Unsuspected findings about phylogeny and ultrastructure of the enigmatic cyanobacterium Microcrocis geminata resulted in its epitypification and novel placement in Geminocystaceae
2024 - anglický
V této studii byl ustanoven epityp pocházející z velké přírodní populace typového druhu M. geminata. Typový materiál byl charakterizován fylogeneticky s použitím přístupu nezávislého na kultivaci, morfologicky a ultrastrukturně. Fylogenetická pozice v Geminocystaceae je podpořena unikátními paralelními tylakoidy. In present study the epitype originating from a large natural population of the type species M. geminata was established. The type material was characterised phylogenetically using cultivation-independent approach, morphologically and ultrastructurally. The phylogenetic placement in Geminocystaceae is supported by the unique parallel thylakoids.
Klíčová slova:
sinice; Geminocystaceae; Merismopediaceae; fylogeneze; taxonomie; tylakoidy
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Unsuspected findings about phylogeny and ultrastructure of the enigmatic cyanobacterium Microcrocis geminata resulted in its epitypification and novel placement in Geminocystaceae
V této studii byl ustanoven epityp pocházející z velké přírodní populace typového druhu M. geminata. Typový materiál byl charakterizován fylogeneticky s použitím přístupu nezávislého na kultivaci, ...
A novel structurally characterized haloacid dehalogenase superfamily phosphatase from Thermococcus thioreducens with diverse substrate specificity
2024 - anglický
This RNDr. thesis is focused on complex studies of a haloacid dehalogenase superfamily phosphatase member with an unknown substrate specificity, isolated from a hyperthermofilic archeon Thermococcus thioreducens. The HAD phosphatase, internally named as Tt82, was isolated, expressed and purified using standard techniques and the crystal structure was solved by X-ray crystallography method. The refined crystal structure displayed characteristic HAD superfamily elements, such as the HAD canonical fold with the HAD signature motifs in the active site. Further, possible substrates for the enzyme were proposed and examined by computational docking in the active site of the HAD phosphatase. The results of the docking studies served as a basis for an experimental measurement of Tt82 enzymatic activity against selected substrates at two different temperatures. HAD phosphatase Tt82 is a promising target for the biotechnological field, mainly for its wide substrate specificity and higher temperature optima.
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A novel structurally characterized haloacid dehalogenase superfamily phosphatase from Thermococcus thioreducens with diverse substrate specificity
This RNDr. thesis is focused on complex studies of a haloacid dehalogenase superfamily phosphatase member with an unknown substrate specificity, isolated from a hyperthermofilic archeon Thermococcus ...
Functional Ultrastructure of Hymenopteran Stingers: Devastating Spear or Delicate Syringe
2024 - anglický
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a micro-serrated edge on the honey bee Apis mellifera stinger tip serves as a tool for more intensive crushing of cell membranes in the victim's tissues. This could have mechanical consequences as well as initiate metabolic pathways linked to cell membrane breakdown (e.g., production of biogenic amines). Accordingly, we found that hymenopteran species that use their stingers as an offensive or defensive weapon to do as much damage to the victim's body as possible had this cuticular microstructure. In parasitic hymenopterans, on the other hand, this structure was missing, as stingers are solely used to delicately transport venom to the victim's body in order to do little mechanical harm. We also demonstrated that the stinger lancets of the honey bee A. mellifera are living organs with sensilla innervated by sensory neurons and containing other essential tissues, rather than mere cuticular structures.
Klíčová slova:
bee; Hymenoptera; nerve; SEM; sensilla; stinger microstructure; TEM; ultrastructure
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Functional Ultrastructure of Hymenopteran Stingers: Devastating Spear or Delicate Syringe
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a micro-serrated edge on the honey bee Apis mellifera stinger tip serves as a tool for more intensive crushing of cell membranes in the victim's tissues. ...
