Zobrazení genderu v učebnicích anglického jazyka
2019 - English
This thesis focuses on gender, specifically, to what degree and in what matter gender is represented in selected EFL textbooks used in the Czech Republic. A part of this thesis is also a characteristic of gender, its impact on a development of an individual and how the perception of gender is affected by language. Tato práce je zaměřena na gender, konkrétně, v jaké míře a jakým způsobem je zobrazen ve vybraných učebnicích anglického jazyka používaných v České republice. Součástí práce je také charakteristika genderu, jeho vliv na vývoj jedince a jak je vnímání genderu ovlivněno jazykem.
Gender; zobrazení genderu; genderová socializace; nerovnost; feminismus; anglický jazyk; EFL; učebnice; vzdělávání; Gender; gender representation; gender socialization; inequality; feminism; English; EFL; EFL textbooks; education
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Zobrazení genderu v učebnicích anglického jazyka
This thesis focuses on gender, specifically, to what degree and in what matter gender is represented in selected EFL textbooks used in the Czech Republic. A part of this thesis is also a ...
Problems encountered by Czech students of English in listening exercises
2019 - English
The diploma thesis is focused on problems encontered by Czech students of English in listening exercises. The main aim of the theoretical part is to describe the main issues of listening in English lessons and provide list of possible listening difficulties. The practical part is devoted to research based on analysis of students´ mistakes in listening exercises, questionnaire survey and interview with English teacher. Furthermore, the mistakes of Czech learners in listening exercises are introduced and analysed, as well as the listening difficulties encontered by these learners. Diplomová práce se zabývá problémy českých studentů v anglických poslechových cvičeních. V teoretické části je uvedena základní problematika poslechu v hodinách anglického jazyka a seznam potenciálních problémů týkajících se poslechu. V praktické části je proveden výzkum na základě analýzy chyb v poslechových cvičeních, dotazníkového šetření a rozhovoru s učitelem anglického jazyka. Dále jsou zde popsány a analyzovány chyby českých studentů v poslechových cvičeních a také problémy, na které během poslechových cvičení naráží.
výuka angličtiny; výuka poslechu; poslechová cvičení; problémy čeckých studentů angličtiny; poslechové texty; druhý stupeň základních škol; teaching English; teaching listening; listening exercises; problems of Czech students of English; listening texts; upper primary school
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Problems encountered by Czech students of English in listening exercises
The diploma thesis is focused on problems encontered by Czech students of English in listening exercises. The main aim of the theoretical part is to describe the main issues of listening in English ...
Běh o život Richarda Bachmana a Cesta Cormaca McCarthyho. Analýza a srovnání dystopických románů
2019 - English
The aim of the thesis is to analyze and compare two dystopian novels of two contemporary American authors - Richard Bachman and Cormac McCarthy. Based on the findings, the author then tries to create meaningful lesson plans for English language teaching Cílem diplomové práce je analyzovat a srovnat dystopické romány dvou současných amerických autorů - Richarda Bachmana a Cormaca McCarthyho. Autor posléze získané poznatky aplikuje při tvorbě plánů vyučovacích hodin anglického jazyka
Běh o život; Cesta; dystopie; ELT; The Running Man; The Road; dystopia; ELT
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Běh o život Richarda Bachmana a Cesta Cormaca McCarthyho. Analýza a srovnání dystopických románů
The aim of the thesis is to analyze and compare two dystopian novels of two contemporary American authors - Richard Bachman and Cormac McCarthy. Based on the findings, the author then tries to create ...
The Concept of Black Womanhood in Toni Morrison's Fiction
NOVOTNÁ, Gabriela; ANTÉNE, Petr
2019 - English
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of black womanhood in Toni Morrison's fiction. The theoretical part introduces Toni Morrison in context of African-American literature. The main themes and topics of her novels are explored as well. The analytical part focuses on individual female characters in Morrison's three novels - The Bluest Eye, Sula and Beloved Tato práce se zabývá vyobrazením afroamerických žen v díle Toni Morrison. Teoretická část uvádí Toni Morrison v kontextu afroamerické literatury. Tato část obsahuje mimo jiné i popis hlavních témat jejích románů. Analytická část se zaměřuje na jednotlivé postavy v románech Nejmodřejší oči, Sula a Milovaná.
