Number of found documents: 356
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Fylogeografické zhodnocení hraboše východoevropské s ohledem k východokazašskému výskytu
2019 - English
The Eastern European vole (Microtus mystacinus) is an arvicoline rodent distributed across northern and eastern Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, Armenia, NW and N Iran, Russia as far east as the Tobol River in W Siberia, and W and N Kazakhstan. We present a novel records from eastern Kazakhstan (the village of Dzhambul - 49 14 21.3N, 86 18 29.9E and the village of Sekisovka - 50 21 9.18N, 82 35 46.5E) based on mtDNA and we discuss implications of this findings on biogeography of eastern Kazakhstanpopulations. Marine Isotope Stage 11 is considered an important period for the diversification of the arvalis species group. In the context of our study, it is important to analyse genetically discontinuous Siberian populations, and the current distribution of M. mystacinus in new localities in eastern Kazakhstan. Keywords: Microtus mystacinus; Kazakhstan Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Fylogeografické zhodnocení hraboše východoevropské s ohledem k východokazašskému výskytu

The Eastern European vole (Microtus mystacinus) is an arvicoline rodent distributed across northern and eastern Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, Armenia, NW and N Iran, Russia as far east as the Tobol ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Expressed sex ratio in populations of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Scorpidiaceae) in the Czech Republic with consideration of its cryptic species.
2019 - English
This thesis aims at sex expression and sex ratio in cryptic species of a rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus. The sex expression and expressed sex ratio were compared at various hierarchical levels. Additionally, micromaps of expressed sex ratio in patches at 21 localities, including 5 localities where both clades co-occur have been created. This thesis aims at sex expression and sex ratio in cryptic species of a rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus. The sex expression and expressed sex ratio were compared at various hierarchical levels. Additionally, micromaps of expressed sex ratio in patches at 21 localities, including 5 localities where both clades co-occur have been created. Keywords: bryophyte; cryptic species; Hamatocaulis vernicosus; reproduction; sex ratio Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Expressed sex ratio in populations of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Scorpidiaceae) in the Czech Republic with consideration of its cryptic species.

This thesis aims at sex expression and sex ratio in cryptic species of a rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus. The sex expression and expressed sex ratio were compared at various hierarchical levels. ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Benigní helmint Hymenolepis diminuta pozitivně ovlivňuje chemicky vyvolanou kolitidu u potkaního modelu
LEVÁ, Jana
2019 - English
In this study is examined the protective effect of different life cycles stages of rat tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta against dinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (DNBS) induced colitis in rat model. The clinical health of rats, gut microbiota and systemic inflammation was analysed. For determination of the level of inflammation and type 2 immune response of rat model was used relative gene expression of TNF, IL-1, IL-4, IL-13 and IL-10 using real-time PCR. Our results showed that colonization by immature life stages of H. diminuta before the induction of DNBS colitis reduced clinical symptoms and inflammation in rat model but did not protect rats against colitis. Type 2 immune response was detected by an increase in gene expression of IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13. The gut microbiota does not substantial role in H. diminuta-mediated protection. Keywords: helminth; DNBS colitis; gut microbiota; helminth therapy; Hymenolepis diminuta; IL-10; cytokines Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Benigní helmint Hymenolepis diminuta pozitivně ovlivňuje chemicky vyvolanou kolitidu u potkaního modelu

In this study is examined the protective effect of different life cycles stages of rat tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta against dinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (DNBS) induced colitis in rat model. The ...

