Number of found documents: 37
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Binding properties of boar seminal plasma proteins in the reproduction process
Jonáková, Věra; Maňásková, Pavla; Liberda, J.; Tichá, M.
2005 - English
Boar seminal plasma proteins (spermadhesins and DQH protein)bind the sperm surface at ejaculation. binding of sperm to oviductal epithelial cells and to the glycoproteins of zona pellucida are mediated by the protein-saccharide (lectin-like)interactions.These intractions play role in the formation of sperm oviductal reservoir, in the release of capacitated sperm from the surface of oviduct and in sperm-zona pellucida interaction. Proteiny kančí semenné plasmy (spermadhesiny a DQH protein) se váží na povrch spermie při ejakulaci. Vazba spermie k epiteliálním buňkám oviduktu a ke glykoproteinům zony pellucidy je zprostředkována protein-sacharidovými interakcemi (lektin-like).Tyto interakce hrají roli v tvorbě oviduktálního rezervoáru spermií, v uvolnění kapacitovaných spermií z povrchu oviduktu a ve vazbě spermie na zonu pellucidu vajíčka. Keywords: seminal plasma proteins; reproduction; binding properties Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Binding properties of boar seminal plasma proteins in the reproduction process

Boar seminal plasma proteins (spermadhesins and DQH protein)bind the sperm surface at ejaculation. binding of sperm to oviductal epithelial cells and to the glycoproteins of zona pellucida are ...

Jonáková, Věra; Maňásková, Pavla; Liberda, J.; Tichá, M.
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2005

The origin of boar seminal plasma proteins
Maňásková, Pavla; Kyselová, Vendula; Tichá, M.; Jonáková, Věra
2005 - English
Spermadhesins were detected with their antibodies in boar epididymal fluid, but DQH and beta-microseminoprotein were not. Indirect immunofluorescence technique was employed to determine the distribution of seminal plasma proteins on tissue sections of the reproductive organs. The mRNA of the DQH was found only in seminal vesicles, not in the epididymis, and the mRNA of beta-MSP in testis, seminal vesiclas and prostate. Spermadhesiny byly nalezeny pomocí svých protilátek v kančí epididymální tekutině, ale DQH a beta microseminoprotein nikoli. Nepřímá imunofluorescenční technika byla použita pro odhalení distribuce proteinů semenné plasmy na řezech tkání kančích reprodukčních orgánů. mRNA beta-MSP v testes, semenných vacích a prostatě. Keywords: seminal plasma proteins; boar reproductive organs Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The origin of boar seminal plasma proteins

Spermadhesins were detected with their antibodies in boar epididymal fluid, but DQH and beta-microseminoprotein were not. Indirect immunofluorescence technique was employed to determine the ...

Maňásková, Pavla; Kyselová, Vendula; Tichá, M.; Jonáková, Věra
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2005

Regulation of ribosome synthesis in bacteria
Krásný, Libor
2005 - English
Rapidly growing bacteria need a high number of ribosomes to satisly the cells need for increased translation. Starving bacteria need a low number of ribosomes to limit energy expenditure.The number of ribosomes is regulated at the level of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcription. Rychle rostoucí bakterie potřebují velké množství ribozomů pro pokrytí potřeby zvýšené buněčné translace. Bakterie v podmínkách omezené výživy mají potřebu ribozomů nízkou kvůli šetření energií. Počet ribozomů je regulován na úrovni transkripce ribozomální RNA (rRNA). Keywords: ribosome synthesis; bacteria Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Regulation of ribosome synthesis in bacteria

Rapidly growing bacteria need a high number of ribosomes to satisly the cells need for increased translation. Starving bacteria need a low number of ribosomes to limit energy expenditure.The number of ...

Krásný, Libor
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2005

Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) mediates tumor cell interactions with microenvironment
Závada, Jan; Závadová, Zuzana
2004 - English
CA IX zprostředkuje vzájemné reakce nádorových buněk s mikroprostředím několika způsoby: je enzymaticky aktivní, reguluje pH a řídí přenos iontů z/do buňky; CA IX je také adhezivní molekulou zprostředkující mezibuněčný kontakt; slouží jako senzor pH a účastní se invaze a metastáze nádorů CA IX mediates interaction between tumor cells and microenvironment in several ways: it is enzymatically active, it regulates pH and drives ion transport from/to the cell; CA IX is also an adhesion molecule, mediating cell-cell contact; it serves as a pH sensor and it participates in tumor invasion and metastasis Keywords: cancer biology; microenvironmnet; carbonic anhydrase IX; nádorové buňky; buňky Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) mediates tumor cell interactions with microenvironment

CA IX zprostředkuje vzájemné reakce nádorových buněk s mikroprostředím několika způsoby: je enzymaticky aktivní, reguluje pH a řídí přenos iontů z/do buňky; CA IX je také adhezivní molekulou ...

