Mechanical properties of basalt: a study on compressive loading at different strain rates using SHPB
Falta, J.; Krčmářová, N.; Fíla, T.; Vavro, Martin; Vavro, Leona
2023 - English
This article focuses on the mechanical properties of basalt in compressive loading at different strain-rates. The study employs advanced instrumentation for the evaluation of the results in dynamic conditions, while standard uni-axial loading device is used for evaluation in quasi-static conditions. Basalt specimens were subjected to four different loading-rates from 200–600 s−1 on which the stress-strain dependence was evaluated together with DIC analysis of crack initiation and disintegration process. Understanding the mechanical properties of basalt can provide insights for engineers and designers in creating structures that are durable and able to withstand different loading conditions. The findings of this study can have implications for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and construction, among others.
SHPB; basalt; compressive loading; dynamic loading
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Mechanical properties of basalt: a study on compressive loading at different strain rates using SHPB
This article focuses on the mechanical properties of basalt in compressive loading at different strain-rates. The study employs advanced instrumentation for the evaluation of the results in dynamic ...
Současný stav geofyzikálních výzkumů a průzkumů v České republice
Kaláb, Zdeněk
2022 - Czech
Základní výzkum fyzikálních polí Země je v ČR řešen výzkumnou infrastrukturou CzechGeo/EPOS, což je ucelený systém pozorování geofyzikálních polí provozovaný geovědními institucemi České republiky. CzechGeo/EPOS je distribuovaná, vícevrstvá, mnohaoborová infrastruktura založená na sběru a poskytování dat z geofyzikálních monitorovacích sítí. V oblasti průzkumných geofyzikálních prací je patrně největší akcí průzkum potenciálních lokalit pro hlubinné úložiště jaderného odpadu. Nejedná se pouze o průzkum na potenciálních lokalitách, ale také aktivity prováděné v podzemním výzkumném pracovišti Bukov. Jedním z velkých úkolů, který na užitou geofyziku v krátké budoucnosti čeká, je podíl na průzkumech pro vysokorychlostní železniční trať. Aplikace geofyzikálních metod ale pronikají stále více do dalších oborů.\n\n The basic research of the Earth's physical fields in the Czech Republic is solved by the research infrastructure CzechGeo/EPOS, which is a comprehensive system for observing geophysical fields operated by geoscience institutions in the Czech Republic. CzechGeo/EPOS is distributed multilayer research infrastructure based on acquisition and distribution of data from geophysical monitoring networks. In the area of exploratory geophysical works, the survey of potential sites for the deep repository of nuclear waste is probably the biggest topic. This is not only a survey of potential sites, but also activities at the Bukov underground laboratory. One of the major challenges facing applied geophysics in the near future is to participate in surveys for the high-speed railway line. Applications of geophysical methods are increasingly penetrating also other fields.\n
geophysics; CzechGeo/EPOS; deep repository of nuclear waste; Bukov Underground Research Facility; geophysical survey
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Současný stav geofyzikálních výzkumů a průzkumů v České republice
Základní výzkum fyzikálních polí Země je v ČR řešen výzkumnou infrastrukturou CzechGeo/EPOS, což je ucelený systém pozorování geofyzikálních polí provozovaný geovědními institucemi České republiky. ...
Užití pružně-plastických modelů při odhadování zón poškození způsobených ražbou hlubinných tunelů
Sysala, Stanislav
2022 - Czech
Příspěvek se věnuje kontinuálnímu modelování zón poškození způsobených ražbou tunelů a vrtů v souvislosti s problematikou hlubinného ukládání vyhořelého jaderného paliva v krystalických\nhorninách. Pro jednoduchost jsou uvažovány a porovnávány pružné a pružně-plastické přístupy k modelování na základě Mohr-Coulombova nebo Hoek-Brownova kritéria poškození. Pro implementaci byly vytvořeny vlastní kódy v Matlabu a Pythonu s inovativními prvky. The paper deals with the continuous modelling of damage zones caused by excavation of tunnels and boreholes in connection with deep repository of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline rocks. For simplicity, elastic and elastic-plastic modelling approaches based on Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown failure criteria are presented and compared. For the implementation, proper codes were created in Matlab and Python with innovative elements.
stability of deep tunnels; EDZ zones; elasticity; plasticity; finite element method
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Užití pružně-plastických modelů při odhadování zón poškození způsobených ražbou hlubinných tunelů
Příspěvek se věnuje kontinuálnímu modelování zón poškození způsobených ražbou tunelů a vrtů v souvislosti s problematikou hlubinného ukládání vyhořelého jaderného paliva v krystalických\nhorninách. ...