LEVÁ, Jana
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Ustanovení experimentálních modelů na hlodavcích pro studie Blastocystis ST1.
2019 - English
Blastocystis is a common gut protist of human spread around the globe with the prevalence ranging from 5 % to 100 %. In the past, Blastocystis was considered a pathogen participating on the clinical manifestation of intestinal inflammation such as Crohn's disease or Irritable bowel syndrome. New evidence demonstrates that Blastocystis is most probably a normal part of the gut microbiota in healthy humans and animals. So far, there is no established and commonly used in vivo experimental system for the investigation of the role of Blastocystis in health and disease. Thus, we evaluated a rat model for sustaining of a human-derived Blastocystis ST1 and assess colonization success and longevity. Because of the broad host range of Blastocystis, we compared the rat with three other rodent species to establish the reproducibility of our method. In this study, the colonization of Blastocystis ST1 was established in 100 % of the challenged outbred rats (Rattus norvegicus) and gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Colonization of the experimental rats was asymptomatic for more than one year, but Blastocystis ST1 was not possible to trans-mitted between rats. Mus musculus strain CD1 and Mastomys coucha were not susceptible to Blastocystis ST1. Thus, rats appear to be a suitable in vivo model for studies of Blastocystis ST1, as do gerbils though testing was less extensive. This work lays the foundation for experimental work on the role of Blastocystis in health and disease. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Ustanovení experimentálních modelů na hlodavcích pro studie Blastocystis ST1.

Blastocystis is a common gut protist of human spread around the globe with the prevalence ranging from 5 % to 100 %. In the past, Blastocystis was considered a pathogen participating on the clinical ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Experimentální infekce Encephalitozoon cuniculi získaná z fermentovaných masných výrobků
2019 - Czech
V této studii byla popsána prevalence a koncentrace spor Encephalitozoon cuniculi ve vepřovém mase. Navíc byl studován vliv fermentace klobás na životaschopnost a infekčnost E. cuniculi u imunodeficientních a imunokompetentních myši pomocí molekulárních metod In this study described the prevalence and concentration of Encephalitozoon cuniculi spores in pork meat. Moreover, the effect of sausage fermentation on E. cuniculi viability and infectivity for immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice was studied by molecular methods. Keywords: mikrosporidie; Encephalitozoon cuniculi; fermentace; microsporidia; Encephalitozoon cuniculi; fermantation Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Experimentální infekce Encephalitozoon cuniculi získaná z fermentovaných masných výrobků

V této studii byla popsána prevalence a koncentrace spor Encephalitozoon cuniculi ve vepřovém mase. Navíc byl studován vliv fermentace klobás na životaschopnost a infekčnost E. cuniculi u ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Genomic analysis of the evolution of phototrophy among haloalkaliphilic Rhodobacterales.
2019 - English
This RNDr. thesis presents results of a research focussed on the evolution of phototrophy in the bacterial order Rhodobacterales. Genomes of three closely related haloalkaliphilic representatives, differing in their phototrophic capacity and oxygen preference, were sequenced. A comparative genomic analysis revealed close homology of photosynthetic proteins and similarity in photosynthesis gene organization among the studied phototrophic species. The main conclusion of the thesis is that the last common ancestor of all haloalkaliphilic members of the Rhodobacter-Rhodobaca group inside the Rhodobacterales clade was phototrophic This RNDr. thesis presents results of a research focussed on the evolution of phototrophy in the bacterial order Rhodobacterales. Genomes of three closely related haloalkaliphilic representatives, differing in their phototrophic capacity and oxygen preference, were sequenced. A comparative genomic analysis revealed close homology of photosynthetic proteins and similarity in photosynthesis gene organization among the studied phototrophic species. The main conclusion of the thesis is that the last common ancestor of all haloalkaliphilic members of the Rhodobacter-Rhodobaca group inside the Rhodobacterales clade was phototrophic Keywords: Anoxygenic photosynthesis; bacteriochlorophyll; horizontal gene transfer; photosynthesis gene cluster; Rhodobacteraceae. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Genomic analysis of the evolution of phototrophy among haloalkaliphilic Rhodobacterales.

This RNDr. thesis presents results of a research focussed on the evolution of phototrophy in the bacterial order Rhodobacterales. Genomes of three closely related haloalkaliphilic representatives, ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Isosporan oocysts in the faeces of bank voles (Myodes glareolus; Arvicolinae, Rodentia): real parasites, or pseudoparasites?
2019 - English
This study concerns clarification of the origin of infections of arvicoline rodents with Isospora spp. based on three different approaches: phylogenetic analyses of three genes (18S rRNA, COI and COIII), morphological and morphometrical analyses, and experimental infection. Field collections, parasitological examinations of samples, microscopy, DNA extraction, PCR, and computational analyses were employed during the course of this study. Keywords: Isospora; Cystoisospora; coccidia; rodent; vole; pseudoparasite. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Isosporan oocysts in the faeces of bank voles (Myodes glareolus; Arvicolinae, Rodentia): real parasites, or pseudoparasites?

