Infants' learning of novel segments is modulated by prosody
Chládková, Kateřina; Podlipský, V.J.; Nudga, Natalia; Paillereau, Nikola; Kynčlová, Kateřina; Šimáčková, Š.
2023 - anglický
Young infants recognize atypical realisations of native-language speech. Later they learn words better from native-accented talkers. However, 6-month-olds preferentially listen to unfamiliar speech. We tested whether the learning of new vowels matches 6-month-olds’ listening preferences, being more effective from nonnative-accented speech. We exposed Czech six-month-olds to delexicalised utterances with consonants replaced by [f] and vowels by 405 tokens sampled from a bimodal [ɛ]-[æ] distribution, a contrast absent from Czech, and with either native or atypical rhythm. Discrimination of [ɛ]-[æ] was then tested in an alternating/non-alternating paradigm. Longer first-look duration to non-alternating than to alternating trials – indicating a learning effect – was found in infants familiarised with the novel contrast in atypical rhythm, such effect was not\ndetected after familiarisation with native rhythm. Six-month-olds thus more effectively exploit distributional information about novel vowels from non-native rhythm, which matches their previously reported preferences for listening to novel over familiar accents.
Klíčová slova:
distributional learning; selective learning; non-native rhythm; vowels; infancy
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Infants' learning of novel segments is modulated by prosody
Young infants recognize atypical realisations of native-language speech. Later they learn words better from native-accented talkers. However, 6-month-olds preferentially listen to unfamiliar speech. ...
Vowel length in infant-directed speech: the realisation of short-long contrasts in Czech IDS
Svoboda, Michaela; Chládková, Kateřina; Kocjančič Antolík, T.; Paillereau, Nikola; Slížková, P.
2023 - anglický
When interacting with young children, talkers across many languages use a speech style that reflects positive affect, draws infants' attention, and supposedly facilitates language acquisition. As for the latter, a well-documented feature of infant-directed speech is an exaggeration of spectrally-cued vowel contrasts. Here we tested whether talkers exaggerate also durationally cued contrasts. Sixty-three mothers, native speakers of Czech, were recorded while playing with their infant (4- to 10-month-olds, IDS) and while speaking to an adult (ADS). The durations of the five Czech phonemically short vowels were compared to their long counterparts. Vowel duration (normalised for word duration) was longer in IDS than in ADS more for phonemically long vowels at the younger infant ages, indicating a developmentally specific early exaggeration of length contrasts in Czech infant-directed speech. The present finding suggests that in a language with phonemic length, caregivers' realisation of speech sounds may go beyond merely being longer and slower overall.
Klíčová slova:
infant-directed speech; vowel length; development of early input; Czech
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Vowel length in infant-directed speech: the realisation of short-long contrasts in Czech IDS
When interacting with young children, talkers across many languages use a speech style that reflects positive affect, draws infants' attention, and supposedly facilitates language acquisition. As for ...
Exploring the Contribution of Isochrony-based Features to Computerized Assessment of Handwriting Disabilities
Gavenčiak, M.; Zvončák, V.; Mekyska, J.; Šafárová, Katarína; Čunek, Lukáš; Urbánek, Tomáš; Havigerová, Jana Marie; Bednářová, Jiřina; Galáž, Z.; Mucha, J.
2022 - anglický
Approximately 30–60 % of the time children spend in school is associated with handwriting. However, up to 30 % of them experience handwriting disabilities (HD), which lead to a decrease in their academic performance. Current HD assessment methods are not unified and show signs of subjectivity which can lead to misdiagnosis. The aim of this paper is to propose a new approach to objective HD assessment based on the principle of movement isochrony. For this purpose, we used a database of 137 children attending a primary school, who performed a transcription and dictation task, and who were associated with a BHK (Concise Evaluation Scale for Children's Handwriting) score. Employing a machine learning model, we were able to estimate this score with 18 % error. An interpretation of the model suggests that the isochrony-based features could bring new benefits to the objective assessment of HD.
