Number of found documents: 574
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Evaluation of the turbulent kinetic dissipation rate in an agitated vessel
Kysela, Bohuš; Konfršt, Jiří; Chára, Zdeněk; Sulc, R.; Jašíková, D.
2017 - English
The design of agitated tanks depends on operating conditions and processes for that are used for. An important parameter for the scale-up modelling is the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy. The dissipation rate is commonly assumed to be a function of the impeller power input. But this approach gives no information about distribution of the dissipation rate inside the agitated volume. In this paper the distributions of the dissipation rate inside the agitated vessels are estimated by evaluations of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The results obtained from RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations) k-epsilon turbulent model and LES (Large Eddy Simulations) with Smagorinsky SGS (Sub Grid Scale) model are compared. The agitated vessels with standard geometry equipped with four baffles and stirred by either a standard Rushton turbine or a high shear impeller were investigated. The results are compared with mean dissipation rate estimated from the total impeller power input. Keywords: flow; large-eddy simulation Fulltext is available at external website.
Evaluation of the turbulent kinetic dissipation rate in an agitated vessel

The design of agitated tanks depends on operating conditions and processes for that are used for. An important parameter for the scale-up modelling is the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic ...

Kysela, Bohuš; Konfršt, Jiří; Chára, Zdeněk; Sulc, R.; Jašíková, D.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Dependence of morphology of electrospun PVB nanofibres containing fumed silica on elasticity of the processed solutions
Peer, Petra; Polášková, M.; Filip, Petr
2017 - English
Application of various types of fumed silica gives a possibility to tailor a degree of hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the resulting electrospun nanofibrous mats where as a basic polymeric material is taken poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB) solved in methanol. Presence of fumed silica substantially changes viscoelastic attributes in comparison with the neat PVB solution.\nThe aim of this contribution is to compare morphological structures of the resulting electrospun mats generated from the solutions with presence and absence of various types of fumed silica differing in surface morphology, size and the specific surface area. This comparison is based on the rheological characteristics with the emphasis to elasticity of the pre-processed solutions. The differences in elasticity among fumed silica based solutions are indeed remarkable. The obtained results show that elasticity does not play a crucial role in creation and morphological aspects of the corresponding nanofibrous mats including fibres diameter. Keywords: rheology; elasticity; PVB solution; fumed silica; electrospinning Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dependence of morphology of electrospun PVB nanofibres containing fumed silica on elasticity of the processed solutions

Application of various types of fumed silica gives a possibility to tailor a degree of hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the resulting electrospun nanofibrous mats where as a basic polymeric ...

Peer, Petra; Polášková, M.; Filip, Petr
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Local velocity scaling in T400 vessel agitated by Rushton turbine in a fully turbulent region
Šulc, R.; Ditl, P.; Fořt, I.; Jašíková, D.; Kotek, M.; Kopecký, V.; Kysela, Bohuš
2017 - English
The hydrodynamics and flow field were measured in an agitated vessel using 2-D Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (2-D TR PIV). The experiments were carried out in a fully baffled cylindrical flat bottom vessel 400 mm in inner diameter agitated by a Rushton turbine 133 mm in diameter. The velocity fields were measured in the zone in upward flow to the impeller for impeller rotation speeds from 300 rpm to 850 rpm and three liquids of different viscosities (i.e. (i) distilled water, ii) a 28% vol. aqueous solution of glycol, and iii) a 43% vol. aqueous solution of glycol), corresponding to the impeller Reynolds number in the range 50 000 < Re < 189 000. This Re range secures the fully-developed turbulent flow of agitated liquid. In accordance with the theory of mixing, the dimensionless mean and fluctuation velocities in the measured directions were found to be constant and independent of the impeller Reynolds number. On the basis of the test results the spatial distributions of dimensionless velocities were calculated. The axial turbulence intensity was found to be in the majority in the range from 0.388 to 0.540, which corresponds to the high level of turbulence intensity. Keywords: agitated vessel; Rushton turbine; PIV Fulltext is available at external website.
Local velocity scaling in T400 vessel agitated by Rushton turbine in a fully turbulent region

The hydrodynamics and flow field were measured in an agitated vessel using 2-D Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (2-D TR PIV). The experiments were carried out in a fully baffled cylindrical ...