This study concerns clarification of the origin of infections of arvicoline rodents with Isospora spp. based on three different approaches: phylogenetic analyses of three genes (18S rRNA, COI and ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Touha žít
2019 - Czech
Práce se věnuje problému bolesti a utrpení mladého člověka, které mu brání rozvíjet se nebo limitují touhu žít. S důrazem na mladého člověka vychází z psychologického uvedení do problematiky. Všímá si doprovodné skutečnosti v podobě strachu a úzkosti, ale také protipólů ve formě naděje a radosti. Současně se snaží hledat smysl těchto negativních skutečností a předkládá několik poznatků z logoterapie. Dále rozvíjí křesťanské perspektivy, které se týkají problému bolesti a utrpení mladého člověka zejména na podkladu Bible, apoštolského listu Salvifici Doloris. Nabízí pohled víry na naději a radost, ale neopomíjí možnost vzniku pochybností a vznik temných nocí. Dále popisuje význam modlitby a snaží se hledat cesty, aby mladý člověk mohl přijmout svůj život také s utrpením. Ukazuje církev jako společenství lásky zejména podle vzoru milosrdného Samaritána. Poukazuje na význam komunikace ? dialogu s mladým člověkem a autentický význam pocitu přijetí a velice důležitou a často opomíjenou funkci vztahu, kde mladý člověk cítí svou hodnotu a důležitost. Rovněž rozvíjí kvalitativní funkci vztahu v rámci poskytování pomoci nad rámec profese, kde se spíše ukazuje důležitost osobní povahy, kde tento mladý člověk může zpátky objevovat svou touhu žít navzdory limitujícím faktorům ve formě bolesti a utrpení. V závěru je popsaných několik kazuistik z praxe, kde je význam osobního vztahu popsán a hodnocen jako prospěšný, který může přinést potřebnou změnu a objevit hodnotu lidského života mladého člověka. The work deals with the problem of the pain and suffering of a young person that prevents him from developing his desire to live. The work is focused on the young person and it is based on the psychological introduction to the issue. It notices accompanying facts of suffer as fear and anxiety, but also its counterparts in the form of hope and joy. The work also seeks to search for the meaning of these negative facts and presents several knowledge from logo therapy. It further develops Christian perspectives that relate to the problem of the pain and suffering of a young person, especially on the basis of the Bible, the apostolic letter Salvifici Doloris. It offers a view of faith, hope and joy, but does not negate the possibility of doubt and dark nights. It further describes the value of prayer and seeks to find ways for the young man to accept his life also with suffering. It shows the Church as a community of love, especially according to the example of the merciful Samaritan. It points to the importance of communication - dialogue with a young person and authenticity of human acceptance that is a very important function of the relationship when the young person feels his value and importance. It also develops the qualitative function of the relationship based on providing help beyond the profession, thanks to which fact a young person can once again discover his desire to live despite the limiting factors in the form of pain and suffering. In the end, there are described several case studies in the work focused on the importance of personal relationships that can bring the necessary changes for young man and to discover the value of human life. Keywords: bolest; utrpení; mladý člověk; smysl utrpení; přijetí; modlitba; naděje; radost; víra; společenství lásky; psychologie; služba; pomoc; komunikace; vztah; pain; suffering; young person; the meaning of suffering; acceptance; prayer; hope; joy; faith; community of love; psychology; utility; help; communication; relationship. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Touha žít

