Number of found documents: 486
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Inflation inequality in the Czech Republic
Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
2022 - English
This project employs Czech Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Index data to create consumer price indices for various population subgroups in the Czech Republic. We find that subgroup-specific inflation rates are very similar to the inflation rate for all the non-elderly population, with the exception of single-parent households, which experienced a higher inflation rate in 2022 than did the other subgroups. However, the difference was reasonably modest. Importantly, we found that inflation issuing from housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels is significantly higher for low-income and single-parent households than for high-income and two-parent households. The difference is particularly significant for single-parent households, for which inflation due to increases in housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel costs represents 40.15 percent of their overall inflation burden compared to 28.44 percent for two-parent households. This finding suggests that the recent increases in electricity and gas prices may exert particularly harmful effects on single-parent households unless the government provides the support necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of rising prices. While all households are being affected by rising living costs, single-parent and low-income households should be prioritized in terms of support. In addition, we calculated that for low-income and single-parent households, the total loss of purchasing power due to inflation amounts to CZK 15,179 and CZK 20,445, respectively. Keywords: inflation; households; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Inflation inequality in the Czech Republic

This project employs Czech Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Index data to create consumer price indices for various population subgroups in the Czech Republic. We find that subgroup-specific ...

Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Sick pay: what impact did the introduction of a waiting period have?
Grossmann, Jakub; Zapletalová, Lucie
2022 - Czech
We analyze the impacts of a waiting period for sick pay introduced in 2008 in the Czech Republic on employment absence, sick leave, and other types of absences from the workplace. The new waiting period meant that employees did not receive any sickness benefits (‘sick pay’) for the first three days of sick leave. The waiting period was introduced to discourage employees from claiming sick pay unnecessarily and thereby to reduce sickness benefit expenditures. However, the measure also discourages employees from taking sick leave when they are unwell and may potentially increase the risk of contagion in the workplace. V této studii analyzujeme dopady zavedení karenční doby v roce 2008 v České republice (ČR) na zaměstnanost, výskyt nemocenské a dalších typů absencí v práci. Karenční doba zavedla nevyplácení dávek nemocenského pojištění zaměstnancům v prvních třech dnech pracovní neschopnosti. Cílem zavedení karenční doby bylo snížit motivace k neodůvodněnému čerpání dávek nemocenského pojištění a snížit výdaje na nemocenské dávky. Opatření zároveň zvyšuje motivace k nehlášení pracovní neschopnosti v důsledku nemoci, a potenciálně tedy zvyšuje riziko většího šíření nemocí na pracovišti. Keywords: sick leave; policy reform; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sick pay: what impact did the introduction of a waiting period have?

We analyze the impacts of a waiting period for sick pay introduced in 2008 in the Czech Republic on employment absence, sick leave, and other types of absences from the workplace. The new waiting ...

