Number of found documents: 15
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Tackling the toolkit. Plotting poetry through computational literary studies
Plecháč, Petr; Kolár, Robert; Bories, A. S.; Říha, Jakub
2021 - English
Sborník. Keywords: versology; quantitative method Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Tackling the toolkit. Plotting poetry through computational literary studies


Plecháč, Petr; Kolár, Robert; Bories, A. S.; Říha, Jakub
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2021

Rhyme in 16th-Century Hungarian Historical Songs: A Pilot Study
Maróthy, S.; Seláf, L.; Plecháč, Petr
2021 - English
This article presents a computer-based stichometric analysis of 26 Hungarian historical songs from the 16th century. We explore the validity of comments made by Albert Szenci Molnár in 1607 about the poor quality and simplicity of stanza structures in the poetry of previous generations. The study shows how rhyming changed in this poetic genre between 1539 and 1598. In this respect, it is the first work to explore these changes through a quantitative analysis. We find that during the examined period, there was a marked decline in the frequency of rhymes based on the repetition of the same word. At the same time, the tendency to maintain a rhyme across multiple stanzas did not change significantly. Keywords: versification; stylometry; rhyme; Hungarian poetry Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Rhyme in 16th-Century Hungarian Historical Songs: A Pilot Study

This article presents a computer-based stichometric analysis of 26 Hungarian historical songs from the 16th century. We explore the validity of comments made by Albert Szenci Molnár in 1607 about the ...

Maróthy, S.; Seláf, L.; Plecháč, Petr
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2021

Assessing the reliability of stress as a feature of authorship attribution in syllabic and accentual syllabic verse
Plecháč, Petr; Birnbaum, D. J.
2019 - English
This work builds on a recent study by one of the authors, which shows that statistics about versification may be used as a feature in the process of authorship attribution. One such statistic is what we have called the stress profile of a poem, a vector consisting of frequencies of stressed syllables at particular metrical positions. Our initial hypothesis was that because syllabic versification (SV) regulates by definition the number of syllables in a line but not the distribution of stresses, it allows authors to individualize their rhythmical style much more than accentual syllabic versification (ASV), where the distribution of stresses is primarily determined by meter. For that reason, we expected the stress profile to be a more reliable indicator of authorship in Spanish SV than in Czech or German ASV. This hypothesis, however, was not supported by our analysis. For most of our samples, German ASV had lower accuracy than Spanish, which we had predicted, but, contrary to our expectations, the accuracy for Czech ASV and Spanish SV were more or less the same. This result led us to hypothesize further that the traditional labels SV and ASV were misleading and we sought to measure the tonic entropy of our data. In this case, Spanish SV, as expected, was found to be the least tonically regular, while there was a significant difference between the two ASV systems: the values for Czech were even closer to Spanish than to the low-scoring German system. This explains why our initial grouping of Czech and German together into a single ASV category was insufficiently nuanced. Keywords: versification; authorship attribution; poetry Fulltext is available at external website.
Assessing the reliability of stress as a feature of authorship attribution in syllabic and accentual syllabic verse

This work builds on a recent study by one of the authors, which shows that statistics about versification may be used as a feature in the process of authorship attribution. One such statistic is what ...

Plecháč, Petr; Birnbaum, D. J.
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2019

Quantitative Approaches to Versification
Plecháč, Petr; Barry, P.; Skulacheva, T.; Bermúdez-Sabel, H.; Kolár, Robert
2019 - English
This volume presents a wide range of quantitative approaches to versification. It comprises various methodological perspectives ranging from simple descriptive statistics to advanced machine learning methods (such as support vector machines, random forests or neural networks) as well as material covering a large span of time and languages: from very ancient versifications (Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittie, Ancient Greek), through medieval (Old English, Old Icelandic, Old Saxon) and Renaissance verse to modern experiments (free verse, concrete poetry), from English and Russian through Spanish and German to Portuguese and Catalan. Not only written, but also spoken poetry has been analyzed. The book covers multiple topics. What they all share in common is that versification is being studied in the context of other linguistic phenomena that may affect or determine it. Analyses of large corpora go hand in hand with comparative approaches. It is shown that quantitative approaches can be used for the purpose of authorship attribution, to build reasonable typologies as well as to understand why certain forms play such a dominant roles in our cultural tradition(s). Keywords: versification; quantitative verse studies; prosody Fulltext is available at external website.
Quantitative Approaches to Versification

This volume presents a wide range of quantitative approaches to versification. It comprises various methodological perspectives ranging from simple descriptive statistics to advanced machine learning ...

