Adsorption of pharmaceuticals from aqueous solutions onto clay minerals
Vallová, S.; Sokolová, B.; Valovičová, Věra; Plevová, Eva
2019 - English
The objective of this work was to investigate to possibility of clay minerals for the removal of drugs from aqueous solutions. Natural minerals such as montmorillonite, vermiculite, kaolinite and modified montmorillonites KSF and K10 (intercalated by Fe3+) were used as potential sorbents for three analgetics: paracetamol, ibuprofen and diclofenac from aqueous solutions. This research demonstrated that adsorption of all three pharmaceuticals onto natural untreated clay minerals, except paracetamol sorption on Na-MMT, is negligible. On the other hand, the chemically modified montmorillonites demonstrated significant sorption ability in the order diclofenac>ibuprofen>paracetamol.
adsorption; clay minerals; montmorillonite; paracetamol; ibuprofen; diclofenac
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Adsorption of pharmaceuticals from aqueous solutions onto clay minerals
The objective of this work was to investigate to possibility of clay minerals for the removal of drugs from aqueous solutions. Natural minerals such as montmorillonite, vermiculite, kaolinite and ...
Possibilities of using 3D laser scanning in geotechnical practise
Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Šňupárek, Richard; Waclawik, Petr
2019 - English
We are experiencing the penetration of modern and smart technologies in all sectors of human activity, including mining and geotechnics. One of these technologies is 3D laser scanning, which has seen significant technological advancements over the last decade and has become an integral part of underground construction monitoring as a tool to enable comprehensive, accurate and unbiased capture of the spatial situation in digital form. This development was behind the fact that since 2013, 3D laser scanner has been used by the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a necessary part of the geotechnical monitoring of mine works, when it is possible to precisely detect and quantify the time-space changes caused by man's intervention in the rock mass compared to the traditional established measuring methods. A leading project of recent years was the monitoring of the strain stress state of the rock massif during the 30th seam extraction during the trial operation of the Room and Pillar extraction method in the CSM Mine shaft safety pillar where, besides many other measuring instruments, 3D laser scanning was used for the convergence measuring of roadways, especially for capturing any deformation changes on the permanent pillars. A complementary function was the comparative evaluation with the results of other tools, e.g. with data measured by horizontal extensometers. The subject of the article will be a general description of the possibilities of using 3D laser scanning in geotechnical practice on spatial data acquired during the monitoring lasting almost 3.5 years, when important phenomena were detected in the movement of the pillar walls and the floor heave in the CSM Mine in the tens of cm, sometimes up to 100 cm.
3D laser scanning; room and pillar; roadways deformation
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Possibilities of using 3D laser scanning in geotechnical practise
We are experiencing the penetration of modern and smart technologies in all sectors of human activity, including mining and geotechnics. One of these technologies is 3D laser scanning, which has seen ...
Malý pohled na historii suchých období v řece Punkvě se zřetelem na rok 2018
Lejska, S.; Kuda, František; Kněžínek, K.
2019 - Czech
Od roku 2012 lze pozorovat klesající trend hladiny vody podzemních krasových vod v povodí Punkvy. V roce 2018 klesl průtok na LG Skalní Mlýn na nejnižší hodnotu za posledních 60 let (75 l.s-1). To umožnilo suchý vstup do Dome jezera tvořící přítokovou jímku řeky Punkvy do Bludiště Milana Šlechty (Labyrint Milana Šlechty) v soutokové oblasti Sloupského potoka a potoka Bílé vody, v centrální části Amatérské jeskyně. Vana sousedí s Jezerní propastí (LAke Abyss) V té době nebylo prozkoumáno spojení mezi těmito dvěma lokalitami, takže naše pracovní skupina „Jezero Abyss - přítoková jímka řeky Punkvy“ prohledala tuto sekci pomocí 3D skeneru v srpnu 2018. Since 2012, one can observe a decreasing trend in the water level of underground karst water in the Punkva River basin. In 2018, the discharge at LG Skalní Mlýn dropped to the lowest value in the last 60 years (75 l.s-1). This permitted a dry entry to the Lake Dome forming the inflow sump of the Punkva River to Bludiště Milana Šlechty (Milan Šlechta Labyrinth) in the confluence area of the Sloup Creek and the Bílá voda Creek, in the central part of the Amatérská Cave. The sump is adjacent to the Jezerní propast (LAke Abyss) The connection between these two locations had not been surveyed at that time, so our work group „Lake Abyss – inflow sump of the Punkva River“ scanned this section using a 3D scanner in August 2018.
Punkva river; Amatérská cave; dry season
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Malý pohled na historii suchých období v řece Punkvě se zřetelem na rok 2018
Od roku 2012 lze pozorovat klesající trend hladiny vody podzemních krasových vod v povodí Punkvy. V roce 2018 klesl průtok na LG Skalní Mlýn na nejnižší hodnotu za posledních 60 let (75 l.s-1). To ...
