Number of found documents: 286
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Immunologic aspects of colorectal carcinoma proression in conventional and germ-free animal models
Vannucci, Luca; Štěpánková, Renata; Pospíšil, Miloslav; Kozáková, Hana; Tlaskalová, Helena; Kuldová, Markéta; Fišerová, Anna
2006 - English
Our data support the finding that mild chronic inflammation sustained by commensal flora in the bowel of conventional animals may be the cause of an effective anticancer response by both mucosal and general immunity Naše výsledky podporují zjištění, že mírný chonický zánět navozuje lepší protinádorovou imunitní odpověď ve srovnání s bezmikrobními jedinci Keywords: colorectal carcinoma; germ-free animal models Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Immunologic aspects of colorectal carcinoma proression in conventional and germ-free animal models

Our data support the finding that mild chronic inflammation sustained by commensal flora in the bowel of conventional animals may be the cause of an effective anticancer response by both mucosal and ...

Vannucci, Luca; Štěpánková, Renata; Pospíšil, Miloslav; Kozáková, Hana; Tlaskalová, Helena; Kuldová, Markéta; Fišerová, Anna
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Ligninolytic capacity of selected white rot fungi cultivated in their immobilized form
Šušla, Martin; Svobodová, Kateřina; Tavčar, M.; Pavko, A.; Novotný, Čeněk
2006 - English
The work is focused on the ligninolytic capacity of two white-rot fungi, Irpex lacteus and Dichomitus squalens, cultivated in their immobilized form. We measured the production of ligninolytic enzymes (Mn-dependent peroxidase, lignin peroxidase, laccase) by the two fungi immobilized on polyurethane foam or pine wood in a fixed bed laboratory-scale bioreactor. The results were compared to the activity profiles of static liquid cultures of the fungi. Decolorization of an azo dye Reactive Orange 16 by the immobilized cultures of I. lacteus in three different bioreactor systems was also studied as well as the production of ligninolytic enzymes during the decolorization process. The highest dye decolorization efficiency (70% in 2 days) was observed in a small size trickle bed reactors Práce je zaměřena na ligninolytickou kapacitu dvou hub bílé hniloby, Irpex lacteus a Dichomitus squalens, kultivovaných v imobilizované formě. Byla měřena produkce ligninolytických enzymů u těchto dvou hub imobilizovaných na polyurethanu a borovicovém dřevě v laboratorním fixed bed reaktoru. Dále byla sledována dekolorizace azo barviva Reactive Orange 16 ve třech odlišných bioreaktorech. Nejúčinnějším reaktorem se ukázal malý trickle bed reaktor Keywords: irpex lacteus; immobilized cultures Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ligninolytic capacity of selected white rot fungi cultivated in their immobilized form

The work is focused on the ligninolytic capacity of two white-rot fungi, Irpex lacteus and Dichomitus squalens, cultivated in their immobilized form. We measured the production of ligninolytic enzymes ...

Šušla, Martin; Svobodová, Kateřina; Tavčar, M.; Pavko, A.; Novotný, Čeněk
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Genetic modifications in biosynthesis pathways of branched-chain-amino acids in Corynebacterium glutamicum
Pátek, Miroslav; Holátko, Jiří; Elišáková, Veronika
2006 - English
Biosynthesis pathways of branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) are controlled by a complex regulatory system. To improve valine production by C. glutamicum, modifications (mutations) of promotersof genes ilvA, ilvB, ilvD, ilvE and leuA were constructed within the chromosome. The modulations of promoter strength (up or down mutations) resulted in an efficient valine producer Dráhy biosyntézy aminokyslein s rozvětveným řetězcem (valin, leucin, isoleucin) jsou řízeny komplexním regulačním systémem. Pro zlepšení produkce valinu kmeny C. glutamicum byly v chromosomu C. glutamicum zkonstruovány modifikace (mutace) promotorů genů ilvA, ilvB, ilvD, ilvE and leuA. Modulací síly několika promotorů (zesílení nebo zeslabení) vznikl nový účinný producent valinu Keywords: corynebacterium glutamicum; genetic modifications Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Genetic modifications in biosynthesis pathways of branched-chain-amino acids in Corynebacterium glutamicum

Biosynthesis pathways of branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) are controlled by a complex regulatory system. To improve valine production by C. glutamicum, modifications ...

