Number of found documents: 2665
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Milestones of grey literature in the Czech Republic
Vyčítalová, Hana; Černohlávková, Petra
2018 - English
This poster aims to take you through the all-important milestones and moments of Czech grey literature history. The history is still brief, but not poor at all. Until 2005, the National Library of Technology in Prague (NTK) was in charge of distributing grey literature data from the Czech Republic into the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE). That year, SIGLE was discontinued, and that led to a project at NTK to build the Czech National Repository of Grey Literature (NUŠL) in order not to lose valuable documents created outside the main publishing stream. The preparatory phase took about two years, and in 2008, the project began led by NTK with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. This was one of the biggest milestones for Czech grey literature, with NTK’s role shifting from contributor to central collector and leader of this topic in the Czech Republic. This year is the tenth anniversary since the kick off day of the project, and many things have changed since then, including software, features, design, people, and much more. The Seminar on Providing Access to Grey Literature that has been linked to the project from beginning has evolved as well. In 2014, it was transformed into an international Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories. This poster evaluates the progress of this repository and its efforts in collecting, preserving, sharing, providing accessibility to, and promoting grey literature in the Czech Republic. Past experiences lead us to consider the future of grey literature as in general as in case of NUŠL and maybe also its reassessment. Keywords: repozitáře; Česká republika; repositories; Czech Republic; historie; šedá literatura Available in the NTK library.
Milestones of grey literature in the Czech Republic

This poster aims to take you through the all-important milestones and moments of Czech grey literature history. The history is still brief, but not poor at all. Until 2005, the National Library of ...

Vyčítalová, Hana; Černohlávková, Petra
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

The Algerian PhD students and Researchers Facing Constraints with Grey Literature
Bouderbane, Azzedine; Gamouh, Nadjia; Benkaid Kesba,Teboura
2017 - English
Keywords: vědci; researchers; šedá literatura; teze; doktorandské vzdělání Available in the NTK library.
The Algerian PhD students and Researchers Facing Constraints with Grey Literature

Bouderbane, Azzedine; Gamouh, Nadjia; Benkaid Kesba,Teboura
Národní technická knihovna, 2017

Assessing awareness of library services
Chodounská, Alena; Krueger, Stephanie
2016 - English
In this paper, the authors present interim research results from an ongoing ethnographic examination of eight engineering undergraduate students from two technology universities in Prague, Czech Republic. A multi-layered data gathering strategy was employed, including semi-structured in-person interviews as well as in situ and virtual observations of participants interacting with learning environments. This data enabled the authors to examine whether or not students are aware of library services. “Library services” are here broadly defined to include not only traditional support services but also new, emerging areas of activity which can be categorized under the broader concept of undergraduate student support. Findings indicate very poor awareness of library offerings although participants were aware of the library as a study space. The authors additionally touch briefly upon the concept of “backward design” for service development, in which research data is gathered and considered prior to service design and launch. Keywords: studentská informační gramotnost; zpětný výukový design; engineering undergraduates; student-centered information literacy; backward instructional design; etnografie; informační gramotnost; studenti Available in the NTK library.
Assessing awareness of library services

In this paper, the authors present interim research results from an ongoing ethnographic examination of eight engineering undergraduate students from two technology universities in Prague, Czech ...

Chodounská, Alena; Krueger, Stephanie
Národní technická knihovna, 2016

Optics and optical instruments annual catalog 2013 :
Edmund Optics
2013 - English
Keywords: optické přístroje; optoelektronika; lasery; mikroskopy; spektroskopie; světelné zdroje Available in the NTK library.
Optics and optical instruments annual catalog 2013 :

Edmund Optics
Národní technická knihovna, 2013

Success can be measured
KFG Level
2013 - English
Keywords: hladinoměry; senzory; měřicí přístroje; průtokoměry; průmyslová automatizace Available in the NTK library.
Success can be measured

KFG Level
Národní technická knihovna, 2013

Chromatography products for analysis & purification :
2013 - English
Keywords: chromatografie; chemikálie; chemické sloučeniny Available in the NTK library.
Chromatography products for analysis & purification :

Národní technická knihovna, 2013

Low and medium voltage
2013 - English
Keywords: elektrické rozvody; rozváděče; elektroinstalační materiály; elektrické napětí nízké Available in the NTK library.
Low and medium voltage

Národní technická knihovna, 2013

Brockhaus measurements
2013 - English
Keywords: měření elektrických veličin; zkoušení materiálu; válcování; odpadní vody Available in the NTK library.
Brockhaus measurements

Národní technická knihovna, 2013

Connectors 2013
Würth Elektronik
2013 - English
Keywords: konektory Available in the NTK library.
Connectors 2013

Würth Elektronik
Národní technická knihovna, 2013

Research chemicals, metals and materials :
Alfa Aesar
2013 - English
Keywords: chemické sloučeniny; kovy; materiály Available in the NTK library.
Research chemicals, metals and materials :

Alfa Aesar
Národní technická knihovna, 2013

About project

NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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