Detekce slabých signálů v šumu
Tichavský, Petr
2018 - český
Stanovili jsme hranice pro detekovatelnost impulzního rušení v jinak stacionárním signálu a spočetli je prakticky pro měření akustické emise v experimentu s namáháním vzorku. In this report, a bound on amplitude of impuls signal detection in stationary background noise is computed.\nIt was evaluated for an experiment with acoustic emission from mechanically strained sample.
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Detekce slabých signálů v šumu
Stanovili jsme hranice pro detekovatelnost impulzního rušení v jinak stacionárním signálu a spočetli je prakticky pro měření akustické emise v experimentu s namáháním vzorku....
Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2018 - anglický
DCTOOL-A4 report presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. The report provides a novel systematic approach to the analysis of asymptotic stability for output event-triggered uncertain centralized control systems. A class of nonlinear but nominally linear systems possessing unknown time-varying bounded uncertainties with known bounds is considered. Uncertainties are allowed in all system matrices. Original LMI-based suffi cient conditions are derived to guarantee asymptotic stability of closed-loop systems with both static output and observer-based feedback loop under even-triggered control. Both these output feedback strategies are extended to model-based uncertain control systems with\nquantized measurements. A logarithmic quantizer is considered. The Lyapunov-based approach and convex optimization serve as the main methods to derive the asymptotic LMI-based stability conditions. Bounds on the inter-event times to avoid the Zeno-effect are proved for all the cases considered. Finally, feasibility and effi ciency of the proposed strategies is demonstrated by providing numerical examples.
Klíčová slova:
event-triggered control; networked control systems; large scale complex systems
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DCTOOL-A4 report presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. The report provides a novel systematic approach to the analysis of asymptotic stability for output ...
Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2018 - anglický
DCTOOL-A5 presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. This report presents a new method for the decentralized event-triggered control design for large-scale uncertain systems. The results are formulated and proved in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Two design problems are solved: For interconnected systems without any quantization and for interconnected systems with local logarithmic quantizers. Results are illustrated by an example.
Klíčová slova:
decentralized event-triggered control; networked control systems; large scale complex systems
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DCTOOL-A5 presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. This report presents a new method for the decentralized event-triggered control design for large-scale ...
Analýza korozního poškození potrubí s proudící párou pomocí akustické emise: výsledky pro potrubí 6. odběru v EBO
Tichavský, Petr
2018 - český
V práci je studována akustická emise na potrubí s proudící párou, měřená v elektrárně Jaslovské Bohunice. V signálu vyhledáváme výrony akustické emise která amplitudově vyčnívají nad okolním signálem, a jejich relativní frekvence výskytu je považována za indikátor poškození potrubí. We studied acoustics emission of steem pipes from measurements from EBO. We counted frequency of sudden increases of the acoustics emission, which can be used as indicator of corosion demage of the pipes.
Klíčová slova:
acoustic emission
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Analýza korozního poškození potrubí s proudící párou pomocí akustické emise: výsledky pro potrubí 6. odběru v EBO
V práci je studována akustická emise na potrubí s proudící párou, měřená v elektrárně Jaslovské Bohunice. V signálu vyhledáváme výrony akustické emise která amplitudově vyčnívají nad okolním signálem, ...
Alternative Formulation of Pay-as-clear Auction in Electricity Markets
Aussel, D.; Červinka, Michal; Henrion, R.; Pištěk, Miroslav
2017 - anglický
In widely used formulation of pay-as-clear electricity market the clearing price is given by the Lagrange multiplier of the demand sat- isfaction constraint in the problem of the Independent System Operator (ISO). Following this idea, one may usually calculate the market clearing\nprice analytically even for problems of higher dimensions. However, the economic interpretation of such a market setting is in question, since the minimized criterion does not correspond neither to the cost of production nor to the overall payment of consumers. This observation motivated us\nto propose an alternative clearing mechanism where the total payment of consumers is explicitly minimized. We show existence and uniqueness of the clearing price in such a setting.
Klíčová slova:
electricity market; Lagrange multiplier; Independent System Operator
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Alternative Formulation of Pay-as-clear Auction in Electricity Markets
In widely used formulation of pay-as-clear electricity market the clearing price is given by the Lagrange multiplier of the demand sat- isfaction constraint in the problem of the Independent System ...
Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2016 - anglický
DCTOOL-A3 is a documentation of Matlab routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems. The current beta version covers three areas as follows:\nReport 4.1 deals with the event-triggered control design for unstructured uncertain systems. Both non-quantized and quantized feedback is analyzed. The results are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Logarithmic quantizer is used. Numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the presented results.\nReport 4.2 presents a new decentralized overlapping wireless control design with a switched communication protocol. The method is applied by simulations on the 20-story building structure including the test of robustness of the methods against sensor failures and network node dropouts of a digital network.\nReport 4.3 presents the construction of a new decentralized wireless controller and a set of heuristic algorithms for evaluation of packet dropouts, sensor faults and actuator faults. The digital network operates at the standard frequency used in well-known widely-used industrial protocols. The results are tested at the Benchmark model decomposed into two disjoint substructures. The results are published. Thus, the details are omitted here.
Klíčová slova:
event-triggered control; networked control systems; large scale complex systems
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DCTOOL-A3 is a documentation of Matlab routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems. The current beta version covers three areas as follows:\nReport 4.1 ...
Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2015 - anglický
DCTOOL-A2 is a documentation of Matlab routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems in 2015.
Klíčová slova:
decentralized control; event-triggered networked control systems; large scale complex systems
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DCTOOL-A2 is a documentation of Matlab routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems in 2015.
Recursive Estimation of High-Order Markov Chains: Approximation by Finite Mixtures
Kárný, Miroslav
2015 - anglický
A high-order Markov chain is a universal model of stochastic relations between discrete-valued variables. The exact estimation of its transition probabilities suers from the curse of dimensionality. It requires an excessive amount of informative observations as well as an extreme memory for storing the corresponding su cient statistic. The paper bypasses this problem by considering a rich subset of Markov-chain models, namely, mixtures of low dimensional Markov chains, possibly with external variables. It uses Bayesian approximate estimation suitable for a subsequent decision making under uncertainty. The proposed recursive (sequential, one-pass) estimator updates a product of Dirichlet probability densities (pds) used as an approximate posterior pd, projects the result back to this class of pds and applies an improved data-dependent stabilised forgetting, which counteracts the dangerous accumulation of approximation errors.
Klíčová slova:
Markov chain; approximate parameter estimation; Bayesian recursive estimation; adaptive systems; Kullback-Leibler divergence; forgetting
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Recursive Estimation of High-Order Markov Chains: Approximation by Finite Mixtures
A high-order Markov chain is a universal model of stochastic relations between discrete-valued variables. The exact estimation of its transition probabilities suers from the curse of dimensionality. ...
Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2014 - anglický
DCTOOL - A1 is a documentation of MATLAB routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems.
Klíčová slova:
decentralized control; networked control systems; LQG design
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
DCTOOL - A1 is a documentation of MATLAB routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems.
What the Data Say about the Effects of Fiscal Policy in the Czech Republic?
Baxa, Jaromír
2013 - anglický
In this paper, we provide the estimates of the fiscal multiplier in the Czech economy, based on the methodology of the fiscal VAR. The basic idea, adding fiscal variables into the macroeconomic VAR model, follows Blanchard and Perotti (2002). For estimation of our model, we utilize the dataset with quarterly data on a sample from the first quarter of 1998 to the second quarter of 2009. Our main results are as follows. Firstly, government expenditures have a positive and significant impact on the GDP. By contrast, a response of GDP on a shock to government revenues is slightly negative and in most specifications not significant. Secondly, these results are robust to various sensitivity checks. Consequently, the restoration of sustainable fiscal policy should focus rather on the revenues side than in the government expenditures, since a significant cut in government spending would probably have slowed down economic growth. Finally, we should note, that uncertainty connected with our results is large, namely in comparison with existing studies on the effects of monetary policy.
Klíčová slova:
fiscal policy; vector autoregression
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What the Data Say about the Effects of Fiscal Policy in the Czech Republic?
In this paper, we provide the estimates of the fiscal multiplier in the Czech economy, based on the methodology of the fiscal VAR. The basic idea, adding fiscal variables into the macroeconomic VAR ...
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