Functional characterization of the insulin signaling pathway in the hard tick Ixodes ricinus
2024 - anglický
In this thesis, the molecular and functional characterization of the insulin receptor signaling pathway (ISP) in hard tick Ixodes ricinus was characterized. As obligatory blood-feeding ectoparasites, ticks play a crucial role in the transmission of various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, which has a significant impact on human and animal health. The parasite is strictly bonded with its host through a unidirectional transmission of nutrition for its survival, development, and reproduction. The ISP, a highly conserved system, regulates numerous physiological and anabolic processes to nutritional availability. This study aims to investigate the functionality of key components of the ISP pathway identified in the midgut transcriptome, namely the insulin receptor (IrInR), the protein kinase B called AKT (IrAKT), and the target of rapamycin (IrTOR). To achieve this goal, the expression profiles of these components in tick tissues during feeding and after detachment were investigated using qRT-PCR. Additionally, RNAi silencing of individual components was performed, and the phenotype of the ticks was observed. To further clarify the effects of ISP, immunization of rabbits with recombinant IrInR protein and tick infestation were investigated.
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Functional characterization of the insulin signaling pathway in the hard tick Ixodes ricinus
In this thesis, the molecular and functional characterization of the insulin receptor signaling pathway (ISP) in hard tick Ixodes ricinus was characterized. As obligatory blood-feeding ...
Metabolic setup of Drosophila macrophages during the immune response
KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
2023 - anglický
Adjustment of cellular metabolism is a key function that allows macrophages to fulfill their roles in the body. While the pro-inflammatory polarization of macrophages has been extensively studied in mammalian models, it has not yet been satisfactorily investigated in insects. The study presented in this thesis therefore attempts to elucidate the metabolic setup of macrophages during the immune response in Drosophila melanogaster. Adjustment of cellular metabolism is a key function that allows macrophages to fulfill their roles in the body. While the pro-inflammatory polarization of macrophages has been extensively studied in mammalian models, it has not yet been satisfactorily investigated in insects. The study presented in this thesis therefore attempts to elucidate the metabolic setup of macrophages during the immune response in Drosophila melanogaster.
Klíčová slova:
makrofág; polarizace; metabolismus; infekce; octomilka; plazmatocyt; imunitní odpověď
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Metabolic setup of Drosophila macrophages during the immune response
Adjustment of cellular metabolism is a key function that allows macrophages to fulfill their roles in the body. While the pro-inflammatory polarization of macrophages has been extensively studied in ...
Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) versus common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus): An example of ineffective cuckoo-hawk mimicry
KRAUSOVÁ, Ladislava
2023 - anglický
V této práci jsem testovala reakci ťuhýka obecného (Lanius collurio) na hnízdního parazita, kukačku obecnou (Cuculus canorus) (šedá forma), predátora, krahujce obecného (Accipiter nisus) a neškodnou kontrolu, hrdličku divokou (Streptoptelia turtur). Prokázala jsem, že ťuhýci od sebe dokážou rozlišit jednotlivé atrapy a adekvátně na ně reagovat. Navíc jsem prokázala, že imitace krahujce kukačkou je u ťuhýků neúspěšná. In this work, I tested the reaction of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) against a nest parasite, the common cuckoo (Common cuckoo) (grey form), predator, Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) and harmless intruder, turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur). I proved that shrikes can differ between presented stimuli and adequately respond to them. Moreover, I proved that the cuckoo-hawk mimicry is not successful against shrikes.
Klíčová slova:
ťuhýk obecný; cuckoo-hawk mimicry; hnízdní parazitismus; obrana hnízda
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Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) versus common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus): An example of ineffective cuckoo-hawk mimicry
V této práci jsem testovala reakci ťuhýka obecného (Lanius collurio) na hnízdního parazita, kukačku obecnou (Cuculus canorus) (šedá forma), predátora, krahujce obecného (Accipiter nisus) a neškodnou ...