Plecháč, Petr; Barry, P.; Skulacheva, T.; Bermúdez-Sabel, H.; Kolár, Robert
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2019

The Reflection of Literary Activities in Digital Space
Hartmanová, Pavla; Czwordon-Lis, P.
2018 - English
The Czech Literary Bibliography comprises a set of bibliographical records which reflect cultural journalism and specialist texts on Czech literature. The aim of the contribution is the introduction to a new project of the Institute of Czech Literature: The Czech Literary Internet. The project has extended our sources to excerpt platforms, web pages and electronic magazines whose content is not easily searchable through classic search engines. It turns out that this resource illustrates the professional debate on literary events and development and,\nin particular, brings new information on culture in regions and popular literature. Keywords: Czech literary bibliography; Czech literary internet; databases; Webarchiv; archiving; Polish literary bibliography; literary blogs Fulltext is available at external website.
The Reflection of Literary Activities in Digital Space

The Czech Literary Bibliography comprises a set of bibliographical records which reflect cultural journalism and specialist texts on Czech literature. The aim of the contribution is the introduction ...

Hartmanová, Pavla; Czwordon-Lis, P.
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2018

Czech Literary Bibliography
Malínek, Vojtěch
2016 - English
Presentation of the history and services of Czech Literary Bibliography research Infrastructure. Keywords: bibliography; databases Fulltext is available at external website.
Czech Literary Bibliography

Presentation of the history and services of Czech Literary Bibliography research Infrastructure.

Malínek, Vojtěch
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2016

Korpus českého verše
Plecháč, Petr; Kolár, Robert
2015 - Czech
Studie představuje Korpus českého verše a on-line nástroje, které umožňují pracovat s jeho daty. In following we present the Corpus of Czech Verse (i.e. lemmatised, phonetically, morphologically, metrically and strophically annotated corpus of Czech poetry) and the online tools that give access to its data. The following online tools are described: Database of Czech metres, Gunstick, Hex, Euphonometer, and Babel. English presentation of these tools may be found in Plecháč, Kolár 2015 or at the website of Versification Research Group ( Keywords: Czech poetry; versification; corpus linguistics; theory of verse Fulltext is available at external website.
Korpus českého verše

Studie představuje Korpus českého verše a on-line nástroje, které umožňují pracovat s jeho daty....

Plecháč, Petr; Kolár, Robert
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2015

Metodika zpracování oborové analytické bibliografie
Malínek, Vojtěch
2015 - Czech
Předkládaná metodika je rozdělena do několika dílčích částí. Úvodní obecná část se zabývá vymezením pojmu oborové článkové bibliografie a zasazuje jej do kontextu souvisejících disciplín. Následuje část praktická, která je dělena do dvou základních oddílů. První z nich se věnuje obecným aspektům zpracování oborové analytické bibliografie jako celku a postupně si všímá vymezení okruhu sledovaného materiálu, vlastní techniky bibliografické práce a zpracování záznamů v databázové podobě a na závěr pak redakční práce na oborové bibliografii. Druhý oddíl se pak cíleně věnuje přípravě bibliografií specializovaných. Po úvodním teoretickém pojednání problematiky následuje klasifikace základních druhů specializovaných bibliografií, popis metodického postupu jejich zpracování a závěrečnou část opět tvoří rozbor postupů redakčních a přípravy dané bibliografie k publikaci. V obou hlavních oddílech je teoretická a klasifikační část doplňována o přehled základních typů problémů, s nimiž se zpracovatel bibliografie setkává, a je navrhnuto jejich řešení. The presented methodology is divided into several individual sections. The general introductory section comprises a definition of the tem specialist article bibliography and sets it in the context of associated disciplines. This is followed by a practical section, which is split into two primary divisions. The first of these deals with the general aspects of compiling a specialist analytical bibliography as a whole, and progressively takes into account the delimitation of the sphere of material under consideration, the actual technique used for bibliographical work and the compilation of entries in database form, and in conclusion the editorial work on the specialist bibliography. The second section then focuses on the preparations for specialized bibliographies. The introductory theoretical treatment of the issue is followed by a classification of the basic types of specialized bibliographies, a description of the methodological procedure used for their compilation and the final section again comprises an analysis of the editorial procedures and the preparations for the publication of the bibliography. In both of the main sections the theoretical and classification parts come together with a summary of the basic kinds of issues met with by the bibliography compiler, together with the proposed solutions. Keywords: metodology; bibliography; literary theory Available in a digital repository NRGL
Metodika zpracování oborové analytické bibliografie

