Number of found documents: 307
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Investigation of genes involved in phenol and naphthalene degradation in Rhodococcus erythropolis CCM2595 and Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB12038
Knoppová, Monika; Kulakov, L. A.; Larkin, M. J.; Pátek, Miroslav
2006 - English
The strain R. erythropolis CCM2595 is able to degrade phenol by the beta-ketoadipate pathway and the strain Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB12038 is able to degrade naphthalene via gentisate. Enzyme studies of these strains indicate that strain NCIMB12038 also contains enzymes necessary for phenol utilization and strain CCM2595 can also degrade naphthalene. Pulse field gel electrophoresis was used and southern hybridisation experiments were performed to reveal localization the genes involved in phenol and naphthalene degradation in both strains Kmen R. erythropolis CCM2595 se vyznačuje schopností degradovat fenol keto-adipátovou dráhou a kmen Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB12038 je schopen degradovat naftalen dráhou gentisátovou. Enzymové studie těchto kmenů ukazují, že kmen NCIMB12038 nese také geny nezbytné pro degradaci fenolu a kmen CCM2595 také pro degradaci naftalenu. Pulsní gelovou elektroforézou a southern hybridizací jsme lokalizovali geny podílející se na degradaci fenolu a naftalenu v obou kmenech Keywords: phenol; rhodococcus erythropolis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Investigation of genes involved in phenol and naphthalene degradation in Rhodococcus erythropolis CCM2595 and Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB12038

The strain R. erythropolis CCM2595 is able to degrade phenol by the beta-ketoadipate pathway and the strain Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB12038 is able to degrade naphthalene via gentisate. Enzyme studies of ...

Knoppová, Monika; Kulakov, L. A.; Larkin, M. J.; Pátek, Miroslav
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

In depth study of physiological roles of TIF34/eIF3i and TIF35/eIF3g subunits of yeast
Janoušková, Olga; Nielsen, K. H.; Valášek, Leoš
2006 - English
Translation initiation is a multiple-step process involving a large number of soluble eukaryotic initiation factors that ultimately leads to formation of the 80S ribosome with Met-tRNAiMet based paired with the start AUG codon of mRNA. Among the initiation factors, eIF3 draws a special attention since it was shown to promote several critical steps such as recruitment of the eIF2GTPMet-tRNAiMet ternary complex and mRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit and was implicated in cancer Práce pojednáva o studiu inciace translace a specifické úloze translačního iniciačního faktoru eIF3 Keywords: eukaryotic translation; yeast Available at various institutes of the ASCR
In depth study of physiological roles of TIF34/eIF3i and TIF35/eIF3g subunits of yeast

Translation initiation is a multiple-step process involving a large number of soluble eukaryotic initiation factors that ultimately leads to formation of the 80S ribosome with Met-tRNAiMet based ...

Janoušková, Olga; Nielsen, K. H.; Valášek, Leoš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

New built bioreactor control systems for Bioengineering equipment
Prell, Aleš; Sobotka, Miroslav; Kujan, Petr; Šafář, Hynek; Holler, Pavel
2006 - English
In cooperation of the automation company Proteco Pardubice the complete replacement of classic analogue control units of next two bioreactors by new, PLC driven local control systems for all monitored and controlled parameters was done. Some measuring devices and actuators were substituted by a new technique too and, moreover, a new central SCADA/HMI (Reliance, Geovap Pardubice) system of the set of bioreactors was introduced and the remaining analogue driven fermentors were integrated into it Ve spolupráci s automatizační společností Proteco Pardubice byla provedena kompletní výměna analogových řídících jednotek bioreaktorů a vybudovány nové lokální a centrální řídící systémy založené na PLC Tecomat a SCADA/HMI Reliance, Geovap Pardubice. Zbývající analogové řídící systémy byly integrovány Keywords: fermenter control; monitoring Available at various institutes of the ASCR
New built bioreactor control systems for Bioengineering equipment

In cooperation of the automation company Proteco Pardubice the complete replacement of classic analogue control units of next two bioreactors by new, PLC driven local control systems for all monitored ...

