In the Name of Socialism, in the Shadow of the Monarchy
Bachtík, Jakub; Johanidesová, Tereza; Uhlíková, Tereza; Giustino, Cathleen; Sklenář, Michal; Novotný, Michal; Mahringer, Paul; Lövai, Pál; Spikić, Marko; Janatková, Alena; Meulen, Marcus; Horáček, Martin; Gaži, Martin; Furkert, Alf; Kovařík, David; Radostová, Šárka
2022 - English
The collection of studies on the history of post-war monument care is based on the international conference Monuments and monument care in Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries during the second half of the 20th century, which took place in the spring of 2021. Selected contributions by authors from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Croatia or Hungary map the institutional development of monument care in the countries of the former Habsburg Monarchy, a significant part of which was located on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain. The book thus offers not only a valuable comparison of the various systems of monument care within Central Europe, but also unusual material on the history of post-war European totalitarianism.
History of Monument Care; Heritage Care; Monument Protection; Pos-war History; History of Central Europe; Totalitarian Regimes
Available in a digital repository NRGL
In the Name of Socialism, in the Shadow of the Monarchy
The collection of studies on the history of post-war monument care is based on the international conference Monuments and monument care in Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries during ...
Open Access and Plan S for Researchers
O'Neill, Gareth
2019 - English
A coalition of national research funders in Europe has recently set funding criteria that all research publications should be issued in full and immediate Open Access. This talk will explore the details of this 'Plan S' and how researchers can comply with Plan S and actively get involved in Open Access.
otevřený přístup; Plán S; vědci; výzkumníci; publikační činnost
Available in the NTK library.
Open Access and Plan S for Researchers
A coalition of national research funders in Europe has recently set funding criteria that all research publications should be issued in full and immediate Open Access. This talk will explore the ...
Open Access: a scientist´s perspective
Seeberger, Peter H.
2019 - English
The presentation discusses open access and its implications on publishing from the scientists perspective. As a chemist and biochemist who directs a department of 90 coworkers as well as the editor-in-chief of the platinum open access journal “Beilstein Journal for Organic Chemistry” the author can offer different perspectives.
výzkum; otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
Open Access: a scientist´s perspective
The presentation discusses open access and its implications on publishing from the scientists perspective. As a chemist and biochemist who directs a department of 90 coworkers as well as the ...
Towards making full and immediate Open Access a reality: the future of Open Access policy
Sweeney, David
2019 - English
Conference paper about current approaches to Open Access, initiatives in Open Access scientific publishing, OA policy and the principles of Plan S.
Plán S; inicitatives, OA roads, Plan S; otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
Towards making full and immediate Open Access a reality: the future of Open Access policy
Conference paper about current approaches to Open Access, initiatives in Open Access scientific publishing, OA policy and the principles of Plan S.
Towards Open Science: challenges and way forward for European universities
Finance, Jean-Pierre
2019 - English
Professor Jean-Pierre Finance, Chair of the EUA Science2.0/Open Science Expert Group, will explain EUA approach towards Open Science by bringing together first-hand information and experience from three main areas: 1) Open Access policies (universities through EUA’s survey on Open Science - data from 500 universities; research councils – through Plan S); 2) financial aspects, through its survey on "Big Deals" (data from 31 National Consortia) and Publish&Read Project; 3) research assessment for research careers (briefing). EUA implements its Roadmaps on Open Access (2016) and on Research Assessment (2018) in close collaboration with its ad-hoc groups: Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science, the High-Level Group on Big Deals and the Negotiators Group. EUA develops strategic positions, surveys and workshops which are becoming a reference for universities and in the framework of the EC Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP).
otevřená věda; European University Association; open science; research assessment; stanovení; výzkum; otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
Towards Open Science: challenges and way forward for European universities
Professor Jean-Pierre Finance, Chair of the EUA Science2.0/Open Science Expert Group, will explain EUA approach towards Open Science by bringing together first-hand information and experience from ...
National licence negotiations advancing the OA transitions: a view from Sweden
Lundén, Anna
2019 - English
The National Library of Sweden (NLS) has worked with advancing open access (OA) to scholarly output since 2006. In 2017 it received an appropriation directive from the Government to act as a national coordinating body in the work towards a transition to immediate OA of publicly funded research output by 2026. As a consequence, the NLS includes this objective in its vision for 2025 to lead the work moving from subscription-based to immediate openly accessible research publications. As part of this objective the Bibsam Consortium therefore negotiates journal license agreements including OA components in order to help achieve a rapid and sustainable transition to OA. Recognizing our leverage in these negotiation has also meant that stepping away from the negotiation table is an option, and the case of the Swedish Elsevier cancellation will be further presented. In order to reach the target set by the Swedish Government, there is a strong need for institutional reallocation of funds. The main stakeholders in Sweden must not lose momentum in this process but make a concerted push forward in negotiations with publishers to achieve a sustainable scholarly publishing system in unison with its international counterparts.