Možnosti využití 3D laserového skenování v geotechnické praxi
Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Šňupárek, Richard; Waclawik, Petr
2019 - Czech
S pronikáním moderních a smart technologií se setkáváme ve všech odvětvích lidské činnosti, oblast hornictví a geotechniky nevyjímaje. Jednou z těchto technologií je i 3D laserové skenování, které za posledních deset let zaznamenalo výrazný technologický pokrok a stalo se nedílnou součástí monitoringu podzemních staveb jako nástroj umožňující komplexní, přesné a nezkreslené zachycení prostorové situace do digitální podoby. Právě tato skutečnost stála za tím, že je od r. 2013 3D laserový skener využíván pracovníky Ústavu geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. jako nezbytná součást geotechnického a geotechnického monitoringu důlních děl, kdy lze oproti tradičním, zavedeným měřičským metodám, velmi přesně detekovat a kvantifikovat časoprostorové změny vyvolané zásahem člověka do horninového masivu. Nosným projektem posledních let byl monitoring napěťodeformačního stavu horninového masivu při dobývání 30. sloje v rámci zkušebního provozu dobývací metody Room and Pillar (chodba-pilíř) v ochranném pilíři jam Dolu ČSM, kde vedle mnoha jiných měřicích instrumentů bylo 3D laserové skenování využíváno pro konvergenční měření chodeb, zejména ale pro zachycení veškerých deformačních změn na ponechaných pilířích. Doplňkovou funkcí bylo komparativní hodnocení s výsledky jiných nástrojů, kupř. s údaji naměřenými pomocí horizontálních extenzometrů. Předmětem příspěvku tak bude všeobecné vytyčení možností uplatnění 3D laserového skenování v geotechnické praxi, a to na prostorových datech pořízených během monitoringu trvajícím bezmála 3,5 roku, kdy byly na Dole ČSM zachyceny významné fenomény v pohybu stěn pilíře a vyzvedávání počvy v řádu desítek cm, místy až 100 cm. We are experiencing the penetration of modern and smart technologies in all sectors of human activity, including mining and geotechnics. One of these technologies is 3D laser scanning, which has seen significant technological advancements over the last decade and has become an integral part of underground construction monitoring as a tool to enable comprehensive, accurate and unbiased capture of the spatial situation in digital form. This development was behind the fact that since 2013, 3D laser scanner has been used by the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a necessary part of the geotechnical monitoring of mine works, when it is possible to precisely detect and quantify the time-space changes caused by man's intervention in the rock mass compared to the traditional established measuring methods. A leading project of recent years was the monitoring of the strain stress state of the rock massif during the 30th seam extraction during the trial operation of the Room and Pillar extraction method in the CSM Mine shaft safety pillar where, besides many other measuring instruments, 3D laser scanning was used for the convergence measuring of roadways, especially for capturing any deformation changes on the permanent pillars. A complementary function was the comparative evaluation with the results of other tools, e.g. with data measured by horizontal extensometers. The subject of the article will be a general description of the possibilities of using 3D laser scanning in geotechnical practice on spatial data acquired during the monitoring lasting almost 3.5 years, when important phenomena were detected in the movement of the pillar walls and the floor heave in the CSM Mine in the tens of cm, sometimes up to 100 cm.
3D laser scanning; room and pillar; roadways deformation
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Možnosti využití 3D laserového skenování v geotechnické praxi
S pronikáním moderních a smart technologií se setkáváme ve všech odvětvích lidské činnosti, oblast hornictví a geotechniky nevyjímaje. Jednou z těchto technologií je i 3D laserové skenování, které za ...
Effects of abrasives during accelerated simulation of mechanical corrosion of cement composites using abrasive water flow
Hlaváček, Petr; Sitek, Libor; Klichová, Dagmar; Bodnárová, L.
2019 - English
The paper deals with the use of the abrasive water flow technology in an accelerated simulation of the process of mechanical degradation of surface layers of cement-based composites by flowing liquids. Effects of the abrasive particle size and the mass flow rate of abrasives in an abrasive water flow impacting on the surface of concrete samples have been studied. In addition, suitability of the application of the abrasive water flow for the simulation of real situation of the surface wear by flowing liquids has been evaluated.
cement-based composite; erosion; abrasion; cavitation; high-speed water flow; abrasive material
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effects of abrasives during accelerated simulation of mechanical corrosion of cement composites using abrasive water flow
The paper deals with the use of the abrasive water flow technology in an accelerated simulation of the process of mechanical degradation of surface layers of cement-based composites by flowing ...
Cultural heritage and geodiversity of landforms in the landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc
Kirchner, Karel; Kuda, František; Kubalíková, Lucie; Havlíček, M.; Machar, I.; Pechanec, V.