Předkládaná metodika je rozdělena do několika dílčích částí. Úvodní obecná část se zabývá vymezením pojmu oborové článkové bibliografie a zasazuje jej do kontextu souvisejících disciplín. Následuje ...

Malínek, Vojtěch
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2015

Metodika zjišťování autorů u šifer a pseudonymů v periodickém tisku
Řehák, Daniel
2015 - Czech
Metodika se nejprve zabývá východisky dané problematiky, která jsou většinou spojena s vytvářením časopisecké bibliografie. Na úvod definuje pseudonym a šifru v obecném pracovním výkladu a navrhuje jejich klasifikaci. Dále se věnuje převážně šifře jako hlavnímu problému identifikace autorů v časopisecké bibliografii. Pozornost je následně zaměřena na několik úrovní náročnosti v procesu dešifrace (příručky, databáze, výstřižky, archiválie) a využitelnost dešifrace u různých druhů bibliografie. Metodika předvádí možnosti praktických postupů pro rychlejší odhalení vazby mezi šifrou a jménem autora při zjišťovací rešerši a upozorňuje na možnost inverzního postupu při správě větších souborů, tj. postupu nikoli od šifry ke jménu, ale od jména k šifře/šifrám. Navrženy jsou též nové možnosti dohledávání informací pomocí plnotextových vyhledavačů ve skenovaných novinách a časopisech, a to především za účelem zpřesňování již dříve získaných údajů. Závěrem je podán návrh formy zápisu šifer a pseudonymů pro jejich evidenci v přehledech a databázích. The methodology first deals with the basics behind the issue in question, which are primarily associated with the creation of a journal bibliography. Initially it defines a pseudonym and initials in a general working interpretation and proposes their classification. It then focuses primarily on initials as the main problem in the identification of authors in journal bibliography. Attention is then paid to several levels of difficulty in the deciphering process (manuals, databases, extracts and archive material) and the usability of deciphering for different types of bibliography. The methodology presents the possible practical procedures for the most rapid identification of the connection between the initials and the name of the author using identification techniques and pointing out the option of an inverse procedure for managing larger sets, i.e. a procedure not from the initials to the name, but from the name to the initials. New ways are also proposed to search for information using full-text search engines in scanned newspapers and magazines, particularly with the aim of providing greater detail for data that has already been acquired. Finally a proposal is made regarding the form of the entries for initials and pseudonyms in summary and database records. Keywords: metodology; pseudonyms; ciphers Available in a digital repository NRGL
Metodika zjišťování autorů u šifer a pseudonymů v periodickém tisku

Metodika se nejprve zabývá východisky dané problematiky, která jsou většinou spojena s vytvářením časopisecké bibliografie. Na úvod definuje pseudonym a šifru v obecném pracovním výkladu a navrhuje ...

Řehák, Daniel
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2015

Čtení a internet - nepřátelé, spojenci, sourozenci?
Trávníček, Jiří
2011 - Czech
Čtení a digitalita, jejich vzájemný vztah, historická perspektiva, strategie sbíhání. Reading and digitability, their relationships, historical point of view, convergence strategy. Keywords: reading culture; digitalization Fulltext is available at external website.
Čtení a internet - nepřátelé, spojenci, sourozenci?

Čtení a digitalita, jejich vzájemný vztah, historická perspektiva, strategie sbíhání.

Reading and digitability, their relationships, historical point of view, convergence strategy.

Trávníček, Jiří
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2011

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NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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