Práce se věnuje problému bolesti a utrpení mladého člověka, které mu brání rozvíjet se nebo limitují touhu žít. S důrazem na mladého člověka vychází z psychologického uvedení do problematiky. Všímá si ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Distribution of herbivorous fish is frozen by low temperature
2019 - English
The number of herbivores in populations of ectothermic vertebrates decreases with increasing latitude. At higher latitudes, fish consuming plant matter are exclusively omnivorous. We assess whether omnivorous fish readily shift to herbivory or whether animal prey is typically preferred. We address temperature as the key factor causing their absence at higher latitudes and discuss the potential poleward dispersion caused by climate changes. A controlled experiment illustrates that rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) readily utilize plant matter at water temperatures above 20 °C and avoid its consumption below 20 °C. Field data support these results, showing that plant matter dominates rudd diets during the summer and is absent during the spring. Utilizing cellulose requires the enzyme cellulase, which is produced by microorganisms growing at temperatures of 15-42 °C. Water temperatures at higher latitudes do not reach 15 °C year-round; at our latitude of 50°N~150 days/year. Hence, the species richness of omnivorous fish decreases dramatically above 55° latitude. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that strict herbivorous specialists have developed only in the tropics. Temperatures below 15 °C, even for a short time period, inactivate cellulase and cause diet limitations for omnivorous fish. However, we may expect increases in herbivory at higher latitudes caused by climate change. The number of herbivores in populations of ectothermic vertebrates decreases with increasing latitude. At higher latitudes, fish consuming plant matter are exclusively omnivorous. We assess whether omnivorous fish readily shift to herbivory or whether animal prey is typically preferred. We address temperature as the key factor causing their absence at higher latitudes and discuss the potential poleward dispersion caused by climate changes. A controlled experiment illustrates that rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) readily utilize plant matter at water temperatures above 20 °C and avoid its consumption below 20 °C. Field data support these results, showing that plant matter dominates rudd diets during the summer and is absent during the spring. Utilizing cellulose requires the enzyme cellulase, which is produced by microorganisms growing at temperatures of 15-42 °C. Water temperatures at higher latitudes do not reach 15 °C year-round; at our latitude of 50°N~150 days/year. Hence, the species richness of omnivorous fish decreases dramatically above 55° latitude. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that strict herbivorous specialists have developed only in the tropics. Temperatures below 15 °C, even for a short time period, inactivate cellulase and cause diet limitations for omnivorous fish. However, we may expect increases in herbivory at higher latitudes caused by climate change. Keywords: cellulase; climate change; latitudinal gradient; macrophytes; Scardinius erythrophthalmus; temperature pattern Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Distribution of herbivorous fish is frozen by low temperature

The number of herbivores in populations of ectothermic vertebrates decreases with increasing latitude. At higher latitudes, fish consuming plant matter are exclusively omnivorous. We assess whether ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Improved demethylation in ecological epigenetic experiments: Testing a simple and harmless foliar demethylation application
2019 - English
Spray application of 5azacytidine on established plant seedlings was tested for its demethylating efficiency. It represents a novel method for plant experimental demethylation with a potentially lower negative impact on plant development compared to the traditional application of the demethylating agent through germination of seeds in its solution. Further, the 5azacytidine spray application was used in practice to erase the epigenetic memory in offspring of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum plants from different competitive conditions. The impact of parental competition on the juvenile phenotype was estimated by measuring growth related traits, while the experimental demethylation allowed for evaluating the significance of DNA methylation marks in bioticaly induced transgenerational effects in T. brevirorniculatum. Spray application of 5azacytidine on established plant seedlings was tested for its demethylating efficiency. It represents a novel method for plant experimental demethylation with a potentially lower negative impact on plant development compared to the traditional application of the demethylating agent through germination of seeds in its solution. Further, the 5azacytidine spray application was used in practice to erase the epigenetic memory in offspring of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum plants from different competitive conditions. The impact of parental competition on the juvenile phenotype was estimated by measuring growth related traits, while the experimental demethylation allowed for evaluating the significance of DNA methylation marks in bioticaly induced transgenerational effects in T. brevirorniculatum. Keywords: 5-azacytidine; competition; demethylation; DNA methylation; ecological epigenetics; ecology; plant memory; plant performance; toxicity; transgenerational effects Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Improved demethylation in ecological epigenetic experiments: Testing a simple and harmless foliar demethylation application

Spray application of 5azacytidine on established plant seedlings was tested for its demethylating efficiency. It represents a novel method for plant experimental demethylation with a potentially lower ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

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