Number of found documents: 137
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Carboxymethylcellulose on fibers
Nokuthula Adelaide Shezi; vedoucí práce Karolína Borůvková
2012 - English
Carboxymethylcellulose salt occurs as a white or slight yellow flocculent fiber powder or white powder which is non-toxic, tasteless, odorless and easy to dissolve. It has a thickening, emulsifying, shaping, water retention, stabilizing capacity, and becomes colourless when dissolved in cold or hot water. Carboxymethylcellulose has found a wide use in textile industry for textile surface treatment. It has gained an advantage over starch as a sizing agent for cotton yarn since it enables a smooth surface.This work discusses the use of CMC to modify the surface of polyester fibers.The topochemical modified polyester fibers are improved by the the crosslinking of polyester fibers with carboxymethylcellulose resulting in a better water absorption capacity of the polyester fibers since the polyester fibers are well known for their hydrophobic character.The overall objective of this research is to observe and determine the best crosslinking temparature and crosslinking time of the carboxymethylcellulose onto the polyester textile substrate and also to observe the maximum water absorption capacity of the treated fabric. The oven as well as the special heating vials with lids were used to perfom the whole experiments to try and accomplish the whole task of this research. Keywords: textilní chemie; polyestery; textilní vlákna; syntetická vlákna Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Carboxymethylcellulose on fibers

Carboxymethylcellulose salt occurs as a white or slight yellow flocculent fiber powder or white powder which is non-toxic, tasteless, odorless and easy to dissolve. It has a thickening, emulsifying, ...

Nokuthula Adelaide Shezi; vedoucí práce Karolína Borůvková
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Lamination of nonwovens with nanofibrous layer
Petros Sifiso Nkosi; vedoucí práce Jiří Chaloupek
2012 - English
The aim of this research was to develop new material using spun bond (polypropylene and polyethylene) and nanofiber materials (polyacrylonitrile) which can result to nonwoven fabric with very specific properties that are characterized by very soft and pleasant feel, excellent, comfortable properties upon contact with human skin section and higher elasticity.This research will be also setting new standards for hygienic applications (baby diapers, feminine hygiene and incontinence products). This will be a greater opportunities for bonding (polyethylene) with other fabrics for composite materials in the automotive industry or in construction.The steps that will be used to achieve all this properties .(i) The first route to achieve all this is to form bicomponent nonwoven fabric through lamination machine, where we will be laminating spunbond materials and nanofibers materials.(ii) The second route is to do tests to this samples, through controlling some parameters. First test will be comparing the penetration and efficiency for each sample using Sodium Chloride Filter instrument. The second test will be comparing the strength of joint for each sample using a tensile tester, also known as a tension test. The third and the last test will be finding the bending length to determine the flexural rigidity for each sample and compare them. The last route of this research will be using SEM analysis to show how fibers are arranged after lamination. Keywords: netkané textilie; textilní technologie; nanovlákna Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Lamination of nonwovens with nanofibrous layer

The aim of this research was to develop new material using spun bond (polypropylene and polyethylene) and nanofiber materials (polyacrylonitrile) which can result to nonwoven fabric with very specific ...

Petros Sifiso Nkosi; vedoucí práce Jiří Chaloupek
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Warning clothing - study of fluorescenece fading in washing
Joyful Zamasomi Msomi; Michal Vik
2012 - English
High-visibility clothing, is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE), is any clothing worn that has highly reflective properties or a color that is easily discernible from any background. Yellow waistcoats worn by emergency services are a common example.Part of the surface of the garment may have retro reflective stripes. This way they become much more visible in the dark for observers near a light source, such as the driver of a car with its headlights on. The pattern of the retro reflecting parts also helps to distinguish between objects and people. Area reflective fabric has proven to be the most effective way of outlining the body, so that drivers can distinguish a human shape at night. For greater visibility during the daytime, very bright colors are used for the main body of the garment by means of fluorescent material. In general, people who wear high-visibility clothing are those who need to be seen during poor lighting or weather conditions, or when working in environments where there is a lot of moving machinery.Types of high-visibility clothing:There are three different classifications for high-visibility clothing:1. Class D - Outdoor daytime use only, with fluorescent or other non-retro reflective high-visibility material2. Class N - Night-time use only, with retro reflective material on a ?non-specified? background3. Class D/N - Day or night use, with a combination of fluorescent and retro reflective material.Retro reflective material reflects light back. Non-retro reflective material does not. If retro reflectiveBefore purchasing a garment, a risk assessment should be conducted to determine when and where the clothing will be worn, and what work tasks are to be completed.Environmental factors that may influence your choice of clothing include: "Temperature" Lighting and visibility (including during the day or night and different types of weather).Primary concerned regarding these garments has been the fading due to the external environmental factors as well as constant washing. This report will simply focus on fading due to washing. Keywords: textilní chemie; barvy; fluorescence Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Warning clothing - study of fluorescenece fading in washing

High-visibility clothing, is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE), is any clothing worn that has highly reflective properties or a color that is easily discernible from any background. Yellow ...