Nine-year bird community development on Radovesická spoil heap: impacts of restoration approach and vegetation characteristics
KOREJS, Kryštof
2023 - anglický
Worldwide environmental effects of anthropogenic land modification have made apparent the urgent need of ecological restoration. However, the methods employed in restoration of post-industrial sites vary across different regions. This thesis aims to examine the outcomes of different restoration approaches by examining avian communities inhabiting a vast spoil heap in Central Europe. Insights into the effects of different types of management and associated vegetation characteristics can guide active restoration of post-industrial sites. Worldwide environmental effects of anthropogenic land modification have made apparent the urgent need of ecological restoration. However, the methods employed in restoration of post-industrial sites vary across different regions. This thesis aims to examine the outcomes of different restoration approaches by examining avian communities inhabiting a vast spoil heap in Central Europe. Insights into the effects of different types of management and associated vegetation characteristics can guide active restoration of post-industrial sites.
Klíčová slova:
ecological restoration; revegetation; agriculture; bird diversity; tree planting; bird community
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Nine-year bird community development on Radovesická spoil heap: impacts of restoration approach and vegetation characteristics
Worldwide environmental effects of anthropogenic land modification have made apparent the urgent need of ecological restoration. However, the methods employed in restoration of post-industrial sites ...
Tasty rewards for ants: differences in elaiosome and seed metabolite profiles are consistent across species and reflect taxonomic relatedness
2023 - anglický
The reward for ants in myrmecochory is a nutrient-rich appendage, the elaiosome. This study evaluates the metabolite composition of five groups (i.e. amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids, polyols, and sugars) in elaiosomes compared to the respective seeds. Two plant species from each of the four families (Amaryllidaceae, Boraginaceae, Papaveraceae, and Poaceae) were examined, with each species represented by three populations. The hierarchically designed data enabled the decomposition of variability in metabolite composition at three levels: family, species, and population. Another aspect studied was the consistency of elaiosome metabolite composition across unrelated species from monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous families with different elaiosome origins, which may reflect the convergent evolution of elaiosomes. The reward for ants in myrmecochory is a nutrient-rich appendage, the elaiosome. This study evaluates the metabolite composition of five groups (i.e. amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids, polyols, and sugars) in elaiosomes compared to the respective seeds. Two plant species from each of the four families (Amaryllidaceae, Boraginaceae, Papaveraceae, and Poaceae) were examined, with each species represented by three populations. The hierarchically designed data enabled the decomposition of variability in metabolite composition at three levels: family, species, and population. Another aspect studied was the consistency of elaiosome metabolite composition across unrelated species from monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous families with different elaiosome origins, which may reflect the convergent evolution of elaiosomes.
Klíčová slova:
Myrmecochory; Convergent evolution; Variation partitioning; Ant-plant mutualism; Seed dispersal
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Tasty rewards for ants: differences in elaiosome and seed metabolite profiles are consistent across species and reflect taxonomic relatedness
The reward for ants in myrmecochory is a nutrient-rich appendage, the elaiosome. This study evaluates the metabolite composition of five groups (i.e. amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids, polyols, ...
