Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the mining environment - URF Bukov II - Interim report III
Soejono, I.; Bukovská, Z.; Rukavičková, L.; Švagera, O.; Chabr, T.; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Morávek, R.; Levý, O.; Sosna, K.; Kryl, J.; Řihošek, J.; Zelinková, T.; Dobeš, P.; Hanák, J.; Čermák, F.; Kašpar, R.; Mareček, L.; Nedvěd, J.; Vavro, Leona; Myška, O.; Janeček, Ivan
2024 - Czech
This report describes the work carried out in the third year of the public contract Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the rock environment – the Bukov URF II. The characterisation and descriptive works are directly related to the excavation of the premises for the future underground laboratory. These include in particular: geological and geotechnical documentation of the faces and walls of the workings, petrographic, mineralogical and structural geological documentation, hydrogeological characterisation of the environment, as well as determination of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock-mass in situ and in the laboratory, geophysical characterisation and monitoring of the seismic effects of blasting. The report also includes the newly developed rock mass\nclassification system and the results of its testing on the Bukov URF II site. The report includes also brief overview of the work planned for the following year of the project. Tato zpráva popisuje práce zhotovené v třetím roce řešení veřejné zakázky Geologická a geotechnická charakterizace horninového prostředí – PVP Bukov II. Charakterizační a popisné práce přímo navazují na ražbu prostor pro budoucí podzemní laboratoř a zahrnují zejména: geologické a geotechnické dokumentace čeleb a stěn díla, petrografickou, mineralogickou a strukturně geologickou dokumentaci, hydrogeologickou charakterizaci prostředí, dále stanovení fyzikálně-mechanických vlastností horninového masivu in situ a v laboratoři, geofyzikální charakterizaci, monitoring seismických účinků trhacích prací a charakterizaci EDZ. Zpráva také obsahuje nově navržený klasifikační systém horninových bloků a výsledky jeho testování na prostředí PVP Bukov II. Zpráva je doplněna stručným přehledem prací plánovaných pro následující rok řešení projektu.
Bukov URF; geological documentation; 3D model; petrography; geochemistry; petrophysical data; natural radioactivity; physico-mechanical and geotechnical properties; seismic tomography; excavation induced vibration measurement; rock mass classification system
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the mining environment - URF Bukov II - Interim report III
This report describes the work carried out in the third year of the public contract Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the rock environment – the Bukov URF II. The characterisation and ...
Determination of in situ stress state at Bukov Bukov URF II - search of the stress state measurement methods and study of their use in the process of construction and operation of a deep geological repository.
Vavro, Martin; Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Staš, Lubomír; Koníček, Petr; Jiránková, Eva; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil
2024 - Czech
The presented search summarizes main measurement methods and their corresponding technical instrumentation, which were used in the past to determine the stress state of the rock\nmass, both in the conditions of Bukov URF I or the Rožná mine respectively, and especially in the environment of selected foreign underground research laboratories. The key results obtained during these stress measurements are also compiled. The findings are then reflected in the proposed method of rock mass stress measurement and monitoring in various stages of the process of preparing and operating a deep geological repository (DGR) in the Czech Republic. From the conducted search of the crucial published studies and the results of in situ experiments, it follows that the most commonly used methods of stress measurement worldwide are mainly hydraulic fracturing of borehole walls (hydrofracturing) and the overcoring method. These two methods were also proposed as the most suitable for the stage of selecting the final site of the DGR in the Czech Republic. In the phase of construction the DGR, it was recommended to extend them by the method of inverse analysis of convergence measurements. For the purposes of measuring stress changes during the construction and operation of the DGR, monitoring using conical tensometric CCBM probes was recommended as the most suitable. Rešerše prezentuje hlavní metody měření a jim odpovídající technickou instrumentaci, které byly v minulosti použity pro stanovení napětí horninového masivu, a to jak v podmínkách PVP Bukov I, respektive dolu Rožná, tak zejména v prostředí vybraných zahraničních podzemních výzkumných laboratoří. Shrnuty jsou rovněž stěžejní výsledky, které byly při těchto měřeních získány. Zjištěné poznatky jsou pak reflektovány v návrhu způsobu měření a monitoringu napětí v různých fázích procesu přípravy a provozu hlubinného úložiště (HÚ) v ČR. Z provedené rešerše stěžejních publikovaných studií a výsledků in situ experimentů vyplývá, že celosvětově nejčastěji používanými způsoby napěťových měření jsou zejména hydraulické štěpení stěn vrtů (hydrofracturing) a metoda odlehčeného vrtného jádra (overcoring). Tyto dvě metody byly rovněž navrženy jako nejvhodnější pro fázi výběru finální lokality HÚ v ČR. Ve fázi budování HÚ bylo doporučeno jejich rozšíření o metodu inverzní analýzy konvergenčních měření. Pro účely měření změn napětí ve stádiu přípravy a provozu HÚ byl jako nejvhodnější doporučen monitoring pomocí tenzometrických CCBM sond.
