Number of found documents: 199

The Design and Realisation of Metamaterial
Kovaľová, Soňa
The work discusses periodic resonant structures with negative permeability (metamaterials) as an improvement of NMR tomograph resolution. The aim of work is to design and adjust magnetoinductive lens for application in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. The software Ansys HFSS was used for finite element method analysis of designed structure. Keywords: Metamaterial; periodic resonant structure; electromagnetic wave; permitivity; permeability; magnetoinductive lens; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; finite element method Available in a digital repository NRGL
The Design and Realisation of Metamaterial

The work discusses periodic resonant structures with negative permeability (metamaterials) as an improvement of NMR tomograph resolution. The aim of work is to design and adjust magnetoinductive lens ...

Kovaľová, Soňa
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Belt Filling Line
Majchrák, František
The goal was to create a mechatronic product, including sensory part, drives and control. The product is used to fill chosen drink flavors into the cup and transport it along the filling line. Management is realized through the Siemens PLC S-7 200. Keywords: conveyor; PLC; sensor; mixing drink Available in a digital repository NRGL
Belt Filling Line

The goal was to create a mechatronic product, including sensory part, drives and control. The product is used to fill chosen drink flavors into the cup and transport it along the filling line. ...

Majchrák, František
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

LED Pipetting Indicator
Demjan, Michal
The main purpose of this work is making work for people in laboratories easier and more comfortable with limited budget. Project solved this problem and showed the affordable way how to improve laboratory environment and performances of laboratory workers. Designed and produced pipetting indicator, described on this work, is based on 8bit microcontroller. Indicator has ability to indicate up to 96 positions. Keywords: pipetting; indication Available in a digital repository NRGL
LED Pipetting Indicator

The main purpose of this work is making work for people in laboratories easier and more comfortable with limited budget. Project solved this problem and showed the affordable way how to improve ...

Demjan, Michal
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Effect of Plasma Oxidation of Carbon Working Electrode on Its Electrochemical Response
Koporec, Lukáš
Screen-printed electrochemical sensors are very perspective because they are much smaller than common electrodes used in electrochemistry, portable, ecological and can be very easily modified in order to increase their sensitivity and selectivity for specific analytes. In this study, plasma treatment was used to modify the carbon working electrode of a screen-printed threeelectrodes system. Plasma treatment was performed using RF plasma discharge in argon/oxygen atmosphere. The plasma modified electrodes exhibited considerable enhancement in electrocatalytic activity towards studied electroactive compounds. Keywords: Screen-printing; carbon electrode; plasma treatment; cyclic voltammetry; electrochemical sensor Available in a digital repository NRGL
Effect of Plasma Oxidation of Carbon Working Electrode on Its Electrochemical Response

Screen-printed electrochemical sensors are very perspective because they are much smaller than common electrodes used in electrochemistry, portable, ecological and can be very easily modified in order ...

Koporec, Lukáš
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Nevizuálne svetelné prostredie v budovách
Josai, Tomáš
Daylight plays an important role in achieving energy savings and visual comfort in buildings. It conforms to human circadian rhythms and provides the best visual conditions in the work environment and residential buildings. Due to the dynamics of life in today's modern society, people are spending more and more time indoors. As a result, we are exposed to less and less time directly in daylight. This is true depending on the appropriateness of the indoor lighting environment. The diversity of geometric properties of the space, but also the optical properties of building materials significantly complicate the simplified view of the evaluation of the circadian potential in buildings. This fact points to the fact that not only the quantity but also the quality (i.e., colour spectrum of light) of the indoor light environment needs to be properly addressed. Denné svetlo zohráva významnú úlohu pri dosahovaní úspor energie a vizuálneho pohodlia v budovách. Je v súlade s ľudskými cirkadiánnymi rytmami a umožňuje najlepšie vizuálne podmienky v pracovnom prostredí a v obytných budovách. Vzhľadom na dynamiku života v súčasnej modernej spoločnosti ľudia trávia v interiéroch stále viac času. V dôsledku toho sa vystavujeme čoraz menej času priamemu dennému svetlu. Táto skutočnosť zvyšuje dôležitosť vhodne navrhnutého vnútorného svetelného prostredia. Rôznorodosť geometrických vlastností priestoru, ale aj optických vlastnosti stavebných materiálov výrazne komplikuje zjednodušený pohľad na hodnotenie cirkadiánneho potenciálu v budovách. Tento fakt poukazuje na skutočnosť, že nielen kvantitu, ale aj kvalitu (t.j. spektrálne zloženie svetla) vnútorného svetelného prostredia je potrebné vhodne riešiť. Keywords: Non-visual light effects; equivalent melanopic illuminance; circadian stimulus; circadian light Available in a digital repository NRGL
Nevizuálne svetelné prostredie v budovách

Daylight plays an important role in achieving energy savings and visual comfort in buildings. It conforms to human circadian rhythms and provides the best visual conditions in the work environment and ...