Mannan-BAM, TLR ligands, and anti-CD40 immunotherapy in established murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma: understanding therapeutic potentials and limitations
2023 - anglický
The aim of this RNDr. Thesis is focused on understanding therapeutic potentials and limitations of the antitumor MBTA immunotherapy which is based on synergy of TLR agonists, anti-CD40, and phagocytosis stimulating ligands anchored into the tumor cell membranes. In this study, immunotherapy was tested in murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma Panc02 model. Firstly, the short-term and long-term efficacy of MBTA therapy was tested using established subcutaneous Panc02 tumors two times larger than in previous study. Secondly, the work is devoted to better understanding of the adaptive immunity involvement focusing on CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes during the therapy and their effect on tumor volume reduction, long-term survival and resistance against tumor rechallenge. Subsequently, the ability of immunological memory to cross over the blood-brain barrier confirming its potential applicability in metastatic brain tumors was examined. Moreover, the antigen specificity of the immunological memory was evaluated. Finally, the potential of MBTA therapy to cure metastatic disease, represented by bilateral Panc02 mouse model, was studied. In this case, the MBTA therapy manifested a lower therapeutic response. Therefore, it was combined with diverse therapeutic approaches, such as intratumoral application of anti-CTLA-4 antibody, heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes, chemoablation using EtOH, targeting the tumor microenvironment by hyaluronidase, simultaneous injections of MBTA therapy in primary and secondary distant tumors, and its combination with RT. Despite all these combinations, our results showed that only simultaneous application of MBTA therapy into both tumors has potential for the treatment of the bilateral Panc02. The aim of this RNDr. Thesis is focused on understanding therapeutic potentials and limitations of the antitumor MBTA immunotherapy which is based on synergy of TLR agonists, anti-CD40, and phagocytosis stimulating ligands anchored into the tumor cell membranes. In this study, immunotherapy was tested in murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma Panc02 model. Firstly, the short-term and long-term efficacy of MBTA therapy was tested using established subcutaneous Panc02 tumors two times larger than in previous study. Secondly, the work is devoted to better understanding of the adaptive immunity involvement focusing on CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes during the therapy and their effect on tumor volume reduction, long-term survival and resistance against tumor rechallenge. Subsequently, the ability of immunological memory to cross over the blood-brain barrier confirming its potential applicability in metastatic brain tumors was examined. Moreover, the antigen specificity of the immunological memory was evaluated. Finally, the potential of MBTA therapy to cure metastatic disease, represented by bilateral Panc02 mouse model, was studied. In this case, the MBTA therapy manifested a lower therapeutic response. Therefore, it was combined with diverse therapeutic approaches, such as intratumoral application of anti-CTLA-4 antibody, heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes, chemoablation using EtOH, targeting the tumor microenvironment by hyaluronidase, simultaneous injections of MBTA therapy in primary and secondary distant tumors, and its combination with RT. Despite all these combinations, our results showed that only simultaneous application of MBTA therapy into both tumors has potential for the treatment of the bilateral Panc02.
Klíčová slova:
cancer immunotherapy; immunology; cancer; pancreatic adenocarcinoma; TLR agonists; anti-CD40; phagocytosis
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Mannan-BAM, TLR ligands, and anti-CD40 immunotherapy in established murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma: understanding therapeutic potentials and limitations
The aim of this RNDr. Thesis is focused on understanding therapeutic potentials and limitations of the antitumor MBTA immunotherapy which is based on synergy of TLR agonists, anti-CD40, and ...
Determinants of Piper (Piperaceae) climber composition in a lowland tropical rainforest in New Guinea
2023 - anglický
The study examines the distribution of root climbers from the genus Piper on host trees depending on environmental properties and host tree characteristics in a lowland primary tropical rainforest in Papua New Guinea. More specifically, the study examines the relationship between the climbers' presence and various factors including topography (e.g. slope, altitude), vegetation properties, and host tree characteristics. The findings reveal that Piper climbers tend to avoid higher altitudes, steeper slopes, closed canopy layers, and areas with larger total basal area of host vegetation. The preferences of Piper climbers for certain tree species are primarily influenced by the properties of the host trees, particularly their diameter at breast height (DBH). Additionally, the study suggests that Piper species are more commonly found on rare tree species, possibly due to their preference for larger host tree DBH. The results highlight the non-random association between climbers and their host trees, which is influenced by local environmental conditions. These interactions are likely to have important implications for forest vegetation dynamics and the maintenance of diversity.
Klíčová slova:
Piper; climber; tropical forest
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Determinants of Piper (Piperaceae) climber composition in a lowland tropical rainforest in New Guinea
The study examines the distribution of root climbers from the genus Piper on host trees depending on environmental properties and host tree characteristics in a lowland primary tropical rainforest in ...
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