Toni Morrison; afroamerické ženy; analýza; Milovaná; Sula; Nejmodřejší oči; Toni Morrison; black womanhood; analysis; Beloved; Sula; The Bluest Eye
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
The Concept of Black Womanhood in Toni Morrison's Fiction
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of black womanhood in Toni Morrison's fiction. The theoretical part introduces Toni Morrison in context of African-American literature. The main themes and ...
Particulate matter in Ostrava's air: analysis and foresight
2019 - English
Ambient air pollution is a problematic in several countries in the European Union, not excepting the Czech Republic. One of the areas with the most polluted air by particulate matter, is Ostrava district. The district combines several sources of particulate matter emissions. This paper is analysing the trend of particulate matter ambient air pollution in the area during the years 2004 - 2017. Attention is focused on the legal frame, measurement network, sources of emission and particulate matter values. The second part of the thesis is examining possible and preferred futures of the particulate matter air pollution trend and it is proposing the steps which need to be done to achieve the preferred scenario. Znečištění venkovního ovzduší je problémem ve většině členských zemí Evropské Unie, Českou republiku nevyjímaje. Jedna z oblastí s nejvíce znečištěným ovzduší prachovými částicemi, je okres Ostrava. V tomto okrese se nachází hned několik zdrojů emisí prachových částic. Tato práce analyzuje trend znečištění venkovního ovzduší prachovými částicemi v této oblasti během let 2004-2017. Pozornost je soustředěna na právní úpravu, síť měřících stanic, zdroje emisí a hodnoty prachových částic. Druhá část zkoumá možné a preferované vývoje trendu znečištění ovzduší prachovými částicemi a dále navrhuje opatření, která musejí být podniknuta, aby bylo dosaženo scénáře preferované budoucnosti.
Prachové částice; znečištění ovzduší; imise; emise; Ostrava; průmysl; lokální topeniště; doprava; přeshraniční znečištění ovzduší; měření; foresight; Delfská metoda; extrapolace.; Particulate matter; air pollution; emission; Ostrava; industry; local furnaces; transportation; transboundary air pollution; measurement; foresight; Delphi method; extrapolation.
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Particulate matter in Ostrava's air: analysis and foresight
Ambient air pollution is a problematic in several countries in the European Union, not excepting the Czech Republic. One of the areas with the most polluted air by particulate matter, is Ostrava ...
The effectiveness of Joint Forest Management approach on the sustainable livelihood of rural people: A case study from Kyrgyzstan
TOKTOROVA, Zhyldyz; OPRŠAL, Zdeněk; NOVÁČEK, Pavel
2019 - English
The Joint Forest Management (JFM) approach in Kyrgyzstan has been officially operated for over a decade, setting a stage for its current status investigation. This thesis work aims to assess the effectiveness of JFM on sustainable livelihoods generation of local people and identify the changes in the forest coverage occurred due to JFM implementation in the period from 2007 to 2017 through the case study of Arstanbap-Ata Forest Management Division of Arslanbob Forest, Kyrgyzstan. The study has been conducted on a sample group of 80 households based on the recall analysis method. The research found out that, on an average, JFM has increased the livelihood assets for almost half (44,03%) of the respondents, with the highest improvement reported in financial (72,81%) and physical (48,90%) assets, but in the case of social, natural, and human capitals, the enhancement has not been as high as the other two ones. The investigation has also revealed that unfortunately, the forest coverage of Arstanbap-Ata Forest Management Division has been diminishing in the last ten years by putting its sustainability at stake in the long-run period. It is recommended that the Forest Agency should address the problem of weak incentives within the Forest Management Division by revising its current administrative and financing conditions, set clear-cut separation of duties between stakeholders, ensure equal treatment in the competition process and fair allocation of forest plots, and put a greater emphasis on