Využití termografie v průzkumech památek
Valach, Jaroslav; Eisler, Marek
2024 - český
Termografie rozšiřuje portfolia metod, jimiž lze studovat vlastnosti objektů okolního světa. Ještě před deseti lety byla tato technologie kvůli potenciálním vojenským aplikacím úzkostlivě kontrolována, což omezovalo konkurenci v nabídce výrobků a výrobců a vedlo k vysokým cenám zařízení založených na těchto principech. Teprve díky uvolnění této kontroly došlo k rozmachu výroby a zpřístupnění zjednodušených výrobků masovému využití, takže si dnes může zákazník například pořídit chytrý telefon s doplňkovým termografickým modulem jen s malým navýšením ceny. Spolu s dostupností zařízení pozorujeme nárůst uplatnění termografie v mnoha oblastech, včetně průzkumů staveb a památek. Thermography expands the portfolio of methods that can be used to study the properties of objects in the surrounding world. As recently as a decade ago, the technology was frowned upon for potential military applications controlled, which limited competition in the offer of products and manufacturers and led to high prices of devices based on these principles. It was only thanks to the release of this control that it happened to expand production and make simplified products available to mass use, so get it today for example, a customer can purchase a smartphone with an additional thermographic module for only with a small price increase. Together with the availability of equipment, we observe an increase in the application of thermography in many areas, including surveys of buildings and monuments.
Klíčová slova:
thermography; survey of historical structures
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Využití termografie v průzkumech památek
Termografie rozšiřuje portfolia metod, jimiž lze studovat vlastnosti objektů okolního světa. Ještě před deseti lety byla tato technologie kvůli potenciálním vojenským aplikacím úzkostlivě ...
Výzkum zříceniny hradu Štamberk v kontextu regionu
Novotný, Jakub; Ramešová, Michaela
2023 - český
Příspěvek přibližuje dosavadní výsledky výzkumu hradu Štamberk realizovaného dle nově definovaných zásad pro výzkum, správu a prezentaci historických zřícenin, jehož cílem je podpořit nová řešení jak zvýšit využitelnost hradu pro cestovní ruch a integrovat památku do regionálních struktur lokalit s potenciálem cestovního ruchu. Hrad byl významným panstvím v rámci území dnešní Vysočiny. Předmětem řešení projektu, na kterém od roku 2020 spolupracuje ÚTAM AV ČR s Mikroregionem Telčsko, je výzkum historie hradu se zaměřením na technologická hlediska jeho výstavby, stavebních změn i zániku. Součástí je vytvoření 3D modelu zříceniny v krajinném kontextu. Projekt se soustředí na dějiny výroby vápna a související inventarizaci geologických lokalit. Tento výzkum přináší nové informace důležité nejen pro poznání historie hradu či pro studium analogických situací, ale také pro zvýšení atraktivity památky pro cestovní ruch. Příspěvek nejprve představí aktuální standardy výzkumu a managementu zřícenin, následně se bude zabývat nástinem potenciálu výzkumu Štamberka pro oblast cestovního ruchu s důrazem na historii hradu, mapování krajinného rámce a identifikace vazeb na regionální prostředí. Na závěr zrekapituluje dosavadní výsledky využitelné k prezentaci historického, kulturního i přírodního bohatství regionu se specifickou vazbou na cestovní ruch. The paper provides an overview of the research results of the Štamberk castle carried out according to newly defined principles for the research, management and presentation of historical ruins, the aim of which is to support new solutions to increase the usability of the castle for tourism and to integrate the monument into the regional structures of localities with tourism potential. The castle was an important place within the territory of today's Highlands. The subject of the project, on which ITAM CAS has been collaborating with the Telčsko Microregion since 2020, is research into the history of the castle with a focus on the technological aspects of its construction, structural changes and demise. It includes the creation of a 3D model of the ruins in a landscape context. The project focuses on the history of lime production and the related inventory of geological sites. This research brings new information important not only for learning about the history of the castle or for studying analogous situations, but also for increasing the attractiveness of the monument for tourism. The paper first presents the current standards of research and management of ruins, then it deals with an outline of the research potential of Štamberk for the field of tourism with an emphasis on the history of the castle, mapping the landscape framework and identifying links to the regional environment. At the end, it summarizes the results so far that can be used to present the historical, cultural and natural wealth of the region with a specific link to tourism.
