Inflation inequality in the Czech Republic
Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
2022 - English
This project employs Czech Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Index data to create consumer price indices for various population subgroups in the Czech Republic. We find that subgroup-specific inflation rates are very similar to the inflation rate for all the non-elderly population, with the exception of single-parent households, which experienced a higher inflation rate in 2022 than did the other subgroups. However, the difference was reasonably modest. Importantly, we found that inflation issuing from housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels is significantly higher for low-income and single-parent households than for high-income and two-parent households. The difference is particularly significant for single-parent households, for which inflation due to increases in housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel costs represents 40.15 percent of their overall inflation burden compared to 28.44 percent for two-parent households. This finding suggests that the recent increases in electricity and gas prices may exert particularly harmful effects on single-parent households unless the government provides the support necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of rising prices. While all households are being affected by rising living costs, single-parent and low-income households should be prioritized in terms of support. In addition, we calculated that for low-income and single-parent households, the total loss of purchasing power due to inflation amounts to CZK 15,179 and CZK 20,445, respectively.
inflation; households; Czech Republic
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Inflation inequality in the Czech Republic
This project employs Czech Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Index data to create consumer price indices for various population subgroups in the Czech Republic. We find that subgroup-specific ...
UniSAFE Deliverable Report 3.2 Report on the European Policy Baseline
Fajmonová, Veronika; Huck, Averil; Andreska, Zuzana; Dvořáčková, Jana; Linková, Marcela; Struzińska, K.; Strid, S.; Hearn, J.; Husu, L.; Allori, A.; Wuiame, N.
2021 - English
The objective of this report is to establish a European baseline of policies in place to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at the legal, policy level and the level of research funding organisations (RFO), as a fixed point of reference for future comparisons, by assessing existing laws and policies at the national and RFO levels in 27 countries in the EU. This is accompanied by analyses of four Associated Countries (Iceland, Serbia, Turkey, UK) and two Third Countries (Canada, USA) that were selected for comparison and as examples of existing practices. The analysis focuses specifically on dedicated legal and policy frameworks focused specifically on universities and research organisations, in order to map the special efforts made by national and regional authorities and RFOs to combat GBV at these specific institutions beyond generic anti-discrimination legislation and labour law protections.\n
gender-based violence; gender; research performing organisations; policy framework; legal framework; #metoo
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
UniSAFE Deliverable Report 3.2 Report on the European Policy Baseline
The objective of this report is to establish a European baseline of policies in place to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at the legal, policy level and the level of research funding organisations ...
UniSAFE National researcher report - Canada
Huck, Averil
2021 - English
This report investigates the (non-)existence of laws and policies on gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of universities and research organisations in Canada. It has been published as part of the UniSAFE project together with 32 other national fieldwork reports. Although Canada is recognised as being at the forefront of equality policy, are universities and research organisations exceptions to the rule? To what level of comprehensiveness are these GBV laws and policies adopted and implemented? Analysing Canadian laws and policies is highly relevant for UniSAFE’s research as a comparison basis with European Union countries policies and laws on the subject. Desk-based research has been performed to map the laws and policies and have been analysed in the light of the 7P model, theoretical framework developed under the UniSAFE project. The 7P model is a model to address and combat violence, to assess the efficiency of modes of intervention, regulation and the institutional responses put into place to eradicate GBV, including sexual harassment, in universities and research organisations. At the core is the measure of the prevalence of GBV, with the aim to understand the roles of university and research organisations in prevention, protection, prosecution, provision of services, supported by partnerships and policies. The findings show that there is no federal legislation in Canada that deals directly with the issue of combating GBV in universities or research organisations. This is explained by the fact that legislation related to higher education is under the jurisdiction of provinces. Indeed, five provinces out of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada have passed legislations requiring post-secondary institutions to adopt and implement sexual violence policies between 2016 and 2021. In addition to these provincial laws, a National Strategy has been adopted. They have shown to be quite comprehensive, addressing from 4Ps to the maximum 7Ps.\n
gender-based violence; gender; research performing organisations; policy framework; Canada; #metoo
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
UniSAFE National researcher report - Canada
This report investigates the (non-)existence of laws and policies on gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of universities and research organisations in Canada. It has been published as part of ...
