Počet nalezených dokumentů: 54
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Full-time and full-authority vehicle advance control system design techniques
Haniš, Tomáš
2019 - anglický
This habilitation thesis is focused on Full-time Full-authority vehicle (motion) control system design methodologies and their applications, mainly in the automotive domain. The technology is well known in aerospace and especially in the Flight Control System community. It is however for some obscure reason completely ignored by the automotive community and therefore missing in vehicles. Furthermore, the development of complex control system architectures, fulfilling multi-domain and often contradicting objectives of rigid body motion control requirements versus constraining requirements (coming from structural loading objective, crew and passengers comfort requirements, etc.) is of interest of this thesis.Předkládaná habilitace pojednává o vývoji metodologie řídicích systémů s plnou kontrolou nad manévry dopravního prostředku a její aplikací v oblasti automobilového průmyslu. Tato technologie je velmi dobře známá v leteckém a kosmickém průmyslu a komunitě zabývající se návrhem řídicích systémů pro letadla, nicméně naprosto opomíjená automobilovou komunitou. Předkládaná habilitační práce se dále soustřední na návrh řídicích systémů respektující často protichůdné požadavky na provedení samotného manévru a požadavky na strukturální zatížení, případně komfort posádky/řidiče nebo pasažérů. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Full-time and full-authority vehicle advance control system design techniques

This habilitation thesis is focused on Full-time Full-authority vehicle (motion) control system design methodologies and their applications, mainly in the automotive domain. The technology is well ...

Haniš, Tomáš
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2019

Saska, Martin
2019 - anglický
The goal of this habilitation thesis is to aggregate our research on stabilization and con- trol of cooperating robots in real environments without the need to build a dedicated infrastructure. The thesis presents methodologies and enabling techniques for controlling teams of autonomous robots acting in a shared working space, using onboard localization sensors only. The main contribution of this work lies in the design of methods for motion planning and stabilization of formations of ground and aerial robots, and for bio-inspired behav- ioral control patterns for swarms of multi-rotor micro aerial vehicles (MAVs). All pre- sented approaches are designed to satisfy the constraints imposed by a system of onboard relative localization of teammates, which was designed as the main sensor to enable the deployment of groups of cooperating robots in environments without external localiza- tion. The attached publications present theoretical studies specifying the requirements for the relative localization sensor to satisfy the stability of MAV swarms and convergence of motion of compact formations. In addition to the theoretical contribution, a large part of this document is dedicated to applications of the methodologies, since robotics is an application-oriented and application- motivated scientific field. Most of the methods presented here have been verified experi- mentally in environments reflecting the target applications. Continuous experimental ver- ification of the methods is an added value of the results that have been achieved. Direct interconnection between the methods designed for MAV group control and stabilization and the properties of the MAV sensors described in the real-world experiments is a crucial attribute of the work presented here. It has enabled the scientific results to be transferred into real deployment and into industrial applications, as has been shown in numerous examples in the thesis. Intensive validation of system performance in demanding envi- ronments was also a key factor in the MBZIRC 2017 competition, where our solution for a multi-robot challenge outperformed the results of all other competitors, most of whom had relied on laboratory testing only. Cohesive linkage between theoretical principles, on the one hand, and real experience and industrial solutions, on the other, has also provided a decisive competitive advantage for students of our team in their further career. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.

The goal of this habilitation thesis is to aggregate our research on stabilization and con- trol of cooperating robots in real environments without the need to build a dedicated infrastructure. ...

Saska, Martin
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2019

Equilibrium Computation in Dynamic Games
Bošanský, Branislav
2019 - anglický
This habilitation thesis presents advancements in computing exact and approximate solution concepts in dynamic games. Dynamic games model scenarios that evolve over time, players are able to perform actions that modify the environment, however, the players do not have perfect information about the environment and receive only partial information as observations. We consider strictly competitive (or zero-sum) games where a gain of one player is a loss of the opponent as well as general-sum games. Similarly, we consider both games with a finite, pre-defined number of moves (horizon) after which the game terminates, as well as games where the number of moves is not fixed. There are several key contributions. For zero-sum games, we provide algorithmic contributions for games with both finite and with infinite horizon. For finite games, we adopted the incremental strategy-generation technique in order to scale-up to larger domains and also provided the first algorithm for approximately solving games where players have imperfect memory (imperfect recall). For games with infinite horizon, we provide the first algorithms for approximately solving games where at least one player has partial information about the environment. For general-sum games, we provide several theoretical results determining the complexity of computing a Stackelberg Equilibrium and novel algorithms for its computation in finite dynamic games. Moreover, we formally define a novel solution concept, a variant of Stackelberg Equilibrium termed Stackelberg Extensive-Form Correlated Equilibrium, and we show that this solution concept is important both from the theoretical perspective, since the computational complexity is often lower compared to Stackelberg Equilibrium, as well as from the practical perspective. To this end, we propose an algorithm that uses this new solution concept in order to quickly compute a Stackelberg Equilibrium. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Equilibrium Computation in Dynamic Games

This habilitation thesis presents advancements in computing exact and approximate solution concepts in dynamic games. Dynamic games model scenarios that evolve over time, players are able to perform ...