2018 - English
Within the framework of the NAKI II project – Cultural heritage of landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc - research, presentation and management (DGB 16P02B014), we focus on the results that will contribute to the sustainable development of regional cultural identity through applied cultural heritage research in the cultural landscape of the area of interest. As part of the material cultural heritage, we include the landforms that originated from the conscious activity of man - the anthropogenic relief forms. These landforms complement the geodiversity of the landscape and are referred to as secondary geodiversity. Therefore, their identification and interpretation will make it possible to complement and enhance the diversity of cultural heritage and to specify the development of the cultural landscape. The first results from the area of Central Moravia will be presented with the using of the historical maps, the digital model of the relief DMR5G and the field research.
cultural heritage; secondary geodiversity; Archdiocese of Olomouc
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Cultural heritage and geodiversity of landforms in the landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc
Within the framework of the NAKI II project – Cultural heritage of landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc - research, presentation and management (DGB 16P02B014), we focus on the results that will ...
The pre-industrial landscape as a cultural heritage: Malá Haná
Kolejka, Jaromír
2018 - English
The parts of the territory with a preserved secondary (economic) landscape structure, originated around the middle of the 19th century, may be considered as existing segments of the pre-industrial landscape. Such territory has retained a similar character of plot distribution and land use of that time. These segments have been pre-identified in the contemporary cultural landscape according to the recent colour orthophotomap. The existence of that cultural heritage has been confirmed or excluded by comparison with the maps of the 2nd military survey and indicating sketches of the cadastral survey from the 1st half of the 19th century. The records were systematically carried out according to the cadastral units of the so-called working regions of Moravia. The segments of the pre-industrial landscape identified in laboratory research then underwent a field research, followed by the determination of their properties and the assessment of the state and the threats.
survey; inventory; Czech Republic
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The pre-industrial landscape as a cultural heritage: Malá Haná
The parts of the territory with a preserved secondary (economic) landscape structure, originated around the middle of the 19th century, may be considered as existing segments of the pre-industrial ...
Influence of hydrodynamic nozzle wear on erosion effect of self-excited pulsating water jet
Klich, Jiří; Říha, Zdeněk; Foldyna, Vladimír
2017 - English
The article deals with the study of the wear of the hydrodynamic nozzle and its\ninfluence on the generation of a self-excited pulsating water jet (SPWJ). The nozzle\nwas monitored for the ability of the waterjet to erode the surface of the aluminum\nalloy EN AW 6060 at regular intervals.
hydrodynamic nozzle; waterjet; erosion
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Influence of hydrodynamic nozzle wear on erosion effect of self-excited pulsating water jet
The article deals with the study of the wear of the hydrodynamic nozzle and its\ninfluence on the generation of a self-excited pulsating water jet (SPWJ). The nozzle\nwas monitored for the ability of ...
Properties and characteristics of recycled garnet abrasives for AWJ
Martinec, Petr; Hlaváček, Petr; Ruppenthalová, Lucie; Sitek, Libor
2017 - English
The use of recycled garnet abrasive from sludge after cutting materials is a current\nproblem. The behavior of individual garnet abrasives in the AWJ process depends\non the geological origin of the garnets, which also affects all the material\ncharacteristics of the garnet recyclate. The parameters of the BARTON HPX80 and\nGMA 80 abrasive inputs and their recycled products were compared: mineralogical\ntype, apparent density, granularity, grain shape and mineralogical purity,\nmicrohardness data and the degree of damage to the garnet grains. All individual\nparameters of abrasives and their recyclates are reflected in the index of cutting\nefficiency of abrasive. The effect of abrasive material properties on cuttability of\nabrasives is synergistic. The new parameters in the evaluation of abrasives are\nmicro-hardness (brittleness criterion), specific surface and pore size distribution\n(internal grain damage criterion).
garnet; abrasive water jet; recycled abrasives; index of cutting efficiency of abrasive; microhardnes
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Properties and characteristics of recycled garnet abrasives for AWJ
The use of recycled garnet abrasive from sludge after cutting materials is a current\nproblem. The behavior of individual garnet abrasives in the AWJ process depends\non the geological origin of the ...
Effects of Water Jets on CNTs/concrete composite
Foldyna, Vladimír; Foldyna, Josef
2017 - English
Results of the resistance of carbon nanotubes concrete composite (CNTs/concrete\ncomposite) to the action of pulsating and continuous water jets are presented in\nthis paper. This work brings advanced results of fully hydrated CNTs/concrete\ncomposite (after 28 days) and it follows up the research of this composite\nhydrated 7 days. The experiments were focused at the determination of erosion\neffects of both types of water jets impinging the surface of reference (concrete) and\nCNTs/concrete composite samples. Erosion effects of water jets were evaluated in\nterms of material removal rate. Tests were performed at various operating\nparameters of continuous and pulsating water jets.
CNTs/concrete composite; continuous and pulsating water jet; material removal
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Effects of Water Jets on CNTs/concrete composite
Results of the resistance of carbon nanotubes concrete composite (CNTs/concrete\ncomposite) to the action of pulsating and continuous water jets are presented in\nthis paper. This work brings advanced ...
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