Number of found documents: 919
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Developmental rate, fecundity and lifespan of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis, on different species of host trees
Doležal, Petr; Davídková, Markéta
2021 - Czech
The report summarizes results of the five years lasting experiment on the developmental rate, fecundity and lifespan of the large pine weevils, which developed and have been fed with various conifer species. Zpráva shrnuje informace o rychlosti vývoje, plodnosti a délce života klikorohů borových, kteří byli chováni na různých druzích jehličnatých dřevin. Vzhledem k dlouhověkosti modelového druhu jde o výsledky pětiletého experimentu. Keywords: large pine weevil; lifespan; development Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Developmental rate, fecundity and lifespan of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis, on different species of host trees

The report summarizes results of the five years lasting experiment on the developmental rate, fecundity and lifespan of the large pine weevils, which developed and have been fed with various conifer ...

Doležal, Petr; Davídková, Markéta
Biologické centrum, 2021

Results of the autumn extended research of the ichthyofauna of the lakes Laka and Čertovo, including the adjacent streams.
Blabolil, Petr; Bartoň, Daniel; Draštík, Vladislav; Jůza, Tomáš; Hladík, Milan; Holubová, Michaela; Hůda, J.; Kočvara, Luboš; Muška, Milan; Peterka, Jiří; Vrba, Jaroslav
2021 - Czech
The report describes the results of a unique survey of the ichthyofauna in two areas of the Šumava National Park, where catches were made by an electric generator in the autumn of 2021. Zpráva popisuje výsledky unikátního průzkumu ichtyofauny ve dvou oblastech Národního parku Šumava, kde byly provedeny odlovy elektrickým agregátem na podzim 2021. Keywords: brown trout; recovery; Sumava Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Results of the autumn extended research of the ichthyofauna of the lakes Laka and Čertovo, including the adjacent streams.

The report describes the results of a unique survey of the ichthyofauna in two areas of the Šumava National Park, where catches were made by an electric generator in the autumn of 2021.

Blabolil, Petr; Bartoň, Daniel; Draštík, Vladislav; Jůza, Tomáš; Hladík, Milan; Holubová, Michaela; Hůda, J.; Kočvara, Luboš; Muška, Milan; Peterka, Jiří; Vrba, Jaroslav
Biologické centrum, 2021

Effect of D8 motorway salting in the winter months: Results of monitoring the species composition and abundance of aquatic organisms in adjacent streams during the 2020 growing season.
Blabolil, Petr; Kučerová, Andrea; Matěna, Josef; Peltanová, Jana; Bešta, Tomáš; Rychtecký, Pavel; Peterka, Jiří
2021 - Czech
The aim of the report is to document the effect of chloride toxicity on aquatic organisms in the recipients in the vicinity of the D8 motorway, km 48,276 - 64,689, where the motorway passes through the České středohoří Protected Landscape Area. The summary of the achieved results for the vegetation season 2020 is the content of the presented report. Cílem zprávy je dokumentovat vliv toxicity chloridů na vodní organismy v recipientech v okolí dálnice D8 km 48,276 – 64,689, kde dálnice prochází CHKO České středohoří. Sumarizace dosažených výsledků za vegetační sezónu 2020 je obsahem předkládané zprávy. Keywords: salting effect; community composition; diversity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of D8 motorway salting in the winter months: Results of monitoring the species composition and abundance of aquatic organisms in adjacent streams during the 2020 growing season.

The aim of the report is to document the effect of chloride toxicity on aquatic organisms in the recipients in the vicinity of the D8 motorway, km 48,276 - 64,689, where the motorway passes through ...

Blabolil, Petr; Kučerová, Andrea; Matěna, Josef; Peltanová, Jana; Bešta, Tomáš; Rychtecký, Pavel; Peterka, Jiří
Biologické centrum, 2021

Laboratory Pyrolysis Experiments of Pelleted Digestate (PS) and Extracted Sunflower Scrap (ES).
Pohořelý, Michael; Skoblia, S.; Beňo, Z.; Hartman, Miloslav
2021 - Czech
In the report, there are results of laboratory pyrolysis analysis of pelleted digestate and extracted sunflower scrap.\n Ve zprávě jsou výsledky laboratorních pyrolýzních testů peletizovaného separátu a extrahovaného slunečnicového šrotu. Keywords: biomass; pyrolysis; biochar Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Laboratory Pyrolysis Experiments of Pelleted Digestate (PS) and Extracted Sunflower Scrap (ES).

In the report, there are results of laboratory pyrolysis analysis of pelleted digestate and extracted sunflower scrap.\n

Pohořelý, Michael; Skoblia, S.; Beňo, Z.; Hartman, Miloslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Microbial analysis and identification of organisms in products from young cocco
Palyzová, Andrea; Marešová, Helena
2021 - Czech
The collaboration focused on the isolation and identification of bacterial strains in young coconut products, the comparison of their microbial profiles and the monitoring of stability over time. Yoguard and Keefir products contain highly functional probiotic bacteria and probiotic yeasts. The main microorganisms contained in yoghurts and keefires include Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconococcus, Saccharomyces.\nThe main microorganisms contained in yoghurts and keefires include Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconococcus, Saccharomyces.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Spolupráce byla zaměřena na izolaci a identifikaci bakteriálních kmenů v produktech z mladých kokosů, porovnání jejich mikrobiálních profilů a sledování stability v průběhu doby spotřeby. Výrobky z řady Yoguardů a Keefirů obsahují vysoce funkční probiotické bakterie a probiotické kvasinky. Mezi hlavní v jogurtech a keefirech obsažené mikroorganismy patří Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconococcus, Saccharomyces Keywords: microorganism; coco; fermantation; microbiome Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Microbial analysis and identification of organisms in products from young cocco

The collaboration focused on the isolation and identification of bacterial strains in young coconut products, the comparison of their microbial profiles and the monitoring of stability over time. ...

