Plazmatická příprava kovových a oxidových vrstev na keramické a plastové substráty.
Olejníček, Jiří
2016 - Czech
Smluvní výzkum byl zaměřen na přípravu a optimalizaci procesu plazmatické depozice vybraných tenkých vrstev kovů a polovodivých oxidů s požadovanými optickými vlastnostmi. Cílem bylo připravit průhledné barevné electrochromické vrstvy na teplotně citlivé substráty, vrstvy s vysokým indexem lomu na lisované plastové struktury a lesklé kovové vrstvy na porézní keramické masky.\n Contract research was focused on preparation and optimization of the plasma deposition process of selected thin metal and semiconducting oxide layers with required optical properties. The goal was to prepare transparent color electrochromic films on thermally sensitive substrates, the layers with high refractive index on the surface of pressed plastic structures and shiny metallic films on the porous ceramic masks.\n
magnetron sputtering; thin films; surface properties
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Plazmatická příprava kovových a oxidových vrstev na keramické a plastové substráty.
Smluvní výzkum byl zaměřen na přípravu a optimalizaci procesu plazmatické depozice vybraných tenkých vrstev kovů a polovodivých oxidů s požadovanými optickými vlastnostmi. Cílem bylo připravit ...
AlSb/InAsSb/AlSb deep QWs for the two band high temperature superlinear luminescence
Hulicius, Eduard; Hospodková, Alice; Pangrác, Jiří; Mikhailova, M.
2015 - English
InAlAsSb/GaSb based hetero-nanostructures with deep quantum wells grown on GaSb are promising materials for the optoelectronic devices for near- and mid-IR spectral regions. Optical power and quantum efficiency of the LEDs based on the narrow bandgap semiconductor compounds (InGa)(AsSb) are limited by the nonradiative Auger recombination. Earlier we have proposed a method to increase the optical power in the bulk narrow bandgap and later in GaSb-based nanostructures with a deep QW by the effect of impact ionization on the QW with high band offset.
quantum wells; luminescence; AlSb/InAsSb/AlSb
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
AlSb/InAsSb/AlSb deep QWs for the two band high temperature superlinear luminescence
InAlAsSb/GaSb based hetero-nanostructures with deep quantum wells grown on GaSb are promising materials for the optoelectronic devices for near- and mid-IR spectral regions. Optical power and quantum ...
BRK Technologies s.r.o. - Laser incineration of toxic medical wastes: towards to 100% safety
Rostohar, Danijela; Bulgakova, Nadezhda M.; Flimelová, Miroslava
2015 - English
The aim of the project is to design, construct and optimize a prototype of a laser incineration chamber (LICh) for treatment of toxic medical wastes. The LICh must provide safe incineration of organic wastes by an intense laser beam generating very high temperature of the incineration process. The LICh and involved technology must be relatively cheap and mobile for easy installation near the medical institutions producing toxic wastes. The most important aspect is the control of incineration products to ensure 100% safety of the gases issuing into atmosphere from the LICh. This is the first step of the whole project with aim to do the state of the art study and propose next steps.
laser incineration chamber; waste removal; toxic wastes
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
BRK Technologies s.r.o. - Laser incineration of toxic medical wastes: towards to 100% safety
The aim of the project is to design, construct and optimize a prototype of a laser incineration chamber (LICh) for treatment of toxic medical wastes. The LICh must provide safe incineration of organic ...
Investigation of thermal depolarization in high-power TGG ceramic rods
Lucianetti, Antonio
2015 - English
Wavefront deformation and thermal stress birefringence were evaluated for high-power TGG ceramic rods. The real laser beam profile used to heat the TGG ceramics was considered in the calculations. The numerical model was bench-marked with experimental data at about 100 W and then used to study the scalability of a similar TGG-based optical isolator up to 1 kW average power.
thermal modeling; optical isolation; birefringence
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Investigation of thermal depolarization in high-power TGG ceramic rods
Wavefront deformation and thermal stress birefringence were evaluated for high-power TGG ceramic rods. The real laser beam profile used to heat the TGG ceramics was considered in the calculations. The ...
Characterization of amorphous and microcrystalline Si layers and ZnO layers on glass
Vaněček, Milan; Holovský, Jakub; Poruba, Aleš; Remeš, Zdeněk; Purkrt, Adam
2015 - English
Optical and photoelectrical properties of materials from TEL Solar were characterized in the Institute of Physics, AS CR in a broad spectral region and a high dynamic range. Conclusions on material properties with respect to thin film silicon solar cells were drawn.
optical properties; amorphous silicon; microcrystalline silicon; ZnO
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Characterization of amorphous and microcrystalline Si layers and ZnO layers on glass
Optical and photoelectrical properties of materials from TEL Solar were characterized in the Institute of Physics, AS CR in a broad spectral region and a high dynamic range. Conclusions on material ...