Joyful Zamasomi Msomi; Michal Vik
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Photocatalytic properties of TiO\dindex{2} nanoparticles
Mary Immaculate sithembile dlamini; vedoucí práce Jakub Wiener
2012 - English
TiO2 is extensively used as a photocatalyst due to the strong oxidizing power of its holes, high photostability and redox selectivity. The oxymetric method was investigated for testing of photocatalytic properties of TiO2 on dye acid orange II and a saccharide to observe the influence of oxygen concentration which decreases under UV radiation. The oxymetric method was modified to test cotton and polyester samples coated with TiO2 for photocatalysis and self-cleaning properties. The findings show that there is a linear correlation between the decrease of dissolved oxygen concentration as a function of time which shows photo catalytic behavior. The kinetic model is proposed for the degradation of acid orange II which resulted in slight decolourization of the dye acid orange II. Self-cleaning property tested on cotton samples stained with red wine and coffee and exposed to solar radiation for 1 day showed some decolourization of the stains. Keywords: textilní chemie Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Photocatalytic properties of TiO\dindex{2} nanoparticles

TiO2 is extensively used as a photocatalyst due to the strong oxidizing power of its holes, high photostability and redox selectivity. The oxymetric method was investigated for testing of ...

Mary Immaculate sithembile dlamini; vedoucí práce Jakub Wiener
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Using of Fuzzy Technologies for Image Processing
Ondřej Kašpar; vedoucí práce Jaroslav Vlach
2012 - English
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací fuzzy logiky ve zpracování obrazu. Hlavním tématem práce je návrh a implementace fuzzy hranového detektoru v MATLABu a LabVIEW. Cílem práce je pak ověření efektivnosti algoritmu na obrázcích bižuterních kamenů. Keywords: zpracování obrazu; fuzzy logika; LabVIEW; MATLAB Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Using of Fuzzy Technologies for Image Processing

Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací fuzzy logiky ve zpracování obrazu. Hlavním tématem práce je návrh a implementace fuzzy hranového detektoru v MATLABu a LabVIEW. Cílem práce je pak ověření ...

Ondřej Kašpar; vedoucí práce Jaroslav Vlach
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Electrospun carbon nanoparticles/polymer composite nanofibers
Nolwazi Sanelisiwe Ngcobo; vedoucí práce Eva Košťáková
2012 - English
Polymer Nanocomposites have existed for decades now with different type of additives present in the polymer. The effect of properties depends on the scale of fillers. Nanofillers have increased within the years from nanoclays to carbon nanoparticles as well as the matrix in which they are used. The development of polymer nanocomposites is becoming more active in the area of nanomaterial because of their unique properties including optical, electrical, mechanical, thermal as well as fire retardant properties. These properties strongly depend on the mixing ratio between the organic matrix and nanofillers. Fullerenes have shown interest in the field of research due to unique chemical and physical properties that have been utilized in different fields of application in nanotechnology. The core was to focus on the mass weight of buckyballs fullerene C60 properties in polyurethane (PUR) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymer matrices to form stable polymer nanocomposites by using needleless electrospinning Nanospider? technology and rod electrospinning that would be applicable for flame retardancy material and anti-micro bacterial materials.The presence of fullerenes in polymers was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman spectroscopy. TGA results showed that the presence of C60 could enhance the thermal stability of organic polymers since organic polymers are inherently flammable. The larger the C60 level present, the better the flame retardancy of nanocomposites. Fullerenes are becoming good candidate as highly effective flame retardancy for polymeric materials by enhancing the flame retardancy properties. Keywords: nanokompozitní materiály; elektrostatické zvlákňování; vlastnosti materiálů; polymerní kompozitní materiály Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Electrospun carbon nanoparticles/polymer composite nanofibers

Polymer Nanocomposites have existed for decades now with different type of additives present in the polymer. The effect of properties depends on the scale of fillers. Nanofillers have increased within ...

Nolwazi Sanelisiwe Ngcobo; vedoucí práce Eva Košťáková
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Study of the roller electrospinning with regard to roller movement
Mduduzi Blessing Kumalo; vedoucí práce Oldřich Jirsák
2012 - English
The objective was to control the thickness of the layer of the polymer solution onto a spinning roller. Therefore, the effect of the angular speed of the spinning roller and viscosity of the polyvinyl alcohol solution on the thickness of the layer of the polymer solution onto a spinning roller was investigated. The concentration of the solution was kept constant while changing roller angular speed; accordingly, the roller angular speed was kept constant while varying concentration and the thickness of the layer of the polymer solution was measured, respectively. Sodium chloride was added into the solution to change viscosity of the solution.The effects of roller speed and viscosity were visually observed onto the roller surface by video camera, analyzing the number of Taylor cones. Current test was also used to analyze the spinning progress. The properties of materials, such as spinning performance and fiber diameters were analyzed.It has been concluded that the thickness of the solution layer increases when the viscosity (as a function of concentration) of the solution increases. It has been also proven that the increase in the angular speed of the spinning roller causes an increase in the thickness of the solution layer onto the roller. Throughput of the product and diameters of nanofibers are both directly proportional to angular speed of the roller and viscosity of the solution. Therefore, the thicker is the layer of the polymer solution on top of the spinning roller the improved are fabric throughput and nanofiber diameter. These work proved that adding sodium chloride into polyvinyl alcohol to change its viscosity, affect, inversely, the electrospinning progress, fabric throughput and nanofibers diameters.Finally, the researcher adds roller movement and solution rheology into the family of parameters of roller electrospinning, since it affect both the spinning progress and produced material. Keywords: elektrostatické zvlákňování; nanotechnologie; textilní technologie Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Study of the roller electrospinning with regard to roller movement

The objective was to control the thickness of the layer of the polymer solution onto a spinning roller. Therefore, the effect of the angular speed of the spinning roller and viscosity of the polyvinyl ...

