Number of found documents: 1096
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Czech specialization bibliography: Proceedings of an interdisciplinary seminar
Holanová, Markéta
2017 - Czech
Proceedings of the conference focusing on the issue of bibliographic articles of various disciplines. Sborník příspěvků z konference zaměřený na problematiku článkových bibliografiích nejrůznějších oborů. Keywords: bibliography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czech specialization bibliography: Proceedings of an interdisciplinary seminar

Proceedings of the conference focusing on the issue of bibliographic articles of various disciplines.

Holanová, Markéta
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2017

Towards a Typology of Traditional Music. Proceedings of the international konference of the same name held in Prague from September 21 - 22, 2016
Tyllner, Lubomír; Skovajsa, O.; Vaňková, H.
2017 - Czech
Keywords: traditional culture; ethnomusicology; typology; traditional music; comparative analysis; traditional song style Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Towards a Typology of Traditional Music. Proceedings of the international konference of the same name held in Prague from September 21 - 22, 2016

Tyllner, Lubomír; Skovajsa, O.; Vaňková, H.
Etnologický ústav, 2017

18th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles
Sobota, J.; Vlasák, Pavel; Matoušek, Václav
2017 - English
The Proceedings comprise text of 50 oral contributions dealing with two-phase and multiphase flows, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows, designing, optimization and operation of hydrotransport and pneumotransport systems, wear and corrosions, pumps and valves, sediment transport in rivers and water reservoirs, hydraulic storage of tailings, sedimentation and thickening, methods and techniques of measurement, instrumentation for laboratory, field and industrial systems. Keywords: two-phase flow; multiphase flow; sediment transport; sedimentation of solid particles Available at various institutes of the ASCR
18th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles

The Proceedings comprise text of 50 oral contributions dealing with two-phase and multiphase flows, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows, designing, optimization and operation of hydrotransport and ...

Sobota, J.; Vlasák, Pavel; Matoušek, Václav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Paleozoikum 2017 : sborník abstraktů : XX. ročník
Weinerová, Hedvika; Weiner, Tomáš; Kumpan, T.
2017 - Czech
Keywords: Palaeozoic; paleontology; petrography; stratigraphy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Paleozoikum 2017 : sborník abstraktů : XX. ročník

Weinerová, Hedvika; Weiner, Tomáš; Kumpan, T.
Geologický ústav, 2017

Antonio Caldara nel suo tempo
Jonášová, Milada; Volek, T.
2017 -
Conference contributions to the life and work of the composer Antonio Caldara Contributi dalla vita e delle opere di compositore Antonio Caldara Keywords: Antonio Caldara; life; works Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Antonio Caldara nel suo tempo

Conference contributions to the life and work of the composer Antonio Caldara

Jonášová, Milada; Volek, T.
Etnologický ústav, 2017

Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers and Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics: Science for Applications. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /81.
Pfleger, Jiří; Cimrová, Věra
2017 - English
The book of abstracts contains the summary of 8 plenary and 24 invited lectures, accompanied by 38 oral contributions and 88 posters presented at the conference. The main areas covered were the design, synthesis, processing and characterization of novel functional organic materials and polymers, electrical, photoelectrical, optical and nonlinear optical phenomena, organic and hybrid electronic and photonic devices, and advanced materials and composites for biosensors, bioelectronics, and biophotonics. Particular session was dedicated to applications in flexible and wearable organic electronics and smart packaging. Due to big expectations in the application field of large area printed electronics, wearable devices, printed RFIDs, displays, solar cells and sensors there is a growing demand to prepare polymers with better defined morphology and chemical and structural stability. Hence, improvement in the molecular design and new synthetic and processing routes is strongly required. A special emphasis was given to attract the scientists from the application field of printed electronics to provide a necessary feedback for further development of new materials with desired properties. Keywords: organic electronics; photonics; conducting polymers; organic semiconductors; organic sensors Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers and Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics: Science for Applications. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /81.

The book of abstracts contains the summary of 8 plenary and 24 invited lectures, accompanied by 38 oral contributions and 88 posters presented at the conference. The main areas covered were the ...