outreach and forest conservation awareness. The Joint Forest Management (JFM) approach in Kyrgyzstan has been officially operated for over a decade, setting a stage for its current status investigation. This thesis work aims to assess the effectiveness of JFM on sustainable livelihoods generation of local people and identify the changes in the forest coverage occurred due to JFM implementation in the period from 2007 to 2017 through the case study of Arstanbap-Ata Forest Management Division of Arslanbob Forest, Kyrgyzstan. The study has been conducted on a sample group of 80 households based on the recall analysis method. The research found out that, on an average, JFM has increased the livelihood assets for almost half (44,03%) of the respondents, with the highest improvement reported in financial (72,81%) and physical (48,90%) assets, but in the case of social, natural, and human capitals, the enhancement has not been as high as the other two ones. The investigation has also revealed that unfortunately, the forest coverage of Arstanbap-Ata Forest Management Division has been diminishing in the last ten years by putting its sustainability at stake in the long-run period. It is recommended that the Forest Agency should address the problem of weak incentives within the Forest Management Division by revising its current administrative and financing conditions, set clear-cut separation of duties between stakeholders, ensure equal treatment in the competition process and fair allocation of forest plots, and put a greater emphasis on outreach and forest conservation awareness.
Joint Forest Management; Sustainable Livelihoods; Livelihood Assets; Joint Forest Management; Sustainable Livelihoods; Livelihood Assets
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
The effectiveness of Joint Forest Management approach on the sustainable livelihood of rural people: A case study from Kyrgyzstan
The Joint Forest Management (JFM) approach in Kyrgyzstan has been officially operated for over a decade, setting a stage for its current status investigation. This thesis work aims to assess the ...
The Role of Not for Profit Organisations in Disaster Preparedness, Management and Resilience in the Countries of Operation
2019 - English
Not for Profit Organisations have over the years increasingly been seen as a player in disaster preparedness and management with a contribution to the resilience achieved by the communities they operate in vulnerable to disasters. The contribution made is yet to be quantified and the role played yet to be understood and defined in context and scope. This thesis employs a qualitative methodology with a corroboration of 3 methods that complement each other and have been instrumental in identifying the networks vital to the roles of the NPOs and how they facilitate their roles. This study is significant in highlighting the growing relationship between the NPOs, governments and communities in the latter's pursuit of resilience. Not for Profit Organisations have over the years increasingly been seen as a player in disaster preparedness and management with a contribution to the resilience achieved by the communities they operate in vulnerable to disasters. The contribution made is yet to be quantified and the role played yet to be understood and defined in context and scope. This thesis employs a qualitative methodology with a corroboration of 3 methods that complement each other and have been instrumental in identifying the networks vital to the roles of the NPOs and how they facilitate their roles. This study is significant in highlighting the growing relationship between the NPOs, governments and communities in the latter's pursuit of resilience.
Disaster preparedness; Disaster management; resilience; Not for Profit Organisations NPO; Government and Community; Disaster preparedness; Disaster management; resilience; Not for Profit Organisations NPO; Government and Community
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
The Role of Not for Profit Organisations in Disaster Preparedness, Management and Resilience in the Countries of Operation
Not for Profit Organisations have over the years increasingly been seen as a player in disaster preparedness and management with a contribution to the resilience achieved by the communities they ...