Šulc, R.; Ditl, P.; Fořt, I.; Jašíková, D.; Kotek, M.; Kopecký, V.; Kysela, Bohuš
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Flow behaviour and structure of heterogeneous particles-water mixture in horizontal and inclined pipes
Vlasák, Pavel; Chára, Zdeněk; Konfršt, Jiří
2017 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Flow behaviour and structure of heterogeneous particles-water mixture in horizontal and inclined pipes

Vlasák, Pavel; Chára, Zdeněk; Konfršt, Jiří
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Simulation of collagen solution flow in rectangular capillary
Kysela, Bohuš; Skočilas, J.; Zitny, R.; Stancl, J.; Houska, M.; Landfeld, A.
2017 - English
The viscoelastic properties of foods and polymers can be evaluated from flow of the material in capillary with specified dimension and shape. The extrusion rheometer equipped by capillary with rectangular cross-section was used for determination of the rheological behaviour of water collagen solution. The measurements of the axial profiles in longitudinal direction of the total stresses at capillary wall were performed for various shear rates. The linear viscoelastic model of Oldroyd B type: White-Metzner model was used for simulation of fluid flow in OpenFOAM software package. The simulations describe the effect of relaxation time on wall total stress in convergent-divergent capillary. Keywords: collagen; viscoelastic model; convergent-divergent capillary Fulltext is available at external website.
Simulation of collagen solution flow in rectangular capillary

The viscoelastic properties of foods and polymers can be evaluated from flow of the material in capillary with specified dimension and shape. The extrusion rheometer equipped by capillary with ...

Kysela, Bohuš; Skočilas, J.; Zitny, R.; Stancl, J.; Houska, M.; Landfeld, A.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Řízený pohyb kulové částice v kanále s volnou hladinou
Chára, Zdeněk; Kysela, Bohuš; Konfršt, Jiří
2017 - Czech
V příspěvku jsou prezentovány experimentální výsledky proudění kolem kulovité částice, kdy částice je umístěna na tenké tyčce a její pohyb je řízen asynchronním motorkem. Pro určení rychlostních polí kolem pohybující se částice byla použita metoda 2D PIV. Měření se uskutečnila v kanále s volnou hladinou, jehož dno bylo pokryto jednou vrstvou skleněných tyček o průměru 6mm. The paper presents experimental results of the flow around the spherical particle, where the particles are placed on a thin rod and its movement is controlled by a step motor. To determine the velocity fields around the moving particle, the 2D PIV method was used. The measurement was carried out in the open channel, the bottom of which was covered with one layer of 6 mm diameter glass bars. Keywords: open channel; PIV; turbulence Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Řízený pohyb kulové částice v kanále s volnou hladinou

V příspěvku jsou prezentovány experimentální výsledky proudění kolem kulovité částice, kdy částice je umístěna na tenké tyčce a její pohyb je řízen asynchronním motorkem. Pro určení rychlostních polí ...

Chára, Zdeněk; Kysela, Bohuš; Konfršt, Jiří
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