Klíčová slova:
developmental dysgraphia; handwriting difficulties; isochrony; online handwriting
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Exploring the Contribution of Isochrony-based Features to Computerized Assessment of Handwriting Disabilities
Approximately 30–60 % of the time children spend in school is associated with handwriting. However, up to 30 % of them experience handwriting disabilities (HD), which lead to a decrease in their ...
Post-Communist Syndrome: a Mental Heritage. A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Findings
Klicperová-Baker, Martina; Feierabend, I.; Košťál, J.
2010 - anglický
The article discusses post-totalitarian symptoms and the concept of post-totalitarian syndrome which can explain mentality of some dissatisfied Eastern European citizens. The current Czech post-totalitarian conditions are analyzed in terms of specific grievances and human needs; it is suggested that the disappointed include numerous frustrated but otherwise pro-democratic citizens. Complaints focus on economic insecurity (fear of unemployment, lack of security at the old age), crime (both white collar economic and street crime), lack of overall safety and disappointment with the general decline of interpersonal relations. Although respondents found it much easier to be upset with the current circumstances than with the totalitarian past, direct questions referring to the pre-1989 police state revealed an overwhelming awareness of and frustration with it. The most intense current anger is provoked by misconduct of politicians, yet democracy as a regime is not doubted.
Klíčová slova:
post-communism; democracy; post-communist syndrome
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Post-Communist Syndrome: a Mental Heritage. A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Findings
The article discusses post-totalitarian symptoms and the concept of post-totalitarian syndrome which can explain mentality of some dissatisfied Eastern European citizens. The current Czech ...
Country Report: The Czech Republic
Klicperová-Baker, Martina; Franke, Helena; Schwarz, Petr; Košťál, J.
2010 - anglický
Research report on the Czech aspect of European citizenship – the state of ethno-national diversity, migration, gender situation, attitudes to the EU, understanding of the European polity and European public sphere. The study brings original results of a representative survey of Czech citizens (N=1037) in addition to the first, preliminary results of media analysis and interviews with political and cultural elites. This volume, the Czech contribution to international Eurosphere project, is a part of a series of 16 Eurosphere country reports, it serves also as a framework for interpretation of Eurosphere empirical results. It contains a number of graphs, tables and illustrations. It is complemented by illustrations by a cartoonist Miroslav Kemel.
Klíčová slova:
EU; Czech Republic; Diversity; European citizenship
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Country Report: The Czech Republic
Research report on the Czech aspect of European citizenship – the state of ethno-national diversity, migration, gender situation, attitudes to the EU, understanding of the European polity and European ...
The 15th European Conference on Personality: Program and Abstract
Blatný, Marek; Hřebíčková, Martina; Kouřilová, Sylvie; Slezáčková, Alena; Květon, Petr; Vobořil, Dalibor
2010 - anglický
The 15th European Conference on Personality (ECP15) was held in Brno, Czech Republic, July 20-24, 2010. The conference was organized by the European Association of Personality Psychology together with the Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The programme of the ECP15 included contributions on distinctive personality issues, such as personality genetics, personality and behavioral control, neurophysiology of intelligence, and methodological issues of personality research. Furthermore, presenters introduced their findings about personality and social relationships, developmental aspects of personality, as well as personality and cultural differences. The ECP 15 also hosted dialogues between personality psychology and newly established theoretical approaches such as positive psychology.
Klíčová slova:
European Association of Personality Psychology; ECP15; conference
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The 15th European Conference on Personality: Program and Abstract
The 15th European Conference on Personality (ECP15) was held in Brno, Czech Republic, July 20-24, 2010. The conference was organized by the European Association of Personality Psychology together with ...
Effects of childhood malignancy treatment on quality of life: Preliminary results of the QOLOP project
Blatný, Marek; Kepák, T.; Vlčková, I.; Jelínek, Martin; Navrátilová, P.; Pilát, M.; Kárová, Š.; Slezáčková, Alena; Hrstková, H.; Štěrba, J.
