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SNA'21 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis
Starý, Jiří; Sysala, Stanislav; Sysalová, Dagmar
2021 - English
Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2021 (SNA'21) is the 15th meeting in aseries of SNA events.The previous meetings were held in Ostrava 2003, 2005, Monínec 2006,Ostrava 2007,Liberec 2008,Ostrava 2009,Nové Hrady 2010, Rožnov 2011, Liberec 2012, Rožnov 2013, Nymburk 2014, Ostrava 2015, 2017, and 2019. SNA events help to bring together the Czech research community working in the field of numerical mathematics and computer simulations.The scope of the seminar ranges from mathematical modelling and simulation of challenging engineering problems, to methods of numerica lmathematics, numerical linear algebra, and high performance computing. SNA'21 has about 80 participants. Its programme includes the traditional Winter School with tutorial lectures focused on selected important topics within the scope of the seminar.This year, the Winter School includes the following lectures: Keywords: numerical analysis; mathematical modelling; computer mathematics Fulltext is available at external website.
SNA'21 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis

Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2021 (SNA'21) is the 15th meeting in aseries of SNA events.The previous meetings were held in Ostrava 2003, 2005, Monínec 2006,Ostrava 2007,Liberec 2008,Ostrava 2009,Nové ...

Starý, Jiří; Sysala, Stanislav; Sysalová, Dagmar
Ústav geoniky, 2021

Smart countryside for the 21st century
Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín
2020 - English
The 7th Moravian Conference on Rural Research EURORURAL takes place in the summer of 2020. The period of preparation and holding of the conference was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which decisively reduced international travel. However, as we did not want to break the developed tradition, we decided to organize the conference online. At the same time, we hoped that this opportunity would allow the participation of colleagues who could not attend our conference personally due to collisions with other events, health, financial causes and other reasons. On the other hand, we were aware that we are entering a little-explored terrain and our intentions would not reach widely the international professional public\nReceived contributions cover various topics of rural development. Their spectrum reflects the current problems of European rural development. We already look forward to receiving some elaborated papers for their eventual publication in the European Countryside.\n Keywords: European countryside; rural space; rural development Fulltext is available at external website.
Smart countryside for the 21st century

The 7th Moravian Conference on Rural Research EURORURAL takes place in the summer of 2020. The period of preparation and holding of the conference was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín
Ústav geoniky, 2020

SNA´19 - Seminar on numerical analysis.
Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
2019 - English
Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held\nin different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague\ninstitutions. The SNA'17 is organized by the Institute of Geonics of the CAS in collaboration with\nVŠB - Technical University of Ostrava and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre.\nConference location is one of the lecture rooms in New Aula of the VŠB-TU Ostrava.\nLet us note that SNA 2016 was reshaped to EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM)\ndevoted to mathematical modelling, numerical analysis and scientiffc computing. The SNA'17\nis turning back to more traditional winter event.\nIt provides opportunity for meeting and mutual information of the community working in computational\nmathematics and computer science, but an important part of SNA is devoted to the\nWinter School with tutorial lectures focused on selected important topics within the scope of\nnumerical methods and modelling.\nThis year, a part of the Winter School will be the course Parallel Linear Algebra (PLA) organized\nby the European research infrastructure PRACE, particularly by the French PRACE Advanced\nTraining Centre - Maison de la Simulation. Winter school lectures will cover the ongoing topics\nrelated to domain decomposition methods, interval computations and numerical veriffcation. The\nPLA course will provide lectures from the area of direct and iterative parallel solvers, as well as\npractical training with selected programs. Keywords: numerical analysis; mathematical modelling; computer mathematics Fulltext is available at external website.
SNA´19 - Seminar on numerical analysis.

Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held\nin different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague\ninstitutions. ...

Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
Ústav geoniky, 2019

European Countryside and its Perception. Book of Abstracts
Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, A.; Šťastná, M.
2018 - English
Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backwarded, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But the situation has changed during the last years. Although cities are still centres of development within the globalization process, people in Europe abandon them as a result of the trends of suburbanization, counter-urbanization, naturbanization. We intend to pay our attention on transformation trends of the European countryside where focusing on more processes occurring there as: transformation from productive to non-productive function,from central planned to the market oriented countryside, from the mono-functional to the multifunctional one, from the national to European and globalized scale. Such a transformation generates many impacts on natural, economic and social processes occurring \nin present European countryside. Their combination creates a set of different countryside types. Keywords: countryside; geography; Europe Fulltext is available at external website.
European Countryside and its Perception. Book of Abstracts

Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backwarded, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But the ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, A.; Šťastná, M.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis
Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
2017 - English
Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held in different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague institutions. TheSNA'17isorganizedbytheInstituteofGeonicsoftheCASincollaborationwith VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. Conference location is one of the lecture rooms in New Aula of the VŠB-TU Ostrava. Let us note that SNA 2016 was reshaped to EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM) devoted to mathematical modelling, numerical analysis and scientific computing. The SNA'17 is turning back to more traditional winter event. It provides opportunity for meeting and mutual information of the community working in computational mathematics and computer science, but an important part of SNA is devoted to the Winter School with tutorial lectures focused on selected important topics within the scope of numerical methods and modelling. Keywords: mathematics; numerical analysis; modelling Fulltext is available at external website.
SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis

Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held in different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague institutions. ...

Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impakt v krajině
Zapletalová, Jana; Kirchner, Karel
2016 - Czech
Workswhop Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impact v krajině byl organizován v rámci Strategie Akademie Věd AV21, programu Přírodní hrozby. Tematicky byly zastoupeny jak přírodní hrozby (geologicko-geomorfologické hrozby - svahové deformace, eroze, hydrometeorologické extrémy - povodně, sucho, biologické invaze) a jejich hodnocení a predikce, tak i sociální i právní důsledky přírodních i aktivitami člověka vyvolaných hrozeb a jejich dopady v krajině (např. změny urbánního prostředí, antropogenní impakty v důlních oblastech). Významná byla témata zaměřená na hodnocení přírodních a environmentálních hrozeb a řešení vybraných mimořádných a krizových situací s využitím geoinformačních technologií. Workshop Current environmental threats and their impact on the landscape was organized in the framework of the Strategy AV21 of the Academy of Sciences, the program Natural threats.\nThe papers were oriented both on natural threats (geological and geomorphological threats - slope deformation, erosion, hydrometeorological extremes floods, droughs, biological invasions) and their evaluation and prediction, and social and legal implications of natural and human activities caused by threats and their impacts on the landscape (e. g. changes in the urban environment, anthropogenic impacts in the mining areas). Important topics were focused on the assessment of natural and environmental threats and their solving in selected emergency and crisis situations using geoinformation technologies. \n Keywords: natural hazards; man-made disasters; GIS tools application; drought; legal issues Available in a digital repository NRGL
Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impakt v krajině

Workswhop Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impact v krajině byl organizován v rámci Strategie Akademie Věd AV21, programu Přírodní hrozby. Tematicky byly zastoupeny jak přírodní hrozby ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Kirchner, Karel
Ústav geoniky, 2016

European countgryside and its perception
Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín; Šťastná, M.
2016 - English
Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backward, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But \nthe situation has changed in the last time. Although cities are still centres of development in the globalization process, people in Europe leave them as a result of the \ntrends of suburbanization and counter - urbanization. We intend to pay our attention on transformation processes of the European countryside. We can focus on more processes occurring there: transformation from productive to non-productive, from central planned to the market oriented countryside, from the mono-functional to the multifunctional, from the national to \nEuropean and globalized. The urbanisation process shows more faces in European countryside. Such a transformation generates many impacts on natural, economic and social \nprocesses occurring in present European countryside. Keywords: European countryside; Europe; rural settlement; countryside Available in digital repository of the ASCR
European countgryside and its perception

Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backward, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín; Šťastná, M.
Ústav geoniky, 2016