In-situ measurement of particle size distribution in an agitated vessel
Kysela, Bohuš; Konfršt, Jiří; Chára, Zdeněk; Šulc, R.; Ditl, P.
2017 - English
Agitation of solid-liquid suspension or two immiscible liquids is a frequent operation in chemical and metallurgical industries (suspension/emulsion polymerization, catalytic chemical reaction, hydrometallurgical solvent extraction). The product quality, yield and economy of the processes are significantly affected by a mixing process. Prediction of mean particle/drop size and particle/drop size distribution (PSD) during the agitation is fundamental for emulsification, suspension polymerization, solid particle dispersion or crystallization. \nThe aim of this contribution is to propose a simple method of in-situ measurement of particle size distribution. The particle size measurement is based on an image analysis performed on raw image records. Evaluation method based on the best focused particles with sharp detected boundaries enhanced by the analysis of particle circularity was developed. Precise spherical mono-disperse steel and plastic particles were used to verify accuracy of evaluation method. The method has been proposed for the measurement of the time evolution of the drop size distribution in liquid-liquid dispersion in an agitated tank. The effect of droplet size distribution on the impeller speed in wateroil dispersion in agitated vessel was obtained. Keywords: particles; droplets; PSD; image analysis; agitated vessel Available at various institutes of the ASCR
In-situ measurement of particle size distribution in an agitated vessel

Agitation of solid-liquid suspension or two immiscible liquids is a frequent operation in chemical and metallurgical industries (suspension/emulsion polymerization, catalytic chemical reaction, ...

Kysela, Bohuš; Konfršt, Jiří; Chára, Zdeněk; Šulc, R.; Ditl, P.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Simulace pohybu částic v nakloněném potrubí pomocí kombinace CFD a DEM
Mildner, Michael; Konfršt, Jiří; Kysela, Bohuš; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel
2017 - Czech
Numerická simulace proudění rozplavených hrubozrnných suspenzí (hydrotransport, odlučovače atp.) vyžaduje použití výpočtů pro vícefázové proudění. Za předpokladu toku suspenze (např. vody a pevných částic) v uzavřených profilech bez přístupu vzduchu můžeme úlohu zjednodušit na dvoufázové proudění (voda-pevné částice). Vhodným nástrojem pro výpočet takovéhoto dvoufázového proudění je kombinace metody konečných objemů FVM s metodou diskrétních elementů DEM. Metoda diskrétních elementů je použita na řešení kolizí mezi jednotlivými částicemi, což je nezbytnou podmínkou pro reálné řešení proudění více- koncentrovaných suspenzí. Numerická simulace byla provedena na jednoduché geometrii nakloněného potrubí, kde jsou získané výsledky porovnávány s výsledky získanými na experimentální trase pro transport suspenzí opatřené sklopnou částí. Numerical flow simulation of scattered coarse-grained suspensions (hydrotransport, separators, etc.) requires the use of calculations for multiphase flow. Assuming the suspension flow (eg. water and solid particles) in closed profiles without air access, the task can be simplified to a two-phase flow (water-solid particles). A suitable tool for calculating such two-phase flow is the combination of the finite volume method FVM, with the discrete element method DEM. The discrete element method is used to solve collisions between individual particles, which is a prerequisite for a real solution of more concentrated suspension flow. Numerical simulation was performed on a simple geometry of inclined pipeline, where the obtained results were compared with the results obtained on the experimental slurry transport route equipped with a foldable part. Keywords: CFD; FVM; DEM; transport of suspension Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Simulace pohybu částic v nakloněném potrubí pomocí kombinace CFD a DEM

Numerická simulace proudění rozplavených hrubozrnných suspenzí (hydrotransport, odlučovače atp.) vyžaduje použití výpočtů pro vícefázové proudění. Za předpokladu toku suspenze (např. vody a pevných ...