Globalization of science: evidence from authors in academic journals by country of origin
Macháček, Vít
2020 - English
globalization of science; academic journals
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Globalization of science: evidence from authors in academic journals by country of origin
Stakeholder consultation: needs assessment
Dvořáčková, Jana; Rozsíval, F.; Slezáková, Katarína
2019 - English
The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education. It presents an overview of the results of 1) quantitative survey and 2) qualitative interviews mapping the training needs of different target audiences (HR managers, management of research performing organizations, gender trainers and experts, researchers) to help tailor the future capacity-building programme to their needs.
Higher education; research; gender
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Stakeholder consultation: needs assessment
The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation ...
Quality Standards: Expert and Stakeholder Consultation
Dvořáčková, Jana; Slezáková, Katarína; Cacace, M.
2019 - English
The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education. It focuses on quality standards for training concepts and materials, and for trainers’ profiles and presents an overview of the results of expert and stakeholder consultation aimed at refining the set of standards identified and selected as part of the project.
Higher education; human resources development; gender
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quality Standards: Expert and Stakeholder Consultation
The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher ...
Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences
Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
2019 - English
The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers on Beall’s lists, we derived ISSNs of the respective journals from Ulrichsweb and searched Scopus with it. A total of 324 matched journals with 164 thousand documents indexed in Scopus over 2015-2017, making up a share of 2.8 % of the total articles have been identified. An analysis of cross-country differences in the tendency to publish in these journals reveals that overall the most affected are middle-income countries in Asia and North Africa. Kazakhstan is the country with the largest tendency to publish in predatory journals (18 %). More than 5 % is reported in 20 countries, including large countries such as Indonesia (18 %), Malaysia (11 %), India (10 %), or Nigeria (7 %). Neither developed countries are resistant to predatory publishing. More than 16 000 “potentially predatory” articles were published by authors from United States (0.67 %).
predatory journals; Beall's list; open access
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences
The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers ...
Heterogeneity of returns to business R&D: what does make a difference?
Pleticha, Petr
2019 - English
R&D returns; spillovers; Czechia
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Heterogeneity of returns to business R&D: what does make a difference?
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Pleticha, Petr
2018 - English
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the mechanics through which it interacts with digitalization. The composite indicator of digitalization is split into separate components which enables analyzing digitalization’s interplay with entrepreneurship as a dynamic process. Based on the econometric analysis of Eurostat regional data covering the period 2008-2015, I find significant links between digitalization and entrepreneurship. Specifically, digitalization is associated with an increase in the rate at which firms are created and with a decrease in their survival rate after 3 years. The paper demonstrates that the interaction is dynamic in its nature as the effects of initial stages of digitalization reverse or vanish in its later phases. A sectoral analysis shows the persistence of the results across industries.\nMoreover, there is evidence that professional, scientific and technical activities are especially sensitive towards digitalization, experiencing strong, yet short-term shock in the firms’ birth, death, and survival rates. Accounting for geographic variation reveals heterogeneity between regions but not large enough to affect the overall results.
digitalization; entrepreneurship; technology dissemination
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the ...
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Pleticha, Petr
2018 - English
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the mechanics through which it interacts with digitalization. The composite indicator of digitalization is split into separate components which enables analyzing digitalization’s interplay with entrepreneurship as a dynamic process. Based on the econometric analysis of Eurostat regional data covering the period 2008-2015, I find significant links between digitalization and entrepreneurship. Specifically, digitalization is associated with an increase in the rate at which firms are created and with a decrease in their survival rate after 3 years. The paper demonstrates that the interaction is dynamic in its nature as the effects of initial stages of digitalization reverse or vanish in its later phases. A sectoral analysis shows the persistence of the results across industries.\nMoreover, there is evidence that professional, scientific and technical activities are especially sensitive towards digitalization, experiencing strong, yet short-term shock in the firms’ birth, death, and survival rates. Accounting for geographic variation reveals heterogeneity between regions but not large enough to affect the overall results.
digitalization; entrepreneurship; technology dissemination
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the ...
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