Josai, Tomáš
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Vplyv zmeny klímy na efektívnosť EPC projektov
Klincová, Veronika
Energy consumption in buildings is an important factor related to sustainable development and is closely linked to the main threat to human society posed by greenhouse gas emissions and the associated global warming. Optimizing of energy consumption in buildings and the efficient use of energy from renewable sources with minimal impact on the environment are at the heart of the fight against climate change. The article discusses the current state of climate change and its impact on energy consumption in the building, describes the possibilities of assessing the future energy performance of buildings through simulations as a tool for optimal design of energy consumption in a building, taking into account future climate data, and explains the financing model for improving energy efficiency of buildings through EPC projects. Spotreba energie v budovách je dôležitým faktorom súvisiacim s trvalo udržateľným rozvojom a je úzko spojená s hlavnou hrozbou ľudskej spoločnosti, ktorú predstavuje tvorba skleníkových plynov a s tým súvisiace globálne otepľovanie. Optimalizácia spotreby energie v budovách a efektívne využívanie energie z obnoviteľných zdrojov energie s minimálnym dopadom na životné prostredie predstavujú jadro boja proti zmene podnebia. Článok pojednáva o problematike súčasného stavu klimatických zmien a ich dopadu na spotrebu energie v budove, popisuje možnosti hodnotenia EHB prostredníctvom simulácií ako nástroja pre optimálny návrh spotreby energie so zohľadnením údajov o budúcej klíme a zároveň objasňuje model financovania zlepšenia energetickej efektívnosti budov prostredníctvom EPC projektov. Keywords: Climate change; energy efficiency; EPC project; energy simulation Available in a digital repository NRGL
Vplyv zmeny klímy na efektívnosť EPC projektov

Energy consumption in buildings is an important factor related to sustainable development and is closely linked to the main threat to human society posed by greenhouse gas emissions and the associated ...

Klincová, Veronika
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Stanovenie miery oslabenia závesu pomocou dynamického merania
Bezručová, Kristína; Nečas, Radim
Paper discusses the possibilities of measuring the dynamic response of cables to impulse excitation. Basic relations between cable force and natural frequency of cable and conditions of use on real structures are mentioned. Methods are applied on a pedestrian bridge in Napajedla. The aim of the measurement was to determine the cable force and to evaluate their condition and stress based on the dynamic response. Článok pojednáva o možnostiach merania dynamickej odozvy závesov na budenie impulzom. Uvedené sú základné vzťahy medzi silou v lane a vlastnou frekvenciou kmitania závesu a podmienky použitia týchto vzťahov na skutočnej konštrukcii. Poznatky sú následne aplikované na lávke pre chodcov v meste Napajedla. Cieľom merania bolo stanovenie veľkosti sily v závesoch, zhodnotenie ich stavu a namáhania na základe dynamickej odozvy. Keywords: String oscilation; natural frequencies; cable force; cross - sectional weakening; pedestrian bridge Available in a digital repository NRGL
Stanovenie miery oslabenia závesu pomocou dynamického merania

Paper discusses the possibilities of measuring the dynamic response of cables to impulse excitation. Basic relations between cable force and natural frequency of cable and conditions of use on real ...