Grossmann, Jakub; Zapletalová, Lucie
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Financial support for students in higher education in the Czech Republic: a system overhaul is required
Münich, Daniel; Kořínek, Otakar
2021 - Czech
Financial support for students in higher education in the Czech Republic has not received the attention it deserves over the past decade. Not only has the general public lost little sleep over this matter, but academics and politicians have largely ignored it, too. Information, statistics, and analysis of the targeting and impacts of current student financial support are at best piecemeal and at worst non-existent, which is symptomatic of the little public and policy interest in this matter. As a result, over the past few years there have been only a few minor tweaks made to the existing outdated and underfunded system. International comparisons show that the total amount of financial support for students in the Czech Republic is very low. A large share of that support is also provided across-the-board, meaning that support for the most socio-economically needy students and prospective students is very low. The average total monthly support provided both directly and indirectly to students under 26 years of age is between some 5,300 CZK [euro 200] for those from the poorest backgrounds and 2,700 CZK [euro 110] for others. Support for students aged 26 and above is only around 500 CZK [euro 20] per month, regardless of their economic background. In European comparison, the support for socio-economically weak students is extremely low. Only a very small proportion of students are eligible for publicly funded social scholarships, which provide only minimal financial support in any case. No data is currently collected on the demographic or social status of scholarship recipients. Similarly, there is no data measuring the extent to which children from poorer backgrounds are deterred from university study by the low level of available support. The amount of funding made available through social scholarships and the breadth of the pool of students eligible for them is not regularly increased in response to inflation or students' rising living costs, but is revised in connection with ad hoc raises made to the minimum wage and living wages. Problematice finanční podpory studentů vysokých škol nebyla poslední dekádu v České republice (ČR) věnována potřebná pozornost. Nejen širší veřejností, ale ani tou akademickou, a rozhodně ne tou politickou. Malému zájmu o problematiku odpovídají i kusé, či dokonce absentující informace, statistiky a analýzy o cílení a dopadech finanční podpory stávající. V zastaralém a finančně podfinancovaném systému tak docházelo jen k drobnějším úpravám. Mezinárodní srovnání ukazují, že objem veřejné finanční podpory studentů v ČR je velmi nízký. Velká část podpory je navíc poskytována plošně, takže podpora skutečně sociálněekonomicky potřebných studentů a zájemců o studium je velmi nízká. Průměrná měsíční podpora, přímá i nepřímá, se u studentů do 26 let pohybuje od zhruba 5 300 Kč pro ty z nejchudších poměrů do 2 700 Kč. Podpora u studentů ve věku 26 let a více je pouze zhruba 500 Kč měsíčně bez ohledu na jejich ekonomické zázemí. Podpora sociálně-ekonomicky slabých studentů je na velmi nízké úrovni. Na veřejně hrazená sociální stipendia má nárok velmi malý podíl studentů a samotná výše sociálních stipendií je velmi nízká. Demografická a sociální struktura příjemců těchto stipendií se nesleduje. Stejně tak se nesleduje míra, do jaké jsou mladí z chudších poměrů od studia odrazeni právě nízkou mírou podpory. Zvyšování sociálních stipendií a rozšiřování okruhu studentů s nárokem na ně není odvozováno od inflace a růstu životních nákladů studentů, ale od ad hoc zvyšování minimální mzdy a životních minim. Keywords: financial support; higher education; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Financial support for students in higher education in the Czech Republic: a system overhaul is required

Financial support for students in higher education in the Czech Republic has not received the attention it deserves over the past decade. Not only has the general public lost little sleep over this ...

Münich, Daniel; Kořínek, Otakar
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Mom or preschool? How an extension to paid parental leave affects children’s future education and employment
Bičáková, Alena; Kalíšková, Klára; Zapletalová, Lucie
2021 - Czech
In this study we quantify the impacts of the duration of paid parental leave on the education and future labor market outcomes of affected children when they reach 21-22 years of age. We examine the Czech Republic’s 1995 reform of paid parental leave, which extended the duration of parental allowance receipt from 3 to 4 years. This extension was not, however, accompanied by any extension of the job protection period that remained at 3 years. It also prevented the receiving parent to engage more substantially in the labour market, leading to one more year of full-time home child care. Ve studii kvantifikujeme dopady doby pobírání rodičovského příspěvku na dosažené vzdělání a budoucí uplatnění na trhu práce dotčených dětí ve věku 21–22 let. Zkoumaná reforma rodičovského příspěvku z roku 1995 v Česku prodloužila možnou dobu čerpání příspěvku ze 3 na 4 roky. Prodloužení pobírání příspěvku však nedoprovázelo prodloužení doby garance původního pracovního místa matky, nedovolovalo její výraznější zapojení na trhu práce, a znamenalo tedy další rok celodenní péče o dítě. Keywords: parental leave; parental allowance duration; future labor market Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mom or preschool? How an extension to paid parental leave affects children’s future education and employment

In this study we quantify the impacts of the duration of paid parental leave on the education and future labor market outcomes of affected children when they reach 21-22 years of age. We examine the ...

