Collecting Grey Literature – Institutional Repository versus National Aggregator
Černohlávková, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
2017 - anglický
The Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) provides two digital repositories – the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) and the NTK Institutional Digital Repository (IDR). NRGL’s primary is providing access to grey literature as well as long-term archiving and preservation of grey literature from various institutions in the Czech Republic. The IDR was created for collecting and archiving of employee-generated content and other documents, including grey literature, connected with the library and its services. Our poster highlights the differences between collecting grey literature at the institutional level (through the institutional repository) and at the national level. What commonalities and differences do they have? What problems do they solve? Differences include not only overall conceptions and document types, but also methods for collecting, legal issues and standards as well as functionality and options. Thanks to our experiences in managing both types of repositories, we define general differences, obstacles, and development possibilities. Information presented here, including a mode for cooperating at the institutional or national level, is useful for all institutions planning to start collecting (not only) grey literature at the institutional or the national level even at cooperating institutional model/level
Klíčová slova:
šedá literatura; digitální knihovny; autorské právo; vyhledávače; otevřený přístup
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
Collecting Grey Literature – Institutional Repository versus National Aggregator
The Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) provides two digital repositories – the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) and the NTK Institutional Digital Repository (IDR). NRGL’s primary ...
National grey literature cooperation model
Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
2015 - anglický
The National Library of Technology (NTK) has a long tradition of collecting grey literature on the national level. NTK became SIGLE system partner in the 1980s and from 2008 it has been the coordinator of the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL). NTK has created a grey literature partnership network in the Czech Republic. Over 130 institutions dedicated to research, science, education, culture etc. participate in this network and provide grey literature to the NRGL. NTK manages cooperation among these institutions and NRGL, provides methodology and standards, and deals with the legal aspects of repository management and collecting grey literature. We have created a model of the main parties involved in collecting and publishing grey literature in order to gain a better insight in the structure, and to enhance further cooperation. We defined the role of partners, type of participants, services, and tools used for grey literature publishing. In our poster, we would like to present the Czech national model as an inspiration for institutions in other countries.
Klíčová slova:
šedá literatura; vědecká komunikace; digitální knihovny; otevřený přístup
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
National grey literature cooperation model
The National Library of Technology (NTK) has a long tradition of collecting grey literature on the national level. NTK became SIGLE system partner in the 1980s and from 2008 it has been the ...
Průzkum stavu přidružených publikací v ČR
Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
2013 - anglický
The poster presents survey about the state of enhanced publications in the Czech Republic. The goal of this survey was to find out situation of enhanced publications at research institutions in the Czech Republic. What research data arise? How are they stored and archived? To whom they made available? Are there the real enhanced publications, i.e. research publications linked directly to research data? 113 Czech research institutions were contacted with online questionnaire during 11th September to 7th October 2013. The poster will show the results from 65 Czech research institutions which filled in the questionnaire.
Klíčová slova:
přidružené publikace; průzkum; výzkumné instituce; výzkumné publikace; výzkumná data; Enhanced publications; survey; research institutions; research publications; research data; conference; vědecká setkání
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
Průzkum stavu přidružených publikací v ČR
The poster presents survey about the state of enhanced publications in the Czech Republic. The goal of this survey was to find out situation of enhanced publications at research institutions in the ...