Pfleger, Jiří; Cimrová, Věra
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2017

Charles IV and Emmaus. Liturgy - Text - Image
Kubínová, Kateřina; Benešovská, Klára; Čermák, Václav; Slavický, Tomáš; Soukup, Daniel; Šimek, Štěpán
2017 - Czech
The book collects the more recent findings about the Prague Slavonic monastery (Emmaus monastery) which was founded by Charles IV and about the literary production of the Charles IV era. The contributions were written by slavists, bohemists, historians of literature and historians of art mainly the specialists from Czech Academy of Sciences. The texts base on the papers from workshop of the same name. Kniha shrnuje nejnovější poznatky o fundaci Karla IV. – klášteru Na Slovanech (Emauzy) a literární, především českojazyčné produkci doby Karla IV. Svými texty přispěli do knihy slavisté, muzikologové, bohemisté, literární vědci a historici dějin umění zejména z řad odborníků Akademie věd ČR. Texty vycházejí z příspěvků ze stejnojmenné konference z října roku 2016. Keywords: Old church Slavonic; Glagolitic script; medieval mural paintings; Charles IV; medieval liturgy; old bohemian literature Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Charles IV and Emmaus. Liturgy - Text - Image

The book collects the more recent findings about the Prague Slavonic monastery (Emmaus monastery) which was founded by Charles IV and about the literary production of the Charles IV era. The ...

Kubínová, Kateřina; Benešovská, Klára; Čermák, Václav; Slavický, Tomáš; Soukup, Daniel; Šimek, Štěpán
Ústav dějin umění, 2017

Water Jet 2017 - Research, Development, Applications. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Jetting Technology
Klichová, Dagmar; Sitek, Libor
2017 - Czech
Conference Water Jet 2017 – Research, Development, Applications coincides\nwith major changes in key technologies and economy which recently started to\nincrease pace.\nUpcoming electric mobility will strongly influence production technology in\nthe automotive industry leading probably to declining content of water jetting\nprocesses.\nThe continuing trend for automation will have an extreme impact on water jet\nbusiness. Merging robotic and data control systems with smart water jet tools will\nbe a demanding future task.\nThe need for energy saving remains unchanged and directs scientific focus on\nhigh efficient jetting, cutting and cleaning processes as well as tools. This is\nthe only way to gain substantial savings as efficiency of state of the art pump\nsystems is already on a very high level.\nTraditional technologies are moving towards marine applications. Subsea\nexploration becomes more and more important for basic raw material supply. Both\nmaintenance and decommissioning of vessels and offshore structures is already\na growing domain for special water jetting applications. Aquafarming substantially\ncontributes to supply a constantly growing human population with sea food\nwhereat water jet cleaning helps to keep high quality farming standards.\nAll these changes are linked up with associated HSE requirements. High\nefficiency, safe, ergonomic and reliable equipment as well as water treatment are\nkey factors for future developments.\nA strong scientific and engineering effort is required to meet these current and\nfollowing challenges. Water Jet 2017 Conference is organized by the Department of\nMaterial Disintegration of the Institute of Geonics. Konference Vodní paprsek 2017 - výzkum, vývoj a aplikace představuje páté mezinárodní setkání výrobců, uživatelů, tvůrců a zájemců o technologii vysokorychlostního vodního paprsku. Fórum k výměně názorů, informací a zkušeností v oblastech výzkumu, vývoje a aplikací vysokorychlostních vodních paprsků (řezání, obrábění, sanace konstrukcí a staveb, čištění, odstraňování povlaků a nánosů, hydrodemolice, těžba, abrazivní materiály, speciální aplikace paprsku, vysokotlaká technika, bezpečnostní aspekty, atd.). Keywords: water jet; abrasive water jet; high-pressure water jet technology Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Water Jet 2017 - Research, Development, Applications. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Jetting Technology

Conference Water Jet 2017 – Research, Development, Applications coincides\nwith major changes in key technologies and economy which recently started to\nincrease pace.\nUpcoming electric mobility will ...