Bošanský, Branislav
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2019

Learning to Play Large Sequential Games
Lisý, Viliam
2019 - anglický
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Learning to Play Large Sequential Games

Lisý, Viliam
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2019

Recent Advanced Methods and Results in Distributed Cooperative Control
Hengster Movric, Kristian
2018 - anglický
The presented habilitation treatise takes the form of a collection of selected journal and conference papers published by the applicant in the recent five years. The unifying theme of distributed cooperative control can be seen as a common thread tying the whole collection together. Taken together, these present an author’s contribution towards the current state- of-the-art in cooperative control. They bring interesting novel theoretical results and compelling applications, as well as open potential avenues of future research. In particular, the first chapters describe theoretical results for homogeneous agen ts ’ state synchronization and heterogeneous agent output synchronization . The following two chapters bring some applications to a compelling problem of distributed estimation and control, with specific focus on, but not limited to, distributed vibration reduction. Final chapter considers adaptation to yield completely distributed synchronization protocols. A concise exposition of related recent results in distributed control of homogeneous agents , in Chapter 1, provides a wider framework for two immediate sequels. First of these , Chapter 2, brings technical details on state synchronization of homogeneous agents using static output -feedback. The following Chapter 3, on the other hand, extends the synchronizing region meth ods by considering communication delays . The fourth chapter, in contrast, considers general heterogeneous agents ; providing conditions for output -synchronization and an L 2 -bound in case of disturbances acting on the system . Building further on the revealed necessary and sufficient single -agents ’ conditions required for this, the fifth chapter casts output -synchronization and disturbance suppression in the form of graphical games. On the applied side, Chapter 6 proposes networked observers tha t distributively fuse plant ’s estimates for control of large linear-time-invariant plants. If several measurements of differing reliability are available, one can further attempt sensor fusion, as discussed in Chapter 7. This then ideally improves on even the most precise measurements. The final Chapter 8 investigates adaptive consensus protocols, replacing the only remaining centralized piece of information required in the synchronizing region-based designs with dynamic adaptation. The se results are applicable, in principle, to all synchronizing region based designs, which, in turn, makes them all fully distributed.Prezentovaný habilitační spis má formu souboru vybraných časopiseckých a konferenčních článků, které uchazeč publikoval v posledních pěti letech. Jednotící téma distribuované ho kooperativního řízení lze považovat za společnou nit spojující celou sbírku dohromady. Tyto články představují příspěvek autora k současnému stavu poznání v kooperativní m řízení . Přinášejí zajímavé nov é teoretické výsledky a slibné aplikace, stejně jako otevřené možnosti budoucího výzkumu. Zejména první kapitol y popisují teoretické výsledky pro synchronizaci stavu homogenních agent ů a synchronizaci výstupu heteroge n ní ch agent ů . Následující dvě kapitoly přinášejí některé aplikace k důležitému problému distribuovaného odhadu a řízení se zvláštním zaměřením na distribuované snížení vibrací. Závěrečná kapitola se zabývá adaptivními protokoly, kter é přináší úp lnou distribuovanou synchronizaci. Stručné představení souvisejících nedávných výsledků v distribuované m řízení homogenních agent ů v kapitole 1 poskytuje širší rámec pro dvě následující kapitoly. První z nich, kapitola 2, přináší technické detaily o synchronizaci stavu homogenních agen t ů pomocí statické výstupní zpětné vazby. Následující kapitola 3 na druhé straně rozšiřuje metody synchronizační oblasti o zahrnutí komunikačních zpoždění. Čtvrtá kapitola se naopak věnuje všeobecný m heterogenní m agent ům a představuje podmínky pro výstupní synchroniz aci a potlačení poruch působících na systém. Pátá kapitola na základě odhalen ých nezbytných a postačujících podmínek ukazuje synchronizaci výstupů a potlačení poruch v podobě grafických her. V souvislosti s aplikacemi kapitola 6 navr huje síťové pozorovatele, kteří slučují odhady stavů pří řízení velkých lineárních časově invariantních systémů . P okud je k dispozici několik měření rozdílné spolehlivosti, lze se pokusit o fúzi senzorů, jak je uvedeno v kapitole 7. Tím lze zlepš it i nejpřesnější měření. Závěrečná kapitola 8 zkoumá protokoly adaptivní ho konsenz u nahrazením jedin ého zbývající ho centralizovan ého požadovaného údaj e v návrzích založených na synchronizační oblasti dynamickou adaptací. Výsledky jsou v zásadě použitelné pro všechny návrhy založené na synchronizační oblasti, které tak všechny dělají plně distribuované Klíčová slova: cooperative control; multi-agent systems; distributed feedback; synchronization; synchronizing region; time-delays; output regulation; internal model principle; distributed observers; sensor fusion; adaptive consensus protocols.; kooperativní řízení; multiagentní systémy; distribuovaná zpětná vazba; synchronizac e; synchronizační oblast; časová zpoždění; regulace výstupů; princip vnitřního modelu; distribuovaní pozorovatelé; fúze senzorů; protokoly adaptivní ho konsenzu Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Recent Advanced Methods and Results in Distributed Cooperative Control

