Number of found documents: 457
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Screening of acyclovir permeation through skin using alaptide
Bobálová, Janette; Černíková, A.; Bobáľ, P.; Jampílek, J.
2016 - English
This investigation deals with the affection of the permeation of acyclovir through fullthickness\npig ear skin using a Franz diffusion cell from the donor vehicle of propylene\nglycol/water (1:1) using synthesised (S)-8-methyl-6,9-diazaspiro[4.5]decane-7,10-\ndione, alaptide as a potential transdermal permeation enhancer. Keywords: acyclovir permeation; chemical permeation enhancers; skin permeation experiments Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Screening of acyclovir permeation through skin using alaptide

This investigation deals with the affection of the permeation of acyclovir through fullthickness\npig ear skin using a Franz diffusion cell from the donor vehicle of propylene\nglycol/water (1:1) ...

Bobálová, Janette; Černíková, A.; Bobáľ, P.; Jampílek, J.
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Determination of levoglucosan in urban aerosol
Coufalík, Pavel; Mikuška, Pavel; Čmelík, Richard
2016 - English
The main aim of this work was a development of the analytical method for levoglucosan\ndetermination including direct collection of aerosol into water phase, preconcentration,\nand determination by LC-MS. Keywords: monosaccharide anhydrides; urban aerosol; levoglucosan Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Determination of levoglucosan in urban aerosol

The main aim of this work was a development of the analytical method for levoglucosan\ndetermination including direct collection of aerosol into water phase, preconcentration,\nand determination by ...

Coufalík, Pavel; Mikuška, Pavel; Čmelík, Richard
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Zvýšení účinnosti kontinuálního aerosolového vzorkovače
Mikuška, Pavel; Čapka, Lukáš; Večeřa, Zbyněk
2016 - Czech
Příspěvek se zabývá zvýšením účinnosti záchytu ACTJU vzorkovače i pro částice menší než 300 nm. Použitím tzv. „růstové trubky“ (RT), která je umístěna před vzorkovačem, vzroste velikost částic na několik µm a zvětšené částice jsou pak snadno kvantitativně zachyceny v ACTJU vzorkovači. Contribution deals with increasing of collection efficiency of ACTJU sampler also for particles smaller than 300 nm in diameter. Use of so-called „growth tube“ (GT) located upstream of the ACTJU results in increase of particle size to several µm. Enlarged particles are then easily quantitative collected in ACTJU sampler. Keywords: continuous sampler; on-line analysis; atmospheric aerosol Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Zvýšení účinnosti kontinuálního aerosolového vzorkovače

Příspěvek se zabývá zvýšením účinnosti záchytu ACTJU vzorkovače i pro částice menší než 300 nm. Použitím tzv. „růstové trubky“ (RT), která je umístěna před vzorkovačem, vzroste velikost částic na ...

Mikuška, Pavel; Čapka, Lukáš; Večeřa, Zbyněk
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Effect of two retinoic acid isomers on the expression of selected nuclear retinoid receptors and protein pattern in human MCF-7 breast cancer cell line
Brtko, J.; Toporová, L.; Macejová, D.; Bialešová, L.; Flodrová, Dana; Bobálová, Janette
2016 - English
Effect of two retinoic acid isomers on RARalpha, RARgamma, RXRalpha, RXRbeta expression and protein profile in human MCF-7 breast cancer line were investigated. Keywords: retinoic acid; retinoid receptors; protein pattern Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Effect of two retinoic acid isomers on the expression of selected nuclear retinoid receptors and protein pattern in human MCF-7 breast cancer cell line

Effect of two retinoic acid isomers on RARalpha, RARgamma, RXRalpha, RXRbeta expression and protein profile in human MCF-7 breast cancer line were investigated.

Brtko, J.; Toporová, L.; Macejová, D.; Bialešová, L.; Flodrová, Dana; Bobálová, Janette
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Parallel single-cell analysis of active caspase-3/7 in apoptotic and non-apoptotic cells
Ledvina, Vojtěch; Klepárník, Karel
2016 - English
Caspases are proteases that play key role in the process of apoptosis, the programmed\ncell death. Among them, caspase-3 and -7 are main executioner caspases that cleave\nmany vital proteins during apoptosis and after their widespread activation, the process\ncannot be reversed. To analyze caspase-3/7 activation within single cells, a miniaturized\ndevice for parallel analysis of eight samples was developed. The assay is based on the\nmodified luciferin-firefly luciferase bioluminescence (BL) system. Individual\nsuspended cells were collected and transferred into detection microvials using a\nmicromanipulator. The bioluminescence was detected using a photon counting head\nwith cooled photcathode. The LOD suitable for detection of active caspase-3/7 in both\napoptotic and non-apoptotic cells was reached. Keywords: single-cell analysis; apoptotic cells; non-apoptotic cells Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Parallel single-cell analysis of active caspase-3/7 in apoptotic and non-apoptotic cells

Caspases are proteases that play key role in the process of apoptosis, the programmed\ncell death. Among them, caspase-3 and -7 are main executioner caspases that cleave\nmany vital proteins during ...