high level radioactive waste; geological disposal; deep repository; long-term stability of the repository; Bukov URF; rock mass stress; hydrofracturing; overcoring method; tensometric conical probes; acoustic logging; optical logging; long-term stress monitoring; convergence measurement; numerical modelling
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Determination of in situ stress state at Bukov Bukov URF II - search of the stress state measurement methods and study of their use in the process of construction and operation of a deep geological repository.
The presented search summarizes main measurement methods and their corresponding technical instrumentation, which were used in the past to determine the stress state of the rock\nmass, both in the ...
Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - final report
Kajzar, Vlastimil
2023 - Czech
Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation underground. At the same time, this eliminates the need to maintain the currently determined level of mine water in the already attenuated part of the Ostrava-Karviná district (OKR), i.e. in the Ostrava (ODP) and Petřvald (PDP) parts of the OKR, which are now ensured by the Jeremenko (ODP) and Žofie (PDP) water shafts. After the end of all activities in the OKR underground, the process of flooding of the abandoned mine could be started. The aim of this work is to determine the possible risks caused by geomechanical and rheological changes in the rock massif disturbed by mining activity and, above all, the associated possible risks of affecting the earth's surface. Útlum zbylých, dosud činných dolů OKD, a.s. bude znamenat zánik primárního důvodu čerpání důlních vod z dolů, kterým je zajištění bezpečnosti práce a provozu v podzemí. Zároveň se tím eliminuje potřeba udržování v současnosti stanovené hladiny důlních vod v již utlumené části ostravsko-karvinského revíru (OKR), tedy v ostravské (ODP) a petřvaldské (PDP) části OKR, kterou nyní zajišťují vodní jámy Jeremenko (ODP) a Žofie (PDP). Po ukončení veškerých aktivit v podzemí OKR by tak mohl být spuštěn proces zatápění opuštěných důlních prostor. Cílem této práce je stanovit možná rizika způsobená geomechanickými a reologickými změnami v horninovém masívu, porušeném hornickou činností a především s tím spojená možná rizika ovlivnění zemského povrchu.
risks of the terrain surface influencing; geomechanical changes; flooding of the mining environment
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - final report
Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation ...
Mechanical properties of basalt: a study on compressive loading at different strain rates using SHPB
Falta, J.; Krčmářová, N.; Fíla, T.; Vavro, Martin; Vavro, Leona
2023 - English
This article focuses on the mechanical properties of basalt in compressive loading at different strain-rates. The study employs advanced instrumentation for the evaluation of the results in dynamic conditions, while standard uni-axial loading device is used for evaluation in quasi-static conditions. Basalt specimens were subjected to four different loading-rates from 200–600 s−1 on which the stress-strain dependence was evaluated together with DIC analysis of crack initiation and disintegration process. Understanding the mechanical properties of basalt can provide insights for engineers and designers in creating structures that are durable and able to withstand different loading conditions. The findings of this study can have implications for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and construction, among others.
SHPB; basalt; compressive loading; dynamic loading
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mechanical properties of basalt: a study on compressive loading at different strain rates using SHPB
This article focuses on the mechanical properties of basalt in compressive loading at different strain-rates. The study employs advanced instrumentation for the evaluation of the results in dynamic ...
