Number of found documents: 104
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Social effectiveness of the Czech public administration
Bohatá, Marie; Putnová, A.; Cebáková, A.; Rašticová, M.; Bédiová, M.
2018 - English
Keywords: public administration; good governance; ethics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Social effectiveness of the Czech public administration

Bohatá, Marie; Putnová, A.; Cebáková, A.; Rašticová, M.; Bédiová, M.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Social effectiveness of public institutions through the eyes of citizens
Bohatá, Marie; Putnová, A.; Rašticová, M.; Bédiová, M.; Cebáková, A.
2018 - English
Keywords: effectiveness; public administration; citizens Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Social effectiveness of public institutions through the eyes of citizens

Bohatá, Marie; Putnová, A.; Rašticová, M.; Bédiová, M.; Cebáková, A.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Treatment-related naturalization premius in two European countries: evaluation and comparison
Sargsyan, Vahan
2016 - English
Keywords: citizenship policy; naturalization; naturalization premium Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Treatment-related naturalization premius in two European countries: evaluation and comparison

Sargsyan, Vahan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2016

Environmental fees in the Czech Republic: approach to stimulating effect assessment
Ritschelová, I.; Sidorov, E.; Tošovská, Eva
2009 - English
The following text presents results of analyzing the impact of fees on costs of an extensive set of Czech enterprises. Based on this information the environmental fees system is consequently assessed with a view to its stimulating effect. Keywords: environmental fees; environmental protection policy; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Environmental fees in the Czech Republic: approach to stimulating effect assessment

The following text presents results of analyzing the impact of fees on costs of an extensive set of Czech enterprises. Based on this information the environmental fees system is consequently assessed ...

Ritschelová, I.; Sidorov, E.; Tošovská, Eva
Národohospodářský ústav, 2009

Financial development and allocation of external finance
Bena, Jan; Ondko, P.
2009 - English
We investigate the role of financial system to facilitate efficient allocation of resources into perspective projects. Employing micro-level data on European firms in 1996-2005 period, we provide evidence that firms in industries with the best growth opportunities use more external finance in financially more developed countries. Keywords: financial system; allocation of resources; external finance Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Financial development and allocation of external finance

We investigate the role of financial system to facilitate efficient allocation of resources into perspective projects. Employing micro-level data on European firms in 1996-2005 period, we provide ...

Bena, Jan; Ondko, P.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2009

Teoretické aspekty konkurence
Zemplinerová, Alena
2009 - Czech
Konkurence je pro ekonomické myšlení klíčová, přesto ekonomická teorie nepodává jednoznačnou definici konkurence. Konkurence má v ekonomii mnoho významů a vývoj konceptu a modelu konkurence je do značné míry spjat s historií ekonomického myšlení a s blahodárnými dopady konkurence na ekonomiku. Competition is a key concept for economic thinking; despite it economics does not provide unanimous definition of competition. Competition has many meanings which developed in the course of the development of economic thinking and effects of competition on the economy. Keywords: competition; theoretical aspects Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Teoretické aspekty konkurence

Konkurence je pro ekonomické myšlení klíčová, přesto ekonomická teorie nepodává jednoznačnou definici konkurence. Konkurence má v ekonomii mnoho významů a vývoj konceptu a modelu konkurence je do ...

Zemplinerová, Alena
Národohospodářský ústav, 2009

Environmental control and industry competitivenes (taking CO2 as an example)
Tošovská, Eva
2009 - English
The paper is aimed at analyzing the influence of the Czech manufacturing industry structure on the air quality. This is made within the two interrelated dimensions: subject and system. The subject analysis is based on the NAMEA developed by the Czech Statistical Office. The system dimension covers main structural elements of environmental policy of the Czech Republic resulting from the European legislation transposition, and which can influence both the structure and competitiveness of the Czech industry. Keywords: manufacturing industry; legislation; NAMEA Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Environmental control and industry competitivenes (taking CO2 as an example)

The paper is aimed at analyzing the influence of the Czech manufacturing industry structure on the air quality. This is made within the two interrelated dimensions: subject and system. The subject ...

Tošovská, Eva
Národohospodářský ústav, 2009

Foreign trade in environmental goods in the Czech Republic
Ritschelová, I.; Tošovská, Eva; Sidorov, E.
2008 - English
The aim of the paper is to present the development of the main indicators characterizing the foreign trade in environmental goods in the Czech Republic. Hlavním cílem příspěvku je prezentovat vývoj hlavních ukazatelů, charakterizujících zahraniční obchod s environmentálním zbožím v České republice. Keywords: foreign trade; environmental goods; main indicators Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Foreign trade in environmental goods in the Czech Republic

The aim of the paper is to present the development of the main indicators characterizing the foreign trade in environmental goods in the Czech Republic....

Ritschelová, I.; Tošovská, Eva; Sidorov, E.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2008

Dopad rozvoje eko-průmyslu ČR na zaměstnanost
Tošovská, Eva; Ritschelová, I.
2008 - Czech
Keywords: eco-industry; employment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dopad rozvoje eko-průmyslu ČR na zaměstnanost

Tošovská, Eva; Ritschelová, I.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2008

Impact of eco-industry development in the Czech Republic on employment
Tošovská, Eva; Ritschelová, I.
2008 - English
This paper is focused on the influence of eco-industry development on employment in the Czech Republic. The comparison of the number of workers who left eco-industry with those who were placed in eco-industry in 2005-2007 documents that eco-industry did not present a source of unemployment. Příspěvek je zaměřen na vliv rozvoje eko-průmyslu na zaměstnanost v České republice. Porovnání počtu pracovníků, kteří v letech 2005-2007 z eko-průmyslu odešli a naopak byli do něj umístěni, dokládá, že eko-průmysl nepředstavuje źdroj nezaměstnanosti. Keywords: eco-industry; employment; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Impact of eco-industry development in the Czech Republic on employment

This paper is focused on the influence of eco-industry development on employment in the Czech Republic. The comparison of the number of workers who left eco-industry with those who were placed in ...

Tošovská, Eva; Ritschelová, I.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2008

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