Palyzová, Andrea; Marešová, Helena
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2021

Report from demonstration catches of water areas of the public forest park Stromovka in 2021.
Blabolil, Petr; Jůza, Tomáš; Kaštovský, J.; Juráň, J.; Kočvara, Luboš; Kolařík, Tomáš
2021 - Czech
The report describes the results of catching fish by a fry seine during the day in the pond Bagr and by an electric generator together with traps in a pond in the southern part of the Stromovka public forest park. Zpráva popisuje výsledky odlovů ryb plůdkovou zátahovou sítí během dne ve vodní ploše Bagr a elektrickým agregátem spolu s pastmi v tůni v jižní části veřejného lesoparku Stromovka. Keywords: fish community; demonstrating; sampling method Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report from demonstration catches of water areas of the public forest park Stromovka in 2021.

The report describes the results of catching fish by a fry seine during the day in the pond Bagr and by an electric generator together with traps in a pond in the southern part of the Stromovka public ...

Blabolil, Petr; Jůza, Tomáš; Kaštovský, J.; Juráň, J.; Kočvara, Luboš; Kolařík, Tomáš
Biologické centrum, 2021

Report on the course and results of fish catches in the districts of the South Bohemian Czech Anglers Union in 2021.
Blabolil, Petr
2021 - Czech
The report describes the results of an ichthyological survey of selected localities of the Lužnice, Stropnice and Malše rivers, that are under Czech Anglers Union management. Zpráva popisuje výsledky ichtyologického průzkumu vybraných lokalit řek Lužnice, Stropnice a Malše, kde hospodaří Český rybářský svaz. Keywords: fish community; demonstrating; sampling method Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the course and results of fish catches in the districts of the South Bohemian Czech Anglers Union in 2021.

The report describes the results of an ichthyological survey of selected localities of the Lužnice, Stropnice and Malše rivers, that are under Czech Anglers Union management.

Blabolil, Petr
Biologické centrum, 2021

Complex survey of the fish stock of Lake Chabařovice in 2020.
Peterka, Jiří
2021 - Czech
Aim of the complex ichthyological survey of Lake Chabařovice was to map the current state and succession of lake’s fish stock with particular emphasis put on abundance and biomass estimates of all fish species, evaluation of possible risks to the further development of the fish stock and recommendations for the lake management. Summarization of achieved results and recommendations for further monitoring are included in the presented report. Cílem ichtyologického průzkumu jezera Chabařovice bylo zmapování stavu a vývoje rybí obsádky, přičemž důraz byl kladen zejména na odhad početnosti a biomasy jednotlivých druhů ryb, na odhad rizik dalšího vývoje rybí obsádky a doporučení dalšího obhospodařování jezera. Sumarizace dosažených výsledků a návrh doporučení pro další sledování jsou obsahem předkládané zprávy. Keywords: community succession; revitalization; ecosystem monitoring Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Complex survey of the fish stock of Lake Chabařovice in 2020.

Aim of the complex ichthyological survey of Lake Chabařovice was to map the current state and succession of lake’s fish stock with particular emphasis put on abundance and biomass estimates of all ...

Peterka, Jiří
Biologické centrum, 2021

Estimate of carbon sequestration in the Czech Republic - afforestation of arable land, change of forest management, wetlands renaturations and tree lanes
Hruška, Jakub; Pavelka, Marian; Chuman, Tomáš; Oulehle, Filip; Vindušková, O.; Cudlín, Pavel; Trnka, Miroslav
2021 - Czech
Report acconunted quantitetivly as well qualitativly (for the year 2050) carbon sequestration for afforestation of arable land, change of forest management, wetlands renaturations and tree lanes. Zpráva vypočítává kvalitativně i kvantativně potenciál sekvestrace uhlíku (k roku 2050) při zalesňování zemědělských půd, změněn managementu lesů, revitalizaci mokřadů a výsadbách alejí. Keywords: carbon sequestration; forest; wetland; agricultural land; tree line Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Estimate of carbon sequestration in the Czech Republic - afforestation of arable land, change of forest management, wetlands renaturations and tree lanes

Report acconunted quantitetivly as well qualitativly (for the year 2050) carbon sequestration for afforestation of arable land, change of forest management, wetlands renaturations and tree lanes.

Hruška, Jakub; Pavelka, Marian; Chuman, Tomáš; Oulehle, Filip; Vindušková, O.; Cudlín, Pavel; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Evaluation of reophilic fishes state in Vltava river basin and key factors influencing their populations.
Šmejkal, Marek; Bartoň, Daniel
2021 - Czech
The report describes advancement in evaluation of rheophilic fish data. Zpráva popisuje postup při vyhodnocování dat reofilních ryb. Keywords: fish community; conservation; restoration Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of reophilic fishes state in Vltava river basin and key factors influencing their populations.

The report describes advancement in evaluation of rheophilic fish data.

Šmejkal, Marek; Bartoň, Daniel
Biologické centrum, 2021

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