Labio, a.s. – studie možností rozšíření plynového chromatografu
Divoký, Martin
2015 - Czech
Projekt byl zaměřen na testování a vývoj UV plynového chromatografu Labio G11. Spektrometr chromatografu byl modifikován, aby došlo k rychlejšímu propláchnutí vnitřního prostoru dusíkem (neabsorbuje v UV) a byla uspíšena připravenost k provozu. Dále byla otestována citlivost spektrometru v UV pod 150 nm a navrženy možnosti rozšíření citlivosti v této oblasti. This project aimed at testing and development of a UV gas chromatograph Labio G11. A spectrometer from the chromatograph was modified in order to increase nitrogen gas flow in the device and speed at which the inner of the spectrometer is filled with nitrogen (that doesn’t absorb in UV). This allowed decreasing startup time of the spectrometer. Additionally, sensitivity of the spectrometer in region below 150 nm was tested and ways to increase this sensitivity were proposed.
UV detection; UV absorption; gas flow; gas mixing
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Labio, a.s. – studie možností rozšíření plynového chromatografu
Projekt byl zaměřen na testování a vývoj UV plynového chromatografu Labio G11. Spektrometr chromatografu byl modifikován, aby došlo k rychlejšímu propláchnutí vnitřního prostoru dusíkem (neabsorbuje v ...
Plazmatická příprava tlustých kovových vrstev pro mechanické rytí blejzovaných difrakčních mřížek
Olejníček, Jiří
2015 - Czech
Smluvní výzkum byl zaměřen přípravu a optimalizaci procesu depozice vybraných tlustých kovových vrstev o tloušťce 5 až 10 µm na leštěné skleněné substráty. Ze strany zadavatele byl kladen důraz zejména na mechanické vlastnosti vrstev: adheze, porozita, homogenita, tvrdost a časová stálost. Contract research was focused on preparation and optimization of the deposition process of the selected thick metal layers with a thickness 5 to 10 microns on a polished glass substrates. The emphasis was mainly on the mechanical properties of films: adhesion, porosity, homogeneity, hardness and time stability.
magnetron sputtering; thin films; surface properties
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Plazmatická příprava tlustých kovových vrstev pro mechanické rytí blejzovaných difrakčních mřížek
Smluvní výzkum byl zaměřen přípravu a optimalizaci procesu depozice vybraných tlustých kovových vrstev o tloušťce 5 až 10 µm na leštěné skleněné substráty. Ze strany zadavatele byl kladen důraz ...
DEL a.s. – Využití laserové technologie
Flimelová, Miroslava; Bičišťová, Radka; Brajer, Jan
2015 - Czech
Cílem studie je poskytnout zadavateli dostatečné a konkrétní informace a podklady k výběru a následnému nákupu laserového zdroje a vhodného příslušenství k němu. Laserový zdroj bude využit jako technologický nástroj v budovaném inovačním centru společnosti k technologickým zkouškám, poloprovozním testům a vývoji nových komerčních aplikací. The aim of the study is to provide sufficient and specific information and documents on the selection and subsequent purchase of a laser source suitable accessories for it . The laser source will be used as a technological tool in building the company's innovation center for technological tests , pilot tests and develop new commercial applications .
laser welding; hardening; engraving; powder coating
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
DEL a.s. – Využití laserové technologie
Cílem studie je poskytnout zadavateli dostatečné a konkrétní informace a podklady k výběru a následnému nákupu laserového zdroje a vhodného příslušenství k němu. Laserový zdroj bude využit jako ...
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. – Feasibility test of short pulse laser drilling on metal alloy plate
Miura, Taisuke
2015 - English
We have constructed a laser drilling station for metal plates supplied by MHIAEL. We have succeeded to demonstrate the fast drilling on the metal plates within 0.1sec using our thin disk regenerative amplifier. This result leaded to the additional contract with the guest on February 2016.
short pulse laser; drilling; metal alloy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. – Feasibility test of short pulse laser drilling on metal alloy plate
We have constructed a laser drilling station for metal plates supplied by MHIAEL. We have succeeded to demonstrate the fast drilling on the metal plates within 0.1sec using our thin disk regenerative ...
Utsunomiya University – Prototyping of pump laser optics for compact thin disk head
Miura, Taisuke
2015 - English
We have constructed a compact thin disk head designed by HiLASE. We demonstrated the CW output from the thin disk head with the efficiency of higher than 30% and the good beam quality. This result leaded to the additional contract with Utsunomiya University on February 2016.
pump laser; optics; compact thin disk head
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Utsunomiya University – Prototyping of pump laser optics for compact thin disk head
We have constructed a compact thin disk head designed by HiLASE. We demonstrated the CW output from the thin disk head with the efficiency of higher than 30% and the good beam quality. This result ...
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