Počet nalezených dokumentů: 519
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Making Transgenic \kur{C. elegans} with Polycistronic mCherry Vector
FARKA, Dominik
2012 - anglický
Creation of transgenic animals has become a popular method to analyse gene function. In the nematode Ceanorhabditis elegans transformation is widely used and can be achieved by microinjection. For functional analyses, transgene constructs typically contain a promoter driving the expression of the protein of interest that is fused to a fluorescent protein. However, as this fusion of proteins can lead to misfolding of the protein of interest and may not reflect proper function, a modification of the expression vector has been developed; introducing a short sequence of non-coding DNA in-between the sequences of the two proteins and making the construct compatible with a polycistronic operon system. In this study, four different polycistronic constructs were introduced into C. elegans by means of microinjection in order to provide new tools for the analyses of gene function. Tissue specific promoters wrt-2 (seam cells), grl-21 (hyp7), and egl-17 (vulval precursor cells) were used to over-express either NHR-25 or SMO-1 in the corresponding tissues and the expression was visualized by independently translated mCherry red fluorescent. 10 independent transformed C. elegans strains were established and corresponding tissue-specific promoter activities were confirmed. Furthermore, in some cases, ectopic behaviour was observed e.g. ectopic mCherry expression in different tissues or specific cell differentiation defects that was most likely caused by the overexpression of NHR-25 or SMO-1. This study was the first case in our laboratory to generate transformed C. elegans utilizing the polycistronic mCherry vector system. New genetic tools were introduced in the laboratory useful for further analyses of gene function. Creation of transgenic animals has become a popular method to analyse gene function. In the nematode Ceanorhabditis elegans transformation is widely used and can be achieved by microinjection. For functional analyses, transgene constructs typically contain a promoter driving the expression of the protein of interest that is fused to a fluorescent protein. However, as this fusion of proteins can lead to misfolding of the protein of interest and may not reflect proper function, a modification of the expression vector has been developed; introducing a short sequence of non-coding DNA in-between the sequences of the two proteins and making the construct compatible with a polycistronic operon system. In this study, four different polycistronic constructs were introduced into C. elegans by means of microinjection in order to provide new tools for the analyses of gene function. Tissue specific promoters wrt-2 (seam cells), grl-21 (hyp7), and egl-17 (vulval precursor cells) were used to over-express either NHR-25 or SMO-1 in the corresponding tissues and the expression was visualized by independently translated mCherry red fluorescent. 10 independent transformed C. elegans strains were established and corresponding tissue-specific promoter activities were confirmed. Furthermore, in some cases, ectopic behaviour was observed e.g. ectopic mCherry expression in different tissues or specific cell differentiation defects that was most likely caused by the overexpression of NHR-25 or SMO-1. This study was the first case in our laboratory to generate transformed C. elegans utilizing the polycistronic mCherry vector system. New genetic tools were introduced in the laboratory useful for further analyses of gene function. Klíčová slova: polycistronic system; operon; genetics; molecular biology; C. elegans; transgenic; microinjection; NHR-25; SMO-1; tissue specific promoters Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Making Transgenic \kur{C. elegans} with Polycistronic mCherry Vector

Creation of transgenic animals has become a popular method to analyse gene function. In the nematode Ceanorhabditis elegans transformation is widely used and can be achieved by microinjection. For ...

FARKA, Dominik
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2012

Accomplishments and Failures of Canadian Peacekeeping Missions
2012 - anglický
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Accomplishments and Failures of Canadian Peacekeeping Missions

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2012

Mass spectrometric analysis of tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites
2012 - anglický
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Mass spectrometric analysis of tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2012

Výslovnost francouzských slov v současné angličtině
2012 - anglický
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Výslovnost francouzských slov v současné angličtině

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2012

Analysis of NHR-25 function on yolk expression in C. elegans
2011 - anglický
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Analysis of NHR-25 function on yolk expression in C. elegans

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2011

Promoter analysis of lin-3::gfp transgene in Caenorhabditis elegans
SIEBER, Marion
2011 - anglický
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Promoter analysis of lin-3::gfp transgene in Caenorhabditis elegans