Pátek, Miroslav; Holátko, Jiří; Elišáková, Veronika
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

The C-terminal domain of eIF3c/NIP1 and eIF3j/HCR1 subunits of yeast eIF3 seem to promote its association with the 40S ribosome by making contacts with the small subunit proteins RPS33/ASC1 and RPS2, respectively
Rutkai, Edit; Herrmannová, Anna; Szamecz, Bela; Valášek, Leoš
2006 - English
One of the rst critical steps of protein synthesis is the recruitment of the eIF2.GTP.Met-tRNAiMet ternary complex (TC) to the 40S ribosome. In yeast, the TC occurs together with eIFs 1, 3 and 5 in a Multifactor complex (MFC) that was shown to function as an important intermediate of the initiation pathway. Our previous study determined several critical domains of the TIF32 and NIP1 subunits of yeast eIF3, the deletion of which, in the background of a wild type gene, signifcantly aected binding of the mutant MFC to the 40S ribosomes. Subsequent identifcation of the two contact points between TIF32 and components of the 40S ribosome enabled us to propose that the major body of the eIF3 complex resides under the head region on the solvent side of the small ribosomal subunit facing down towards its left foot Práce pojednáva o studiu inciace translace a specifické úloze translačního iniciačního faktoru eIF3 Keywords: eif3; translation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The C-terminal domain of eIF3c/NIP1 and eIF3j/HCR1 subunits of yeast eIF3 seem to promote its association with the 40S ribosome by making contacts with the small subunit proteins RPS33/ASC1 and RPS2, respectively

One of the rst critical steps of protein synthesis is the recruitment of the eIF2.GTP.Met-tRNAiMet ternary complex (TC) to the 40S ribosome. In yeast, the TC occurs together with eIFs 1, 3 and 5 in a ...

Rutkai, Edit; Herrmannová, Anna; Szamecz, Bela; Valášek, Leoš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Colorectal carcinoma progression in conventional and germ-free rat model: immunologic and enzymatic aspects
Vannucci, Luca; Štěpánková, Renata; Pospíšil, Miloslav; Kozáková, Hana; Tlaskalová, Helena; Kuldová, Markéta; Fišerová, Anna
2006 - English
Environmental conditions cooperate to colorectal carcinogenesis. In an experimental model in the rat was evaluated the impact of the commensal intestinal flora on cancer development, and consequent general variations of the immunity, versus germ-free (GF) conditions. Less and smaller tumors developed in GF rats and a better developed immune response appeared to be able to be elicited in absence of intestinal bacteria Práce sleduje vliv komensální střevní mikroflory na rozvoj kolorektálního karcinomu a imunitní změny u bezmikrobních a konvenčních potkanů. V bezmikrobních podmínkách je růst nádorů pomalejší v nepřítomnosti střevních mikrobů i když imunitní odpověď u konvenčních potkanů je rozvinutější Keywords: colorectal carcinoma; immunity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Colorectal carcinoma progression in conventional and germ-free rat model: immunologic and enzymatic aspects

Environmental conditions cooperate to colorectal carcinogenesis. In an experimental model in the rat was evaluated the impact of the commensal intestinal flora on cancer development, and consequent ...

Vannucci, Luca; Štěpánková, Renata; Pospíšil, Miloslav; Kozáková, Hana; Tlaskalová, Helena; Kuldová, Markéta; Fišerová, Anna
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

The mechanism of cytotoxicity of HPMA-based polymeric prodrugs depends on their intracellular pathway
Hovorka, Ondřej; Strohalm, Jiří; Etrych, Tomáš; Ulbrich, Karel; Říhová, Blanka
2006 - English
Intracellular cleavage of doxorubicin is not a necessary prerequisite for the pharmacological activity of HPMA-based conjugates. Composition of the spacer bearing drug, and the way of doxorubicin binding strongly influences intracellular distribution of polymeric drugs and in that way the mechanism of cell death Intracelulární odštěpení doxorubicinu z polymerního konjugátu není nezbytnou podmínkou farmakologické aktivity polymerních konjugátů na bázi HPMA. Složení spojky nesoucí léčivo a způsob vazby doxorubicinu podstatně ovlivňuje intracelulární distribuci léčiva a tím pádem i mechanismus buněčné smrti Keywords: polymeric drugs; hpma; doxorubicin Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The mechanism of cytotoxicity of HPMA-based polymeric prodrugs depends on their intracellular pathway

Intracellular cleavage of doxorubicin is not a necessary prerequisite for the pharmacological activity of HPMA-based conjugates. Composition of the spacer bearing drug, and the way of doxorubicin ...

