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The characterization of the collimated beams of fast neutrons with the CLID detecion system
Ansorge, Martin; Novák, Jan; Majerle, Mitja; Kozic, Ján
2022 - English
A new detection device for the measurements of light ions (p, d, t, α) emitted as the products of the nuclear reactions induced by fast neutrons (5-33 MeV) was recently developed at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The main objective of the Chamber-for-Light-Ion-Detection (CLID) is to produce new differential nuclear data of high interest for the material applications related to fusion and aerospace technologies and to potentially test and validate models of nuclear reactions. Hereby the experimental set-up for the measurements with the CLID is described in detail. The experimental characterization of the collimated fast neutron beams produced by the cyclotron-driven converter (p(35 MeV)+Be(2.5 mm)) is presented. In particular, the implementation of the Proton-Recoil-Telescope technique used for neutron energy spectra determination with the CLID is described. Keywords: CLID; collimated fast neutron beams; cyclotron U-120M; NPI; Proton-Recoil-Telescope Available in digital repository of the ASCR
The characterization of the collimated beams of fast neutrons with the CLID detecion system

A new detection device for the measurements of light ions (p, d, t, α) emitted as the products of the nuclear reactions induced by fast neutrons (5-33 MeV) was recently developed at the Nuclear ...

Ansorge, Martin; Novák, Jan; Majerle, Mitja; Kozic, Ján
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2022

Spectrometry of neutron field based on p(20)+Be source reaction
Kozic, Ján; Štefánik, Milan
2022 - English
The research deals with a spectrometry of neutron field based on the p(20)+Be source reaction. The p(20)+Be interaction stands for a nuclear reaction where protons accelerated to energy of 20 MeV bombard Be target. Produced neutron field has broad energy distribution up to 18 MeV. The research was carried out at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and was motivated by extension of experimental possibilities of the NG-2 target station. To determine the neutron spectrum, the activation foil technique was used. During the experiment, ten activation foils were irradiated. Activated foils were measured using the HPGe detector to determine the reaction rates of observed reactions. The neutron field was simulated in the MCNPX code, and the simulation served as a priori information for the unfolding of the neutron spectrum in the SAND-II code. A determined neutron spectrum is essential for various experiments, e.g., material research, measurements of nuclear data, etc. Keywords: Accelerator-driven neutron source; activation foil technique; beryllium target station NG-2; neutron energy spectrum; SAND-II Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Spectrometry of neutron field based on p(20)+Be source reaction

The research deals with a spectrometry of neutron field based on the p(20)+Be source reaction. The p(20)+Be interaction stands for a nuclear reaction where protons accelerated to energy of 20 MeV ...

Kozic, Ján; Štefánik, Milan
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2022

Petrenec, M.; Strunz, Pavel; Gasser, U.; Heczko, Milan; Zálešák, J.; Polák, Jaroslav
2013 - English
The nanostructure of Inconel 738LC Ni-superalloy strengthened by trimodal Y precipitates distribution was investigated after Low Cycle Fatigue (LFC) loading at temperature 700°C. Different microscopic techniques as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with STEM detectro, transmission Kikuchi diffraction in the SEM, transmission electron microscope (TEM) in the bright field mode and high resolution transmission electron mciroscopes (HRTEM) in STEM mode were used for the characterization and quantification of superalloy nanostructure. The characteristic morphology of y precipitates was examined by ex-situ and in-situ Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) at high temperatures. All adopted microscopic techniques indicate that the morphology of y precipitates distributed in the y matrix as recived state corresponds to two types, i.e. large cuboid-like precipitates with the size around 670 nm, and the spherical precipitates with the diameter 52nm. After eh LCF tests at temperature 700°C, the ex-situ SANS measurement yielded addititonal scattering intensities coming from another small y precipitetes with estimated size up to 10nm. Keywords: superalloys; nano-precipitation; neutron scattering; STEM detector; TEM Fulltext is available at external website.

The nanostructure of Inconel 738LC Ni-superalloy strengthened by trimodal Y precipitates distribution was investigated after Low Cycle Fatigue (LFC) loading at temperature 700°C. Different microscopic ...

Petrenec, M.; Strunz, Pavel; Gasser, U.; Heczko, Milan; Zálešák, J.; Polák, Jaroslav
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2013

Characterization of the Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Layers Prepared by Ion Beam Sputtering
Horák, Pavel; Bejšovec, Václav; Lavrentiev, Vasyl; Khun, J.; Vrňata, M.
2011 - English
Nanostructured nickel oxide layers (thickness cca 100 nm) were prepared by bombardment of nickel foil with ion beam created from a mixture of argon and oxygen. Different volume ratios of argon:oxygen mixture were used, ranging from 4:1 to 1:3. Composition of the resulting layers was analyzed by RBS, morphology by AFM and main crystal orientation of the sample by XRD. The electrophysical properties (resistivity, concentration of charge carriers) were measured by four point Van der Pauw technique and Hall measurement respectively. Prepared samples were characterized in as-deposited state and after annealing with varying temperature of treatment. Chemical composition (i.e. stoichiometry) of the as-deposited samples with different argon: oxygen ratio was related to their electrophysical parameters. Hall measurements are showing majority charge carriers to be electrons - surface concentration (0.5 - 2.3) x 10(21) m(-2) - suggesting prevailing metallic conductivity. Resistivity of the sample is increasing with higher amount of oxygen in gas mixture. The as-deposited layer is almost amorphous with no visible grains on AFM. Keywords: Nickel oxide; Ion Beam Sputtering; Van der Pauw Fulltext is available at external website.
Characterization of the Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Layers Prepared by Ion Beam Sputtering

Nanostructured nickel oxide layers (thickness cca 100 nm) were prepared by bombardment of nickel foil with ion beam created from a mixture of argon and oxygen. Different volume ratios of argon:oxygen ...

Horák, Pavel; Bejšovec, Václav; Lavrentiev, Vasyl; Khun, J.; Vrňata, M.
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

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