SIEBER, Marion
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2011

Péče o duchovní potřeby klienta jako součást služby krizové intervence
LUDÍNOVÁ, Ivanka Anna
2009 - anglický
Bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice péče o duchovní potřeby klientů v rámci poskytované krizové intervence. Seznamuje čtenáře s problematikou krize,krizové intervence, pastorační péče a duchovních potřeb klientů. Cílem práce bylo zjistit,zda pracovníci poskytující krizovou intervenci přikládají duchovním potřebám svých klientů nějaký význam, zda cítí potřebu se touto problematikou a uspokojováním duchovních potřeb svých klientů podrobněji zabývat a popřípadě zda mají zájem rozšířit si vzdělání v oblasti péče o duchovní potřeby klienta. The theme of the Bachelor Thesis are problems of the care of spiritual needs of clients in the frame of granted crisis intervention. It informs the reader of the problems of a crisis, crisis intervention, pastoral care and spiritual needs the clients. The object of the work was to find out whether the workers granting the crisis intervention attribute any importance to the spiritual needs of their clients,whether they feel necessity to be engaged in these problems and in satisfying the spiritual needs of their clients in more details, and occasionally if they are interested in extending their qualifications in the field of cere of the spiritual needs of the klient. Klíčová slova: Duchovní potřeby; holistický přístup; krize; krizová intervence; krizový pracovník; pastorační péče Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Péče o duchovní potřeby klienta jako součást služby krizové intervence

Bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice péče o duchovní potřeby klientů v rámci poskytované krizové intervence. Seznamuje čtenáře s problematikou krize,krizové intervence, pastorační péče a ...

LUDÍNOVÁ, Ivanka Anna
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009

Monitoring kouření cigaret u dětí staršího školního věku
KRÁLOVÁ, Martina
2007 - anglický
Ač výsledky výzkumu poukázaly na pozitivní trend v prevalenci pravidelného kuřáctví dětí na Kolínsku, zůstává kouření dětí a dospívajících velkým společenským problémem, který je třeba řešit. Výzkum prokázal, že negativní zkušenosti s cigaretou a jejich odporná chuť mají odpuzující účinek Velkou roli zde mají i rodiče dětí a dospívajících. Především oni by si měli uvědomovat, že jsou pro své děti vzorem a že mohou ovlivnit zdraví a budoucí život svých dětí. Protože povědomí o škodlivém účinku kouření na zdraví člověka a o zkracování lidského života, vede děti ke kuřácké abstinenci, měly by především školy toto povědomí v dětech neustále udržovat. However, the research proved positive trend on a prevalence of children´s regular smoking, children´s smoking remains a problem which demands a solution. The research showed that a negative experience with cigarettes and their disgusting taste had a harsch effect on children. Children´s parents should therefore remember that they are an example for their children and can influence health and the whole future life of their descendants. Parents and also teachers at schools should repeat continuously to children that smoking of cigarettes could destroy their health and that smoking is a serious disease which really kills. Klíčová slova: dítě; kouření; monitoring; prevence; závislost Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Monitoring kouření cigaret u dětí staršího školního věku

Ač výsledky výzkumu poukázaly na pozitivní trend v prevalenci pravidelného kuřáctví dětí na Kolínsku, zůstává kouření dětí a dospívajících velkým společenským problémem, který je třeba řešit. Výzkum ...

