Number of found documents: 14
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Preconditions of the genesis of the Přemyslid realm
Kalhous, David
2019 - English
In the following study we analyse the validity of the nowgenerally-accepted view of the beginnings of the Přemyslid realm. Those who established this viewpoint emphasisethe income from selling slaves (and distance trade in general) as the main source the dynasties in Central Europeused to strengthen their economic power, which, in the next stage, enabled them to build powerful cavalry armiesas their “iron fist”. With these armies they were supposed to have built their “states”. In this article, not only is theautomatism of this mechanism brought into question (the prevalence of the cavalry), but also the idea that a statecan be built with an army. The author, on the one hand, points out the predatory character of such a system, and onthe other hand draws attention to the building of hillforts as a mechanism that not only enhanced the protection ofa given area, but also, due to the need for construction and repairs, brought large groups of people together, and thusformed a common identity for them. Keywords: early states; Central Europe; Early Middle Ages; history of power; history of violence Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Preconditions of the genesis of the Přemyslid realm

In the following study we analyse the validity of the nowgenerally-accepted view of the beginnings of the Přemyslid realm. Those who established this viewpoint emphasisethe income from selling slaves ...

Kalhous, David
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2019

Camps and waters: Malý Medvědí Tábor as part of a North Bohemian Mesolithic landscape
Svoboda, Jiří; Novák, J.; Novák, Martin; Pokorný, P.; Sázelová, Sandra
2014 - English
The paper introduces a newly discovered Mesolithic rock shelter Malý medvědí tabor, located in the canyon of the Svitávka River. The excavation revealed intact Mesolithic layers, rich in charcoals and a hearth feature outlined by sandstone blocks. Analyses of the environmental data, fauna, and lithic artefacts are included. In sum, the occupation of the rock shelter was rather episodic, nevertheless the site is of domestic character, as suggested by the richness and character of artefacts. The surrounding vegetation can be reconstructed as a sparse pine forests with common spread of hazel, oak and early successional vegetation with aspen and birch. Given a presence of a nearby peat-bog at Velenice, this new site serves as an important reference point for prehistoric human presence in the Svitavka river valley. Keywords: Mesolithic; Northern Bohemia; rock shelter Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Camps and waters: Malý Medvědí Tábor as part of a North Bohemian Mesolithic landscape

The paper introduces a newly discovered Mesolithic rock shelter Malý medvědí tabor, located in the canyon of the Svitávka River. The excavation revealed intact Mesolithic layers, rich in charcoals and ...

Svoboda, Jiří; Novák, J.; Novák, Martin; Pokorný, P.; Sázelová, Sandra
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2014

Dolní Věstonice II: a complex of sites with different chrono-cultural occupations. Preliminary results of the study of lithic assemblages
Polanská, M.; Novák, Martin
2014 - English
The scope of our study is directed to evaluation of each lithic assemblage from Dolní Věstonice II site and to characterize the technical systems of their production in order to understand the fine chrono-cultural seriation. The complex of sites at Dolní Věstonice II, dated to 30-23 ky uncal BP, includes the assemblages represented by clearly defined samples and another assemblages where the cultural attribution is still questionable. If some occupations certainly belong to the Pavlovian, others may be attributed as Gravettian, or even Upper Gravettian. Changes are visible in the procurement of raw material, and in technical systems of production and typological features. Keywords: Gravettian; Dolní Věstonice; lithic industries; chrono-cultural seriation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dolní Věstonice II: a complex of sites with different chrono-cultural occupations. Preliminary results of the study of lithic assemblages

The scope of our study is directed to evaluation of each lithic assemblage from Dolní Věstonice II site and to characterize the technical systems of their production in order to understand the fine ...