Závada, Jan; Závadová, Zuzana
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2004

Structural Studies of anti-CA IX Monoclonal Antibody M75 Fab Fragment in Complex with its Epitope Peptide
Mader, Pavel; Štouračová, Renata; Brynda, Jiří; Závada, Jan
2004 - English
CA IX is a cell surface protein that exerts capacity of binding cell surface receptors, and is associated with several types of human carcinomas. Monoclonal antibody M75 recognizes specifically an epitope identified as six repeats of amino acid sequence PGEEDLP, localized in the proteoglycan like domain of CA IX. Structural study of the M75 Fab fragment in complex with its epitope peptide PGEEDLPGEEDL is presented. Keywords: CAIX; antibody; structure Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural Studies of anti-CA IX Monoclonal Antibody M75 Fab Fragment in Complex with its Epitope Peptide

CA IX is a cell surface protein that exerts capacity of binding cell surface receptors, and is associated with several types of human carcinomas. Monoclonal antibody M75 recognizes specifically an ...

Mader, Pavel; Štouračová, Renata; Brynda, Jiří; Závada, Jan
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2004

A Phenylnorstatine Inhibitor Binding to HIV-1 Protease: Geometry, Protonation and Subsite-Pocket Interactions Analyzed at Atomic Resolution
Brynda, Jiří; Řezáčová, Pavlína; Fábry, Milan; Hořejší, Magdalena; Štouračová, Renata; Sedláček, Juraj; Souček, Milan; Hradilek, Martin; Lepšík, Martin; Konvalinka, Jan
2004 - English
The x-ray structure of a complex of HIV-1 protease (PR) with a phenylnorstatine inhibitor Z-Pns-Phe-Glu-Glu-NH2 has been determined at 1.03 A, the highest resolution so far reported for any HIV PR complex. The inhibiot shows subnanomolar Ki values for both the wild-type PR and the variant representing one of the most common mutations linked to resistance development. The structure displays a unique pattern of hydrogen bonding to the two catalytic aspartate residues. The high resolution permints to assess the donor/acceptor relations of this hydrogen bonding and to indicate a proton shared by the two catalytic residues. Structural mechanism for the unimpaired inhibition of the protease Val82Ala mutant is also suggested, based on energy calculations and analyses Byla určena rentgenová struktura komplexu proteázy HIV-1 (PR) s fenylnorstatinovým inhibitorem Z-Pns-Phe-Glu-Glu-NH(2) při rozlišení 1,03 A, nejvyšším rozlišení, které bylo doposud uvedeno pro kterýkoli komplex HIV PR. Tento inhibitor vykazuje subnanomolární hodnoty K(i) jak pro PR divokého typu, tak pro variantu představující jednu z nejběžnějších mutací spojenou s vývojem rezistence. Struktura obsahující fenylnorstatinovou část chirality (2R,3S) vykazuje jedinečný obraz vazby vodíkových můstků na dva katalytické aspartátové zbytky. Toto vysoké rozlišení umožňuje zjistit donorové a akceptorové vztahy těchto vodíkových můstků a určit proton sdílený oběma katalytickými zbytky. Je také navržen strukturální mechanismus nenarušené inhibice mutanty proteázy Val82Ala založený na energetických výpočtech a analýzách Keywords: inhibitor; HIV protease; atomic resolution Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A Phenylnorstatine Inhibitor Binding to HIV-1 Protease: Geometry, Protonation and Subsite-Pocket Interactions Analyzed at Atomic Resolution

The x-ray structure of a complex of HIV-1 protease (PR) with a phenylnorstatine inhibitor Z-Pns-Phe-Glu-Glu-NH2 has been determined at 1.03 A, the highest resolution so far reported for any HIV PR ...