KRÁLOVÁ, Martina
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2007

Mechanism of retrograde transport in contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through the bacterial translocon
2023 - anglický
Amongst bacteria, living in complex and varying communities and surroundings, rivalry for crucial resources exists. Due to the constant pressure, strategies to allow competition and communication have been developed within bacterial communities. In this respect, Contact Dependent Growth Inhibition (CDI) is often of relevance. The aim was to elucidate a newly found pathway of transport of the CDI toxins across the inner bacterial membrane via Sec translocon. Since all proteins are transported via Sec translocon in an unfolded state, and there is no obvious mechanism which would drive or facilitate this transport in the retrograde fashion, the hypothesis that the effector domain of CDI toxins evolved an anisotropic energy landscape of mechanical unfolding was constructed. That would allow the toxin to be mechanically more labile in the direction of translocation and mechanically stable in the orthogonal directions. This anisotropy would permit efficient translocation and overall thermodynamic stability at the same time. The unfolding landscape was assessed by a molecular dynamics simulation combined with umbrella sampling. Developed methodology, complemented with a rational design of "circular permutants", helped to estimate the forces required to unfold the toxins under different geometries. Amongst bacteria, living in complex and varying communities and surroundings, rivalry for crucial resources exists. Due to the constant pressure, strategies to allow competition and communication have been developed within bacterial communities. In this respect, Contact Dependent Growth Inhibition (CDI) is often of relevance. The aim was to elucidate a newly found pathway of transport of the CDI toxins across the inner bacterial membrane via Sec translocon. Since all proteins are transported via Sec translocon in an unfolded state, and there is no obvious mechanism which would drive or facilitate this transport in the retrograde fashion, the hypothesis that the effector domain of CDI toxins evolved an anisotropic energy landscape of mechanical unfolding was constructed. That would allow the toxin to be mechanically more labile in the direction of translocation and mechanically stable in the orthogonal directions. This anisotropy would permit efficient translocation and overall thermodynamic stability at the same time. The unfolding landscape was assessed by a molecular dynamics simulation combined with umbrella sampling. Developed methodology, complemented with a rational design of "circular permutants", helped to estimate the forces required to unfold the toxins under different geometries. Klíčová slova: contact-dependent inhibition (CDI); SecYEG translocon; molecular dynamics simulations; CdiA toxin; anisotropy; mechanical unfolding; retrograde translocation mechanism Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Mechanism of retrograde transport in contact-dependent inhibition (CDI) toxins through the bacterial translocon

Amongst bacteria, living in complex and varying communities and surroundings, rivalry for crucial resources exists. Due to the constant pressure, strategies to allow competition and communication have ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

The Reception of Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
2023 - anglický
Cílem této bakalářské práce je zaměřit se na problematiku recepce díla Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl od afroamerické autorky Harriet Jacobs. Ačkoli je tato autobiografie, poprvé vydaná počátkem roku 1861, dnes známá jako jedno z nejpřednějších děl tzv. slave narratives, vyprávění otroků, jeho autenticita a autorství byly zpochybňovány po mnoho dekád, a teprve koncem 20. století byla kniha opět uznána jako hodnotné a pravdivé osobní svědectví toho, co pro afroamerické ženy znamenalo otroctví ve Spojených státech před občanskou válkou. Tato práce se tedy soustředí jak na recepci dobovou, s přihlédnutím především k historickým okolnostem abolicionismu a začátku občanské války, tak i na recepci současnou, zejména na kritické ohlasy 20. století a následnou kanonizaci díla. Klíčovým faktorem této analýzy bude mnohonásobná diskriminace, jež ovlivňovala život i práci Harriet Jacobs jakožto sexuálně zneužívané ženy afroamerického původu. The aim of this thesis is to explore the problematics of the reception of Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Though this autobiography, first published at the beginning of 1861, is today known as one of the most major works of the genre of slave narratives, its authenticity and authorship have been questioned and denied for several decades, and only by the end of the 20th century has the narrative been recognized as a valuable and truthful personal testimony of what slavery meant for African American women in antebellum America. This thesis then focuses on both the contemporary reception, mainly with regard to the historical circumstances of abolitionism and the upcoming Civil War, and a more recent one, predominantly on 20th-century criticism and the subsequent canonization of the narrative. The key factor of this analysis will be the multiple discrimination which affected the life and work of Harriet Jacobs as a sexually abused woman of African American descent. Klíčová slova: abolicionismus; otroctví; autobiografie; vyprávění otroků; intersekcionalita; gender Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
The Reception of Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Cílem této bakalářské práce je zaměřit se na problematiku recepce díla Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl od afroamerické autorky Harriet Jacobs. Ačkoli je tato autobiografie, poprvé vydaná ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

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