Mildner, Michael; Konfršt, Jiří; Kysela, Bohuš; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Influence of land cover and altitude on soilmoisturespatio-temporal variability
Šípek, Václav; Hnilica, Jan; Tesař, Miroslav
2017 - English
An understanding of spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture is essential for studying other hydrological, biological or chemical soil processes, such as water movement, microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling (Bruckner et al., 1999, Ridolfi et al., 2003). Although the world-wide total amount of water stored in the soil profile is negligible compared to ocean and glacier storages, it represents a crucial variable concerning the water resources and agricultural management. This is valid especially in the context of ongoing shift in climate. Soil water exhibits a tremendous heterogeneity in space and time (Gomez-Plaza et al., 2000). Therefore, spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture have always been the critical issue. The spatial variability is influenced by variety of factors encompassing the topographical effect on lateral water redistribution (Williams et al., 2003), radiation (Grayson et al., 1997, Geroy et al., 2011), soil texture and structure (Famiglietti et al., 1998, Pan and Peters-Lidard, 2008), vegetation (Teuling and Troch, 2005), climate (Lawrence and Hornberger, 2007), precipitation pattern (Keim et al., 2005) and antecedent soil moisture (Rosenbaum et al., 2012). The land use influence on the soil moisture content variation is of complex a character covering several above mentioned factors. However, it is determined namely by the different vegetation cover, which results in different rates of interception and transpiration. It also strongly influences the soil hydraulic properties, i.e. hydraulic conductivity and water retention characteristics (Zhou et al, 2008). Hence, the reaction of an area to a rainfall and also the temporal variability of the soil moisture content might be influenced by the present land cover. Nevertheless, the studies comparing the influence of several land covers in the longer periods are missing. This knowledge would be valuable especially in the context of extreme climatic events that are present nowadays. In central Europe, the period of major floods (1997, 2002, 2013) was followed by serious dry spells (2003, 2011–2012, 2015) (Trnka et al., 2015). This observed hydrological extremity raised the questions of sustainable water management. One of the possible management practices in consideration is represented by the land cover changes intended to hold more water in the landscape and simultaneously to attenuate the rainfall-runoff response. Moreover, previous studies have investigated that spatial and temporal variation of soil water under a certain land use type, and drawing significant research attention is lacking on the differences of dynamics of soil water conditions under different land use types. Thus, it is necessary to understand the comparisons of the dynamics of soil water conditions under different land use types (Niu et al., 2015) The main aim of the presented study is therefore to understand the soil moisture variability in the vegetation season under four different land covers (coniferous/deciduous forest, meadow, grassland). This analysis is conducted in five consecutive years, encompassing both dry and wet periods. The influence of altitude is also studied in the coniferous forest. Keywords: wet years; dry years; forest; meadow; grassland; soil moisture; vegetation season Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Influence of land cover and altitude on soilmoisturespatio-temporal variability

An understanding of spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture is essential for studying other hydrological, biological or chemical soil processes, such as water movement, microbial activity and ...

Šípek, Václav; Hnilica, Jan; Tesař, Miroslav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

The minimum record time for PIV measurement in a vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine
Šulc, R.; Ditl, P.; Fořt, I.; Jašíková, D.; Kotek, M.; Kopecký, V.; Kysela, Bohuš
2017 - English
In PIV studies published in the literature focusing on the investigation of the flow field in an agitated vessel the record time is ranging from the tenths and the units of seconds. The aim of this work was to determine minimum record time for PIV measurement in a vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine that is necessary to obtain relevant results of velocity field. The velocity fields were measured in a fully baffled cylindrical flat bottom vessel 400 mm in inner diameter agitated by a Rushton turbine 133 mm in diameter using 2-D Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry in the impeller Reynolds number range from 50 000 to 189 000. This Re range secures the fully-developed turbulent flow of agitated liquid. Three liquids of different viscosities were used as the agitated liquid. On the basis of the analysis of the radial and axial components of the mean- and fluctuation velocities measured outside the impeller region it was found that dimensionless minimum record time is independent of impeller Reynolds number and is equalled N. t(Rmin) = 103 +/- 19. Keywords: agitated vessel; Rushton turbine; PIV; averaging limits Fulltext is available at external website.
The minimum record time for PIV measurement in a vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine

In PIV studies published in the literature focusing on the investigation of the flow field in an agitated vessel the record time is ranging from the tenths and the units of seconds. The aim of this ...

Šulc, R.; Ditl, P.; Fořt, I.; Jašíková, D.; Kotek, M.; Kopecký, V.; Kysela, Bohuš
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

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