The presented habilitation treatise takes the form of a collection of selected journal and conference papers published by the applicant in the recent five years. The unifying theme of ...

Hengster Movric, Kristian
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policy Instruments
Valentová, Michaela
2018 - anglický
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Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policy Instruments

Valentová, Michaela
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Ordered Structures, Plichko Spaces, and Operator Algebras
Bohata, Martin
2018 - anglický
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Ordered Structures, Plichko Spaces, and Operator Algebras

Bohata, Martin
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Model-based Software Test Automation
Bureš, Miroslav
2018 - anglický
This thesis presents my selected work for the period from 2013 to 2017 and is part of my application for the title of Associate Professor at Czech Technical University in Prague. My research has focused on automated software testing, namely, automating the creation of test scenarios and their execution. The motivation for selecting this area arises from the situation in the software industry. The increasing complexity of contemporary software information systems, together with the demand to shorten the time-to-market and to decrease the development prices of information systems create numerous challenges for the quality assurance of the software development process. The latest trends in this field imply demand for more effective and reliable software testing methods, employing automation and model-based approaches. In the thesis, I present three research tracks, namely path-based test case generation strategies, combinatorial and constrained interaction testing and test automation frameworks for sub-optimally structured software development projects. In these tracks, I identify six research challenges; then, I introduce the projects I am leading or have participated in that address these challenges. This work is documented by six papers and articles, that are included in the appendix of this thesis. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Model-based Software Test Automation

This thesis presents my selected work for the period from 2013 to 2017 and is part of my application for the title of Associate Professor at Czech Technical University in Prague. My research has ...

Bureš, Miroslav
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Liberalization of Electricity Supply Industry
Tashpulatov, Sherzod
2018 - anglický
The habilitation thesis consists of papers analyzing the impact of regulatory reforms on market outcomes and bidding behavior of electricity producers. Each paper uses a different methodology to answer various research questions. In the first paper I analyze the impact of price-cap regulation and divestment series on the electricity price during the peak-demand period over trading days. In order to reflect the impact of divestment series, the market share of each incumbent producer is included in the analysis. The next paper analyzes changes in the incentive and disincentive to exercise market power by submitting price bids in excess of marginal production costs during the peak-demand period. I again focus on the peak-demand period over trading days because producers typically exercise market power namely during the periods when demand is at the peak. The third paper investigates another means of raising electricity prices when electricity producers may withhold cheaper production capacity during the peak-demand period compared to a low-demand period on the same trading day. In such a situation the market operator may need to use more expensive production facilities to satisfy demand for electricity. In the last paper I analyze changes in the price level and volatility over different regulatory regime periods. Such an analysis could be important for detecting tacit collusion when, for example, we observe a higher price level associated at the same time with lower volatility. Klíčová slova: liberalization; regulation; electricity markets; market power; uniform price auction; price bids; capacity bids; electricity price; skew generalized error distribution; conditional volatility Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Liberalization of Electricity Supply Industry

The habilitation thesis consists of papers analyzing the impact of regulatory reforms on market outcomes and bidding behavior of electricity producers. Each paper uses a different methodology to ...

Tashpulatov, Sherzod
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Detecting speech disorders in early Parkinson’s disease by acoustic analysis
Rusz, Jan
2018 - anglický
This interdisciplinary habilitation thesis is focused on the design of the feasible algorithms and analytical methods based on digital signal processing and advanced statistical analysis that are sensitive to capture pathological speech changes from very early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Using objective acoustic analysis, we revealed distinctive speech impairment in patients with prodromal Parkinson’s disease, newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes. Our findings suggest that automated vocal analysis may contribute to screening and diagnostic procedures to identify subjects at high risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. Klíčová slova: Speech and voice disorders; Acoustic analyses; Digital signal processing; Machine learning; Dysarthria; Parkinson's disease; Atypical parkinsonian syndromes; Progressive supranuclear palsy; Multiple system atrophy; REM sleep behavior disorder Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Detecting speech disorders in early Parkinson’s disease by acoustic analysis

This interdisciplinary habilitation thesis is focused on the design of the feasible algorithms and analytical methods based on digital signal processing and advanced statistical analysis that ...

Rusz, Jan
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

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