developed theory has been applied successfully to late transition metals (Fe, Ni, Rh, Pd, Pt). Keywords: electrical resistivity; temperature dependence; transition metals Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ab initio calculations of temperature dependent resistivity for transition metals

The effect of phonons on electrical resistivity has been simulated by considering random displacements of atomic nuclei from their equilibrium positions together with a frozen-potential approach. The ...

Wagenknecht, D.; Turek, Ilja; Carva, K.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2015

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