Hovorka, Ondřej; Strohalm, Jiří; Etrych, Tomáš; Ulbrich, Karel; Říhová, Blanka
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Characterization of proteins associated with membrane microdomains of humen NK cells
Pompach, Petr; Vančurová, Markéta; Man, Petr; Novák, Petr; Bezouška, Karel
2006 - English
After studies with monoclonal antibodies, we would like to focus on the identification of proteins associated with membrane microdomains of human NK cells by mass spectrometry Práce se zabývá úlohou A2A adenozínového receptoru v NK buněčné cytotoxicitě Keywords: adenosine receptor a2a; tumor; cytotoxicity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Characterization of proteins associated with membrane microdomains of humen NK cells

After studies with monoclonal antibodies, we would like to focus on the identification of proteins associated with membrane microdomains of human NK cells by mass spectrometry...

Pompach, Petr; Vančurová, Markéta; Man, Petr; Novák, Petr; Bezouška, Karel
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

ICR and orbitrap in protein/peptide analysis: Principles and applications
Scigelová, M.; Verner, P.; Lemr, K.; Havlíček, Vladimír
2005 - English
This tutorial talk aims at summarizing, comparing and evaluating two important mass spectral analyzers, e.i. ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) and recently commercialized orbitrap. Mass accuracy and resolution are key features of some mass spectrometers. Cílem této studie je shrnutí, porovnání a vývoj dvou důležitých spektrálních analyzátorů, tj. iontové cyklotronové rezonance (ICR) a nedávno komercionalizovaného orbitrapu.Základní vlastností těchto analyzátorů je možnost stanovení přesné hmotnosti. Keywords: clr; orbitrap Available at various institutes of the ASCR
ICR and orbitrap in protein/peptide analysis: Principles and applications

This tutorial talk aims at summarizing, comparing and evaluating two important mass spectral analyzers, e.i. ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) and recently commercialized orbitrap. Mass accuracy and ...

Scigelová, M.; Verner, P.; Lemr, K.; Havlíček, Vladimír
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2005

Iron overload in human hepatoma cells - proteomic analysis
Petrák, J.; Myslivcová, D.; Man, Petr; Babušiak, M.; Vyoral, D.
2005 - English
Accumulation of iron in liver of patient with hereditary hemoshromatosis and other iron overload diseases can result in liver injury, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Akumulace železa v játrech pacientů s dědičnou hemoschromatozou a nadbytek železa u dalších onemocnění mohou způsobit poškození jater, včetně fibroz, cirhozy a dalších onemocnění. Keywords: iron; proteomic analysis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Iron overload in human hepatoma cells - proteomic analysis

Accumulation of iron in liver of patient with hereditary hemoshromatosis and other iron overload diseases can result in liver injury, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular ...

Petrák, J.; Myslivcová, D.; Man, Petr; Babušiak, M.; Vyoral, D.
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2005

Photomicrography of fast-moving cells
Žižka, Zdeněk; Hostounský, Z.
2005 - English
Bacteria, algae and protozoans were observed and photographed under a standard laboratory microscope with a new LED diode illumination system. Our main work was focused on photographing flagellates and infusorians, which are much faster-moving than bacteria. The internal structures observed in flagellates including plastids, pyrenoids, vacuoles and granules, the infusorian structures were recorded, e.g. cytostomes, food and contractile vacuoles, granules, etc. A power output of LED diode is quite sufficient and makes it possible to photograph even highly motile microorganisms Ve standardním laboratorním mikroskopu vybaveném novým LED diodovým osvětlovacím systémem byly pozorovány a fotografovány bakterie, řasy a prvoci. Naše práce byla zaměřena na fotografování bičíkovců a nálevníků, kteří jsou mnohem pohyblivější než bakterie. U bičíkovců byly pozorovány z vnitřních struktur plastidy, pyrenoidy, vakuoly, a u nálevníků např. cytostom, potravní a kontraktilní vakuoly, různá granula atd. Světelná intenzita LED diodového osvětlovacího systému byla zcela vyhovující i pro fotografování značně pohyblivých mikroorganismů Keywords: fast-moving cells; photomicrography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Photomicrography of fast-moving cells

Bacteria, algae and protozoans were observed and photographed under a standard laboratory microscope with a new LED diode illumination system. Our main work was focused on photographing flagellates ...

Žižka, Zdeněk; Hostounský, Z.
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2005

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