Švédsko; Sweden; otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
National licence negotiations advancing the OA transitions: a view from Sweden
The National Library of Sweden (NLS) has worked with advancing open access (OA) to scholarly output since 2006. In 2017 it received an appropriation directive from the Government to act as a national ...
Open Access at Charles University: opportunities and challenges
Římanová, Radka; Panchártek-Suchá, Lucie; Konvalinka, Jan
2019 - English
Conference paper about current state of Open Access at Charles University, Action Plan for OA and possible OA models.
Univerzita Karlova; Charles University; gold open access; otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
Open Access at Charles University: opportunities and challenges
Conference paper about current state of Open Access at Charles University, Action Plan for OA and possible OA models.
Open Access - Seeking balance: summary of day one
Hnátková, Eva
2019 - English
Konferenční příspěvek rekapitulující aktivity iniciativy Open Science, organizace Eurodoc, přístup Open Science na Karlově univerzitě a plán S.
otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
Open Access - Seeking balance: summary of day one
Konferenční příspěvek rekapitulující aktivity iniciativy Open Science, organizace Eurodoc, přístup Open Science na Karlově univerzitě a plán S.
abART, NK, VIAF a zemětřesení
Hůla, Jiří
2019 - English
Archiv výtvarného umění vyvíjí a provozuje vlastní informační systém – abART, databázi českého a slovenského umění, která je založena na atomizaci vkládaných dat a na jejich propojení. Rozlišuje 200 typů dokumentů, řada z nich (tisková zpráva, diplomová práce, soupis díla, letáky apod.) patří do šedé literatury. V abART lze definovat kromě dokumentů, výtvarných či kulturních akcí (koncert, dražba, křest knihy) i jakékoli jiné děje či události, např. sokolské slety nebo požáry. Pro zpracování tak odlehlých oblastí, jako je např. zemětřesení, by ale bylo třeba vytvořit širokou informační základnu a vkládané prvky (např. osoby) ztotožnit se záznamy v Národní knihovně (NK). Co ale se 46 746 osobami, které NK neuvádí? The Archive of Fine Art operates its own information system – abART, a comprehensive database of Czech and Slovak art that is based on data atomization and link data principles. It distinguishes two hundred document types, some of them belong to grey literature (press releases, theses, bibliographies, handouts, etc.). Moreover, AbART can define also any other events. For the processing of remote areas such as earthquakes, it would be necessary to create a broad information base, inserting elements to identify records in the National Library (NK). But what about 46,746 people not listed by the NK?
otevřenost; nevýběrovost; openness; non-selectivity; šedá literatura; databázové systémy; informační systémy; výtvarné umění
Available in the NTK library.
abART, NK, VIAF a zemětřesení
Archiv výtvarného umění vyvíjí a provozuje vlastní informační systém – abART, databázi českého a slovenského umění, která je založena na atomizaci vkládaných dat a na jejich propojení. Rozlišuje ...
Výjimka vytěžování textů a dat za účely vědeckého výzkumu v kontextu činnosti knihoven a repozitářů
Míšek, Jakub
2019 - English
Směrnice o autorském právu na jednotném digitálním trhu má za cíl aktualizovat autorskoprávní úpravu tak, aby odpovídala potřebám informační společnosti. Příspěvek se bude zabývat jejím článkem 3, který zavádí povinnou výjimku z autorského práva a zvláštních práv pořizovatele databáze umožňující vytěžování textů a dat za účely vědeckého výzkumu. Příspěvek v první části představí tento nový institut a kontext jeho přijetí. Druhá část se zaměří na možnosti a úskalí národní implementace a část třetí jej vztáhne na činnosti knihoven a repozitářů. Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market aims to update copyright legislation to meet the needs of the information society. The paper focuses on Article 3, which introduces a mandatory exemption from the copyright and sui generis database right for extraction of texts and data for scientific research purposes. The first part of the paper presents the exception. The second part focuses on the possibilities and pitfalls of national implementation. The third part relates the exception to the activities of libraries and repositories.
vytěžování dat; vytěžování textů; informace veřejného sektoru; ochrana databází; data mining; text mining; public sector information; database protection; šedá literatura; autorské právo
Available in the NTK library.
Výjimka vytěžování textů a dat za účely vědeckého výzkumu v kontextu činnosti knihoven a repozitářů
Směrnice o autorském právu na jednotném digitálním trhu má za cíl aktualizovat autorskoprávní úpravu tak, aby odpovídala potřebám informační společnosti. Příspěvek se bude zabývat jejím článkem 3, ...
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