Brynda, Jiří; Řezáčová, Pavlína; Fábry, Milan; Hořejší, Magdalena; Štouračová, Renata; Sedláček, Juraj; Souček, Milan; Hradilek, Martin; Lepšík, Martin; Konvalinka, Jan
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2004

Characterization of the clones derived from the HT29 colorectal cancer cell line
Šloncová, Eva; Kučerová, Dana; Vojtěchová, Martina; Turečková, Jolana; Tuháčková, Zdena; Sovová, Vlasta
2004 - English
During our analysis of HT29 cell line we established several clones, which differed in the expression of some molecular markers, e.g. phosphorylation of Src protein, PKCbeta2 activity, CEA-CAM1 expression and in the response to the differentiating effect of sodium butyrate, indicated by activity of alkaline phosphatase Během analýzy buněčné linie HT29 jsme připravili několik stabilních klonů, které se lišily expresí některých molekulárních markerů, např. fosforylací proteinu Src, aktivitou PKCbeta2, expresí CEA-CAM1 a odpovědí na diferenciační účinek butyrátu sodného Keywords: colorectal carcinoma cells; differentiation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Characterization of the clones derived from the HT29 colorectal cancer cell line

During our analysis of HT29 cell line we established several clones, which differed in the expression of some molecular markers, e.g. phosphorylation of Src protein, PKCbeta2 activity, CEA-CAM1 ...

Šloncová, Eva; Kučerová, Dana; Vojtěchová, Martina; Turečková, Jolana; Tuháčková, Zdena; Sovová, Vlasta
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2004

Estimation of the post-meiotic state of spermatogenesis in man by immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies against intra-acrosomal sperm proteins
Chládek, David; Pěknicová, Jana
2003 - English
Male infertility due to severe azoospermia has been associated with the absence of spermatozoa in ejaculated. We tested the ejaculates (IVF latoratory Pranatal Ltd) from 30 patients with azoospermia for the presence of cells from defferent stages of spermiogenesis. Monoclonal sntibodews against intraacrosomal human sperm proteins were used in the immunofluorescence test for detection of acrosomal proteins in the acrosomal precursors and acrosomes. Keywords: monoclonal antibody; acrosome Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Estimation of the post-meiotic state of spermatogenesis in man by immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies against intra-acrosomal sperm proteins

Male infertility due to severe azoospermia has been associated with the absence of spermatozoa in ejaculated. We tested the ejaculates (IVF latoratory Pranatal Ltd) from 30 patients with azoospermia ...

Chládek, David; Pěknicová, Jana
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2003

Dynamic and role of cytosekeletal proteins in mammalian sperm cells
Paleček, J.; Dvořáková, K.; Pěknicová, Jana; Kubátová, Alena; Dráber, Pavel
2003 - English
The cytoskeleton of sperm head consists of resistant structural proteins of the nucleus and of perinuclear theca, which are largely rosponsible for the shaping of the nucleus. three mahjor cyteskeletal proteins, actin, tzubnulin and spectrin, are present in the head of mammalian spermatohzoa. Maoreober, the mictotubular cytoskeleton also contains other dynamic proteins, which have a morphological function within the cell and which are responsible for cell signalling processes. Keywords: cyprinus; carpio; acipenser Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dynamic and role of cytosekeletal proteins in mammalian sperm cells

The cytoskeleton of sperm head consists of resistant structural proteins of the nucleus and of perinuclear theca, which are largely rosponsible for the shaping of the nucleus. three mahjor ...

Paleček, J.; Dvořáková, K.; Pěknicová, Jana; Kubátová, Alena; Dráber, Pavel
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2003

Molecular cloning, E.coli expression and purification of SCFV antibody fragments of diagnostic/therapeutic interest
Král, Vlastimil; Fábry, Milan; Hořejší, Magdalena; Závada, Jan; Sedláček, Juraj
2003 - English
We describe molecular cloning, expression, purification and properties of two single chain antibody variable fragments (scFv) of potential diagnostic use, namely scFv M75 and scFv Tu-20. The former scFv is derived from a monoclonal antibody M75 specific for a cell surface protein MN/CA IX, strongly associated with many types of human carcinomas. The latter scFv is derived from a monoclonal antibody TU-20 specific for neuronal beta-III-tubulin. Keywords: cloning; purification; scFv Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Molecular cloning, E.coli expression and purification of SCFV antibody fragments of diagnostic/therapeutic interest

We describe molecular cloning, expression, purification and properties of two single chain antibody variable fragments (scFv) of potential diagnostic use, namely scFv M75 and scFv Tu-20. The former ...

Král, Vlastimil; Fábry, Milan; Hořejší, Magdalena; Závada, Jan; Sedláček, Juraj
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2003

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