Czech Literary Bibliography
Malínek, Vojtěch
2016 - anglický
Poster presenting The Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure, its ordinary services and resources and main research activities.
Klíčová slova:
Bibliography; Czech literature; Databases
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Czech Literary Bibliography
Poster presenting The Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure, its ordinary services and resources and main research activities.
Central Europe in Narrative Mode (History and Narration)
Trávníček, Jiří
2015 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
Central Europe; narrative mode; history
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Central Europe in Narrative Mode (History and Narration)
The chariot of Thespis
Hrbata, Zdeněk
2014 - anglický
The analysis of the Gautier´s famous novel Captain Fracasse is governed by principles of historical poetics, i. e. by taking into account the presence of generic and discursive models or their elements distributed in the novel´s structure (like roman comique, theatricality, novel od adventure, journey topos).
Klíčová slova:
Gautier, Théophile; adventure; journey; description
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The chariot of Thespis
The analysis of the Gautier´s famous novel Captain Fracasse is governed by principles of historical poetics, i. e. by taking into account the presence of generic and discursive models or their ...
Experientiality: does it divide or link description and narration?
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - anglický
The paper revisits the – in the scholarly discourse for various reasons time and again rejected – differentiation between description and narration arguing in its favour, hoping to illuminate its usefulness in the analyses of both literary narratives and those produced by other media, as well as to pave the way for papers focusing on ekphrasis and its aspects such as temporality, perspectivization and intermedia functions.
Klíčová slova:
description; narration; experientiality; intermediality
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Experientiality: does it divide or link description and narration?
The paper revisits the – in the scholarly discourse for various reasons time and again rejected – differentiation between description and narration arguing in its favour, hoping to illuminate its ...
Popis a jeho subjekt: očima pozorovatele
Fedrová, Stanislava
2014 - anglický
Kategorie pozorovatele jakožto klíčového zprostředkovatele vnějšího světa (či obrazu vnějšího světa) vyvstává z konfrontace verbální a vizuální deskriptivity. Studie se tak soustředí právě na úlohu pozorovatele a funkce jeho vnímání ve výstavbě deskripce. Je třeba nastolit otázky postupů přebírání perspektivy postavy do diskurzu vypravěče či implicitního pozorovatele. Musíme přitom rozlišovat mezi modem pozorovatele, zdůrazňujícím percepční rovinu, a interpreta, tj. takového vnímání okolního světa, které vědomě využívá např. piktoriálních modelů a kulturních/vizuálních konceptů a připravuje tak evokaci či vizualizaci čtenáře. Studie zkoumá tradičně chápanou "objektivitu" neinterpretující postavy a představuje škálu pozorovatelských perspektiv v popisu a rovněž v ekfrázi jako specifickém popisném typu. The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder and the influence of processes of her perception on the descriptive structure. It seems inevitable to inquire into the ways and devices of transforming the perspective of a character into narratorial discourse or into that of an implied beholder. Concurrently, it is necessary to differentiate between the mode of beholder where emphasize is on perception, and the mode of interpreter, i. e. such apprehension of the world, which employs e. g. pictorial models and cultural/visual concepts intently in order to induce evocation or visualization in readers. The paper examines the assumed “objectivity” or noninterpretative character of description by displaying a variety of observer’s perspectives in description and also in ekphrasis as a specific type of description.
Klíčová slova:
intermediality; literary description; ekphrasis; visual studies
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Popis a jeho subjekt: očima pozorovatele
Kategorie pozorovatele jakožto klíčového zprostředkovatele vnějšího světa (či obrazu vnějšího světa) vyvstává z konfrontace verbální a vizuální deskriptivity. Studie se tak soustředí právě na úlohu ...
Introduction. On description
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - anglický
Preface to a book On description.
Klíčová slova:
description; narratology; literary theory
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Introduction. On description
Preface to a book On description.
Description and its subject: through the eyes of the observer
Fedrová, Stanislava
2014 - anglický
The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder and the influence of processes of her perception on the descriptive structure. It seems inevitable to inquire into the ways and devices of transforming the perspective of a character into narratorial discourse or into that of an implied beholder. Concurrently, it is necessary to differentiate between the mode of beholder where emphasize is on perception, and the mode of interpreter, i. e. such apprehension of the world, which employs e. g. pictorial models and cultural/visual concepts intently in order to induce evocation or visualization in readers. The paper examines the assumed “objectivity” or noninterpretative character of description by displaying a variety of observer’s perspectives in description and also in ekphrasis as a specific type of description.
Klíčová slova:
intermediality; literary description; ekphrasis; visual studies
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Description and its subject: through the eyes of the observer
The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder ...
On Description
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - anglický
There are probably not many readers who would cherish their memories of writing a description at school… Nevertheless, hardly anyone would deny that we cannot do without descriptions in everyday face-to-face dialogues – though only a few of us may be able to reflect on the process of describing, and to judge to what extent it is influenced by the circumstances surrounding communication. The essay on “absent description” by Jana Hoffmannová provides an insight into everyday speech, as well as an opportunity for linguistic self-reflection. Linguistics is only one of the disciplines present in this volume: nine representatives of various fields of research and theories are brought together here to discuss the issue of description: analytic philosophy and fictionality theory, linguistics and literary history, art history and intermedia theory. Petr Koťátko discusses the relationship between the communicational functions of descriptions and their function in the structure of fictional worlds of literature. While he employs realist descriptions to illustrate the limits of their identificatory work, various descriptive modes provide a parameter for Ivana Taranenková to pursue the development of realist writing. Hardly any reader will doubt the fact that every fiction has its own more or less overt (or covert) narrator. Nevertheless, it remains to be proved whether there is a corresponding “descriptor” in descriptions: an attempt at doing so in the context of Czech fiction is made by Stanislava Fedrová. The possibilities of employing descriptive forms as a tool of poetics (be it the historical or the intermedia one) are put to the test by Zdeněk Hrbata (in his interpretation of the generic schemes underlying Gautier’s novel Le Capitaine Fracasse, and Emma Tornborg, who focuses on poetic ekphrasis.
Klíčová slova:
description; narratology; literary theory
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
On Description
There are probably not many readers who would cherish their memories of writing a description at school… Nevertheless, hardly anyone would deny that we cannot do without descriptions in everyday ...
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