Report on acoustic fish stock assessment of Neusiedlersee, August 2006
Draštík, Vladislav; Kubečka, Jan
2010 - English
hydroacoustic monitoring survey; split beam echosounder; fish abundance
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Report on acoustic fish stock assessment of Neusiedlersee, August 2006
Communications and Abstracts
Soldán, Tomáš; Papáček, M.; Boháč, J.
2009 - English
This volume contains the communications and abstracts (or extended abstracts) of the oral presentations and posters for the SIEEC 21, held in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, June 28-July 3, 2009.
Symposium; SIEEC 21; Europe
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Communications and Abstracts
This volume contains the communications and abstracts (or extended abstracts) of the oral presentations and posters for the SIEEC 21, held in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, June 28-July 3, 2009.
Earthworm assemblages on afforested colliery spoil heaps as affected by tree species
Pižl, Václav
2009 - English
Earthworm assemblages were analysed at twenty-eight colliery spoil heap sites of similar age located in the Sokolov open-cast coal mining district, north-western Bohemia, Czech Republic. Sites afforested with different tree species, namely spruce, pine, larch, oak, lime, and alder, were selected for the study in four replicates each, and compared with un-reclaimed sites covered with spontaneously developed vegetation. No difference was found in the density of earthworms between un-reclaimed sites and coniferous stands, however, a significant effect of tree species on worm density was observed at sites with deciduous afforestation. Dense earthworm populations developed in alder and lime plantations, while worm density was significantly lower under oak. Similarly, earthworm biomass at sites with coniferous afforestation did not differ from that of un-reclaimed heaps and was significantly lower than those at sites with deciduous afforestation.
earthworms; colliery spoil heaps; afforestation
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Earthworm assemblages on afforested colliery spoil heaps as affected by tree species
Earthworm assemblages were analysed at twenty-eight colliery spoil heap sites of similar age located in the Sokolov open-cast coal mining district, north-western Bohemia, Czech Republic. Sites ...
The impact of ungulates on epigeic assemblages of centipedes (Chilopoda) in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area - preliminary results
Aurová, Klára
2009 - English
The Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) represents a unique region covered in a high portion by forest ecosystems. Densities of ungulates in the forests are unusually high. Their impact on ecosystem is important, especially due to the removal and consumption of herbage, trampling of soil and vegetation, and the return of excreta. The aim of field study was to elucidate the impact of ungulates on soil invertebrates represented by centipedes. In this paper the first data about possible impact of ungulates on epigeic assemblage of centipedes are presented. In total, 9 centipede species were recorded. The species .i.Lithobius mutabilis./i. was dominant during the whole observation in all monitored plots. At the beginning of the experiment in 1994, this centipede outweighed other species with 91 %. After 12 years in 2006 the amount of other species arose almost up to 1/4 outside and more than 1/3 inside the fenced plots.
centipedes; epigeic activity; ungulates
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The impact of ungulates on epigeic assemblages of centipedes (Chilopoda) in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area - preliminary results
The Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) represents a unique region covered in a high portion by forest ecosystems. Densities of ungulates in the forests are ...
Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe III. Proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology
Tajovský, Karel; Schlaghamerský, J.; Pižl, Václav
2009 - English
The proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology involves papers based on the lectures and posters presented at the meeting held in České Budějovice on April 17-20, 2007. In total 32 contributions reflect different aspects of soil zoological research, e.g. taxonomy, ecology and biology of soil fauna, physiology of soil invertebrates, the impact of human activities on soil fauna etc.
soil zoology; proceedings; Central Europe
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe III. Proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology
The proceedings of the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology involves papers based on the lectures and posters presented at the meeting held in České Budějovice on April 17-20, ...
Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda in a riparian forest - mesic forest
Rusek, Josef; Reithofer, D.; Schmid, S.; Truxa, Ch.; Weber, J.; Wilde, U.
2009 - English
Communities of soil Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda were studied in a riparian forest - mesic forest ecotone in the Stromovka Park in the inundation zone of the Vltava River in České Budějovice, South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Ten soil samples, each 10 cm.sup.2./sup. and 5 cm deep, were taken on April 3rd, 2000 in each of five parallel rows from the swampy part without water (row I). Row II was 1 m to the east from row I in a dense .i.Pragmites communis./i. uderstory of the .i.Populus canadensis, Quercus robus./i. dominated riparian forest. Row III was 5 m to the east with the same understory composition, and IV was 10 m further to the east with less dense .i.Phragmites./i. understory growth mixed with grasses and .i.Geranium silvaticum./i. and other understory herbs and poplar and oak litter on the soil surface. Row V was 5 m from row IV in a mesic forest with .i.Quercus robur, Betula alba./i. trees and grass with mosses in understory.