Prell, Aleš; Sobotka, Miroslav; Kujan, Petr; Šafář, Hynek; Holler, Pavel
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Secondary metabolites in insect associated Geosmithia species: polyhydroxylated anthraquinones of G. lavendula and perspectives
Kolařík, Miroslav; Stodůlková, Eva; Šulc, Miroslav; Kuzma, Marek; Man, Petr; Flieger, Miroslav; Křesinová, Zdena
2006 - English
Cultures of G. lavendula produce various colored hydroxylated antraquinones (AQ). Rhodolamprometrin and pentahydroxy-AQ were identified so far. Natural AQs are used as dyes and pharmaceuticals Kultury G. lavendula produkují řadu barevných hydroxylovaných antrachinonů (AQ). Dosud jsme identifikovali rhodolamprometrin and pentahydroxy-AQ. Přírodní AQ jsou využívány jako barviva a léčiva Keywords: geosmithia lavendula; hydroxylated antraquinones Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Secondary metabolites in insect associated Geosmithia species: polyhydroxylated anthraquinones of G. lavendula and perspectives

Cultures of G. lavendula produce various colored hydroxylated antraquinones (AQ). Rhodolamprometrin and pentahydroxy-AQ were identified so far. Natural AQs are used as dyes and ...

Kolařík, Miroslav; Stodůlková, Eva; Šulc, Miroslav; Kuzma, Marek; Man, Petr; Flieger, Miroslav; Křesinová, Zdena
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

The effect of isoleucine limitation on valine precursor levels and acetohydroxyacid synthase activity in stringent (rel+) and relaxed (rel-) Corynebacterium glutamicum mutant
Denina, I.; Paegle, L.; Ruklisha, M.; Prouza, Marek; Pátek, Miroslav
2006 - English
Isoleucine limitation was found to increase acetohydroxyacid synthase activity in Corynebacterium glutamicum cells. Similar increase of activity of this enzyme was observed in C. glutamicum rel+ strains as well in rel- mutant Bylo zjištěno, že limitace isoleucinem vede ke zvýšení aktivity synthasy acetohydroxykyselin v buňkách Corynebacterium glutamicum. Podobné zvýšení aktivity tohoto enzymu bylo pozorováno u kmene C. glutamicum rel+ i u mutanty rel- Keywords: isoleucine; corynebacterium glutamicum Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The effect of isoleucine limitation on valine precursor levels and acetohydroxyacid synthase activity in stringent (rel+) and relaxed (rel-) Corynebacterium glutamicum mutant

Isoleucine limitation was found to increase acetohydroxyacid synthase activity in Corynebacterium glutamicum cells. Similar increase of activity of this enzyme was observed in C. glutamicum rel+ ...

Denina, I.; Paegle, L.; Ruklisha, M.; Prouza, Marek; Pátek, Miroslav
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

The Influence of Calcium to Calmodulin-Melittin Complex: A study Using Chemical Gross-linking and FTMS
Giannakopulos, A.; Derrick, P. J.; Havlíček, Vladimír; Novák, Petr
2006 - English
Melittin binds tightly to calmodulin in the presence of calcium and inhibits the function o f calmodulin. Chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry has been used in order to define the positions of Calmodulin and melittin in the complex at different concentrations of calcium Melittin se váže pevně kalmodulin v přítomnosti vápníku a inhibuje jeho funkci. Chemické zesítění a hmotnostní spektrometrie byly použity za účlem nalezení místa intrakce mezi kalmodulinem a melittin za ruzných koncentrací vápníku Keywords: mass spectrometry; chemical cross-linking Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Influence of Calcium to Calmodulin-Melittin Complex: A study Using Chemical Gross-linking and FTMS

Melittin binds tightly to calmodulin in the presence of calcium and inhibits the function o f calmodulin. Chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry has been used in order to define the ...

Giannakopulos, A.; Derrick, P. J.; Havlíček, Vladimír; Novák, Petr
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Different strategies for the recombinant production
Leitner, C.; Ertl, S.; Volc, Jindřich; Haltrich, D.; Ludwig, R.
2006 - English
The fungal enzyme pyranose 2-oxidase (EC is the key catalyst for production of 2-ketoglucose, a glucose derivative of industrial interest. To prevent formation of inclusion bodies during its heterologous expression in E. coli, several fermentation protocols were developed to ensure proper folding and recovery of the enzyme activity at high levels Enzym pyranosa-2-oxidasa z hub (EC je klíčovým katalyzátorem pro produkci 2-keto-glukosy, průmyslově zajímavého derivátu glukosy. Aby bylo možno eliminovat tvorbu inklusních tělísek při jeho heterologní expresi v E. coli, byly vypracovány fermentační protokoly, které umožnily správné skládání proteinu a vedly k získání vysokých enzymových aktivit Keywords: recombinant pyranose 2-oxidase; heterologous expression Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Different strategies for the recombinant production

The fungal enzyme pyranose 2-oxidase (EC is the key catalyst for production of 2-ketoglucose, a glucose derivative of industrial interest. To prevent formation of inclusion bodies during its ...