Household Food Insecurity in Urban Slums: A Case Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh
BHATTACHARJEE, Poushali; VAGGI, Gianni; SASSI, Maria
2019 - English
Bangladesh is the 10th most densely populated country in the world which put stress on its ability to secure the equal right to food for all group of people irrespective of socioeconomic condition. The National Food Policy of the country declared slum households as one of the most distressed groups in terms of fulfilling the nutritional need. The capital city Dhaka alone is the living place of humongous number (1.06 million) of slum population. The study conducted on 580 households of Dhaka City Corporation area has identified 75.52% of the households as food insecure by comparing their calorie intake with the energy requirement threshold for Bangladesh (2430 Kcal/AE/Day). The majority share of the calorie in their everyday diet plan came mostly from cereals, sugar, oil, and outside meal, which showcased a poor quality of diet. The households spent the lion's share of their monthly expenditure (72.77%) only on food consumption, which compelled to cut off essential nonfood expenditure. The Inverse Hyperbolic Sine transformed Double Hurdle model has been applied, to analyze the determinants of the presence and depth of food insecurity among households, as it accommodates the heteroskedastic, correlated and not normally distributed error. The Per capita monthly income; percentage of food expenditure; diet diversity; household size; sex of household head; number of the female wage earner, children under five years and unemployed person within 15 to 64 years; proportion of adult female member and location of the slum were significant factors determining the food security status of households. Whereas, while exploring the determinants of the depth in food calorie gap among food insecure households, some other factors like wealth index, source of drinking water, overall HH security and migration of HH head from abroad came out as important factors along with the previous factor list except for the sex of the household head. To improve the situation of the slum dwellers, the government should concentrate on more coverage of social safety net programs, legal service provision of water and sanitation and human capital development-oriented program and training primarily focusing the women. Bangladesh is the 10th most densely populated country in the world which put stress on its ability to secure the equal right to food for all group of people irrespective of socioeconomic condition. The National Food Policy of the country declared slum households as one of the most distressed groups in terms of fulfilling the nutritional need. The capital city Dhaka alone is the living place of humongous number (1.06 million) of slum population. The study conducted on 580 households of Dhaka City Corporation area has identified 75.52% of the households as food insecure by comparing their calorie intake with the energy requirement threshold for Bangladesh (2430 Kcal/AE/Day). The majority share of the calorie in their everyday diet plan came mostly from cereals, sugar, oil, and outside meal, which showcased a poor quality of diet. The households spent the lion's share of their monthly expenditure (72.77%) only on food consumption, which compelled to cut off essential nonfood expenditure. The Inverse Hyperbolic Sine transformed Double Hurdle model has been applied, to analyze the determinants of the presence and depth of food insecurity among households, as it accommodates the heteroskedastic, correlated and not normally distributed error. The Per capita monthly income; percentage of food expenditure; diet diversity; household size; sex of household head; number of the female wage earner, children under five years and unemployed person within 15 to 64 years; proportion of adult female member and location of the slum were significant factors determining the food security status of households. Whereas, while exploring the determinants of the depth in food calorie gap among food insecure households, some other factors like wealth index, source of drinking water, overall HH security and migration of HH head from abroad came out as important factors along with the previous factor list except for the sex of the household head. To improve the situation of the slum dwellers, the government should concentrate on more coverage of social safety net programs, legal service provision of water and sanitation and human capital development-oriented program and training primarily focusing the women.
Slum; food insecurity; indicators; determinants; DH model; IHS transformation; Slum; food insecurity; indicators; determinants; DH model; IHS transformation
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Household Food Insecurity in Urban Slums: A Case Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Bangladesh is the 10th most densely populated country in the world which put stress on its ability to secure the equal right to food for all group of people irrespective of socioeconomic condition. ...