Klíčová slova:
Štamberk; ruin; technological research; presentation of monuments; tourism
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Výzkum zříceniny hradu Štamberk v kontextu regionu
Příspěvek přibližuje dosavadní výsledky výzkumu hradu Štamberk realizovaného dle nově definovaných zásad pro výzkum, správu a prezentaci historických zřícenin, jehož cílem je podpořit nová řešení jak ...
Adaptation of methods for cyclo-stationary processes for noisy structural health data
Fischer, Cyril; Bayer, Jan; Náprstek, Jiří; Urushadze, Shota
2023 - anglický
In structural health analysis, various techniques, including indirect measurement via monitoring vehicles, often yield data with significant randomness and insufficient frequency separation. Conversely, the desired attributes under scrutiny are periodic in nature. Thus, methodologies designed to identify cyclo-stationary properties within noisy data can be adapted for such scenarios, assuming an adequate length of the recorded data.
Klíčová slova:
data analysis; cyclo-stationary processes; structural health monitoring
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Adaptation of methods for cyclo-stationary processes for noisy structural health data
In structural health analysis, various techniques, including indirect measurement via monitoring vehicles, often yield data with significant randomness and insufficient frequency separation. ...
Consistency of mathematical and experimental model of the autoparametric system
Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
2023 - anglický
This paper presents a long-overdue comparison of data obtained from experimental investigation of a spherical vibration absorber with the results of two mathematical models of the motion of a heavy sphere in a spherical surface. It shows that the danger posed by the potentially unstable self-parametric nature of the mathematical system is not too great in the case of realistic configurations, and that the values of the parameters describing the realistic structures remain within intervals corresponding to the stable behaviour of the absorber.
Klíčová slova:
vibration absorber; rolling sphere; spherical surface; autoparametric system; structural health monitoring
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Consistency of mathematical and experimental model of the autoparametric system
This paper presents a long-overdue comparison of data obtained from experimental investigation of a spherical vibration absorber with the results of two mathematical models of the motion of a heavy ...
Stereolithography for manufacturing of advanced porous solids
Drechslerová, V.; Neuhäuserová, M.; Falta, J.; Šleichrt, J.; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - anglický
The aim of this paper is focused on benefits of stereolithography (SLA) technology for the fabrication of the lightweight lattice structures with potential for load-bearing function and high absorption of impact energy. SLA is an additive manufacturing technology employing the principle of liquid resins curing moderated by radiation of a wavelength from ultra-violet band where resulting material parameters are tunable by setting of the curing process. The batches of samples manufactured using three different resins were subjected to quasi-static uni-axial tensile and compression tests. Acquired data were processed to derive deformation behaviour expressed as stress-strain diagrams and fundamental material properties. Based on the knowledge obtained from the mechanical tests, the setup of the fabrication parameters, the most suitable resin for manufacturing of the lattice structures and the overall suitability of SLA technology for the fabrication of advanced porous materials, were determined.
Klíčová slova:
stereolithography; advanced porous materials; quasi-static testing; resin; mechanical characteristics
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Stereolithography for manufacturing of advanced porous solids
The aim of this paper is focused on benefits of stereolithography (SLA) technology for the fabrication of the lightweight lattice structures with potential for load-bearing function and high ...
Effect of aging on mechanical properties of 3D printed samples using stereolithography
Drechslerová, V.; Falta, J.; Fíla, T.; Dvořák, R.; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - anglický
This paper focuses on stereolithography (an additive manufacturing technology working on the principle of curing liquid resins layer by layer using ultraviolet radiation) and the effect of aging on the mechanical properties of the material and printed samples. The aging of the material could be a problem for its subsequent use as the stability of the mechanical properties would not be maintained and unwanted deterioration of the material could occur. As part of the research, sets of samples were printed and subjected to different aging methods and subsequently subjected to quasi-static and dynamic uni-axial load tests. From the data obtained, the basic mechanical properties of the material were calculated and compared with each other. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether aging process causes significant changes in the mechanical properties of the materials used, which could have a consequential impact on their use in different industries.