Bičáková, Alena; Kalíšková, Klára; Zapletalová, Lucie
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Standard Grants and the publication performance of scientists: a counterfactual analysis of projects awarded in years 2005-2014
Bajgar, Matěj
2021 - Czech
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) is the largest source of project financing for scientists based in the Czech Republic. In recent years, GAČR has distributed grants worth over 4 billion CZK a year. About three quarters of the total funds are allocated to Standard grants. This study is the first to econometrically estimate the impact of GAČR Standard Grants on the publication performance of the researchers the grant supports. We compare the members of Standard Grant research teams (the treatment group) to a control group of researchers who did not participate in a Standard Grant in a given period, but who otherwise resemble the supported researchers. We match the groups based on their primary fields, past publications and grants, academic titles, gender, the type of research institution they are affiliated with, and many other characteristics. Most data comes from the Information System for Research, Development, and Innovation. Grantová agentura České republiky (GA ČR) představuje největší zdroj projektového financování pro vědce působící v České republice (ČR). V posledních letech GA ČR na grantech rozděluje více než 4 miliardy korun ročně. Zhruba tři čtvrtiny těchto zdrojů připadají na tzv. Standardní granty. Tato studie jako první ekonometricky odhaduje dopad Standardních grantů GA ČR na publikační výkonnost podpořených výzkumníků. Porovnáváme členy řešitelských týmů těchto grantů (podpořená skupina) s výzkumníky, kteří se v daném období do těchto grantů nezapojili, ale jinak se podpořeným vědcům podobají (kontrolní skupina). Obě skupiny párujeme na základě hlavního oboru, minulých publikací a grantů, akademické hodnosti, pohlaví, typu výzkumné organizace a řady dalších charakteristik. Využíváme zejména data z Informačního systému o výzkumu, vývoji a inovacích. Keywords: publication performance; Czech Science Foundation; research funding Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Standard Grants and the publication performance of scientists: a counterfactual analysis of projects awarded in years 2005-2014

The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) is the largest source of project financing for scientists based in the Czech Republic. In recent years, GAČR has distributed grants worth over 4 billion CZK a year. ...

Bajgar, Matěj
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Monthly unemployment reports during COVID-19
Grossmann, Jakub; Münich, Daniel
2021 - Czech
These reports concisely summarize, describe, and comment on the evolution of unemployment in the Czech Republic during the covid-19 pandemics. The monthly reports are mainly based on the data from Czech unemployment offices and they are usually produced within one day after the data release. Tyto měsíční reporty stručně shrnují a popisují vývoj nezaměstnanosti v České republice v období covid-19. Pokladem jsou zejména data z Úřadu práce, zveřejňována vždy na začátku měsíce. Keywords: COVID-19; unemployment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monthly unemployment reports during COVID-19

These reports concisely summarize, describe, and comment on the evolution of unemployment in the Czech Republic during the covid-19 pandemics. The monthly reports are mainly based on the data from ...