2008 - anglický
Effects of childhood malignancy treatment on quality of life: preliminary results of the Qolop project.
Klíčová slova:
childhood cancer treatment; quality of life
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Effects of childhood malignancy treatment on quality of life: Preliminary results of the QOLOP project
Effects of childhood malignancy treatment on quality of life: preliminary results of the Qolop project.
Self-Management of Teachers
Řehulka, Evžen
2007 - anglický
This paper with application of self-management issues to teaching, though its being developed mainly for economic environment. Self-management, taken as self-control or self-education, can become interesting and original source for studies of teaching. Within this frame an orientation research of basic school female teachers was performed; the research has shown that these teachers are able to use main ideas of self-management and they understand well goals of self-education and self-upbringing and also differences defined goals and real abilities in this area and they see the mail tasks of self-management in the field of personality development. Studie se zabývá aplikací problematiky selfmanagementu, který je rozvíjen především v ekonimickém prostředí, na učitelskou profesi. Selfmanagement chápaný jako sebeřízení, event. sebevýchova, může být zajímavým a originálním východiskem pro studium učitelství. V rámci těchto myšlenek je proveden orientační výzkum učitelek základních škol, kde se ukázalo, že učitelky jsou schopny užitečně využívat hlavních idejí selfmanagementu a uvědomují si cíle v sebevzdělávání i v sebevýchově, a rovněž diference mezi stanovenými cíly a reálnými dovednostmi v této oblasti, přičemž největší úkoly v selfmanagementu nacházejí v oblasti rozvoje osobnosti.
Klíčová slova:
self-management; female teachers; self-education
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Self-Management of Teachers
This paper with application of self-management issues to teaching, though its being developed mainly for economic environment. Self-management, taken as self-control or self-education, can become ...
School and Health 21
Řehulka, Evžen
2007 - anglický
The presented publication summarizes reports that have made within solution of research plan of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University SCHOOL AND HEALTH FOR THE CENTURY. The project is inspired by ideas, which define new paradigm in the school and health system both in our country and in the world. These new ideas are determined first of all by documents of World Health Organisation (WHO), shich have been accepted and elaborated by our government, social and scientific authorities and organisations and new framework curricula, which represent fundamental changes in our school system. We deal eith theoretical issues in detail in the following pages describing the project SCHOOL AND HEALTH FOR THE 21 CENTURY. Předkládaná publikace shrnuje příspěvky, které vznikly v rámci řešení výzkumného záměru Pedagogické fakulty Masyrykovy univerzity ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ PRO 21. STOLETÍ. Jde o projekt, jenž je inspirován idejemi, které určují nové paradigma ve školství a zdravotnictví jak u nás, tak ve světě. Tyto nové myšlenky jsou dány především dokumenty Světové zdravotnické organizace (SZO/WHO), které byly přijaty a rozpracovány našimi vládními, společenskými i vědeckými orgány a organizacemi a novými rámcovými vzdělávacími programy, které představují zásadní změny v našem školství. Podrobněji se teoretickými východisky zabýváme na následujících stránkách, kde popisujeme projekt ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ PRO 21. STOLETÍ.
Klíčová slova:
school; health; teacher
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
School and Health 21
The presented publication summarizes reports that have made within solution of research plan of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University SCHOOL AND HEALTH FOR THE CENTURY. The project is inspired ...
10th European Congress of Psychology
Polišenská, Veronika; Šolc, M.; Kotrlová, J.
2007 - anglický
The present collection of abstracts represents the written and oral presentations given at the Xth European Congress of Psychology, which took place in Prague, Czech republic from 3. - 6. July, 2007. Sborník obsahuje abstrakta příspěvků, které byly prezentovány na Desátém Evropském Psychologickém Kongresu, který se konal v Praze od 3. - 6. července 2007.
Klíčová slova:
congress; psychology; Prague
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
10th European Congress of Psychology
The present collection of abstracts represents the written and oral presentations given at the Xth European Congress of Psychology, which took place in Prague, Czech republic from 3. - 6. July, ...
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