Number of found documents: 287
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Slovaks and their traditions in the region Jeseník
Nosková, Helena
2012 - Czech
Silesia played a special role in the history of Czechoslovakia and Poland. After 1945 there was a massive displacement of Germans from border regions of Poland and Czechoslovakia. Part of Silesia in Czechoslovakia Moravians settled in addition to the Slovaks and Czechs in Slovakia , Slovak re-emigrants from Romania, Hungary , Bulgaria, small scale and Slovaks from France and Austria. The Slovaks of Romania in the fifties, XX. century transferred to their own folk culture in the region Jesenicko a Javornicko. They kept it even after 1989. The gradual disappearance currently causing extinctions older generation , migration, middle and younger generation , assimilation and contemporary consumerism. Slezsko sehrálo zvláštní roli v rámci dějin Československa a Polska. Po roce 1945 došlo k masivnímu vysídlení Němců z príhraničních regionů Polska i Československa. Část Slezska v Československu osídlovali kromě Moravanů a Čechů také Slováci ze Slovenska, slovenští reemigranti z Rumunska, Maďarska, Bulharska, malé míře i Slováci z Francie a Rakouska. Zejména Slováci z Rumunska v padesátých letech XX. století přenesli vlastní lidovou kulturu na Jesenicko a Javornicko. Udržovali ji i po roce 1989. Postupný zánik v současnosti způsobuje vymírání starší generace, migrace střední a mladší generace, asimilace a současný konzumní způsob života. Keywords: Silesia; Poland; fulk culture of ethnic minorities Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Slovaks and their traditions in the region Jeseník

Silesia played a special role in the history of Czechoslovakia and Poland. After 1945 there was a massive displacement of Germans from border regions of Poland and Czechoslovakia. Part of Silesia in ...

Nosková, Helena
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2012

Czechoslovak-French project of a plant to produce concentrated radon at Gif near Paris (1935-1939)
Těšínská, Emilie
2012 - Czech
The paper outlines the history of a common project of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Public Works and the French firm Société Nouvelle des Substances Radioactives dating back to 1935-1938. The project aimed at building a plant to produce concentrated radon within the premises of the Society’s laboratories at Gif near Paris. The plant, put into operation in 1937, was equipped with an apparatus of Mund-Porter type constructed by Czechoslovak firm Pavel Meissel in Brno and containing radium salt solution (502 mg Ra-element) hired by the Czechoslovak state. Czech physicist František Běhounek and Russian emigree Alexis Jakimach took an active part in the project implementation. The project ended under dramatic historical circumstances of years 1938-1939 when Czechoslovakia was occupied by Nazi Germany. Příspěvek představuje okolnosti dojednání, technické realizace a nejasného konce společného projektu čs. ministerstva veřejných prací a francouzské Société Nouvelle des Substances Radioactives z let 1935-1938, jehož předmětem bylo vybudování výrobny koncentrovaného radonu v areálu pokusných laboratoří uvedené francouzské společnosti v Gif u Paříže. Radon měl sloužit především k lékařským účelům. Přístroj typu Mund-Porter vyrobila brněnská firma Pavel Meissel. Potřebné radium (502 mg Ra-el.) pronajal čs. stát. Na realizaci projektu spolupracoval fyzik František Běhounek a ruský emigrant Alexis Jakimach. Projekt byl ukončen krátce po uvedení výrobny do provozu, za dramatického vývoje historických událostí let 1938-1939. Keywords: history of radiumtherapy; international cooperation; Czechoslovakia Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czechoslovak-French project of a plant to produce concentrated radon at Gif near Paris (1935-1939)

The paper outlines the history of a common project of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Public Works and the French firm Société Nouvelle des Substances Radioactives dating back to 1935-1938. The project ...

Těšínská, Emilie
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2012

Jews in Czech Film and Television Production during Normalization
Bednařík, Petr
2012 - English
The author describes in the text Czech films and TV series with the Jewish themes. Films and TV series were filmed during the normalization in 1970s and 1980s by Film Studio Barrandov and Czechoslovak Television. Keywords: Jews; Czech cinematography; Czechoslovak television Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Jews in Czech Film and Television Production during Normalization

The author describes in the text Czech films and TV series with the Jewish themes. Films and TV series were filmed during the normalization in 1970s and 1980s by Film Studio Barrandov and Czechoslovak ...

Bednařík, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2012

Scholars in Exile and Dictatorships of the 20th Century. May 24-26, 2011, Prague. Conference Proceedings
Stella, M.; Štrbáňová, Soňa; Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - Czech
Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator regimes) in the 20th century. Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator regimes) in the 20th century. Keywords: exile; scholars; totalitarianism Fulltext is available at external website.
Scholars in Exile and Dictatorships of the 20th Century. May 24-26, 2011, Prague. Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator ...

Stella, M.; Štrbáňová, Soňa; Kostlán, Antonín
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

Professors to go. Emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation, 1938–39
Šimůnek, Michal V.; Hermann, Tomáš
2011 - English
It is the aim of this paper to present statistical overviews documenting the processes of emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation (1938–39). Demonstration of some personal histories helps to analyse the scientific emigration during the era of Nazism in its alternative perspectives. Keywords: scientific exile; German University in Prague; history of medicine Fulltext is available at external website.
Professors to go. Emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation, 1938–39

It is the aim of this paper to present statistical overviews documenting the processes of emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and ...