Klíčová slova:
stereolithography; aging; mechanical properties
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Effect of aging on mechanical properties of 3D printed samples using stereolithography
This paper focuses on stereolithography (an additive manufacturing technology working on the principle of curing liquid resins layer by layer using ultraviolet radiation) and the effect of aging on ...
Computed tomography system with strict real-time synchronization for in-situ 3D analysis of periodically vibrating objects
Rada, Václav; Fíla, Tomáš; Zlámal, Petr; Koudelka_ml., Petr; Šleichrt, Jan; Macháček, Michael; Vavřík, Daniel; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - anglický
In the contribution, we present a laboratory system capable of X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scanning of an periodically moving or oscillating object. The system is an in-house developed XCT setup with electromagnetic voice coil actuator mounted on top of the rotary stage of the setup. The strict synchronization of the components, the rotary stage, the electromagnetic actuator movement and the detector readout is accomplished with use of the detector hardware trigger and hard real-time Linux operating system. Cylindrical sample manufactured from epoxy resin with metal particles to enable movement tracking is scanned in a stationary position and during periodical movement induced by the vibration stage. The volumetric data of the scans is compared and the results of this contribution represent an important step towards identification of defects through modal analysis of in-situ harmonically vibrating object.
Klíčová slova:
computed tomography; hardware trigger; harmonic motion; realtime synchronization
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Computed tomography system with strict real-time synchronization for in-situ 3D analysis of periodically vibrating objects
In the contribution, we present a laboratory system capable of X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scanning of an periodically moving or oscillating object. The system is an in-house developed XCT setup ...
Analysis suggestion for vehicle scanning method
Bayer, Jan
2023 - anglický
An analytical approach is suggested that can be conveniently applied in the framework of the Vehicle scanning method (VSM). It assumes that the modal parameters of a bridge will be imported from a finite element (FE) program into MATLAB, where the structural response caused by a moving mass and a moving spring mass is solved using coupling equations and numerical integration. A mathematical formulation of the solution is presented together with a short numerical case study that compares the results to a traditional closed form solution. It is shown that when comparing both forms of analysis the suggested approach is more accurate in the case of slow velocities of the passing sprung mass. Other advantages are that the method allows for the mass of the vehicle or (tractor) towing vehicle and a damping \nto be included in the calculation. The user-friendly preprocessing in commercial FE programs can also be considered an advantage.
Klíčová slova:
moving vehicle; vehicle scanning method; natural frequency; finite element analysis
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Analysis suggestion for vehicle scanning method
An analytical approach is suggested that can be conveniently applied in the framework of the Vehicle scanning method (VSM). It assumes that the modal parameters of a bridge will be imported from a ...
Příklady charakteristických stop po ručním zpracování dřeva použitého ve stavbách
Bláha, Jiří
2023 - český
Rozdělení stop dochovaných na povrchu dřeva podle okolností vzniku stopy a druhu použitého nástroje. Ukázky stop zjištěných při terénních průzkumech a jejich následná analýza a interpretace. Classification of traces preserved on the surface of wood according to the circumstances of the trace origin and the type of tool used. Examples of traces recorded during field surveys and their subsequent analysis and interpretation.
Klíčová slova:
carpentry; hewing; purlin roofs; timber rafting; tool traces; wood processing
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Příklady charakteristických stop po ručním zpracování dřeva použitého ve stavbách
Rozdělení stop dochovaných na povrchu dřeva podle okolností vzniku stopy a druhu použitého nástroje. Ukázky stop zjištěných při terénních průzkumech a jejich následná analýza a ...
Identification of quasiperiodic processes in the vicinity of the resonance
Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
2023 - anglický
In nonlinear dynamical systems, strong quasiperiodic beating effects appear due to combination of self-excited and forced vibration. The presence of symmetric or asymmetric beatings indicates an exchange of energy between individual degrees of freedom of the model or by multiple close dominant frequencies. This effect is illustrated by the case of the van der Pol equation in the vicinity of resonance. The approximate analysis of these nonlinear effects uses the harmonic balance method and the multiple scale method.
Klíčová slova:
dynamical systems; quasiperiodic response; van der Pol equation
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Identification of quasiperiodic processes in the vicinity of the resonance
In nonlinear dynamical systems, strong quasiperiodic beating effects appear due to combination of self-excited and forced vibration. The presence of symmetric or asymmetric beatings indicates an ...
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