Czech Scientists Database
Pejšová, Petra; Hvězdová, Lenka
2013 - anglický
In our poster we will introduce the idea of creating a database of Czech scientists. The scientific community, professionals, government and the corporate sector need easy access to specific information on scientific personalities and related projects and grants. This demand comes from a member of the Czech Research, Development and Innovation Council with a goal to link research and commercial sectors in the area of human resources and support fast transmission of knowledge into practical fields. The system will facilitate contacts with scientists in specific fields. A scientist’s record should contain information about the institution, his/her current and prior institution affiliations, grants, in which he/she has participated, etc. At the same time, the database will serve institutions and companies to enter demands for specific projects. We prepared the project brief and carried out background research on 32 databases and systems for science and research in 14 European countries and the USA. We sorted the analyzed databases into groups and mapped the domestic and overseas situations, which we will present in detail. In the poster, we would also like to show that this kind of service can be provided by libraries. Libraries can adapt to their new role in research infrastructures. Now libraries can not only engage in collecting and accessing data but may also support the creation of data and their connection. Why was the National Technical Library (NTK) chosen? NTK has the ‘know-how’, professional staff and experience in the development and administration of databases, as well as experience with project management expertise to support knowledge databases. NTK has provided information services at a national level for many years and runs the national ISSN agency, the National Repository of Grey Literature, etc. Poster prezentuje ideový návrh databáze českých vědců, vytvořený na základě analýzy zahraničních databází vědy a výzkumu. Na tomto příkladu jsme demonstrovali novou roli knihoven, která se posouvá od poskytování informací k jejich tvorbě a publikování.
Klíčová slova:
profesní síť; vědecká databáze; věda a výzkum; Národní technická knihovna; professional network; scientific database; R&D; National Library of Technology; výzkum; informační systémy
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
Czech Scientists Database
In our poster we will introduce the idea of creating a database of Czech scientists. The scientific community, professionals, government and the corporate sector need easy access to specific ...
Identifying candidates for the new subject headings based on the web behaviour of end-users
Busch, Kristýna
2012 - anglický
This poster describes how the National Technical Library of Prague carried out a Web server transaction log analysis in order to identify possible candidates for the new subject headings in the Polythematic Structured Subject Heading System. It describes the log analysis objectives, methods, and results.
Klíčová slova:
Polytematický strukturovaný heslář; PSH; analýza logu; Polythematic Structured Subject Headings System; PSH; log analysis; věcný popis; autoritní soubory
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Identifying candidates for the new subject headings based on the web behaviour of end-users
This poster describes how the National Technical Library of Prague carried out a Web server transaction log analysis in order to identify possible candidates for the new subject headings in the ...
Single API for library services
Janíček, Milan
2011 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
SFX; Aleph; API; Knihovna; SFX; Aleph; API; Library; knihovny; elektronické služby
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
Single API for library services
Publishing the vocabulary of the types of grey literature as linked data
Mynarz, Jindřich; Pejšová, Petra; Simandlová, Tereza; Labuda, Radim
2010 - anglický
The formulation of the vocabulary of the types of grey literature in RDF (Resource Description Framework) provides an explicit conceptualization of the domain of grey literature. This type of modelling harnesses the expressive power of ontology languages for RDF data format and its flexible and extensible nature. Formalized in this way, the vocabulary serves as a means to describe grey literature resources in a structured, machine-readable manner. Adopting linked data publishing model affords the re-use and light-weight integration of the vocabulary with other vocabularies via links. The vocabulary built in this way can re-purpose existing vocabularies and re-purpose their concepts by putting them in a new context. This may lead to tighter integration of grey literature within the Web and make it easier to be discovered.
Klíčová slova:
typologie; dokumenty; sémantický web
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
Publishing the vocabulary of the types of grey literature as linked data
The formulation of the vocabulary of the types of grey literature in RDF (Resource Description Framework) provides an explicit conceptualization of the domain of grey literature. This type of ...
National Repository of Grey Literature in the Czech Republic
Pejšová, Petra; Fürstová, Iveta
2010 - anglický
The paper introduces and describes the current state of the collection and disclosure documents of grey literature in the National Repository of Grey Literature.
Klíčová slova:
digitální knihovny
Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně NTK
National Repository of Grey Literature in the Czech Republic
The paper introduces and describes the current state of the collection and disclosure documents of grey literature in the National Repository of Grey Literature.
NUŠL poskytuje centrální přístup k informacím o šedé literatuře vznikající v ČR v oblastech vědy, výzkumu a vzdělávání. Více informací o šedé literatuře a NUŠL najdete na webu služby.
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