National identity in the discourse of nationalist and populist parties in Europe: the dismantlement of multiple belonging and its social and political implications in terms of exclusion and development
PALACIOS HIDALGO, Romina Pamela; ŠERÝ, Miloslav; DUŠKOVÁ, Lenka
2019 - English
The popularity of right-wing populist parties has significantly increased in Europe in the last two decades. As a consequence, the impact of their discourse on national identity has also grown as these parties have progressively acquired stronger platforms for the dissemination of their ideas. In this context, the aim of the present research is to analyze and compare how national identity is constructed in the discourse of two European right-wing populist leaders, Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Matteo Salvini in Italy, and identify the mechanisms used by these figures for the dismantlement of multiple belonging in identity as well as the main social implications of this process in terms of exclusion and development. The present work uses Critical Discourse Analysis methods and theories to identify the discursive elements through which national identity and belonging are constructed by the right-wing populist parties. When contrasting the main messages conveyed by these parties regarding identity and belonging with globally agreed principles for human development, the evidence shows that the non-recognition of intersectional identities contributes to the exclusion of minorities and the legitimization of violence towards them, undermining their right to development. The popularity of right-wing populist parties has significantly increased in Europe in the last two decades. As a consequence, the impact of their discourse on national identity has also grown as these parties have progressively acquired stronger platforms for the dissemination of their ideas. In this context, the aim of the present research is to analyze and compare how national identity is constructed in the discourse of two European right-wing populist leaders, Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Matteo Salvini in Italy, and identify the mechanisms used by these figures for the dismantlement of multiple belonging in identity as well as the main social implications of this process in terms of exclusion and development. The present work uses Critical Discourse Analysis methods and theories to identify the discursive elements through which national identity and belonging are constructed by the right-wing populist parties. When contrasting the main messages conveyed by these parties regarding identity and belonging with globally agreed principles for human development, the evidence shows that the non-recognition of intersectional identities contributes to the exclusion of minorities and the legitimization of violence towards them, undermining their right to development.
national identity; belonging; right-wing populism; politics of fear; development; exclusion; national identity; belonging; right-wing populism; politics of fear; development; exclusion
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
National identity in the discourse of nationalist and populist parties in Europe: the dismantlement of multiple belonging and its social and political implications in terms of exclusion and development
The popularity of right-wing populist parties has significantly increased in Europe in the last two decades. As a consequence, the impact of their discourse on national identity has also grown as ...
Understanding Human-Centered Design in the Context of Global Health and Development
2019 - English
In this inquiry I problematize the emerging trend of adopting human-centered design (HCD) approaches in development projects and especially in projects related to global health. I locate my study in post-structuralist literature and provide a reading of the intertwined discourse of global health and development. I deploy the concepts of biopolitics, psychopolitics, episteme and biomedicalization to enable critical interpretations of HCD and the (re)constructions and (re)negotiations of the human in the center, after establishing the method of ensembling the corpus of my analysis. I pose the questions of who and what the human is in the center and what political implications may arise depending on its discoursive formations. I also highlight linkages between HCD and two development theories to help "development specialists" position themselves in relation to HCD. The thesis fills in the gap in the literature on HCD in terms of critically engaging with "scientific" representations of/in HCD projects through Foucauldian critical discourse analysis. The relevance of my study lies in the timeliness of the trend of applying HCD in development and global health, and in the rather novel application of discourse analysis. The interpretations I provide are opening the door for further analyses. In this inquiry I problematize the emerging trend of adopting human-centered design (HCD) approaches in development projects and especially in projects related to global health. I locate my study in post-structuralist literature and provide a reading of the intertwined discourse of global health and development. I deploy the concepts of biopolitics, psychopolitics, episteme and biomedicalization to enable critical interpretations of HCD and the (re)constructions and (re)negotiations of the human in the center, after establishing the method of ensembling the corpus of my analysis. I pose the questions of who and what the human is in the center and what political implications may arise depending on its discoursive formations. I also highlight linkages between HCD and two development theories to help "development specialists" position themselves in relation to HCD. The thesis fills in the gap in the literature on HCD in terms of critically engaging with "scientific" representations of/in HCD projects through Foucauldian critical discourse analysis. The relevance of my study lies in the timeliness of the trend of applying HCD in development and global health, and in the rather novel application of discourse analysis. The interpretations I provide are opening the door for further analyses.
human-centered design; global health; discourse analysis; psychopolitcs; biomedicalization; post-development; human-centered design; global health; discourse analysis; psychopolitcs; biomedicalization; post-development
Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Understanding Human-Centered Design in the Context of Global Health and Development
In this inquiry I problematize the emerging trend of adopting human-centered design (HCD) approaches in development projects and especially in projects related to global health. I locate my study in ...
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