RTIN-based strategies for local mesh refinement
Kolcun, Alexej; Sysala, Stanislav
2021 - English
Longest-edge bisection algorithms are often used for local mesh refinements within the finite element method in 2D. In this paper, we discuss and describe their conforming variant. A particular attention is devoted to the so-called Right-Triangulated Irregular Network (RTIN) based on isosceles right triangles and its tranformation to more general domains. We suggest to combine RTIN with a balanced quadrant tree (QuadTree) decomposition. This combination does not produce hanging nodes within the mesh refinements and could be extended to tetrahedral meshes in 3D.
mesh refinement; longest-edge bisection; right-triangulated irregular network; balanced quadrant tree; homomorphic transformation
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RTIN-based strategies for local mesh refinement
Longest-edge bisection algorithms are often used for local mesh refinements within the finite element method in 2D. In this paper, we discuss and describe their conforming variant. A particular ...
Resuscitation of landscape painting by research of landscape changes
Havlíček, M.; Slach, T.; Skokanová, H.; Halas, Petr; Kallabová, Eva; Koutecký, T.; Šebesta, J.
2021 - English
An analysis of selected landscape paintings shows that only a third of them are located directly on a hiking trail, bike path or nature trail. In the case of other landscape paintings, it is possible to make other, hitherto neglected parts of the territory more attractive to tourists by locating the places of the painter's shots, which may lead to their desired deconcentration from the places that are frequently visited by tourists.
landscape painter; recreation; hiking trail
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Resuscitation of landscape painting by research of landscape changes
An analysis of selected landscape paintings shows that only a third of them are located directly on a hiking trail, bike path or nature trail. In the case of other landscape paintings, it is possible ...
New opportunities for geotourism development at geoarcheological site Holedná Hill (Brno, Czech Republic)
Kubalíková, Lucie; Kirchner, Karel; Kuda, František
2021 - English
Special Interest Tourism is often seen as a form of ‘alternative’, ‘ethical’ or ‘environmentally responsible’ tourism and it occurs when the tourists’ motivation and decision-making are primarily determined by a particular special interest with a focus either on activities and/or destinations and settings and search for novel experiences (Novotná et al. 2019). \nOne of the types of sites are called geocultural sites (Reynard and Giusti 2018). Geoarcheological sites can be considered a type of geocultural sites and can be defined as sites where geological aspects are accompanied and closely related to archaeological issues. \nThe Holedná Hill (Brno, Czech Republic) can be considered an example of such geoarcheological site. It is important from the Earth-science point of view and it includes specific archaeological issues that are closely related to the geodiversity. This paper briefly sums the natural and cultural values of Holedná Hill and based on the geomorphosite assessment and SWOT analysis.\n
geoheritage; cultural heritage; environmental education; geocultural site; recreation
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New opportunities for geotourism development at geoarcheological site Holedná Hill (Brno, Czech Republic)
Special Interest Tourism is often seen as a form of ‘alternative’, ‘ethical’ or ‘environmentally responsible’ tourism and it occurs when the tourists’ motivation and decision-making are primarily ...
Anthropogenic relief transformations - their knowledge and evaluation with regard to the uniqueness and cultural identity of regions
Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Kuda, František; Havlíček, M.
2020 - English
Within the development of new regional geography, the role of human geographic research in the study of regions is emphasized. Regional uniqueness, a consciousness of belonging to a particular However, physical geography disciplines, e.g. geomorphology, can also contribute to the knowledge of these aspects with regard to the definition of regions. Currently, within the framework of geomorphology, attention is paid to the diversity of anthropogenic landforms. The knowledge and evaluation of these anthropogenic landforms, which are an important part of the historical elements of the landscape and are also referred to as cultural artefacts of the landscape, enables to supplement the cultural-historical values of the region and to specify the cultural identity of the region. On the example of sites - Staré Hradisko and Hostýn - we will present the specifics of secondary geodiversity with respect to the cultural identity of the sites.
anthropogenic relief transformations; cultural heritage; region
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Anthropogenic relief transformations - their knowledge and evaluation with regard to the uniqueness and cultural identity of regions
Within the development of new regional geography, the role of human geographic research in the study of regions is emphasized. Regional uniqueness, a consciousness of belonging to a particular ...