Ledvina, Vojtěch; Klepárník, Karel
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Novel, versatile capillary electrophoresis instrument with laser induced fluorescence for analysis of various lipid peroxidation biomarkers
Lačná, J.; Foret, František; Kubáň, Petr
2016 - English
In this work we have developed a new sensitive method for quantitation of MDA in\nbiological samples by CE-LIF with LOD about 1.7 nM. First part of the work was\ndevoted to the construction of a new CE-LIF system. Then the derivatization process\nof MDA by TBA was optimized. The ability to use this method for the detection of\nMDA in a biological samples, such as EBC and plasma, was also demonstrated. For the\nfirst time it was possible to detect MDA in EBC samples by CE. Other biomarkers are\nnow being studied. Keywords: CE-LIF; malondialdehyde; biomarkers; lipids Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Novel, versatile capillary electrophoresis instrument with laser induced fluorescence for analysis of various lipid peroxidation biomarkers

In this work we have developed a new sensitive method for quantitation of MDA in\nbiological samples by CE-LIF with LOD about 1.7 nM. First part of the work was\ndevoted to the construction of a new ...

Lačná, J.; Foret, František; Kubáň, Petr
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Micro-electromembrane extraction across multiple aqueous and organic phases for selective pretreatment of raw biological samples
Kubáň, Pavel; Boček, Petr; Seip, K. F.; Gjelstad, A.; Pedersen-Bjergaard, S.
2016 - English
Micro-electromembrane extraction (μ-EME) across multiple aqueous and organic\nsolutions was developed for selective extractions of various analytes from untreated\nbiological samples. The novel approach requires μL volumes of samples and organic\nsolvents, which form consecutive immiscible plugs in a transparent polymeric capillary\nand the extraction process is accelerated by application of d.c. voltage. Number of the\nplugs, their composition, volume and sequence in the extraction capillary can be chosen\nspecifically for each particular application and high variability and selectivity of the\nextraction process can be achieved. In this contribution, we demonstrate suitability of\na five-phase μ-EME system for simultaneous extractions of cations and anions from\nurine and for selective extractions of basic analytes based on their acid-base strength\nfrom plasma. Keywords: micro-electromembrane extraction; sample pretreatment techniques; biological samples Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Micro-electromembrane extraction across multiple aqueous and organic phases for selective pretreatment of raw biological samples

Micro-electromembrane extraction (μ-EME) across multiple aqueous and organic\nsolutions was developed for selective extractions of various analytes from untreated\nbiological samples. The novel ...

Kubáň, Pavel; Boček, Petr; Seip, K. F.; Gjelstad, A.; Pedersen-Bjergaard, S.
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Characterization of FRET sensor
Datinská, Vladimíra; Klepárník, Karel; Belšánová, B.; Minárik, M.; Foret, František
2016 - English
In this study, we present characterization of sensor based on Fӧrster resonance energy\ntransfer (FRET). The sensor is composed of ssDNA chain attached to a laboratory\nsynthesized quantum dot (QD). A complementary chain of a sample is labeled by a\nluminescent dye. When the dsDNA hybrid is formed, the energy from the QD (donor)\nis transferred to the dye (acceptor) and FRET is observed as a decrease of QD\nluminescence emission intensity and an increase of dye luminescence emission\nintensity. Keywords: FRET sensor; Fӧrster resonance energy transfer; quantum dot Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Characterization of FRET sensor

In this study, we present characterization of sensor based on Fӧrster resonance energy\ntransfer (FRET). The sensor is composed of ssDNA chain attached to a laboratory\nsynthesized quantum dot (QD). A ...

Datinská, Vladimíra; Klepárník, Karel; Belšánová, B.; Minárik, M.; Foret, František
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Microfluidic device for cell counting and characterization
Václavek, Tomáš; Křenková, Jana; Foret, František
2016 - English
Integration of cell counting unit is an important step in developing of microfluidic\ndevice for cellular analysis. Here we present a microfluidic device for cell counting\nbased on resistive pulse sensing. Keywords: microfluidic devices; microfluidic chip; cellular analysis Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Microfluidic device for cell counting and characterization

Integration of cell counting unit is an important step in developing of microfluidic\ndevice for cellular analysis. Here we present a microfluidic device for cell counting\nbased on resistive pulse ...

Václavek, Tomáš; Křenková, Jana; Foret, František
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

Organic markers and compounds in PM1 aerosol in small town near Prague (Czech Republic) in winter 2016
Křůmal, Kamil; Mikuška, Pavel; Coufalík, Pavel; Večeřa, Zbyněk
2016 - English
Contribution summarizes the concentrations of monosaccharide anhydrides, resin\nacids, methoxyphenols, monosaccharides, disaccharides, sugar alcohols, alkanes,\nhopanes, steranes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM1 aerosols in small town\nKladno-Švermov in winter. According to concentrations of organic markers, the\nidentification of emission sources in Kladno-Švermov is discussed. Keywords: organic markers; PM1 aerosol; combustion of biomass; aerosols collected Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Organic markers and compounds in PM1 aerosol in small town near Prague (Czech Republic) in winter 2016

Contribution summarizes the concentrations of monosaccharide anhydrides, resin\nacids, methoxyphenols, monosaccharides, disaccharides, sugar alcohols, alkanes,\nhopanes, steranes and polycyclic ...

Křůmal, Kamil; Mikuška, Pavel; Coufalík, Pavel; Večeřa, Zbyněk
Ústav analytické chemie, 2016

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