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Molecular description of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei isolates
Dreiseitl, Antonín; Komínková, Eva; Malečková, Eva; Vanžurová, Hana; Doležel, Jaroslav; Valárik, Miroslav
2015 - English
padlí ječmene; ječmen setý; markery molekulární; powdery mildew; spring barely; molecular markers; zemědělství
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Molecular description of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei isolates
Skorpion - ozimá pšenice
Výzkumný ústav rostlinné výroby, v.v.i.; Agrotest fyto, s.r.o.
2013 - Czech
odrůda Skorpion; variety Skorpion; wheat; pšenice
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Skorpion - ozimá pšenice
Evaluation of Chemical and Technological Properties of Grain and Milling Franctions of Hulless Barley for Bakery Use
Vaculová, Kateřina; Balounová, Marta; Jirsa, Ondřej; Sedláčková, Irena
2011 - English
Wider use of barley with great food potential due to its high nutritional value of grain is constrained by lack of knowledge about the functionality of barley grain components in terms of processing and food products development. Selected genotypes of hulless spring barley (cv. AF Lucius, lines KM 2084, KM 2283, KM 1057 and genetic resource Nudimelanocrithon) were examined for chemical composition (crude protein, starch, β-glucans, macro-minerals) and breadmaking properties of grain and grain milling fractions (flour, semolina, bran). Differences in chemical composition of genotypes reflected in both the yield and rheological properties of individual milling fractions, measured with farinograph and extensograph. The addition of barley flour (15-30%) or barley semolina and bran (10 and 20%) to standard wheat flour reflected in different rheological properties depending on a barley genotype. The farinograph parameters largely varied in individual materials, however, the percentage of barley fractions in the mixture did not affect the values considerably. In comparison with standard wheat flour, values of extensograph parameters were low (especially for energy and extensibility) in all barley samples studied. However, they were affected by both the proportion of barley fraction and its interaction with a rest period. When the rest period was longer (90 min), even higher additions of semolina or bran (especially in cv. AF Lucius) were technologically acceptable.
pekařství; bezpluché zrno; barley grain; milling fractions; hulless grain; bakery use; chemical composition; breadmaking properties; ječmen
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Evaluation of Chemical and Technological Properties of Grain and Milling Franctions of Hulless Barley for Bakery Use
Wider use of barley with great food potential due to its high nutritional value of grain is constrained by lack of knowledge about the functionality of barley grain components in terms of processing ...
Gene Resources of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with Different Arrangement of Spikelets in Spike
Martinek, Petr; Watanabe, Nobuyoshi; Peng, Zheng-Song
2005 - English
genové zdroje; pšenice; klas; klásek; morfologie klasu; wheat; genetic resources; spike morphology; spikelet; pšenice
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Gene Resources of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with Different Arrangement of Spikelets in Spike
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