Geological paths – their use for the regional geography teaching
Kubalíková, Lucie; Drápela, E.; Bajer, A.; Zapletalová, D.; Balková, M.; Zágoršek, K.; Kirchner, Karel; Kuda, František; Roštínský, Pavel
2020 - English
Geological paths (geopaths, geotrails) represent a type of educational paths that connect sites, which are interesting from the Earth-sciences point of view. These sites (e.g. outcrops, old quarries, historical buildings built of local stone or viewpoints) often represent the links between geodiversity and other phenomena within a region (which is in accordance with a holistic approach to geotourism). Thus, they can give complex information not only about the abiotic nature but also about biodiversity, history or culture of the region, usually through narrative. Suitable interpretation of geodiversity and its relationships to the biodiversity and cultural heritage allows to identify regional specifics, it helps to find the mutual connections between particular phenomena within the region and it supports the holistic perception of a given region. The contribution presents an example from the Brno city where the urban geopath can be used for teaching regional geography of Brno and its surroundings.
geodiversity; geotourism; geoheritage; cultural heritage; Brno
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Geological paths – their use for the regional geography teaching
Geological paths (geopaths, geotrails) represent a type of educational paths that connect sites, which are interesting from the Earth-sciences point of view. These sites (e.g. outcrops, old quarries, ...
Developing urban geotourism in Brno (Czech Republic)
Kubalíková, Lucie; Kirchner, Karel; Bajer, A.; Balková, M.; Kuda, František
2020 - English
The term “urban geotourism” is defined as tourism based on the places within the city boundary (both in the form of built heritage - monuments, buildings, statues - and rock outcrops) that is related to geological concepts and features. As a first step for the development of urban geotourism it is necessary to identify and inventory the geotourist resources, which should take into account both natural (geological, geomorphological, hydrological or palaeontological, and ecological aspects related to geodiversity), and cultural aspects related to geodiversity (e.g. monuments, building stone, geo-toponyms, anthropogenic landforms). Based on the classification of geotourist sites, selected examples from Brno (Czech Republic) are given, supplemented by geotourist and geo-educational activities. In the conclusion, the advantages of urban geotourism are summarized and its importance for the protection of abiotic nature and sustainable management of valuable sites is suggested.\n\n
geoheritage; cultural heritage; geoeducation; geocultural sites; geoarchaeological sites; anthropogenic landforms
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Developing urban geotourism in Brno (Czech Republic)
The term “urban geotourism” is defined as tourism based on the places within the city boundary (both in the form of built heritage - monuments, buildings, statues - and rock outcrops) that is related ...
Residual ancient landscape segments in Carpathians of Moravian-Slovak borderland
Kolejka, Jaromír; Nováková, Eva; Kirchner, Karel
2020 - English
The Moravian Carpathians border region is a large area located in the east of the Czech Republic. Historically, most of the time it was a peripheral border area between the Czech state and Hungary. The well-preserved segments of pre-industrial landscape were inventoried here. They have such arrangement of land use, which originated in the period before the main wave of the industrial revolution in the Czech lands (i.e. before 1850), and has been preserved until present. A total of 182 segments of pre-industrial landscape were identified. Spatial analysis of their location in the area shows that the highest concentration of segments is near the international border (50% up to 10 km from the border), in dissected highland relief (52%), but often in the foothills between 300-500 meters above sea level (51%). Due to their location and appearance, they can represent interesting geotourist objects in the border area.
pre-industrial landscape; Moravian Carpathians; geotourist objects
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Residual ancient landscape segments in Carpathians of Moravian-Slovak borderland
The Moravian Carpathians border region is a large area located in the east of the Czech Republic. Historically, most of the time it was a peripheral border area between the Czech state and Hungary. ...
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