Geologie uhelných pánví - česko - polská konference /10
Ruppenthalová, Lucie
2015 - Czech
Oddělení laboratorního výzkumu geomateriálů Ústavu geoniky AV ČR pořádá Česko - polskou konferenci o geologii uhelných pánví od roku 1993. Letos se konala 10. jubilejní konference. Tradičně se jedná o setkání odborníků zejména z České republiky a Polska, kteří se zabývají vývojem a výzkumem uhelných ložisek, geologií uhelných pánví, tektonikou a uhelnou petrografií. S novými trendy ve využívání uhlí, jsou také prezentovány výsledky výzkumu v oblasti fyzikálních a chemických vlastností uhlí a uhelné hmoty, pyrolýzy a spalovacích procesů nebo sekvestrace CO2 do uhelných slojí. Department of Laboratory Research on Geomaterials of the Institute of Geonics AS CR has organized the Czech - Polish conference about geology of coal basins since 1993. This year the 10th jubilee of conference is held. Traditionally, at the conference meet experts especially from the Czech Republic and Poland, dealing with the development and research of coal deposits, geology of the coal basins, tectonics and coal petrography. However, with new trends in the use of coal, there are also presented the results of research in physical and chemical properties of coal and coal mass, pyrolysis and combustion processes or geosequestration of CO2 into coal seams. Keywords: geology; mineralogy; coal basins Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Geologie uhelných pánví - česko - polská konference /10

Oddělení laboratorního výzkumu geomateriálů Ústavu geoniky AV ČR pořádá Česko - polskou konferenci o geologii uhelných pánví od roku 1993. Letos se konala 10. jubilejní konference. Tradičně se jedná o ...

Ruppenthalová, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2015

Přírodní rizika a jejich sociální důsledky
Zapletalová, Jana
2015 - Czech
Hazardy a katastrofy - jak přírodní, tak i člověkem způsobené - mají široký dopad nejen na samotné přírodní prostředí, nýbrž způsobují i závažné ekonomické a sociální problémy. Příspěvky konference se věnují jak důsledkům rizikových jevů způsobených přírodou, ke kterým patří například extrémní dopady povodní a sesuvů půdy, tak riziky, která vznikají díky činnosti člověka, např. důsledků hornické činnosti. Hazards and disasters - both natural and man made - have a broad impact not only on the natural environment, but also cause serious economic and social problems. Conference papers are devoted to the consequences of risky phenomena caused by nature, which include the impact of extreme floods and landslides, and risks that arise due to human activities, eg. the consequences of mining activities. Keywords: land slides; floods; droughts; social consequences Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Přírodní rizika a jejich sociální důsledky

Hazardy a katastrofy - jak přírodní, tak i člověkem způsobené - mají široký dopad nejen na samotné přírodní prostředí, nýbrž způsobují i závažné ekonomické a sociální problémy. Příspěvky konference se ...

Zapletalová, Jana
Ústav geoniky, 2015

Přírodní rizika a jejich sociální důsledky
Zapletalová, Jana
2015 - Czech
Hazardy a katastrofy - jak přírodní, tak i člověkem způsobené - mají široký dopad nejen na samotné přírodní prostředí, nýbrž způsobují i závažné ekonomické a sociální problémy. Příspěvky konference se věnují jak důsledkům rizikových jevů způsobených přírodou, ke kterým patří například extrémní dopady povodní a sesuvů půdy, tak riziky, která vznikají díky činnosti člověka, např. důsledků hornické činnosti. Hazards and disasters - both natural and man made - have a broad impact not only on the natural environment, but also cause serious economic and social problems. Conference papers are devoted to the consequences of risky phenomena caused by nature, which include the impact of extreme floods and landslides, and risks that arise due to human activities, eg. the consequences of mining activities. Keywords: land slides; floods; droughts; social consequences Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Přírodní rizika a jejich sociální důsledky

Hazardy a katastrofy - jak přírodní, tak i člověkem způsobené - mají široký dopad nejen na samotné přírodní prostředí, nýbrž způsobují i závažné ekonomické a sociální problémy. Příspěvky konference se ...

Zapletalová, Jana
Ústav geoniky, 2015

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