Šimůnek, Michal V.; Hermann, Tomáš
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

Natives from the Slaný District and a research question of regionality of origin of the members of Czechoslovak military units abroad during WWII
Maršálek, Zdenko
2011 - Czech
Article, besides the reminder of natives from Slaný District - members of Czechoslovak military units abroad, indicates the possibilities of research of the regional origins as sociological method of research of personal structure of Czechoslovak resistance abroad. Příspěvek kromě připomenutí příslušníků čs. zahraničních jednotek původem ze Slánska především naznačuje možnosti, které poskytuje zkoumání regionality původu vojáků v zahraničí jako sociologické metody zkoumání personální struktury čs. odboje. Keywords: World War II; Czechoslovak resistance abroad; regionality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Natives from the Slaný District and a research question of regionality of origin of the members of Czechoslovak military units abroad during WWII

Article, besides the reminder of natives from Slaný District - members of Czechoslovak military units abroad, indicates the possibilities of research of the regional origins as sociological method of ...

Maršálek, Zdenko
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

Topic of the conference
Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - English
The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile in 20th century Europe, such as those evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments, have so far escaped more detailed attention. Anotace v AJ (min. 64 znaků): The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile in 20th century Europe, such as those evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments, have so far escaped more detailed attention. Keywords: exile; scholars; totalitarianism Fulltext is available at external website.
Topic of the conference

The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile ...

Kostlán, Antonín
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

Czech scholars in exile, 1948-1989
Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - English
Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989, represented one of the countries of the Soviet power bloc where the development of research was in many ways supported by the country's government, but at the same time subjected to various restrictions and strong political pressure. The paper focuses on the main characteristic features of the emigration of scientists and intellectuals in the period of the communist regime and presents the results of an analysis of departure of the workers of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to exile. It tries to estimate the overall extent of this emigration, deliberates about the further careers of exile scholars and introduces an attempt of exile typology. Keywords: exile; scholars; totalitarianism Fulltext is available at external website.
Czech scholars in exile, 1948-1989

Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989, represented one of the countries of the Soviet power bloc where the development of research was in many ways supported by the country's government, but at the ...

Kostlán, Antonín
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

Oral History on the Internet. Legal, Ethic and Methodological Aspects
Schindler-Wisten, Petra
2011 - Czech
This paper deals with the problems of publishing oral history on the Internet. The development of digital technology brings new possibilities to present oral history projects to the widest audience. The contribution of oral history from Internet is debatable, and brings many new challenges in this field, noting the need to bring new ethical, legal and methodological issues. Text se zabývá problematikou publikování orálně-historických výsledků na internetu. Rozvoj digitálních technologií přináší nové možnosti, jak s výsledky orálně-historických projektů seznámit co nejširší publikum. Přínos internetu orální historii je diskutabilní a vnáší do oboru řadu nových problémů, přináší nutnost všímat si nových etických, právních a metodologických otázek. Keywords: oral history; internet; data protection Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Oral History on the Internet. Legal, Ethic and Methodological Aspects

This paper deals with the problems of publishing oral history on the Internet. The development of digital technology brings new possibilities to present oral history projects to the widest audience. ...

Schindler-Wisten, Petra
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

Cuban students in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s - 1980s
Bortlová, Hana
2011 - Czech
In the sixties, seventies and eighties, i. e. period of close political and economic ties between Cuba and the Soviet bloc, about a thousand Cubans took advantage of the scholarship offer of the Czechoslovak government and graduated from Czech and Slovak universities (and to a much lesser extent from high schools). After returning to Cuba many of them took up leading positions in state enterprises or institutions where some of them have been active till today. Based on archival sources (mainly from the National Archives in Prague) and oral-history interviews conducted with former scholarship holders of the Czechoslovak government in Cuba in 2009, this text presents some aspects of life of Cuban students in the Czechoslovak society of that time. V šedesátých, sedmdesátých a osmdesátých letech 20. století, tj. v období úzkých politických a hospodářských vazeb sovětského bloku a Kuby, využili mnozí Kubánci nabídky stipendií československé vlády a absolvovali české a slovenské vysoké (a v menší míře též střední) školy. Po návratu na Kubu řada z nich obsadila vedoucí pozice ve státních podnicích či institucích, přičemž někteří v nich působí dodnes. Na základě archivních pramenů (zejména z Národního archivu v Praze) a orálně-historických rozhovorů, které autorka vedla s bývalými stipendisty československé vlády na Kubě v r. 2009, text přibližuje některé aspekty života kubánských studentů v tehdejší československé společnosti. Keywords: foreign policy of the Soviet bloc countries towards the third world; Czechoslovakia and Cuba; Cuban students in Czechoslovakia Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Cuban students in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s - 1980s

In the sixties, seventies and eighties, i. e. period of close political and economic ties between Cuba and the Soviet bloc, about a thousand Cubans took advantage of the scholarship offer of the ...

Bortlová, Hana
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

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