Seismic loading of Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2023 and chamber K1 stability observing
Kaláb, Zdeněk; Kaláb, Tomáš
2023 - Czech
This research report describes results of seismological monitorning in the Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2023. Main results from monitoring of geotechnical parameters using distributed measurement system are briefly presented, namely stability of chamber K1 and movement of mine water level. Výzkumná zpráva popisuje výsledky seismologického monitoringu v Dole Jeroným v Čisté v roce 2023. Stručně jsou komentovány také hlavní výsledky monitorování geotechnických parametrů v podzemních prostorách pomocí distribuovaného měřicího systému, jmenovitě stabilita komory K1 a pohyb hladiny důlních vod.
seismic loading; distributed measurement system; mining water; Jeroným Mine
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Seismic loading of Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2023 and chamber K1 stability observing
This research report describes results of seismological monitorning in the Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2023. Main results from monitoring of geotechnical parameters using distributed measurement system ...
Semantic segmentation using support vector machine classifier
Pecha, Marek; Langford, Z.; Horák, David; Tran Mills, R.
2023 - English
This paper deals with wildfire identification in the Alaska regions as a semantic segmentation task using support vector machine classifiers. Instead of colour information represented by means of BGR channels, we proceed with a normalized reflectance over 152 days so that such time series is assigned to each pixel. We compare models associated with $\mathcal{l}1$-loss and $\mathcal{l}2$-loss functions and stopping criteria based on a projected gradient and duality gap in the presented benchmarks.
wildfire identification; semantic segmentation; support vector machines; distributed training
Fulltext is available at external website.
Semantic segmentation using support vector machine classifier
This paper deals with wildfire identification in the Alaska regions as a semantic segmentation task using support vector machine classifiers. Instead of colour information represented by means of BGR ...
Estimation of EDZ zones in great depths by elastic-plastic models
Sysala, Stanislav
2023 - English
This contribution is devoted to modeling damage zones caused by the excavation of tunnels and boreholes (EDZ zones) in connection with the issue of deep storage of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline rocks. In particular, elastic-plastic models with Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown yield criteria are considered. Selected details of the numerical solution to the corresponding problems are mentioned. Possibilities of elastic and elastic-plastic approaches are illustrated by a numerical example.
tunnel stability; EDZ zones; elasto-plasticity; finite element method
Fulltext is available at external website.
Estimation of EDZ zones in great depths by elastic-plastic models
This contribution is devoted to modeling damage zones caused by the excavation of tunnels and boreholes (EDZ zones) in connection with the issue of deep storage of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline ...
Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the mining environment - URF Bukov II - Interim report II
Bukovská, Z.; Rukavičková, L.; Chabr, T.; Morávek, R.; Levý, O.; Sosna, K.; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Zelinková, T.; Dobeš, P.; Švagera, O.; Kryl, J.; Soejono, I.; Řihošek, J.; Holeček, J.; Hanák, J.; Čermák, F.; Kašpar, R.; Mareček, L.; Nedvěd, J.; Vavro, Leona; Waclawik, Petr; Staš, Lubomír; Myška, O.
2023 - Czech
This report describes the work carried out in the second year of the public contract Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the rock environment – PVP Bukov II. The\ncharacterisation and descriptive works are directly related to the excavation of the premises for the future underground laboratory. These include in particular: geological and geotechnical documentation of the faces and walls of the workings, petrographic, mineralogical and structural geological documentation, hydrogeological characterisation of the environment, as well as determination of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock mass in situ and in the laboratory, geophysical characterisation and monitoring of the seismic effects of blasting and hydrogeological monitoring. An important part of this report is preparation of the classification system used to describe the rock mass. The report also includes a brief overview of the work planned for the third year of the project. Tato zpráva popisuje práce zhotovené v druhém roce řešení veřejné zakázky Geologická a geotechnická charakterizace horninového prostředí – PVP Bukov II. Charakterizační a popisné práce přímo navazují na ražbu prostor pro budoucí podzemní laboratoř a zahrnují zejména: geologické a geotechnické dokumentace čeleb a stěn díla, petrografickou, mineralogickou a strukturně geologickou dokumentaci, hydrogeologickou charakterizaci prostředí, dále stanovení fyzikálně-mechanických vlastností horninového masivu in situ a v laboratoři, geofyzikální charakterizaci a monitoring seismických účinků trhacích prací a hydrogeologický monitoring. Důležitou součástí je příprava klasifikačního systému pro popis horninového masivu. Zpráva je doplněna stručným přehledem prací plánovaných pro třetí rok řešení projektu.
geological documentation; 3D model; petrography; Bukov URF; petrophysical data
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the mining environment - URF Bukov II - Interim report II
This report describes the work carried out in the second year of the public contract Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the rock environment – PVP Bukov II. The\ncharacterisation and ...