Polanská, M.; Novák, Martin
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2014

Detecting the children zone at the abandoned Nenets campsites: An ethnoarchaeological example from the Polar Ural Mts., Russia
Sázelová, Sandra; Svoboda, Jiří; Novák, Martin
2014 - English
The paper presents an ethnoarcheological approach to questions arising from archaeological studies of Upper Paleolithic settlements in Europe concerning the role of children and their activities in site formation processes. Within surveyed micro-region at Yangana Pe, they were recorded and documented several Nenets abandoned campsites with traces of childreln's play. During the play, Nenets children create specific patterns, usually detectable within the domestic and activity zones of abandoned campsites. In order to interpret them in context, supplementary ethnoarcheological evidence should be incorporated and evaluated. Keywords: Nenets; ethnoarchaeology; Siberia Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Detecting the children zone at the abandoned Nenets campsites: An ethnoarchaeological example from the Polar Ural Mts., Russia

The paper presents an ethnoarcheological approach to questions arising from archaeological studies of Upper Paleolithic settlements in Europe concerning the role of children and their activities in ...

Sázelová, Sandra; Svoboda, Jiří; Novák, Martin
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2014

Early Gravettian occupations at Dolní Věstonice – Pavlov. Comments on the Gravettian origin
Svoboda, Jiří; Novák, Martin; Sázelová, S.
2014 - English
The paper presents the new excavation records from the Gravettian settlement area Dolní Věstonice – Pavlov, concerning the earliest Gravettian occupation from the two findspots at Dolní Věstonice II (Brickyard, site IIa) and Pavlov I (Southwest), dated 35-30 ky cal BP. As regards the uncovered industries from there, the first general characteristics are as follows: these are simple blade and bladelet industries, rarely retouched, with simple burins (mostly on breakage), and chisels as the most common tool types, baked clay pellets also occur in this context. In South Moravia, these industries clearly intervene as a new element in the preceding EUP/Aurignacian background. Their further development into the Evolved Pavlovian stage (after 30 ky cal BP) can be assumed and will be further investigated. Keywords: Early Gravettian; Dolní Věstonice; Pavlov; microstratigraphy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Early Gravettian occupations at Dolní Věstonice – Pavlov. Comments on the Gravettian origin

The paper presents the new excavation records from the Gravettian settlement area Dolní Věstonice – Pavlov, concerning the earliest Gravettian occupation from the two findspots at Dolní Věstonice II ...

Svoboda, Jiří; Novák, Martin; Sázelová, S.
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2014

Archeozoological analysis of finds from an excavation of the town fortification moat (?) in Šumperk
Nývltová Fišáková, Miriam
2009 - English
Bones from fortification moat were analysed. The moat was dated to 15. – 17. Century. Here were found bones from domestic and wild animals. The most remains belong to animals which were breed for meal, milk and wool. Keywords: vertebrate; Mediaval Age; Šumperk Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Archeozoological analysis of finds from an excavation of the town fortification moat (?) in Šumperk

Bones from fortification moat were analysed. The moat was dated to 15. – 17. Century. Here were found bones from domestic and wild animals. The most remains belong to animals which were breed for ...

Nývltová Fišáková, Miriam
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2009

The Gravettian occupation of the Uherské Hradiště area
Škrdla, Petr
2004 - English
The aim of this paper is to present one of the important and hitherto little known Gravettian microregions, and provides preliminary information. Práce presentuje jeden z dosud méně známých gravettských mikroregionů a podává předběžné informace. Keywords: Uherské Hradiště area; Gravettian; settlement pattern Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Gravettian occupation of the Uherské Hradiště area

The aim of this paper is to present one of the important and hitherto little known Gravettian microregions, and provides preliminary information....