Mduduzi Blessing Kumalo; vedoucí práce Oldřich Jirsák
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Charakterizace aktivovaného kalu pomocí metod obrazové analýzy
Lukáš Valecký; vedoucí práce Lucie Křiklavová
2012 - English
Práce se zabývá návrhem automatické obrazové analýzy pro hodnocení charakteristik aktivovaného kalu z čistírny odpadních vod. Za tímto účelem bylo využito programové prostředí MATLAB a jeho knihovna Image Processing Toolbox. Vzorky aktivovaného kalu byly po dobu 3 měsíců odebírány z čistírny odpadních vod v Liberci a následně zpracovány v laboratoři pomocí klasických metod. Byly u nich stanoveny základní charakteristiky společně s nejdůležitějším parametrem - objemovým indexem kalu. Fotografie vzorků pořízené za pomoci soustavy mikroskopu a digitálního fotoaparátu byly následně automaticky analyzovány navrženým softwarem. Získaná data v podobě morfologických vlastností (činitel tvaru, fraktální dimenze, poměr stran apod.) společně s informacemi o kompozici vloček (poměr vláken a EPS vůči celkovému objemu vloček) byly porovnávány s objemovým indexem kalu za účelem nalezení základních souvislostí a vazeb. Navržená metoda analýzy obrazu může poskytnout podporu při klasifikaci nežádoucích stavů, jako je bytnění kalu, v čistírně odpadních vod. Keywords: software; morfologie (biologie); zpracování dat; obrazová data; počítačová analýza obrazu Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Charakterizace aktivovaného kalu pomocí metod obrazové analýzy

Práce se zabývá návrhem automatické obrazové analýzy pro hodnocení charakteristik aktivovaného kalu z čistírny odpadních vod. Za tímto účelem bylo využito programové prostředí MATLAB a jeho knihovna ...

Lukáš Valecký; vedoucí práce Lucie Křiklavová
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Využití dětské literatury pro rozvoj dovedností čtení v hodinách anglického jazyka
Petra Stolinová; vedoucí práce Lucie Příšovská
2012 - English
Diplomová práce se zabývá rozvojem čtecích dovedností za pomoci dětské literatury v hodinách anglického jazyka. V teoretické části poukazuje na základní charakteristiku čtení, popisuje se proces a dovednosti, které lze rozvíjet. Věnuje se i obecně dětské literatuře a jejímu přínosu pro jazyk a studenty. V praktické části je teorie porovnávána s praktickým výzkumem, který byl prováděn na hodinách anglického jazyka. Jsou zde prezentovány přípravy hodin včetně všech použitých textů, analýz, nápadů a problémů, které se mohou vyskytnout. Keywords: dětská literatura; angličtina; čtení Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Využití dětské literatury pro rozvoj dovedností čtení v hodinách anglického jazyka

Diplomová práce se zabývá rozvojem čtecích dovedností za pomoci dětské literatury v hodinách anglického jazyka. V teoretické části poukazuje na základní charakteristiku čtení, popisuje se proces a ...

Petra Stolinová; vedoucí práce Lucie Příšovská
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

Fusion of heterogeneous data for better positioning of visually impaired pedestrians
Jiří Borovec; vedoucí práce Oliver Gutierrez
2012 - English
Práce se zabývá venkovní lokalizaci nevidomých chodců především v městskýchoblastech. Hlavním bodem je určení polohy na základě fůzi dat z různorodých senzorů, jako jsou GPS modul, stereo-vidění a senzory orientace. Pro fůzi jsou použity Kalman a Partial filtry. V této práci se také mluví o nutném předzpracování dat - základní filtrování vstupních dat ze senzorů a dalších modulů, výpočet chyby orientace a posunu pozice. Určitá část je věnována samotnému modulu fůze dat, návrhu jeho architektury s toky dat, a jeho realizaci. V závěru jsou uvedeny výsledky lokalizace chodce a jejich přesnost. Keywords: GPS (navigační systém); algoritmy (programování); zpracování dat Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Fusion of heterogeneous data for better positioning of visually impaired pedestrians

Práce se zabývá venkovní lokalizaci nevidomých chodců především v městskýchoblastech. Hlavním bodem je určení polohy na základě fůzi dat z různorodých senzorů, jako jsou GPS modul, stereo-vidění a ...

Jiří Borovec; vedoucí práce Oliver Gutierrez
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2012

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