Leitner, C.; Ertl, S.; Volc, Jindřich; Haltrich, D.; Ludwig, R.
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Folding and misfolding of chimeric pyranose 2-oxidase expressed in Escherichia coli
Marešová, Helena; Kyslík, Pavel
2006 - English
Recombinant and chimeric pyranose 2-oxidases from different parental strains (Trametes ochracea and pubescens) were expressed in E. coli and formation of inclusion bodies were followed. The two, closely-related enzymes differ in folding into an active form under identical growth conditions Rekombinantní a chimérní pyranosa-2-oxidasy z rozdílných rodičovských kmenů (Trametes ochracea a pubescens) byly exprimovány v E. coli a byla sledována tvorba inkluzních tělísek těchto enzymů. Oba, úzce příbuzné enzymy, se skládají do funkční formy v různé míře za identických růstových podmínek Keywords: pyranose 2-oxidase; e. coli Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Folding and misfolding of chimeric pyranose 2-oxidase expressed in Escherichia coli

Recombinant and chimeric pyranose 2-oxidases from different parental strains (Trametes ochracea and pubescens) were expressed in E. coli and formation of inclusion bodies were followed. The two, ...

Marešová, Helena; Kyslík, Pavel
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Evaluation of interactions between lectin-like receptors using glycodendrimers
Vannucci, Luca; Pospíšil, Miloslav; Rossmann, Pavel; Chernyavskiy, Oleksandr; Kubínová, Lucie; Křen, Vladimír; Luptovcová, Martina; Svoboda, Jan; Kuldová, Markéta; Bezouška, Karel; Fišerová, Anna
2006 - English
The events following the administration of GN8 in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo, lead to increased expression of CD69. The CD69-dependent IFNg production is modulated by co-activation of NKG2D and Ly49 receptors. Glycodendrimers can assist the dissection of activation network of NK/NKT cell lectin-like receptors in rat and murine models Podání GN8 v in vitro, in vivo a ex vivo podmínkách zvyšuje expresi CD69 antigenu. CD69-dependentní produkce IFNg je ovlivněna rovněž aktivací NKG2D a Ly49 receptorů. Glykodendrimery jsou vhodné pro studium NK/NKT buněčné aktivační sítě lektinových receptorů v potkaních a myších modelech Keywords: glycodendrimers; lectin-like receptors; cytotoxic lymphocytes Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of interactions between lectin-like receptors using glycodendrimers

The events following the administration of GN8 in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo, lead to increased expression of CD69. The CD69-dependent IFNg production is modulated by co-activation of NKG2D and Ly49 ...

Vannucci, Luca; Pospíšil, Miloslav; Rossmann, Pavel; Chernyavskiy, Oleksandr; Kubínová, Lucie; Křen, Vladimír; Luptovcová, Martina; Svoboda, Jan; Kuldová, Markéta; Bezouška, Karel; Fišerová, Anna
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Toll-like receptors -2, -4 and CD14 in human intestinal mucosa from patients with inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Frolová, Lenka; Drastich, P.; Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Tlaskalová, Helena
2006 - English
This study show that IBD may be associated with increased expression of TLR2 and CD14 in the intestinal epithelium of the patients Studie ukazuje, že NSZ mohou být spojeny se zvýšenou expresí TLR2 and CD14 ve střevním epitelu pacientů Keywords: crohns disease; ulcerative colitis; toll-like receptors Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Toll-like receptors -2, -4 and CD14 in human intestinal mucosa from patients with inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

This study show that IBD may be associated with increased expression of TLR2 and CD14 in the intestinal epithelium of the patients...

Frolová, Lenka; Drastich, P.; Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Tlaskalová, Helena
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

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