Bezručová, Kristína; Nečas, Radim
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Monitorovanie variácií kontinentálneho ľadovca Austfonna pomocou dát družicových misií GRACE a GRACE-FO
Korekáčová, Barbora
GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite missions provide important data necessary for temporal gravity field variation modelling. The main cause of Earth’s gravity field variations monitored by GRACE and GRACE-FO is the motion of Earth masses. To assess the ice mass variations, we have to correct the measured gravity signal for land hydrology variations and effect of post-glacial isostatic rebound. This paper describes the computational process of ice mass variations in Austfonna glacier ice cap. A total of 198 monthly GRACE and GRACE-FO global geopotential models, global hydrological model GLDAS NOAH and GIA model forced with ICE-5G global ice loading history were used to estimate the value of quadratic trend in terms of equivalent water height. Družicové misie GRACE a GRACE-FO nám poskytujú dáta vhodné na modelovanie tiažového poľa Zeme. Hlavným zdrojom variácií tiažového poľa zachytených misiami GRACE a GRACE-FO je pohyb zemských hmôt. Pre určenie variácií ľadovcových hmôt musíme zachytený gravitačný signál opraviť o kontinentálnu hydrológiu a efekt z postglaciálneho izostatického vyrovnania. Článok sa venuje popisu procesu výpočtu časových variácií kontinentálneho ľadovca Austfonna. Zo 198 globálnych geopotenciálnych modelov misií GRACE a GRACE-FO v kombinácii s hydrologickým modelom GLDAS NOAH a modelom postglaciálneho izostatického vyrovnania založeného na ľadovcovej histórii ICE-5G bol určený časový rad znázorňujúci zmeny kontinentálneho ľadovca Austfonna a jeho kvadratický trend v zmysle ekvivalentnej výšky vodného stĺpca. Keywords: GRACE; GRACE-FO; glacial ice cap; postglacial isostatic rebound; global hydrological model Available in a digital repository NRGL
Monitorovanie variácií kontinentálneho ľadovca Austfonna pomocou dát družicových misií GRACE a GRACE-FO

GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite missions provide important data necessary for temporal gravity field variation modelling. The main cause of Earth’s gravity field variations monitored by GRACE and ...

Korekáčová, Barbora
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Spracovanie meraní s rôznou mierou neistoty
Gerhátová, Ľubomíra
V geodetickej praxi sa často stretávame s tým, že na bodoch geodetickej siete potrebujeme vykonať rôzne druhy geodetických meraní (z hľadiska meračských postupov aj presnosti) a v rámci procesu spracovania ich vhodne kombinovať. Najčastejšie používaná metóda najmenších štvorcov je síce jednoduchá, ale v rámci postupu spracovania kombinuje danú apriórnu presnosť meraní (jednotlivých meraní aj ich skupín) spolu s meraniami samotnými. V prípade, že apriórna presnosť jednej metódy (resp. skupiny meraní), je výrazne nadhodnotená, resp. podhodnotená voči inej metóde (skupine meraní), výsledok až tak neodzrkadľuje realitu. Metóda odhadu variančných komponentov je jedna z metód, ktorá ukazuje, ako sa s takouto situáciou vysporiadať. In geodetic practice, we often encounter the fact that at the points of the geodetic network we need other types of geodetic measurements (in terms of measurement procedures and accuracy) and it is appropriate to combine them within the processing process. The most commonly used method of least squares is simple, but within the processing process it combines the given a priori accuracy of measurements (individual measurements and their groups) together with the measurements themselves. If the a priori uncertainty of one method (or group of measurements) is significantly overestimated, resp. underestimated against another method (group of measurements), the result does not reflect reality. The method of estimation of variance components is one of the methods that shows how to deal with such a situation. Keywords: Method of estimation of variance components, method of least squares Available in a digital repository NRGL
Spracovanie meraní s rôznou mierou neistoty

V geodetickej praxi sa často stretávame s tým, že na bodoch geodetickej siete potrebujeme vykonať rôzne druhy geodetických meraní (z hľadiska meračských postupov aj presnosti) a v rámci procesu ...

Gerhátová, Ľubomíra
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Detection Of Fake Access Points
Lővinger, Norbert
Wireless networks have become a common part of our everyday life. This paper describes the cyber-attacks that employ fake access points. These types of attacks are dangerous for users due open communication medium and automatic connection of end stations. In order to prevent attacks, we can implement Wireless Intrusion Detection System to monitor a wireless network. In this article, we analyze Kismet system in experimental testbed that prevents fake access points attacks. Keywords: Wi-Fi; Fake Access Points; Rouge AP; WIDS; Kismet Available in a digital repository NRGL
Detection Of Fake Access Points

Wireless networks have become a common part of our everyday life. This paper describes the cyber-attacks that employ fake access points. These types of attacks are dangerous for users due open ...

Lővinger, Norbert
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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