Škrdla, Petr
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2004

Afterwords: The Pavlovian as a part of the Gravettian Mosaic
Svoboda, Jiří
2004 - English
The mosaic of Gravettian adaptation over the European scene was not a static one, but displays a dynamic pattern of changes. Moravia, where the settlement density and complexity culminates during the earlier Gravettian (the Pavlovian) and decreases afterwords (the Willendorf-Kostenkian) provides a reverse picture to that of some other European regions, such as Italy, Carpathian Basin, and eastern Europe. The impuls would probably be provided by environmental changes and possible population shifts before and around the Last Glacial Maximum. Mozaika gravettských adaptací na evropské scéně nebyla statická, ale vykazovala dynamické změny. Morava, kde intenzita a komplexnost osídlení kulminuje ve starším gravettienu (pavlovienu) a poté se snižuje (willendorf-kostěnkien) dokládá zrcadlový obraz vůči některým jiným evropským regionům, jako je Itálie, Karpatská kotlina a východní Evropa. Impuls těchto změn je pravděpodobně dán změnami v prostředí a zřejmě přesuny populací v období před a během posledního glaciálního maxima. Keywords: Gravettian; Central Europe; chronology, settlement pattern, population shifts Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Afterwords: The Pavlovian as a part of the Gravettian Mosaic

The mosaic of Gravettian adaptation over the European scene was not a static one, but displays a dynamic pattern of changes. Moravia, where the settlement density and complexity culminates during the ...

Svoboda, Jiří
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2004

Gravettian occupation in the lower layer of Kašov 1
Novák, Martin
2004 - English
The settlement of eastern Slovakia during the Gravettian and Epigravettian was concentrated in the surroundings of the Zemplín Hills (open-air site of Kašov I), where two cultural layers (Gravettian/Epigravettian) were found. According to the analysis of lithic industry, radiocarbon dating and lithostratigraphical position, the lower layer is dated to the Late Gravettian horizon with rare shouldered points, to the period directly preceding the LGM. In raw material composition we observe a domination of extralocal, “northern” flint from southern Poland over the local obsidian. This phase of the site occupation is interpreted as a seasonal base camp, probably connected with migration of the Late Gravettian groups in connection with hunting seasonal shifts between the territory north of the Carpathians and the interior part of the Carpathian Basin. Osídlení východního Slovenska se během gravettské a epigravettké kultury koncentruje do okolí Zemplínskych vrchů (otevřené sídliště Kašov I, poloha Spálenisko), kde se zjistily dvě nálezové vrstvy - vrstva spodní se datuje do období pozdní fáze horizontu hrotů s vrubem (předchází maximu posledního würmského pleniglaciálu). Charakteristickým rysem štípané kamenné industrie je převaha cizích surovin (baltického křídového pazourku z morénových útvarů jižního Polska), nad místním obsidiánem. Tato fáze osídlení se interpretuje jako přechodní základní tábor (souvisí s migrací pozdněgravettských skupin v rámci loveckých sezonních pohybů mezi územím severně karpatského oblouku a vnitřním prostorem Karpatské kotliny. Keywords: Eastern Slovakia Kašov 1; lithic industry, site models, seasonal shifts Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Gravettian occupation in the lower layer of Kašov 1

The settlement of eastern Slovakia during the Gravettian and Epigravettian was concentrated in the surroundings of the Zemplín Hills (open-air site of Kašov I), where two cultural layers ...

Novák, Martin
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2004

Archeogeophysical Prospecting in Moravia in the Yers 1974-2000
Hašek, Vladimír; Unger, J.
2001 - English
Geophysical methods exerted in complex with other scientific branches more than 25 at archaeological research of Czech Republic brought series of positive findings for solving of various tasks from paleolith to top medieval. The paper deals with the development of this discipline of science from methodology of in situ works over evaluation of measured data to practise presentation and confrontation the results with reality.These could be documented at a number of examples from problems of open and bastion settlements, necropolises, sacred and castle architecture, municipal historical centres, productive equipment atc. Keywords: Moravia; archeogeophysical prospecting; výzkum; teorie dat Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Archeogeophysical Prospecting in Moravia in the Yers 1974-2000

Geophysical methods exerted in complex with other scientific branches more than 25 at archaeological research of Czech Republic brought series of positive findings for solving of various tasks from ...

Hašek, Vladimír; Unger, J.
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2001

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