Number of found documents: 116
Published from to

Computation of thermodynamic, transport and other properties of water and steam according to the standards of the International association for the properties of water and steam : IAPWS
Šifner, Oldřich; Mareš, R.; Kadrnožka, J.
2001 - Czech
Included is a brief information on the industrial formulation of thermodynamic propertis of water and steam IAPWS-IF97, in detail are described new or revised formulations of thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity, surface tension, static dielectrictant, refractive index, equations for the melting and sublimation curves and simplified equations of saturation propertiies of ordinary water substance according to the IAPWS Standards. Attached are tables of selected properties. Sborník obsahuje stručnou informaci o průmyslové formulaci IAPWS-IF97 a podrobný popis formulací tepelné vodivosti, viskozity, povrchového napětí, statické dielektrické konstanty, indexu lomu, zjednodušené rovnice pro mez sytosti, rovnice křivek tání sublimační křivky vody a páry podle nových či revidovaných dokumentů IAPWS. Práce je doplněna tabulkami vybraných vlastností. Keywords: thermodynamic properties; transport properties; water and steam; vlastnosti; voda Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Computation of thermodynamic, transport and other properties of water and steam according to the standards of the International association for the properties of water and steam : IAPWS

Included is a brief information on the industrial formulation of thermodynamic propertis of water and steam IAPWS-IF97, in detail are described new or revised formulations of thermal conductivity, ...

Šifner, Oldřich; Mareš, R.; Kadrnožka, J.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2001

Book of abstracts : Euromech Colloquium 430 : Formulations and constitutive laws for very large strains
Plešek, Jiří; Gabriel, Dušan; Poživilová, Alena
2001 - English
The proceedings contain 32 full length papers. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of abstracts : Euromech Colloquium 430 : Formulations and constitutive laws for very large strains

The proceedings contain 32 full length papers.

Plešek, Jiří; Gabriel, Dušan; Poživilová, Alena
Ústav termomechaniky, 2001

Diagnostics and active control 2000
Kratochvíl, Ctirad; Fuis, Vladimír; Houfek, Lubomír
2000 - Czech
Conference proccedings Sborník příspěvků. Keywords: active control; diagnostics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Diagnostics and active control 2000

Conference proccedings

Kratochvíl, Ctirad; Fuis, Vladimír; Houfek, Lubomír
Ústav termomechaniky, 2000

Experimental stress analysis 2000
Vlk, M.; Kotek, Vladimír; Krejsa, Jiří
2000 - Czech
Proceedings of International conference EAN 2000. Sborník příspěvků prezentovaných na konferenci EAN 2000 v Třešti. Keywords: computer aided experiment; experimental modelling Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experimental stress analysis 2000

Proceedings of International conference EAN 2000.

Vlk, M.; Kotek, Vladimír; Krejsa, Jiří
Ústav termomechaniky, 2000

Processes in steam and material protection in power plants
Šifner, Oldřich
2000 - English
The Symposium Proceedings comprises 14 articles from the field of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation in steam turbines and from the chemistry of aqueous solutions, corrosion and material protection in power stations. The brief history of the international cooperation in the research and standardization of thermophysical properties of water and steam properties is in the addendum. Keywords: meterial protection; processes in steam; ochrana materiálu; ochrana proti korozi Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Processes in steam and material protection in power plants

The Symposium Proceedings comprises 14 articles from the field of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation in steam turbines and from the chemistry of aqueous solutions, corrosion and material ...

Šifner, Oldřich
Ústav termomechaniky, 2000

Interaction and feedbacks '2000
Zolotarev, Igor
2000 - English
nteraction and feedbacks. Keywords: interaction; feedback Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Interaction and feedbacks '2000

nteraction and feedbacks.

Zolotarev, Igor
Ústav termomechaniky, 2000

Colloquium on the finite element method 2000
Plešek, Jiří; Gabriel, Dušan
2000 - Czech
The proceedings contains ?cislo? full length papers. Keywords: numecal methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Colloquium on the finite element method 2000

The proceedings contains ?cislo? full length papers.

Plešek, Jiří; Gabriel, Dušan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2000

Colloquium Fluid dynamics 2000
Jonáš, Pavel; Uruba, Václav
2000 - Czech
Texts of 42 lectures on the Fluid Dynamics Colloquium'2000 are organised into the collection. Keywords: experiment; computations; fluid dynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Colloquium Fluid dynamics 2000

Texts of 42 lectures on the Fluid Dynamics Colloquium'2000 are organised into the collection.

Jonáš, Pavel; Uruba, Václav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2000

QUO VADIS czech university
Höschl, Cyril
1999 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
QUO VADIS czech university

Höschl, Cyril
Ústav termomechaniky, 1999

Proceedings of the 3rd International conference Engineering aero-hydroelasticity
Horáček, Jaromír; Zolotarev, Igor
1999 - English
Keywords: biomechanics; aeroelasticity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings of the 3rd International conference Engineering aero-hydroelasticity

Horáček, Jaromír; Zolotarev, Igor
Ústav termomechaniky, 1999

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