Klichová, Dagmar; Sitek, Libor
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Etymological research into Czech. Proceedings of the Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, 12-14 September 2017, Brno
Janyšková, Ilona; Karlíková, Helena; Boček, Vít
2017 - English
The contributions included in this book were presented at the international scientific conference Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, with the subtitle Etymological Research into Czech. It was organized by the Department of Etymology of the Institute of the Czech Language of AS CR in Brno as a part of the project of the Czech Science Foundation Etymological Dictionary of the Old Church Slavonic Language: Summing up a Generational Project. Keywords: Church Slavic language; Slavic languages; etymology; Slavonic studies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Etymological research into Czech. Proceedings of the Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, 12-14 September 2017, Brno

The contributions included in this book were presented at the international scientific conference Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, with the subtitle Etymological Research into Czech. It was organized ...

Janyšková, Ilona; Karlíková, Helena; Boček, Vít
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2017

Roman and Germanic brooches in Central Europe. (The archaeology of barbarians 2012)
Droberjar, E.; Komoróczy, Balázs
2017 - Czech
The collected volume, which comprises papers from 49 authors, is thematically focused on brooches of the Iron Age, Roman Period and Migration Period. Brooches represent one of the most important categories of artefacts in protohistoric archaeology and their role in the acquisition of knowledge about barbarian communities is often irreplaceable. Celtic, Roman or Germanic brooches are remarkable, quantitatively representative and morphologically variegated finds. The wide spectrum of their information possibilities often goes beyond the potential of the other tangible evidence. They represent one of the buttresses of relative-chronological systems and contribute significantly to the detailed knowledge of many aspects of human cultures in the past, including the production procedures, trade and other forms of interactions, social differentiation or regional modifications of fashion trends. Most of the 33 chapters published in this volume were presented and vividly discussed in the VIII Protohistoric Conference, which was held in premises of the Palacký University in Olomouc in 2012. The authors strived to put together individual groups of new brooch finds from the barbarian territory in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Poland) but also from peripheral parts of the Roman Empire, from provinces. In individual chapters they tried to outline several aspects of their documentation and classification and paid attention to analysis of selected categories. The authors publish in this volume new assemblages of finds and pay attention to various partial analyses of individual types or groups of brooches within a long period of time and with respect to current state of research. Sborník, na jehož vzniku se podílelo 49 autorů, je tematicky věnován sponám doby železné, římské a stěhování národů. Spony představují jednu z nejdůležitějších artefaktových kategorií protohistorické archeologie a jejich role je v procesu poznání barbarských komunit často nezastupitelná. Keltské, římské či germánské spony jsou nápadnými, kvantitativně reprezentativními a morfologicky rozmanitými nálezy, jejichž rozsáhlá škála vypovídacích možností mnohdy převyšuje potenciál ostatních hmotných pramenů. Jsou jedním z opěrných pilířů relativně-chronologických systémů a významně mohou přispívat k bližšímu poznání celé řady aspektů minulých kultur, včetně výrobních procesů, obchodu a jiných forem interakcí, společenské diferenciace či regionálních proměn módních vln. Většina z 33 kapitol publikovaných v tomto svazku byla přednesena a v širokém okruhu badatelů diskutována na VIII. Protohistorické konferenci, která se konala v prostorách Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci v roce 2012. Autoři si kladli za cíl shromáždit dílčí skupiny nových nálezů spon z oblasti středoevropského barbarika (Česká republika, Slovensko, Rakousko a Polsko), ale rovněž z okrajových částí Římské říše, resp. z jejích provincií. V jednotlivých kapitolách se pokusili nastínit některé aspekty jejich dokumentace a klasifikace a věnovat se detailní analýze vybraných kategorií. Autoři zde publikují nejen nové nálezové soubory, ale také se věnují různým dílčím analýzám jednotlivých typů nebo skupin spon v dlouhém časovém rozpětí a pod zorným úhlem aktuálního stavu bádání. Keywords: Central Europe; brooches; Roman archaeology; Germanic archaeology; Celtic archaeology; Iron Age; Roman Period; Migration Period Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Roman and Germanic brooches in Central Europe. (The archaeology of barbarians 2012)

The collected volume, which comprises papers from 49 authors, is thematically focused on brooches of the Iron Age, Roman Period and Migration Period. Brooches represent one of the most important ...

Droberjar, E.; Komoróczy, Balázs
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2017

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