Interpretation of regional faults at the Carboniferous structural level and experiences with manifestation of stress in vicinity faults at the area of the power plant Dětmarovice
Waclawik, Petr; Ptáček, Jiří; Vavro, Martin
2023 - Czech
The expert assessment deals the interpretation of regional faults, the assessment of their possible recent activity and summary of experiences with manifestation of stress in vicinity faults during OKR mining activity at the level of the Carboniferous structural floor. The results of the assessment will be used to assess the possible tectonic influence of faults in the area of the power plant Dětmarovice, especially in connection with the geophysical works. The interpretation of regional faults is based on knowledge of the geological structure of the Carboniferous structural level and on the basis of experience with stress and deformation manifestations during the drivage of mine excavations. The expert evaluation take into consideration the structural-tectonic development and tectonic conditions of the basin, which are conditioned by the overall deformational development of the Variscan orogen. There are also the summary of available technical documents, which could be useful for the geological assessment of the underlying bed and the assessment of the possible effects of induced seismicity in the interest area of power plant Dětmarovice. Odborného posouzení se zabývá interpretací zlomů regionálního významu, posouzení jejich možné recentní aktivity a shrnutí zkušeností s napěťovými projevy v okolí hlavních kerných zlomů při hornické činnosti OKR v úrovni karbonského strukturního patra. Výsledek posouzení bude využit pro posouzení možného tektonického vlivu těchto struktur v oblasti Elektrárny Dětmarovice zejména v souvislosti s prováděnými geofyzikálními pracemi. Interpretace regionálních zlomů je provedena na základě znalostí geologické stavby karbonského strukturního patra a na základě zkušeností s napěťovými a deformačními projevy při vedení důlních děl. Odborné posouzení zohledňuje strukturně-tektonický vývoj a dnešní tektonické poměry pánve, které jsou podmíněny celkovým deformačním vývojem variského orogénu. Součástí práce je i souhrn nám známých dostupných pramenů a podkladů, které by mohly být užitečné pro geologické posouzení podloží a posouzení možných vlivů indukované seismicity v zájmové oblasti elektrárny Dětmarovice.
regional faults; carboniferous structural level; stress; induced seismicity
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Interpretation of regional faults at the Carboniferous structural level and experiences with manifestation of stress in vicinity faults at the area of the power plant Dětmarovice
The expert assessment deals the interpretation of regional faults, the assessment of their possible recent activity and summary of experiences with manifestation of stress in vicinity faults during ...
Underground Spaces In Bosonožský Hájek Nature Reserve And Their Geoeducation Importance
Kirchner, Karel; Kuda, František; Baldík, V.; Kubalíková, Lucie
2023 - English
Bosonožský hájek Natural Reserve (Brno, South Moravia) is a very important site from the Earth Science point of view, however, its geodiversity values have been rather overlooked and omitted in the past (the object of legal protection is the occurrence of well-preserved forest ecosystems and endangered species). In the last decades, a series of field work and geophysical measurements has been carried out and the Earth Science phenomena have been identified and described here. These are represented by a dense network of gullies that developed in Pleistocene loess and that are both of natural and anthropogenic origin (some gullies probably developed along the old paths) and specific underground spaces (so called dugouts). Until now, the dugouts in South Moravia have been investigated mainly by archaeologists and those in Bosonožský hájek NR have not been described in detail yet. This brief contribution brings new information about three underground landforms and their possible relationship to the age and development of the gullies. The possibility of different interpretations of the origin of these specific landforms can be considered an opportunity in the field of Earth Science (geosciences) education and as an interesting complement of tourist and recreational activities on site.
gully network; loess; dugouts; Earth Science education
Fulltext is available at external website.
Underground Spaces In Bosonožský Hájek Nature Reserve And Their Geoeducation Importance
Bosonožský hájek Natural Reserve (Brno, South Moravia) is a very important site from the Earth Science point of view, however, its geodiversity values have been rather overlooked and omitted in the ...
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