Grossmann, Jakub; Münich, Daniel
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Teachers’ salaries in 2020 and beyond: will the Czech Republic rest on its laurels?
Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
2021 - Czech
In relative terms, teachers’ pay in the Czech Republic was lower than in most EU and OECD countries until 2017/18. Thanks to an unusually fast pace of growth in the past few years, in 2021, teacher’s pay will almost reach the average for OECD countries and the EU, which is around 90% of the average salary for a university-educated employee in the national economy. Andrej Babiš’s outgoing government will thus fulfil its Summer 2018 program statement. The level of teachers’ pay is a factor in attracting interest in teaching as a profession. Raising interest is necessary not only in order to recruit sufficient numbers of teachers, but to allow selectivity into the profession, allowing for more emphasis on the quality of teaching. These are long-term processes that gradually build the overall quality of the country’s teaching staff, through continuous arrivals and departures from the profession. Therefore, the impact of the teachers’ pay rates on attracting interest in the profession, the quality of teachers’ work, and pupils’ educational outcomes can only be observed over many years, or even decades. Relativní platy učitelů v České republice (ČR) patřily až do roku 2017/2018 k nejnižším v rámci zemí EU i několika desítek ekonomicky nejvyspělejších zemí světa (OECD). Díky nebývale dynamickému tempu zvyšování v posledních letech však v roce 2021 téměř dosáhnou úrovně průměru OECD i EU, tedy zhruba 90 % průměru mezd vysokoškolsky vzdělaných zaměstnanců v ekonomice. Končící vláda Andreje Babiše tak naplní slib ze svého programového prohlášení z léta roku 2018. Úroveň učitelských platů spoluurčuje dlouhodobou atraktivitu učitelské profese a zájem o ní. Atraktivitu vyžaduje nejen potřeba zajištění dostatku učitelů, ale umožňuje uplatňovat výběrovost s důrazem na kvalitu práce učitelů. Jde však o dlouhodobé procesy formování kvality učitelského sboru země skrze průběžné příchody a odchody do a z profese. Proto lze dopady výše učitelských platů na zájem o profesi, kvalitu práce učitelů a kvalitu výuky a vzdělávací výsledky žáků vysledovat až s odstupem dlouhých let, či dokonce dekád. Keywords: teachers’ salaries; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Teachers’ salaries in 2020 and beyond: will the Czech Republic rest on its laurels?

In relative terms, teachers’ pay in the Czech Republic was lower than in most EU and OECD countries until 2017/18. Thanks to an unusually fast pace of growth in the past few years, in 2021, teacher’s ...

Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Globalization of science: evidence from authors in academic journals by country of origin
Macháček, Vít
2020 - English
Keywords: globalization of science; academic journals Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Globalization of science: evidence from authors in academic journals by country of origin

Macháček, Vít
Národohospodářský ústav, 2020

Business and economic ethics and their development in the Czech Republic
Bohatá, Marie
2020 - Czech
The study presents a comparative and historical perspective which covers both, the theoretical developments and practical knowledge regarding the ethics behaviour of business and public sector organizations and business practices. It aims at providing a tool for business ethics teaching and at becoming a source of inspiration for those who want to implement ethical approaches in business. Studie přináší komparativní a historizující pohled, který zahrnuje jak vývoj teoretického poznání, tak i praktické poznatky o chování subjektů soukromého i veřejného sektoru a hlavních nástrojích prosazování etiky v ekonomickém životě. Je koncipována s cílem stát se pomůckou pro výuku podnikatelské/hospodářské etiky i inspirací pro ty, kdo chtějí prosazovat etické přístupy v praxi. Keywords: business ethics; corporate governance; organizational culture Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Business and economic ethics and their development in the Czech Republic

The study presents a comparative and historical perspective which covers both, the theoretical developments and practical knowledge regarding the ethics behaviour of business and public sector ...

Bohatá, Marie
Národohospodářský ústav, 2020

Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences
Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
2019 - English
The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers on Beall’s lists, we derived ISSNs of the respective journals from Ulrichsweb and searched Scopus with it. A total of 324 matched journals with 164 thousand documents indexed in Scopus over 2015-2017, making up a share of 2.8 % of the total articles have been identified. An analysis of cross-country differences in the tendency to publish in these journals reveals that overall the most affected are middle-income countries in Asia and North Africa. Kazakhstan is the country with the largest tendency to publish in predatory journals (18 %). More than 5 % is reported in 20 countries, including large countries such as Indonesia (18 %), Malaysia (11 %), India (10 %), or Nigeria (7 %). Neither developed countries are resistant to predatory publishing. More than 16 000 “potentially predatory” articles were published by authors from United States (0.67 %). Keywords: predatory journals; Beall's list; open access Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences

The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers ...

Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

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NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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