Collembola; Protura; Pauropoda
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda in a riparian forest - mesic forest
Communities of soil Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda were studied in a riparian forest - mesic forest ecotone in the Stromovka Park in the inundation zone of the Vltava River in České Budějovice, ...
Evolutionary games and population dynamics
Křivan, Vlastimil
2009 - English
The book surveys results of evolutionarily game theory and their applications in biology. It combines the static game theory with population dynamics. Kniha dává přehled výsledků evoluční teorie her a jejích aplikací v biologii. Tyto výsledky kombinuje s dynamickou teorií popisující růst populací.
evolutionary games
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Evolutionary games and population dynamics
The book surveys results of evolutionarily game theory and their applications in biology. It combines the static game theory with population dynamics....
Changes in centipede assemblages (Chilopoda) along the vertical and vegetation gradient in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland
Wytwer, J.; Tajovský, Karel
2009 - English
Changes in community parameters of the centipede assemblages in habitats with different vegetation along the vertical gradient were studied in the Bieszczady National Park, Poland. Ten stands, from riparian alder forest through eutrophic beech forests to open habitats in subalpine grasslands, within the altitude range 612–1,218 m a.s.l. were sampled. Pitfall trapping and soil sampling were used for the collection of animals since June 2005 till June 2006. In total, 848 specimens of centipedes belonging to 19 species were sampled. Among them, the species .i.Lithobius latro./i. was recorded in Poland for the first time. .i.Lithobius lucifugus, Strigamia transsilvanica, Geophilus insculptus, Schendyla carniolensis./i. were found in this region of Poland for the first time. Specimens of the genus .i.Stenotaenia./i. recorded in the study sites represent a new stenotopic species. Between 7 and 14 species were found in each stand.
centipedes; vertical gradient; Bieszczady Mts.
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Changes in centipede assemblages (Chilopoda) along the vertical and vegetation gradient in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland
Changes in community parameters of the centipede assemblages in habitats with different vegetation along the vertical gradient were studied in the Bieszczady National Park, Poland. Ten stands, from ...
Has .i.Tilia x euchlora./i. a detrimental effect on soil annelids in urban greens?
Schlaghamerský, J.; Khodabocus, J.B.; Pižl, Václav
2009 - English
The potential effect of the exotic linden .i.Tilia x euchlora./i., widely planted in urban greens, on soil-dwelling annelids (Lumbricidae, Enchytraeidae) was investigated in two parks in the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Linden trees are the source of honeydew that might affect soil biota and remains an important input of these trees into the soil compartment even if litter is being removed as part of the park management. There have also been discussions about the alleged toxicity of .i.T. x euchlora./i. nectar to pollinators. The native .i.T. platyphyllos./i. was used as a control. Within two days in November 2006 annelids were sampled at three different distances (1 m, 3 m, 6 m) along transects from the trees to well developed lawns. Earthworms were extracted by the electrical-octet method, enchytraeids by wet funnel extraction from soil cores taken down to 12 cm.
Lumbricidae; Enchytraeidae; urban ecology
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Has .i.Tilia x euchlora./i. a detrimental effect on soil annelids in urban greens?
The potential effect of the exotic linden .i.Tilia x euchlora./i., widely planted in urban greens, on soil-dwelling annelids (Lumbricidae, Enchytraeidae) was investigated in two parks in the city of ...
Species and genera of soil nematodes inhabiting tree plantations on colliery spoils near Sokolov
Háněl, Ladislav
2009 - English
Soil nematodes were studied in 20-30-year-old tree plantations and spontaneous successions on colliery spoils near Sokolov in west Bohemia, Czech Republic. Six types of tree plantations (oak, alder, linden, larch, pine, and spruce) and one type of spontaneous succession (willow-aspen-birch), each in four replicate sites, were surveyed in March 2005 and in April 2006. In total 174 species and 86 genera were distinguished, more species and genera were found in deciduous than in coniferous plantations. Cluster analyses showed different composition of nematode faunas in those plantations. Co-occurrence of closely related .i.Aporcelaimellus, Helicotylenchus./i. species could suggest their still existing niche overlap in a developing environment whereas niche partitioning probably established between species of the genera .i.Eudorylaimus./i. and .i.Paratylenchus./i..
Nematoda; fauna; niche overlap
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Species and genera of soil nematodes inhabiting tree plantations on colliery spoils near Sokolov
Soil nematodes were studied in 20-30-year-old tree plantations and spontaneous successions on colliery spoils near Sokolov in west Bohemia, Czech Republic. Six types of tree plantations (oak, alder, ...
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