Number of found documents: 537
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Transformations in the Interpretation of Music Folklore: From the Protection of Everyday Culture to the Emergence of a Music Genre (Using the Czech Republic as a Case Study)
Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
2023 - Czech
From the 1960s onwards, efforts began to develop in Czech ethnology, which gradually began to include folklore manifestations in their second existence in professional research. The field of folklorism sometimes overlapped with the existence of folk traditions, sometimes built on them, and sometimes was only inspired by them to varying degrees. The distinction in such defined categories was not easy even in the past, and with the increasingly rapid development of society, it became blurred in the general consciousness. Within this scope, a contemporary broad music genre, music folklore, has emerged that is not easy to define in terms of content. In this paper, the authors outline its historical formation, show model moments of its development, and deal with its polyfunctionality: many collectives present themselves not only on stage (together with dancers) and in concert settings (independently), but also participate in local ethno-cultural traditions, dance parties, family celebrations (weddings, birthdays), and commercially focused events. To illustrate this, the paper uses archival source material, and field research based on interviews with selected musicians. Od 60. let 20. století se v české etnologii začaly rozvíjet snahy, které postupně začaly zařazovat projevy folkloru v jejich druhé existenci do odborného výzkumu. Oblast folklorismu se někdy překrývala s existujícími lidovými tradicemi, někdy na ně navazovala a někdy se jimi pouze v různé míře inspirovala. Rozlišení v takto vymezených kategoriích nebylo snadné ani v minulosti a s příchodem stále rychlejším vývojem společnosti se v obecném povědomí rozostřilo. V tomto rámci vznikl současný široký hudební žánr zakořeněný v hudebním folkloru, který není snadné obsahově vymezit. Příspěvek nastiňuje průběh jeho historického formování, ukazuje modelové momenty jeho vývoje a zabývá se jeho polyfunkčností: mnoho kolektivů se prezentuje nejen na jevišti (spolu s tanečníky) a v hudebních pořadech. koncertním prostředí (samostatně), podílí se ale také na místních etnokulturních tradicích, tanečních zábavách, rodinných oslavách (svatby, narozeniny) a komerčně zaměřených akcích. akce. K ilustraci popsaných faktů článek využívá archivní pramenný materiál a terénní výzkum založený na základě rozhovorů s vybranými hudebníky Keywords: Music folklore; transformations of folk tradition; music genre; folk revivalism in the Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Transformations in the Interpretation of Music Folklore: From the Protection of Everyday Culture to the Emergence of a Music Genre (Using the Czech Republic as a Case Study)

From the 1960s onwards, efforts began to develop in Czech ethnology, which gradually began to include folklore manifestations in their second existence in professional research. The field of ...

Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
Etnologický ústav, 2023

Transformations in the Interpretation of Music Folklore: From the Protection of Everyday Culture to the Emergence of a Music Genre (Using the Czech Republic as a Case Study)
Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
2023 - English
From the 1960s onwards, efforts began to develop in Czech ethnology, which gradually began to include folklore manifestations in their second existence in professional research. The field of folklorism sometimes overlapped with the existence of folk traditions, sometimes built on them, and sometimes was only inspired by them to varying degrees. The distinction in such defined categories was not easy even in the past, and with the increasingly rapid development of society, it became blurred in the general consciousness. Within this scope, a contemporary broad music genre, music folklore, has emerged that is not easy to define in terms of content. In this paper, the authors outline its historical formation, show model moments of its development, and deal with its polyfunctionality: many collectives present themselves not only on stage (together with dancers) and in concert settings (independently), but also participate in local ethno-cultural traditions, dance parties, family celebrations (weddings, birthdays), and commercially focused events. To illustrate this, the paper uses archival source material, and field research based on interviews with selected musicians. Keywords: Music folklore; transformations of folk tradition; music genre; folk revivalism in the Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Transformations in the Interpretation of Music Folklore: From the Protection of Everyday Culture to the Emergence of a Music Genre (Using the Czech Republic as a Case Study)

From the 1960s onwards, efforts began to develop in Czech ethnology, which gradually began to include folklore manifestations in their second existence in professional research. The field of ...

Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
Etnologický ústav, 2023

Research on the needs of expatriate communities in selected countries in terms of maintaining their ties to the Czech Republic: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and Germany (Summary research report)
Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
2022 - Czech
We used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research to map individual areas of expatriate issues, critical needs, and fundamental problems of compatriots in the following countries: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and Germany. We suggested their solutions and formulated conclusions and recommendations for creating the expatriate policy in these selected countries. Za kombinace kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu byly zmapovány jednotlivé oblasti krajanské problematiky, klíčové potřeby a problémy krajanů a návrhy na jejich řešení v následujících zemích: Velká Británie, Austrálie, Nový Zéland, USA a Německo. Byly zformulovány závěry a doporučení pro tvorbu krajanské politiky v těchto zemích. Keywords: compatriot; expat; diaspora; expatriate policy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Research on the needs of expatriate communities in selected countries in terms of maintaining their ties to the Czech Republic: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and Germany (Summary research report)

We used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research to map individual areas of expatriate issues, critical needs, and fundamental problems of compatriots in the following countries: Great ...

Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
Etnologický ústav, 2022

Research into the needs of expatriate communities in individual countries in terms of maintaining their ties to the Czech Republic (Summary research report)
Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
2022 - Czech
We used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research to map individual areas of expatriate issues and fundamental problems, and we suggested proposals for their solutions. Along with that, we formulated conclusions and recommendations for creating the expatriate policy. Za kombinace kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu byly zmapovány jednotlivé oblasti krajanské problematiky, klíčové problémy a návrhy jejich řešení. Byly zformulovány závěry a doporučení pro tvorbu krajanské politiky. Keywords: compatriot; expat; diaspora; expatriate policy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Research into the needs of expatriate communities in individual countries in terms of maintaining their ties to the Czech Republic (Summary research report)

We used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research to map individual areas of expatriate issues and fundamental problems, and we suggested proposals for their solutions. Along with that, ...

Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
Etnologický ústav, 2022

The Folk Song Cultural Heritage in the Context of Political Correctness: When hep, hep is not hop, hop
Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
2022 - English
The paper explores folk songs written down in what is present-day Czech Republic from roughly the beginning of the 19th century to the 1970s. It shows how song lyrics were treated in the past when they did not conform to the social conventions, aesthetics, ethical ideals, and patriotic goals of the time. When such songs were written down by collectors, their lyrics were often modified, some parts being omitted, others changed. This practice was followed from the early 19th century until the fall of the communist totalitarian regime in 1989. At present, these authentic folk song lyrics seem non-controversial by some performers, but many lyrics are far from it. One of the components of tradition is social memory, which is associated with cultural stereotypes—the generally fixed ideas that people have about themselves and members of different groups. These “Others” are usually members of a different ethnicity, religion, or social class. Their image in folklore involves certain ideas, ideological views, evaluative attitudes, and historical experience. Using the example of otherness, which in Czech folk songs is mainly associated with the negative image of members of the Jewish minority, the paper shows the possible results of misunderstanding the historical context: the anti-Semitic motifs of some older songs and dances resented in public may not be evident to those who perform them today. Keywords: folklore; cultural stereotypes; cultural heritage; phenomenon of otherness; political correctness Fulltext is available at external website.
The Folk Song Cultural Heritage in the Context of Political Correctness: When hep, hep is not hop, hop

The paper explores folk songs written down in what is present-day Czech Republic from roughly the beginning of the 19th century to the 1970s. It shows how song lyrics were treated in the past when ...

Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
Etnologický ústav, 2022

Communication Portal (Summary Research Report)
Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
2022 - Czech
The design of the communication portal for compatriots also served as a research tool. The report discusses the form, arrangement, structure, functionalities, and content of the communication channel for compatriots. Návrh komunikačního portálu pro krajany posloužil zároveň jako výzkumný nástroj. Zpráva pojednává o formě, designu, struktuře, funkcionalitách a obsahu komunikačního kanálu pro krajany. Keywords: compatriot; expat; diaspora; expatriate policy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Communication Portal (Summary Research Report)

The design of the communication portal for compatriots also served as a research tool. The report discusses the form, arrangement, structure, functionalities, and content of the communication channel ...

Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
Etnologický ústav, 2022

Research on the possibilities of expatriate policy coordination (Summary research report)
Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
2022 - Czech
The report deals with the definition of individual terms (compatriot, exile, expat, diaspora...) and the creation of expatriate policy itself, how individual actors participate in it, including the mapping of expatriate initiatives, which connect and support expatriates through their activities through various organizations and their networks around the world. For comparison, we analyzed expatriate policies of several selected states, and we have formulated recommendations for specific areas of expatriate policy in the Czech Republic. Zpráva se zabývá vymezením jednotlivých pojmů (krajan, exulant, expat, diaspora…) a samotnou tvorbou krajanské politiky, jak se na ní podílejí jednotliví aktéři, včetně zmapování samotných krajanských iniciativ z opačného konce spektra, které svými aktivitami skrze různé organizace propojují a podporují krajany a jejich sítě po celém světě. Pro komparaci byly analyzovány krajanské politiky několika vybraných států a vypracována doporučení pro konkrétní oblasti krajanské politiky v ČR. Keywords: compatriot; expat; diaspora; expatriate policy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Research on the possibilities of expatriate policy coordination (Summary research report)

The report deals with the definition of individual terms (compatriot, exile, expat, diaspora...) and the creation of expatriate policy itself, how individual actors participate in it, including the ...

Janská, E.; Čermák, Z.; Drbohlav, D.; Janurová, K.; Beranská, Veronika; Uherek, Zdeněk; Doležalová, M.; Löblová, O.; Zachová, K.
Etnologický ústav, 2022

The Folk Song Cultural Heritagše in the Context of Political Correctness: When hep hep is not hop hop
Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
2022 - Czech
The paper explores folk songs written down in what is present-day Czech Republic from roughly the beginning of the 19th century to the 1970s. It shows how song lyrics were treated in the past when they did not conform to the social conventions, aesthetics, ethical ideals, and patriotic goals of the time. When such songs were written down by collectors, their lyrics were often modified, some parts being omitted, others changed. This practice was followed from the early 19th century until the fall of the communist totalitarian regime in 1989. At present, these authentic folk song lyrics seem non-controversial by some performers, but many lyrics are far from it. One of the components of tradition is social memory, which is associated with cultural stereotypes—the generally fixed ideas that people have about themselves and members of different groups. These “Others” are usually members of a different ethnicity, religion, or social class. Their image in folklore involves certain ideas, ideological views, evaluative attitudes, and historical experience. Using the example of otherness, which in Czech folk songs is mainly associated with the negative image of members of the Jewish minority, the paper shows the possible results of misunderstanding the historical context: the anti-Semitic motifs of some older songs and dances resented in public may not be evident to those who perform them today. Příspěvek na příkladu lidových písní zapsaných na území dnešní České republiky zhruba od počátku 19. století do 70. let 20. století ukazuje, jak bylo v minulosti nakládáno s písňovými texty, které se v daném historickém nevyhovovaly dobovým společenským konvencím, estetickým i etickým ideálům i vlasteneckým cílům. Pokud byly vůbec takové písně zapsány, pak byl jejich text upravován, některé jeho části byly vypuštěny, jiné změněny. Tato situace trvala od počátku 19. století do pádů komunistické totality v roce 1989. Dnes se autentické znění folklorních textů a dalších dobových pramenů může jevit jako bezproblémová záležitost. Jednou ze složek tradice je ale také sociální paměť a s ní spojené kulturní stereotypy – ustálené představy, které mají lidé sami o sobě a o příslušnících odlišných skupin. Ti „druzí“ mohou být příslušníci jiného etnika či náboženství, odlišné sociální vrstvy apod. Jejich obraz ve folkloru představuje poměrně složitý komplex obecných představ, ideologických názorů, hodnotících postojů a historických zkušeností. Příspěvek na příkladu tzv. fenoménu cizosti, který je v českých lidových písních spojen především s negativním obrazem příslušníků židovské minority, ukazuje, že ztráta historického kontextu může znamenat, že dnes mohou být na veřejnosti prezentovány písně a tance, jejichž antisemitský motiv těm, kteří je interpretují, nemusí být vůbec zřejmý. Keywords: folklore; cultural stereotypes; political correctness; cultural heritage; phenomenon of otherness Fulltext is available at external website.
The Folk Song Cultural Heritagše in the Context of Political Correctness: When hep hep is not hop hop

The paper explores folk songs written down in what is present-day Czech Republic from roughly the beginning of the 19th century to the 1970s. It shows how song lyrics were treated in the past when ...

Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
Etnologický ústav, 2022

Wallachian Folk Dance ‘Odzemek‘ in a Perspective of a Study of Cultural Identity and Cultural Heritage
Uhlíková, Lucie
2021 - Czech
The study focused on the issue of cultural identity (individual and regional) and the construction of cultural heritage on the example of the Wallachian folk dance odzemek - a male solo dance associated in its first existence with the pastoral culture of the Carpathian Mountains and later, in the interwar period, revived as a representative phenomenon on the platform of the folklore movement in the Moravian Wallachia region. Studie je zaměřena na problematiku kulturní identity (individuální i regionální) a konstruování kulturního dědictví na příkladu valašského lidového tance odzemek - mužského sólového tance spojeného ve své první existenci s karpatskou pasteveckou kulturou a později, v meziválečném období, oživeného jako reprezentativního projevu v oblasti folklorního hnutí na moravském Valašsku. Keywords: protection of cultural heritage; social construction of identity; inovation of tradition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Wallachian Folk Dance ‘Odzemek‘ in a Perspective of a Study of Cultural Identity and Cultural Heritage

The study focused on the issue of cultural identity (individual and regional) and the construction of cultural heritage on the example of the Wallachian folk dance odzemek - a male solo dance ...

Uhlíková, Lucie
Etnologický ústav, 2021

Historical Configurations of Czech Bagpipes Bands in the Production of Conterporary Folklore Ensembles
Vejvoda, Zdeněk
2021 - Czech
Chamber instrument configurations of bagpipes, a violin and a clarinet in various variations are in the Czech regions documented latest from the 19th century. Exclusive position is taken by a so-called small country music band, trio of (short) violin, bagpipes tuned to e-flat and e-flat clarinet, the score of which was recorded by Ludvik Kuba in the region of Chodsko in the 1890s. The contribution comments on sustainability of these historical configurations in modern musical work, changes in their function and new utilisation of the compositions and arrangements for various bagpipes bands in repertoire as well as on stage productions of folk groups and bands from Southwest Bohemia. A dominant position in the environment of folkloristic movement - also thanks to a long-standing media performance of Konrady Bagpipes Music Band from the town of Domazlice - is held by a configuration of big bagpipes band with a double bass and contra violin. More often that earlier, however, we hear on the recordings and see at concerts and festivals a duo of bagpipes - violin, or the above mentioned ‘country’ trio. A novelty originating from the environment of folklore groups is a genre of virtuoso compositions for solo bagpipes, or even for two or three bagpipes. An interesting outcome of the current research is acknowledgement of the above standard knowledge most creative personalities of the modern bands show as far as historical sources of Czech bagpipes music are concerned, which is a promise of a quality presentation of the cultural heritage and sustainability of their artistic and popularisation activities. Komorní nástrojové sestavy dud, houslí a klarinetu jsou v českých regionech v různých variantách doloženy nejpozději od 19. století. Výjimečné postavení v nich zaujímala tzv. malá selská muzika, trio (krátkých) houslí, dud v ladění in es a es-klarinetu, jehož partitury na Chodsku v 90. letech 19. století v terénu zaznamenal Ludvík Kuba. Příspěvek konstatuje životnost těchto historických sestav v novodobé tvorbě, proměny jejich funkce a nové využití skladeb a aranží pro různé dudácké sestavy v repertoáru a jevištní produkci folklorních souborů a kapel z jihozápadních Čech. Dominantní postavení má v prostředí folklorního hnutí – i díky dlouholetému mediálnímu působení Konrádyho dudácké muziky z Domažlic – sestava velké dudácké muziky s kontrabasem a houslovou kontrou. Mnohem častěji než dříve se však na nahrávkách i na koncertech a festivalech uplatňuje duo dudy – housle či výše zmíněné „selské“ trio. Za novotvar vzniklý v prostředí folklorismu lze považovat žánr virtuózních skladeb pro sólové dudy či dokonce pro dvoje či troje dudy. Zajímavým výsledkem aktuálního výzkumu je konstatování nadstandardní poučenosti většiny tvůrčích osobností současných souborů ohledně historických pramenů české dudácké hudby, která je příslibem kvalitní prezentace kulturního dědictví a udržitelnosti jejich uměleckých a popularizačních aktivit. Keywords: bagpipe; folklorism; music folklore Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Historical Configurations of Czech Bagpipes Bands in the Production of Conterporary Folklore Ensembles

Chamber instrument configurations of bagpipes, a violin and a clarinet in various variations are in the Czech regions documented latest from the 19th century. Exclusive position is taken by a ...

Vejvoda, Zdeněk
Etnologický ústav, 2021

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